ring currenttransformer是什么意思 ring currenttransformer的中文翻译、读音、例句

ring currenttransformer通常被翻译为"环形电流互感器"的意思,其中文解释还有"环形电流互感器"的意思,读音为[ringcurrenttransformer],ring currenttransformer在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到19个与ring currenttransformer相关的例句。

Ring currenttransformer的释义


例句:Shall I ring for some tea? (要我按铃叫茶吗 Shall I ring for some tea?)


ring currenttransformer一般作为名词使用,如在in a ring(na. 成圈地 [网络] 团团地;孩子们喜欢围成圆圈)、ring A([天] A环)、ring in(偷偷带进)等常见短语中出现较多。

in a ringna. 成圈地 [网络] 团团地;孩子们喜欢围成圆圈
ring A[天] A环
ring in偷偷带进
ring with回响
the ring[电影]美版午夜凶铃; 七夜怪谈西洋篇
ring upon ringadv. 层层
dicyclic ring[化] 双环核
die ringn. (Diering)人名;(德)迪林
difference ring【数学】 = quotient ring
differential ring微分环


1. Ring out the bells Upon this day of days! (翻译:良辰吉日 钟声响起 Ring out the bells Upon this day of days!)

2. Not surprised you want curry. You want that sting in your ring. (翻译:你就是想刺激刺激你的胃 You want that sting in your ring.)

3. Look, this ring belonged to the king of Urkesh. (翻译:这个戒指是属于俄喀什国王的 Look, this ring - belonged to the King of Urkesh.)

4. You were in Beijing recently, weren't you? (翻译:Does any of this ring true?)

5. Believe me, if the ring is the problem, the ring is not the problem. (翻译:相信我 如果问题出在戒指上 有这个戒指就没问题了)

6. Buying the ring was not normal. (翻译:买戒指不正常 {3cH202020}Buying the ring was not normal.)

7. Does it ring a bell at all? (翻译:有印象吗 Does it ring a bell at all?)

8. Communication with ring module active. (翻译:与环型舱的通讯已激活 Communication with ring module active.)

9. The one you and mom gave me when you ditched me to go on the Orient Express. (翻译:对 我的戒指 你和妈妈给我的那个 Yes, my ring - -)

10. Does that ring a bell in that dumb skull of yours yet? (翻译:Does that ring a bell in that dumb skull of yours yet? 这是否门铃 在你头骨 哑了吗?)

11. Their ring is in your right hand. (翻译:Their ring is in your right hand.)

12. Defender of the Universe ring, por favor. (翻译:Defender of the Universe ring, por favor.)

13. That has a lovely ring to it. (翻译:这名字听上去真可爱 That has a lovely ring to it.)

14. And by the third ring, I answer it. (翻译:响三声我就接电话 And by the third ring, I answer it.)

15. - Does going out and buying a ring... (翻译:跑去买戒指 {3cH202020}Does going out and buying a ring...)



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