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1000+ Funny Words that Sound Silly to Say in English


When speaking in the English language, most of the words that you will use are pretty standard and have no humorous value whatsoever. However, there are a variety of words in English that may bring a smile to your face. In this article, we are going to be looking at some funny words from the English language as well as giving you an explanation of what each one means.

Funny Words

What Are Funny Words?

Funny words from the English language may not necessarily have a funny meaning, they may simply sound funny with the way that they are pronounced. There are many of these words and a lot of them have very interesting meanings, this is a great way to add words to your English vocabulary and to do so in a humorous way.

The 10 Funnies Words in The English Language

Let’s begin exploring some of the most funny-sounding words that can be found in the English language. We will take a look at the word as well as exploring what it means and how it might be used within a sentence.


This ridiculous-sounding word which means to be confused. You might see it being used in a sentence such as this one:

  • He speaks in very long sentences, which tends to bumfuzzle the children in the class.


The word cattywampus is most commonly used in the USA, especially the southern states. It is a word which refers to something that is misaligned. You might hear it being used in a sentence such as:

  • The bank is cattywampus from the park.


On first hearing, you might think that this word is something sweet. But in reality, it is referring to a type of knife from the 1700s. When used in a sentence, you might hear the following:

  • He used a snickersnee in the battle.


The word gubbins is one which refers to something that is seen as rubbish or useless. It might also be used to talk about someone who is silly. You can see it used in a sentence such as the following:

  • My brother is a nice enough guy, but he is a bit of a gubbins.


To lollygag means to mess around or to waste time. The word has long been used in the English language and might be heard in a sentence such as this one:

  • It’s very difficult taking my daughter to the shops since she spends a lot of time lollygagging rather than doing what she is supposed to.


This commonly used word refers to a situation which is madness or chaotic. You might see it being used in a sentence such as the following one:

  • I cannot be dealing with this malarky for a second longer.


A flibbertigibbet is a person who talks a lot or is a little silly. This word has been used in the English language for hundreds of years and you might hear it being used in the following context.

  • I don’t know how much longer I can work with Sam, he is such a flibbertigibbet.


This very funny-sounding word is used to refer to a politician who makes decisions for their own benefit and not for the benefit of the wider community. You may hear it being used in a sentence such as this one:

  • Donald Trump is the worst president the USA has ever seen, he is a huge snollygoster


To bibble is to eat or drink in a noisy fashion, often at the annoyance of those around you. When used in a sentence, it might look something like this:

  • My dad always bibbles when he eats, I cannot stand to sit at the table whilst he has his dinner.


A brouhaha is a situation which is chaotic or noisy. This word is often used and it may appear in a sentence such as this one:

  • The village fair turned into something of a brouhaha, it was far too busy for me.

Funny Words

List of 100 Funny Words in English

  1. Aglet – “the plastic or metal tip of a shoelace”
  2. Absquatulate – “to leave abruptly or in a hurry”
  3. Bamboozle – “to trick or deceive”
  4. Bloviate – “to talk at length, especially in a pompous or boastful way”
  5. Bazinga – “a catchphrase used to indicate a trick or prank has been played”
  6. Bling – “flashy or expensive jewelry”
  7. Boondoggle – “a wasteful or unnecessary activity or project”
  8. Brouhaha – “an uproar or commotion”
  9. Blubberbutt – “someone with a large butt”
  10. Bumfuzzle – “to confuse or perplex”
  11. Blubber-buttocks – “a clumsy or overweight person”
  12. Cattywampus – “askew or crooked”
  13. Cheeseball – “someone or something lacking in taste or style”
  14. Chortle – “a snorting laugh”
  15. Codswallop – “nonsense or rubbish”
  16. Crapulence – “the feeling of being sick from excessive eating or drinking”
  17. Cacophony – “a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds”
  18. Defenestration – “the act of throwing someone or something out of a window”
  19. Doohickey – “a small, unspecified gadget or device”
  20. Defenestrate – “to throw someone or something out of a window”
  21. Doozy – “something outstanding or unique”
  22. Dingbat – “a foolish or eccentric person”
  23. Elixir – “a magical or medicinal potion”
  24. Egregious – “outstandingly bad or shocking”
  25. Fiddle-faddle – “nonsense or triviality”
  26. Flibbertigibbet – “a frivolous or flighty person”
  27. Flimflam – “a deception or fraud”
  28. Flapdoodle – “nonsense or foolishness”
  29. Flabbergasted – “astonished or amazed”
  30. Floccinaucinihilipilification – “the act of deeming something as worthless”
  31. Fuddy-duddy – “an old-fashioned, conservative person”
  32. Flummox – “to confuse or perplex”
  33. Folderol – “nonsense or foolishness”
  34. Gadzooks – “an expression of surprise or annoyance”
  35. Gobbledygook – “language that is confusing and meaningless”
  36. Gobsmacked – “utterly astonished or amazed”
  37. Guffaw – “a loud and boisterous laugh”
  38. Hocus-pocus – “trickery or deception”
  39. Hoodwink – “to deceive or trick someone”
  40. Hornswoggle – “to swindle or cheat someone”
  41. Hootenanny – “a lively gathering or party”
  42. Higgledy-piggledy – “in confusion or disorder”
  43. Hinky – “suspicious or questionable”
  44. Hooptie – “an old, beat-up car”
  45. Jabberwocky – “nonsense or gibberish language”
  46. Jibber-jabber – “meaningless talk or chatter”
  47. Jabber – “to talk rapidly and incoherently”
  48. Janky – “unreliable or of poor quality”
  49. Kerfuffle – “a commotion or fuss”
  50. Kibosh – “to put an end to something”
  51. Lollygag – “to waste time or dawdle”
  52. Lickety-split – “very quickly”
  53. Malarkey – “nonsense or foolishness”
  54. Megalomania – “an obsession with power or one’s own greatness”
  55. Mumbo jumbo – “meaningless or incomprehensible language”
  56. Nerdvana – “a state of perfect happiness for nerdy or geeky people”
  57. Noodle – “to use your brain or think”
  58. Ninnyhammer – “a foolish or stupid person”
  59. Nincompoop – “a foolish or stupid person”
  60. Nefarious – “wicked or evil”
  61. Okey-dokey – “a casual or affirmative response”
  62. Piffle – “nonsense or foolish talk”
  63. Pizzazz – “energy or flair”
  64. Poppycock – “nonsense or foolishness”
  65. Pandemonium – “wild and noisy disorder or confusion”
  66. Razzmatazz – “excitement or showiness”
  67. Rigmarole – “a long, complicated, and tedious procedure”
  68. Ragamuffin – “a child who is scruffy or poorly dressed”
  69. Scuttlebutt – “gossip or rumors”
  70. Scallywag – “a mischievous or rascally person”
  71. Shenanigans – “mischievous or deceitful behavior”
  72. Skedaddle – “to run away quickly”
  73. Skedoodle – “to move quickly or hastily”
  74. Skullduggery – “dishonest or deceitful behavior”
  75. Snollygoster – “a deceitful or unprincipled person”
  76. Spiffy – “stylish or attractive”
  77. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious – “extraordinarily wonderful”
  78. Tchotchke – “a small, decorative trinket or ornament”
  79. Thingamajig – “a small, unspecified gadget or device”
  80. Tomfoolery – “foolish or silly behavior”
  81. Taradiddle – “a lie or falsehood”
  82. Tater tot – “a small, cylindrical potato dish”
  83. Thingamajig – “an unspecified object”
  84. Thingamabob – “an unspecified object”
  85. Whatchamacallit – “an unspecified object”
  86. Whimsy – “fanciful or playful behavior”
  87. Wiggleworm – “a child who can’t sit still”
  88. Wobbly – “shaky or unsteady”
  89. Wonky – “crooked or unsteady”
  90. Yahoo – “a loud, excited expression of joy”
  91. Yippee – “an expression of excitement or joy”
  92. Yoink – “to grab or take quickly”
  93. Zany – “silly or absurd”
  94. Ziggurat – “a stepped pyramid structure”
  95. Zing – “to move swiftly or with a sharp sound”
  96. Zoinks – “an expression of surprise or shock”
  97. Zoom – “to move quickly or rapidly”
  98. Zounds – “an expression of surprise or amazement”
  99. Zygote – “a fertilized egg cell”
  100. Zonked – “extremely tired or intoxicated”

Funny Words (from A-Z)

Funny Words that Start with A

  • Abracadabra
  • Antimacassar
  • Appaloosa
  • Amazeballs
  • Alakazam
  • Argle-bargle
  • Awesomesauce
  • Alacazam
  • Abso-bloody-lutely
  • Aflac
  • Abominable
  • Avoirdupois
  • Aplomb
  • Arfvedsonite

Funny Words that Start with B

  • Blubber
  • Bazinga
  • Brouhaha
  • Blunderbuss
  • Brouhaha
  • Bibble
  • Boondoggle
  • Brouillard
  • Bloviate
  • Bootylicious
  • Bunkum
  • Buckaroo
  • Bumpkin
  • Bonanza
  • Bubblegum

Funny Words that Start with C

  • Cattywampus
  • Crapulence
  • Cockalorum
  • Codswallop
  • Criminy
  • Cacophony
  • Cogito
  • Catawampus
  • Catty-corner
  • Cuckoo
  • Cacafuego
  • Chockablock
  • Cumberbund
  • Callipygian
  • Cheesecake

Funny Words that Start with D

  • Dingleberry
  • Doozy
  • Dilly-dally
  • Diphthong
  • Doodlebug
  • Dilly-whacker
  • Doohickey
  • Druthers
  • Dunderhead
  • Doo-dad
  • Doo-hickey
  • Doofer
  • Dipsomaniac
  • Dorkwad

Funny Words that Start with E

  • Earwiggle
  • Eargasm
  • Egghead
  • Eggplant
  • Enigma
  • Erstwhile
  • Ersatz
  • Eskimo
  • Eureka
  • Exquisite
  • Extravaganza
  • Eyesore
  • Earlobe
  • Eccentricity
  • Eclectic

Funny Words that Start with F

  • Fiddle-faddle
  • Flibbertigibbet
  • Flummox
  • Flapdoodle
  • Fandango
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Fartlek
  • Frisson
  • Flapjack
  • Flaparoo
  • Fracas
  • Flotsam
  • Fluffernutter
  • Fluffball
  • Furryboo

Funny Words that Start with G

  • Gobbledygook
  • Gorgonzola
  • Gobbledygum
  • Goober
  • Gobsmacked
  • Grumpkin
  • Grouchy
  • Goofball
  • Glabella
  • Gobbledygrump
  • Glitchy
  • Guffaw

Funny Words that Start with H

  • Higgledy-piggledy
  • Hocus-pocus
  • Hootenanny
  • Higgledy-piggledoo
  • Humdinger
  • Hornswoggle
  • Hobnob
  • Haberdashery
  • Hodgepodge
  • Hoopla
  • Harum-scarum
  • Hunkydory
  • Hullabaloo
  • Hooey

Funny Words that Start with I

  • Iggly
  • Izzle
  • Icky
  • Iffy
  • Ipsy
  • Idjit
  • Iggur
  • Itchy
  • Inky
  • Immy
  • Ixora
  • Ibbly
  • Ickle
  • Inglo
  • Ingy

Funny Words that Start with J

  • Jabberwocky
  • Jiggly
  • Jibber-jabber
  • Jankety
  • Jazzy
  • Jinxed
  • Juked
  • Jitterbug
  • Jamboree
  • Jocular
  • Janky
  • Jangle
  • Jeroboam
  • Jocund
  • Jiggery-pokery

Funny Words that Start with K

  • Kerfuffle
  • Kookaburra
  • Kooky
  • Kibosh
  • Kudzu
  • Kittenish
  • Kablooie
  • Kibble
  • Kazaam
  • Kajigger
  • Knick-knack
  • Klutz
  • Kookiness
  • Kaboodle
  • Kaput

Funny Words that Start with L

  • Lollygag
  • Lickety-split
  • Looney
  • Loopy
  • Lollypop
  • Lilliputian
  • Lickspittle
  • Logorrhea
  • Lickety-lick
  • Lummox
  • Lackadaisical
  • Lollygagger
  • Lugubrious
  • Lopsided
  • Looniness

Funny Words that Start with M

  • Malarkey
  • Mumbo jumbo
  • Muffin top
  • Mooch
  • Muddle
  • Mischief
  • Monkeyshines
  • Megalomaniac
  • Muddleheaded
  • Munchkin
  • Mushy
  • Moonstruck
  • Muddle-puddle

Funny Words that Start with N

  • Noodle
  • Nincompoop
  • Natter
  • Nonsense
  • Nibbly
  • Noodlehead
  • Nannygoat
  • Noodle-doodle
  • Nettlesome
  • Nubbly
  • Noodle-poodle
  • Nurtural
  • Natty
  • Nutso

Funny Words that Start with O

  • Okey-dokey
  • Oodles
  • Oddball
  • Oomph
  • Oopsie-daisy
  • Oogle
  • Oopsy
  • Olio
  • Oglethorpe
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Orangutan
  • Outlandish
  • Oxymoron
  • Obnoxious
  • Ornery

Funny Words that Start with P

  • Piffle
  • Pizzazz
  • Piddle
  • Pumpernickel
  • Poofy
  • Pumpernickel
  • Palooza
  • Popsicle
  • Pooch
  • Piddle-paddle
  • Pickle
  • Pudding
  • Popcorn
  • Prattle
  • Poodle-doodle

Funny Words that Start with Q

  • Quibble
  • Quirky
  • Quackery
  • Quilted
  • Quagmire
  • Quackish
  • Quailish
  • Quipster
  • Quaggy
  • Quenchless

Funny Words that Start with R

  • Razzle-dazzle
  • Rib-tickling
  • Rigmarole
  • Rambunctious
  • Razzmatazz
  • Rubberneck
  • Rumpus
  • Razzberry
  • Rinky-dink
  • Ragamuffin
  • Rapscallion
  • Roister
  • Razzadorable
  • Ramshackle

Funny Words that Start with S

  • Skedaddle
  • Snollygoster
  • Spiffy
  • Skibbereen
  • Snickerdoodle
  • Scuttlebutt
  • Snazzy
  • Sassafras
  • Scallywag
  • Skedoodle
  • Squooshy
  • Schnozzle
  • Scrumptious
  • Snicker-snack
  • Snollygolly

Funny Words that Start with T

  • Tickle
  • Twerp
  • Twaddle
  • Twang
  • Tizzy
  • Toodle-oo
  • Tootle
  • Tinkle
  • Twiddle
  • Tiptoe
  • Taradiddle
  • Toodle
  • Tomfoolery
  • Toolshed
  • Tiddlywinks

Funny Words that Start with U

  • Udder
  • Umpteen
  • Uppity
  • Uproarious
  • Uber
  • Ululate
  • Unctuous
  • Undertaker
  • Unicorn
  • Unicycle

Funny Words that Start with V

  • Vex
  • Vamoose
  • Vuvuzela
  • Va-va-voom
  • Vagabond
  • Vandalism
  • Voodoo
  • Vixen
  • Viscous
  • Veggie

Funny Words that Start with W

  • Wackadoo
  • Whippersnapper
  • Wobbly
  • Wiggle
  • Wazoo
  • Whatchamacallit
  • Wacky
  • Wonky
  • Whimsical
  • Whirligig

Funny Words that Start with X, Y, Z

  • Xylophone
  • X-ray
  • Xenophobia
  • Xerox
  • Yippee
  • Yahoo
  • Yellow-belly
  • Yodel
  • Zilch
  • Zany

Silly Words

List of Silly Words

A list of silly-sounding words in English.

  • Blubber-nugget
  • Snollygoster
  • Skedaddle
  • Flummoxed
  • Wibble
  • Kerfuffle
  • Flibbertigibbet
  • Gobbledygook
  • Higgledy-piggledy
  • Brouhaha
  • Hullabaloo
  • Malarkey
  • Lollygag
  • Skedoodle
  • Fiddle-faddle
  • Gobbledygook
  • Rigmarole
  • Hocus-pocus
  • Flapdoodle
  • Dillydally
  • Ballyhoo
  • Fuddy-duddy
  • Hoopla
  • Hootenanny
  • Higgledy-piggledy
  • Flimflam
  • Balderdash
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Gobbledygook
  • Codswallop

Silly and Funny Slang Words with Meanings

  • Blatherskite – “a person who talks nonsense”
  • Brouhaha – “an overexcited reaction to something”
  • Collywobbles – “a feeling of stomach discomfort or nervousness”
  • Flapdoodle – “nonsense or foolishness”
  • Gobbledygook – “language that is meaningless or difficult to understand”
  • Kerfuffle – “a commotion or fuss, typically caused by a trivial matter”
  • Lollygag – “to waste time or dawdle”
  • Malarkey – “foolish or meaningless talk”
  • Skedaddle – “to run away quickly”
  • Snollygoster – “a person who is dishonest or unprincipled in politics”

Other Funny Words List

Funny Five-Letter Words

  • Dirty
  • Jolly
  • Chuck
  • Giddy
  • Hilar
  • Wacky
  • Whims
  • Lolly
  • Froth
  • Caper
  • Droll
  • Folly
  • Guffa
  • Lurky
  • Rinky
  • Skimp
  • Snark
  • Snort
  • Spiff
  • Yucks

Funny 4 Letter Words

  • Fart
  • Plop
  • Boob
  • Ding
  • Puke
  • Poop
  • Dork
  • Wimp
  • Yuck
  • Fuzz
  • Gunk
  • Lick
  • Jinx
  • Hoot
  • Meme
  • Nerd
  • Puff
  • Razz
  • Toot
  • Wuss

Other Words for Funny

  • Amusing
  • Comical
  • Hilarious
  • Witty
  • Humorous
  • Entertaining
  • Lighthearted
  • Jovial
  • Waggish
  • Droll
  • Chucklesome
  • Laughable
  • Mirthful
  • Playful
  • Jocular
  • Whimsical
  • Silly
  • Zany
  • Goofy
  • Eccentric


Some of the commonly used words in the English language are extremely funny sounding ones. However, this doesn’t mean that they have a funny meaning. We have touched on some of the funniest words yet there are many more to be discovered. Doing this is a great exercise for expanding your vocabulary and making your English much more natural sounding.

Funny Words Infographic

Funny Words: The 10 Funnies Words in The English Language

Funny Words Funny Words

Categories Descriptive Words

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