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    2024-01-29 06:48 来源:安徽教师招考网

       安徽教师招考网同步安徽教师招考网考试动态信息:教师招聘小学英语《MySchoolbag》说课稿。更多关于教师招聘,小学英语,MySchoolbag,说课稿,安徽教师招考网的信息的内容,请关注安徽教师招聘考试网,以及 安徽华图教师考编(jiaoshitest)认证号和交流群( 教师招聘考试微信群)获取更多招考信息和备考资料。

    Good morning, dear judges! I’m very glad to be here to present my class today. I’m number X candidate applying for the English teacher of primary School. And my topic today is Unit 2 My Schoolbag. In order to make it clear, I will express my thoughts from the following 5 parts, which are the analysis of the teaching material, analysis of students, teaching methods and learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.


    First of all, I will give a brief analysis of teaching material. The topic of this unit is “My Schoolbag”, which is from Let’s Spell, Part A, Unit 2 of Book 4 of Grade 4, published by the People’s Education Press. The main content of this part is about the pronunciation rule of the letter combination “i-e”. This lesson is important for the students to master the pronunciation rules of the English words, and lay a solid foundation for the students to study English in the future.

    Given the analysis of teaching material, the teaching objectives are designed as follows:

    1. Students can pronounce [ai] of the letter combination “i-e” in different words correctly.

    2. Students’ listening and speaking abilities will be improved through the group activities.

    3. Students can spell the words including the letter combination “i-e” with the phonics knowledge they will learn in class.

    4. Students’ learning enthusiasm and sense of cooperation can be aroused and kept by working in groups to explore the spelling rules.

    5. Students’ ability of observation can be developed.

    Based on the objectives, I set the teaching key and difficult points as follows:

    Teaching key point is that students can understand the pronunciation rule of the letter combination “i-e”.

    While the teaching difficult point is that students can put the rule into use for other words including letter combination “i-e”.


    After the analysis of the teaching material, now let me analyze the students. The students are from grade 4 of primary school. Students in grade 4, who apply image thinking, only have initial contact with English. They need the help of some teaching aids, like pictures, to distinguish between Chinese and English.

    Meanwhile, they are active in class, eager to learn and show themselves. But they cannot concentrate on the class for a long time. Therefore, I will organize some interesting activities to draw their attention to improve teaching efficiency.


    As we all know, the aim of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. To make sure all the students take part in class, I’ll adopt situational method, audio-lingual method and task-based teaching method in this lesson.

    Learning methods of this class are individual work and group work. With these methods, the class can be made active and students’ enthusiasm can be stimulated.


    According to the above analyses, teaching procedures—the most important part are designed as follows:

    Step 1. Lead-in

    For this step, first, I will sing a hello song with students together. The song goes like this: Hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, I’m fine! Then I will show a picture of a pig to introduce the new friend “the big pig” to create a situation and lay a foundation for today’s lesson.

    The purpose of this step is to stimulate students’ interest and review the pronunciation of the letter “i”, so that it can lay a foundation for the study of “i-e”.

    Step 2. Presentation

    In this step, I will present several words through the situational method. For example: The big pig sees a kite in the sky, and there are two numbers on the kite, they are five and nine. And the pig likes rice very much.

    The words “kite, five, nine, like and rice” will be elicited, then I will lead students to read these words and observe the pronunciation rule of “i-e”.

    Situational method used here is helpful for maintaining the students’ learning enthusiasm and helping them understand new words better. Leading the students to find out the pronunciation rule by themselves is a good way to cultivate their abilities of self-study.

    Step 3. Practice

    For this step, I have 2 activities:

    Activity 1: Train Game

    I will ask students to speak the words with “i-e” loudly one by one, just like a train.

    Activity 2: Listen and Number

    To do this activity, students will be asked to number the words in the book according to the listening materials.

    The purpose of this step is to practice the pronunciation of the letter combination “i-e” through different activities and help the students to master the pronunciation rule of it.

    Step 4. Consolidation

    In this step, I will design 1 task—tell a story

    I will tell the story of the pig again:

    “The big pig sees a kite in the sky, and there are two letters on the kite. They are five and nine. And the pig likes rice very much.”

    Then I will divide the students into 5 groups, they will tell the story within their group in turn. At last, each group selects one representative to tell the story in front of the class.

    The task-based language teaching method adopted in this step will help students to understand and make use of the pronunciation rule of “i-e” in context better and develop students’ English communication skills.

    Step 5. Summary

    For this step, students will make a summary on what they have learned today, and I will make proper supplements. In addition, I will tell students to speak English actively in their daily life.

    Summarizing by themselves is a better way to develop students’ ability of self-study. In addition, my reminding them to speak English helps to cultivate their interest in English.

    Step 6. Homework

    As for the homework of this lesson, I will ask student to search for more words including “i-e”, and observe their pronunciations. In this way, students can review and become more familiar with the new knowledge.


    After finishing the part of teaching procedures, I will come to the last section: blackboard design. As you can see, I will draw several pictures of like, kite, five, nine and rice on the blackboard. Under them are new words with letter combination “i-e” noted in red. The next line will be the phonetic symbol [ai].




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      以上是教师招聘小学英语《MySchoolbag》说课稿的全部内容,更多资讯请继续查看: 安徽教师招考网(https://ah.huatu.com/jiaoshi/)、 安徽省中小学教师招聘考试网、 安徽教师资格证考试网。



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