15 Reasons Why Your Online Business Is Doomed Without SEO


What will happen to your website and your enterprise when you refuse not to optimize for search engines.

What is SEO?

In the world of digital marketing, search engine optimization or SEO is the strategy, practice, and process of making the quality and quantity of your website’s traffic better by improving the visibility of your website and its pages to users.

The method improves your unpaid search results, including “natural” or “organic” searches. It does not deal with your paid placement and direct traffic.

Also, it targets various searches and includes industry-specific vertical search engines, image search, video search, academics, and news.

The method includes improving a site to increase its number of backlinks or inbound links. It can be used for optimization for desktop and mobile devices.

As a digital marketing strategy, the process looks at how search engines work. It also considers programmed algorithms that control search engine behavior.

SEO takes into account what people are searching for and what are the actual search terms or keywords that they type when using search.

Also, it takes looks into what search engines a targeted audience prefers.

Wise digital marketers use SEO because they know that a website will increase the number of its visitors from a search engine. This happens when they optimize their website to rank better and higher in the SERP or search engine results page.

Guests who are brought to your site due to effective SEO are potential people to convert into customers.

This marketing strategy is a considerably cheap but effective tactic that ensures conversions given that you do it right.


Here are FIFTEEN things that could happen to your website if you don’t apply Search Engine Optimization.

  1. Your ROI will suffer.
  2. Your site will experience low or no traffic.
  3. You will have lousy visibility in the digital market.
  4. You will lose opportunities for customers.
  5. You will lose to the competition.
  6. You will waste money.
  7. Your digital marketing will suffer.
  8. Your efforts are wasted.
  9. Users will not find you on mobile.
  10. You will have to use other expensive methods.
  11. Your business will suffer during crises.
  12. Your Cx or Ux will suffer.
  13. Your CRO will be in vain.
  14. You will not secure excellent B2B.
  15. You will lose your business.


  • Your ROI will suffer.


When you don’t optimize, your website will have a low number of users. Your site will not appear on search results, and only very few people will reach your business.

This results in a low number of potential clients. If a small number of people do convert, your profit will still not be sufficient, and you will have trouble getting your needed return of investment.


  • Your site will experience low or no traffic.


The algorithms of Google regularly change and update. This means that your website has to adapt and catch up always.

If you avoid using optimization, potential visitors will go to other stores that have more efficient pages. Top searches appeal more to people, and if you are performing badly in search ranks, they are most likely to choose other better-performing results.

Because of this, you get a few to zero traffic on your website. It leads to lousy conversions and meager sales.


  • You will have lousy visibility in the digital market.


Google indexes and crawls the web for rich and excellent content. With SEO, you can build a website with remarkable narratives and keywords.

The better your content quality your website has, the more backlinks you can secure, and the higher the authority you can give your site.

Thus, Google will opt to display your offerings in searches when specific keywords are searched for, and you will show up higher in search result ranks.


  • You will lose opportunities for customers.


Search engine optimization looks for ways to include your site or the significant pages within it on top results in search when people use keywords related to your content.

When you don’t use this marketing strategy, your website might appear in a low-rank search where people usually don’t go.

If you don’t use the strategy, you will lose the potential visitors that your site and business could’ve had. With proper SEO, you will be bringing people to your pages.


  • You will lose to the competition.


All of your competitors are probably using SEO. If you don’t step up your marketing game and refuse to apply optimization in your site for search results, the competition will win all of the customers, and there will be no one left for you to convert.

When you rank higher in search, people will see you as more credible than your competitors. They are highly attracted to this kind of authority.

If your competitors are performing better than you in the ranks, your content will appear mediocre. Potential customers will find your offerings less relevant and not as dependable as what top results can give.


  • You will waste money.


If you don’t use SEO, your production efforts will be wasted. There is no sense of creating products that nobody will find and buy.

With the lousy ROI resulting from the lack of optimization, your sales cannot catch up with your expenses. You will be wasting your production and operation budget for nothing as potential clients will turn to higher ranking results that land people to your competitors’ websites.


  • Your digital marketing will suffer.


All of your marketing and digital marketing efforts will not perform at their maximum capacity if you avoid optimizing your website and its pages for search.

People will find other sites instead when they search for a product, and they will think that they are better than what you offer and will opt for the competition.

It does not matter how good looking you make your ads and promotions. If your site does not imbue authority, your business will just seem like it is hard selling.


  • Your efforts are wasted.


A vital step in building an excellent website is making your pages trustworthy, especially in crucial transaction-related parts like a checkout. A professional-looking site can give you dependability, but if you do not optimize, your site’s potential is at the minimum.

People look up to top results and they believe them to be way more secure than those listed on the second page. They will always trust higher-ranking links more than lower ones.

Optimization will give your website and its pages an additional and crucial boost in its validity, which is a characteristic that highly encourages conversions and sales.


  • Users will not find you on mobile.


Since 2015, searches made on mobile have begun to outnumber desktop searches. People today are always using their smartphones, and they are always connected to the web.

People are now heavily reliant on online stores for almost every commodity and service.

If you do not do optimization for mobile, you miss out on a gold mine of visits and conversions. People are more likely to order things via handheld devices than use regular computer sets and laptops.

You must appeal to more people and optimize for mobile ranking to get an extraordinary amount of leads and conversions.


  • You will have to use other expensive methods.


There are things, not involving SEO, that you can do to acquire visits and conversions. However, they are often troublesome to do, ineffective in acquiring engagements, and are costlier.

Large companies do not need to heavily rely on SEO due to their long-running establishment and reputation as mainstream enterprises. These companies have been successful for decades or centuries and no longer need to prove themselves.

Some examples of these are the big apparel companies, medical establishments, long-time operating fast-food chains, etc.

Even then, many of them still use SEO as they find it crucial for marketing security.


  • Your business will suffer during crises.


These are times of pandemics and global crises and everyone is turning to digital means of acquiring commodities and services for survival.

In this modern era, humankind depends and turns to online methods for the delivery of medicine, medical services, work, and other necessities.

When you refuse to optimize, people will see other suppliers in the high ranks, and you will lose a great deal of opportunity to make a profit.

Purchasing what they need from you must be available at the tip of the fingers of potential customers, and when you optimize for engines, you have a more excellent chance to be seen when people type in things that you offer.


  • Your Cx or Ux will suffer.


When you avoid employing SEO, you are giving a disservice to the market that needs your products. Without the strategy, you do not help satisfy persons who need what you have.

It is a sin of omission for customer service, and it is a mark of lousy delivery of customer or user experience.

When you avoid employing optimization, it is like hearing someone ask for a service, and you, knowing you have it, are refusing to reach out.

You should help people find what they need and you must actively present yourself by exerting efforts to show up in top searches. Let the people know that your business has what they require.


  • Your CRO will be in vain.


It doesn’t matter how excellently you build your website so that it looks appealing and provides a pleasant visitor experience that convinces people to convert. Sales will not come if nobody lands on your offerings anyway.

Avoid wasting your conversion rate optimization strategies by not involving SEO strategies to bring people in.

What you want is that visitors find you on high ranking searches. Aim for your content to become authority items when related topics and words are searched.

With this, your site gets added trustworthiness. When people and customers put trust on your website and its pages, you will efficiently have excellent conversions.


  • You will not secure excellent B2B.


Businesses do not want to partner with or hire services from companies that have lousy website performances. When you rank higher and better in search results, more potential partners become attracted to you and your offerings.

When you use SEO on your website, you will imbue professionalism, and you will have a more reputable and legitimate appearance for the businesses that need your expert services.

Businesses tend to have no trust in entities that have lousy digital marketing. An excellent SEO capability can be a reliable indicator of expertise.


  • You will lose your business.


These adverse effects result from not using search engine optimization, and they can cause your business to lose sales and profits and go bankrupt naturally.

The highly competitive market can eat you up. There is a myriad of options offering various commodities and service to people. There is a vital need for your business to be found in high ranking search results, and you have to stand out to make your business thrive.

If you don’t use SEO, converting will be your struggle, and you could waste money on strategies that optimization can outperform.

Search engine optimization brings the proper amount of guests to your website and pages. Also, an excellent supplementary CRO will keep your conversions successful, and you gain more loyal returning customers.

SEO will grow your business exponentially, and it can help you operate for years on.

Do SEO now.

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Joel Velos

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