MCT Self-Refine算法原理解读与代码复现


本文是对论文《Accessing GPT-4 level Mathematical Olympiad Solutions via Monte Carlo Tree Self-refine with LLaMa-3 8B》的学习笔记。



从算法名字就可以看出来主要是结合了蒙特卡洛树搜索和Self-Refine方法(来源于《SELF-REFINE: Iterative Refinement with Self-Feedback》)。所以为了更好地理解这篇论文,就分别先来了解一下这两个重要的组成部分。


2.1 蒙特卡洛树搜索(Monte Carlo Tree Search)



【【强化学习】规划与学习-蒙特卡洛树搜索 MCTS】


蒙特卡洛树搜索(Monte Carlo Tree Search,MCTS)是一种用于决策过程的算法,特别适用于在高复杂度和不完全信息的环境中进行规划和决策。MCTS主要在棋类游戏(如围棋、国际象棋)以及其他需要策略的领域中得到了广泛应用。MCTS结合了蒙特卡洛方法和树状搜索的优点,能够在给定的时间限制内有效地寻找最优决策。






选择(Selection):选择一个可扩展的节点,选择策略这里只介绍Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) ,或者说应用在树结构的上限置信区间算法Upper Confidence Bound Applied to Trees(UCT);

2.1.2 具体步骤 选择


score = \frac{v_{i}}{n_{i}}+c\sqrt{\frac{logN_{i}}{n_{i}}}





这是选择的方式,而待选的节点则必须是可扩展的,也就是还有动作分支并没有记录在树中的节点。 扩展

在这个阶段,我们从一个节点扩展,开始深入研究下一个层次。我们扩展的节点成为父节点(当前状态),通过可能的动作扩展其子节点。 预演


def Rollout(S_i): # S_i:当前状态

    loop forever: # 无限循环
        if S_i a terimal state: # 如果当前状态是个终止状态,比如说你赢了或者他赢了
            return value(S_i)   # 返回对 S_i 这个状态的价值,比如说你赢了,这个价值可能就会相对比较高
        # 假设还没到终止状态
        A_i = random(available_action(S_i)) # 随机选取当前状态下能够采取的一个动作
        S_i = simulate(A_i, S_i)   # 通过当前状态 S_i 与随机选取的动作 A_i 来计算出下一步的状态并赋值给 S_i

本质上是用随机抽样的方式估计该子节点的value。 反向传播


2.1.3 算法总结与示例






     /       \

S2(0,0) S3(0,0)





     /       \

S2(5,1) S3(0,0)



             /       \

        S2(5,1)  S3(4,1)



             /       \

        S2(5,1)  S3(4,1)

        /      \

S4             S5





             /       \

        S2(8,2)  S3(4,1)

        /      \

S4 (3,1)    S5(0,0)


2.2 Self-Refine

在具体看Self-Refine之前,我们先来看看它所涉及的一个更大的问题,LLM as Agent。


LLM Agents | Prompt Engineering Guide

Introduction to LLM Agents | NVIDIA Technical Blog


《A Survey on Large Language Model based Autonomous Agents》

2.2.1 LLM as Agent

 LLM as Agent(LLM Agent)通过使用将 LLM 与规划和内存等关键模块相结合的架构,使LLM 应用程序可以执行复杂的任务。在构建 LLM Agent时,LLM 充当主控制器或 "大脑",控制完成任务或用户请求所需的操作流程。

为了更好地说明 LLM 代理的用处,假设我们要建立一个系统来回答以下问题:
中国 2023 年的大学毕业生数量是多少?

显然这个问题有可能通过已经具备直接回答该问题所需知识的 LLM 来回答。如果LLM不具备回答问题所需的相关知识,也可以使用一个简单的 RAG 系统,让LLM获取与毕业人数相关的信息或报告。


要回答这样的问题,仅使用 LLM 是不够的。可以将 LLM 与外部知识库结合起来,形成一个 RAG 系统,但这可能仍然不足以回答上述复杂的问题。这是因为上述复杂问题需要 LLM 将任务分解为多个子部分,然后使用工具和操作流程进行处理,最终得到所需的答复。一个可行的解决方案是建立一个 LLM Agent,它可以访问搜索 API、就业相关出版物和各种数据库,以提供与大学生毕业人数和就业失业的信息。
此外,LLM 还需要一个 "代码解释器 "工具(tools),帮助获取相关数据,制作有用的图表,帮助了解失业率的趋势。以上是假设的 LLM 代理的可能的高级组件,但仍有一些重要的考虑因素,如创建一个处理任务的计划(planning),以及可能访问的内存模块(memory),以帮助代理跟踪操作流程的状态、观察结果和总体进度。

因此,一个llm agent的基础结构如下图所示。 Agent代理

具有通用能力的大型语言模型(LLM)是系统的主脑、代理模块或协调器。该组件将通过prompt模板来激活,该模板包含有关代理如何操作的重要细节,以及代理可以使用的工具。 Planning规划 无反馈规划

规划模块有助于分解必要的步骤或子任务,使代理能够逐一解决,以回答用户的请求。这一步骤对于让代理更好地推理问题并可靠地找到解决方案非常重要。规划模块将利用 LLM 来分解详细的计划,其中包括帮助解决用户问题的子任务。任务分解的常用技术包括 "思维链"(Chain of Thought)和 "思维树"(Tree of Thoughts),它们可分别归类为单路径推理和多路径推理。

Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models
通过prompt要求LLM Think Step by Step,让LLM有将困难任务逐步分解成更小更简单的步骤,赋予了LLM Planning能力;

Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models

上述规划模块不涉及任何反馈,这使得实现长视距(long-horizon)规划并解决复杂任务具有挑战性。为了应对这一挑战,可以利用一种机制,使模型能够根据过去的行动和观察结果迭代反映和完善执行计划。这样做的目的是纠正和改进过去的错误,从而有助于提高最终结果的质量。这在复杂的现实世界环境和任务中尤为重要,因为在这些环境和任务中,试错是完成任务的关键。这种反思或批评机制的两种流行方法包括 ReAct 和 Reflexion,以及这部分的重点self-refine。

举例来说,ReAct 将推理和行动结合起来,旨在让 LLM 通过一系列步骤(重复 N 次)之间的交错来解决复杂的任务: 思考、行动和观察。ReAct 以观察的形式接收来自环境的反馈。其他类型的反馈还包括人类反馈和模型反馈。下图显示了 ReAct 的一个示例以及执行问题解答时涉及的不同步骤: Memory记忆

记忆模块有助于存储代理的内部日志,包括过去的想法、行动和对环境的观察,其中包括Agent与用户之间的所有互动。在 LLM Agent文献中,主要有两种记忆类型:




在构建Agent时,还需要考虑不同的记忆格式。具有代表性的记忆格式包括自然语言、嵌入、数据库和结构化列表等。这些记忆格式还可以组合使用,例如在《Ghost in the Minecraft》(GITM)中就采用了键值结构,键由自然语言表示,值由嵌入向量表示。规划模块和记忆模块都允许Agent在动态环境中运行,使其能够有效地回忆过去的行为并规划未来的行动。

论文原文《Ghost in the Minecraft: Generally Capable Agents for Open-World Environments via Large Language Models with Text-based Knowledge and Memory》。

这篇论文相当有趣,任务是在《我的世界》里完成“获得钻石”这一任务。论文提供的方法是将大型语言模型(LLM)与基于文本的知识和内存集成在一起,旨在《我的世界》中创建通用代理(GCA)。这些代理配备了LLM的逻辑和常识能力,可以通过基于文本的交互巧妙地浏览复杂的稀疏奖励环境。制定一套结构化行动,并利用LLM制定行动计划,供Agent执行。在“获得钻石”任务的成功率上显著提高了+47.5%,与传统的基于RL的控制器相比,表现出卓越的鲁棒性。 Tools工具

工具是使 LLM Agent与外部环境(如维基百科搜索 API、代码解释器和数学引擎)进行交互的一系列工具。工具还可以包括数据库、知识库和外部模型。当Agent与外部工具交互时,它通过工作流执行任务,工作流协助Agent获取观察结果或必要信息,以完成子任务并满足用户请求。


llm = AzureChatOpenAI()

# 工具集成
tools = load_tools(['wikipedia',

# 代理的初始化
agent = initialize_agent(tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True,

# 用提示符运行代理
result ='狗的平均年龄是多少?将年龄乘以3')

LLM 以不同方式利用工具:
MRKL 是一个将 LLM 与专家模块相结合的框架。
Toolformer 对 LLM 进行微调,以使用外部工具 API。
Function Calling增强 LLM 的工具使用能力,包括定义一组工具 API 并将其作为请求的一部分提供给模型。
HuggingGPT一个由 LLM 驱动的Agent,利用 LLM 作为任务规划器,连接各种现有的人工智能模型,以解决人工智能任务。

以下是用于构建 LLM Agent的工具和框架的典型例子:
Langroid: 通过多代理编程(Multi-Agent Programming)简化 LLM 应用程序的构建:代理作为一等公民,通过消息协作完成任务。
AutoGen:一个可使用多个代理开发 LLM 应用程序的框架,这些代理可相互交流以解决任务。
LlamaIndex - 用于将自定义数据源连接到大型语言模型的框架。
GPT Engineer:自动生成代码,完成开发任务。
DemoGPT:用于创建交互式 Streamlit 应用程序的自主人工智能代理。
GPT Researcher:专为各种任务的综合在线研究而设计的自主代理。
AgentVerse:旨在促进在各种应用中部署多个基于 LLM 的代理。
c crewAI:为工程师重新设计的人工智能代理框架,提供强大的功能和简单的代理和自动化构建。
Phidata:使用函数调用构建人工智能助手的工具包。 评估

与评估 LLM 本身类似,评估 LLM Agent也是一项具有挑战性的任务。根据 Wang 等人(2023 年)的研究,常见的评估方法包括

人工注释: 包括人类评估员,他们直接从应用中重要的不同方面(如诚实、乐于助人、参与、无偏见等)对 LLM 结果进行评分。
衡量标准: 这些是精心设计的指标,可反映代理的质量。著名的指标包括任务成功指标、人类相似度指标和效率指标。
协议: 与决定如何使用指标的通用评估协议相对应。例如,真实世界模拟、社会评估、多任务评估和软件测试。
基准: 已经设计了多个基准来评估 LLM 代理。著名的例子包括 ALFWorld、IGLU、Tachikuma、AgentBench、SocKET、AgentSims、ToolBench、WebShop、Mobile-Env、WebArena、GentBench、RocoBench、EmotionBench、PEB、ClemBench 和 E2E。 挑战

LLM 代理仍处于起步阶段,因此在构建它们时仍面临许多挑战和限制:

Role-playing capability 角色扮演能力:基于 LLM 的代理通常需要调整角色,以有效完成某一领域的任务。对于 LLM 无法很好描述的角色,可以根据代表不常见角色或心理角色的数据对 LLM 进行微调。

Long-term planning and finite context length 长期规划和有限的上下文长度:在漫长的历史中进行规划仍然是一项挑战,可能会导致代理出现无法挽回的错误。LLM 可支持的上下文长度也很有限,这可能会导致限制代理能力的制约因素,如利用短期记忆。

Generalized human alignment 与人类价值观对齐:将代理与不同的人类价值观对齐也很有挑战性,这也是标准 LLMs 的常见问题。潜在的解决方案包括通过设计先进的提示策略来重新调整 LLM。

Prompt robustness and reliability 提示的稳健性和可靠性:LLM 代理可能涉及多个提示,这些提示旨在为记忆和规划等不同模块提供动力。在 LLM 中,即使对提示进行最轻微的更改,也会遇到可靠性问题。LLM 代理涉及整个提示框架,因此更容易出现稳健性问题。潜在的解决方案包括通过试验和错误来制作提示元素、自动优化/调整提示或使用 GPT 自动生成提示。LLM 的另一个常见问题是幻觉,这在 LLM 代理中也很普遍。这些代理依赖自然语言与外部组件进行交互,而外部组件可能会引入相互冲突的信息,从而导致幻觉和事实性问题。

Knowledge boundary 知识边界:与可能导致幻觉或事实性问题的知识不匹配问题类似,控制 LLM 的知识范围也具有挑战性,这会严重影响模拟的有效性。具体来说,LLM 的内部知识可能会引入偏差或利用用户未知的知识,从而影响代理在特定环境中运行时的行为。

Efficiency 效率: LLM 代理涉及大量由 LLM 处理的请求,这可能会影响代理行动的效率,因为这在很大程度上取决于 LLM 的推理速度。在部署多个代理时,成本也是一个令人担忧的问题。 总结

在《Unleashing Cognitive Synergy in Large Language Models: A Task-Solving Agent through Multi-Persona Self-Collaboration》这篇论文中有这样的表述。

人类智能依赖于认知协同的概念,在不同认知过程之间进行合作和信息整合,相比单独的认知过程,能够产生更优越的结果。尽管大型语言模型(LLMs)在作为通用任务解决代理方面表现出有希望的性能,但它们仍然在需要大量领域知识和复杂推理的任务中遇到困难。在这项工作中,我们提出了“Solo Performance Prompting”(SPP)的概念,它通过与多个人物进行多轮自我协作,将单个LLM转变为认知协同者。认知协同者指的是一种智能代理,它与多个思维合作,结合他们的个体优势和知识,以增强复杂任务中的问题解决和整体性能。通过根据任务输入动态地识别和模拟不同的人物,SPP释放了LLMs中认知协同的潜力。我们发现,在LLMs中分配多个细粒度的人物角色,相比于使用单个或固定数量的人物角色,能够激发更好的问题解决能力



2.2.2 论文介绍 原理概述









反馈会包含输出的不同方面,比如对于代码优化任务,反馈包括效率、可读性、代码整体质量等,prompt模型提供actionable且specific的反馈,actionable是指反馈包括一个可以提升输出效果的action,比如下面代码优化例子中的action:“use the formula”;specific是指反馈要包括输出中具体要改进的地方,比如下面代码优化例子中的反馈提到了"for loop"效率不高。 主要结论




自我改进的一个优势是只利用了一个单一的大型语言模型(LLM),但这也带来了一个重要的考虑因素。那就是这种方法在很大程度上依赖于它所使用的基础LLM。研究发现,改进与LLM的大小是一致的。GPT-4 self-refine的效果比GPT-3.5 self-refine要好。

3. 算法原理及代码解读

3.1 论文简介

MCT Self-Refine(MCTSr)算法,它是大型语言模型(LLM)与蒙特卡洛树搜索(MCTS)的创新集成,旨在提高复杂数学推理任务的性能。MCTSr 利用系统探索(MCT的特点)和启发式自我完善(self-refine)机制来改进 LLM 中的决策框架,从而解决了 LLM(尤其是战略和数学推理)中的准确性和可靠性难题。该算法通过 "选择"、"自我完善"、"自我评估 "和 "反向传播 "的迭代过程来构建蒙特卡罗搜索树,并利用改进的置信度上限(UCB)公式来优化探索(exploration)与利用(exploitation)之间的平衡。

简单来说就是结合了MCT和Self-Refine的优点对LLM进行优化,提高了LLM处理复杂数学推理任务的性能。结合到前面的LLM Agent部分来看,就是在Planning上进行改进,只使用Self-Refine的LLM在处理数学问题时提升有限,但是结合了MCT就能得到很好的效果。

在调整 MCTS 以实现 LLM 整合的过程中,存在一些技术挑战。传统的 MCTS 策略可能无法很好地与 LLM 输出的随机性和生成性相匹配,因为 LLM 输出往往涉及无限、连续的潜在行动空间。(不同于围棋,棋局是有限空间,只不过数量极大)这种变化要求在 MCTS 框架内采用一种量身定制的期望计算和反向传播方法,以更好地适应 LLM 的独特性。


3.2 具体算法及代码

3.2.1 定义

MCT Self-Refine 算法是蒙特卡洛树搜索(Monte Carlo Tree Search,MCTS)与大型语言模型的集成,将数学问题解决方案的迭代完善过程抽象为搜索树结构。树上的节点代表不同版本的答案,而边缘则表示改进的尝试。该算法的操作流程遵循 MCTS 算法的一般模式。具体来说,我们采用自我反思驱动的自我改进来完善答案;不同答案版本的奖励是利用模型的自我奖励能力进行采样的。

为便于理解 MCTSr 算法,论文定义了以下符号和函数:
- P:正在处理的问题实例。
- A:节点集,每个节点代表 P 的一个潜在答案。
- M:每个节点上可用的行动集,代表对答案可能进行的self-refine修改。
- R: 根据修改的质量和效果对节点进行自我奖励采样的函数。
- Ra: 用自我奖励函数 R 来存储节点 a 的所有自我奖励采样结果的集合。
- T:根据达到最大迭代次数或达到令人满意的答案质量等标准决定搜索过程终止的函数。
- Q(a): 估计答案节点 a 价值的值函数,由累积奖励 Ra 和来自子节点的反向传播得出。
- U(a): 节点 a 的 Q 值的置信度上限,用于平衡利用和探索。
- Father(a): 返回给定节点 a 的所有父节点集合的函数,如果a是根节点,该函数将返回空值或特定标识符。(这是一个状态的集合,不包含动作,下同)
- Children(a): 返回给定节点 a 的所有子节点集合的函数,代表通过执行动作m∈M 从节点a派生的所有可能状态。
- N(a): 节点 a 的总访问次数,用于计算其 UCB 值以及评估探索和开发状态。由于我们将为每次访问采样奖励,因此该值等于 |Ra|。

3.2.2 算法流程

- 初始化: 使用原始模型生成的答案和假回答(如 "我不知道")建立根节点,以尽量减少模型的过拟合趋势。
- 选择: 该算法使用值函数 Q 对所有未完全展开的答案进行排序,并使用贪婪策略选择最高值节点进行进一步探索和完善。
- self-refine: 选定的答案 a 将使用自我定义框架进行优化(Madaan 等人,2023 年)。最初,模型会生成一个反馈 m,指导提炼过程,生成一个增强的答案 a′。
- self-evaluation 自我评价: 对改进后的答案进行评分,以采样奖励值并计算其 Q 值。这涉及模型自我奖励反馈和限制,如严格的评分标准和抑制满分,以确保评分的可靠性和公平性。
- 反向传播: 精炼答案的值会向后传播到其父节点和其他相关节点,以更新树的值信息。如果任何子节点的 Q 值发生变化,父节点的 Q 值也会随之更新。
- UCT 更新:更新所有节点的 Q 值后,我们将确定一个候选节点集合 C,以便进一步扩展或选择,然后使用 UCT 更新公式更新所有节点的 UCT 值,以便进入下一个选择阶段。
算法在这些阶段中不断迭代,直到满足终止条件 T,包括扩展限制或最大探索深度,不断改进答案质量,探索新的可能性。 self-refine 自我提炼/自我精炼

在self-refine过程中,模型在多轮对话精炼提示的引导下优化问题 P 的答案 a。最初,该模型会生成一个关于某项活动的反思性或批判性评论 m。 随后,在 m 的指导下,模型对 a 进行修改,生成改进版本 a′。这种迭代式改进提高了答案的质量,利用结构化反馈推动答案的演变。






truncate:是否截断历史对话,只保留最近两条对话,默认为 True

def generate(prompt,history=[],timeout = 150,truncate=True):
    if 'testtime' in DATA_NAME:
    print('awaiting response...')
    time0 = time.time()
    history_ = [{"role": "user" if i %2 ==0 else 'assistant', "content": h} for i,h in enumerate(history)]
    if truncate:
        history_ = history_[-2:]
    completion = get_client().chat.completions.create(
    # max_tokens=min(len(prompt)+128,8000),
    temperature=0.95,#0.5 if 'testtime' in DATA_NAME else random.uniform(0,1),
    timeout = timeout
    print(f'response received! time taken: {time.time()-time0} seconds.')
    return completion.choices[0].message.content,list(history)+[prompt,completion.choices[0].message.content]


history_ = [{"role": "user" if i %2 ==0 else 'assistant', "content": h} for i,h 

根据每条对话在列表中的索引位置,指定对话的角色是 "user" 还是 "assistant"。

enumerate(history):遍历 history 列表,并返回每个元素的索引 i 和内容 h

{"role": "user" if i % 2 == 0 else 'assistant', "content": h}:根据索引 i 的奇偶性来确定角色。如果 i 是偶数(即 i % 2 == 0),角色为 "user";如果 i 是奇数,角色为 "assistant"。同时,将对话内容 h 放入字典的 content 字段。


def get_weak_answer(question,new_len=0,ans_format=''):
    query = f'Question: {question}\nThe response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with {ans_format}\nLet\'s think step by step.'
    return generate(query,timeout=90)

def get_weak_hints(question,weak_answer,ground_truth_label=None,new_len=0,history=[],alreadygood=False,ans_format=''):
    query = f'Question: {question}\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet\'s think step by step.'
    return generate(query,history)

def get_better_answer(question,weak_answer,hint,new_len=0,history=[],ans_format=''):
    query = f'Question: {question}\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with {ans_format}\nLet\'s think step by step.'
    return generate(query,history)

def get_gt_hints(question,ground_truth,new_len=0):
    query = f"Question: {question}\nGround Truth:{ground_truth}\nAccording to ground truth answer we have, Could you descript the thought process of ground truth answer, please don’t give me the answer, just the thought process?"
    return generate(query)


def step(query,weak_answer,ground_truth_label=None,history=[],alreadygood=False,ans_format=''):
    hints,history = get_weak_hints(query,weak_answer,ground_truth_label=ground_truth_label,history=history,alreadygood=alreadygood,ans_format=ans_format)
    answer,history = get_better_answer(query,weak_answer,hints,history=history,ans_format=ans_format)
    return hints,answer,history 自我评价

在数学问题 P 的提炼过程中,答案 a 的 Q 值被定义为将 a 进一步提炼为更优答案的预期质量,这是由于从 a 到其改写形式的过渡具有马尔可夫性质。结合马尔科夫链的知识我们知道,传统的 MCTS 不同中Q(s, a) 是对状态 s 中行动 a 的值的估计,而这里的 Q(a) 则来自对归属于 a 的奖励函数值的多次采样。

该模型利用自我奖励(self-reward)方法来估算 a 的奖励,要求它提供的奖励分值从 -100 到 100 不等。我们发现,在没有约束条件的情况下,模型的奖励趋势过于平滑,导致在实际操作中答案之间缺乏可比性。为了解决这个问题,我们设计了三个约束条件:

- 提示约束: 模型在奖励评分时必须遵守最严格的标准。
- 满分抑制: 指示模型不提供完整的反馈分数;任何超过 95 分的奖励都会减少一个固定数额,以抑制过高的分数。
- 重复采样: 每次访问搜索树节点时,都会对该节点的奖励进行重复采样,以提高自我评价的可靠性。需要注意的是,在对节点的子节点进行奖励抽样时,我们也会对其父节点进行奖励抽样,以增加奖励抽样的样本量。


def cal_reward(question,ans):
    #构建一个包含问题和答案的查询字符串。这个字符串包括要求严格评估答案的指示,评分范围为[-100, +100],并指定输出格式应包含分析和评分。
    query = f'Question: {question}\nAnswer:{ans}\nAnalyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score! You need to be very harsh and mean in calculating grades, and never give full marks to ensure that the marks are authoritative. \nOutput a score between [-100,+100], ig. from -100 to +100. \nResponse format:\n[Analyst]...[Score]...'
    ret = generate(query)
    #从响应中提取评分部分。假设响应包含 "Score" 字符串,先将响应按 "Score" 分割,取最后一部分。
    score = ret[0].split('Score')[-1]
    #使用正则表达式模式 pattern 查找评分部分中的所有评分。
    scores = pattern.findall(score)
    if not scores:
        raise Exception('no')
        ret = float(scores[-1])
        if ret >= 95:
            ret = 50
        return ret 

采样后,计算 a 的 Q 值。为了抵消自奖励函数的平滑趋势,论文在预期奖励中加入了最小值约束,进一步完善了对答案质量的估计。


其中,Q(a) 是答案 a 的质量值,Ra 是 a 的奖励样本集,min Ra 是 Ra 中的最小奖励,|Ra| 是样本数,\sum_{i=1}^{|R_{a}|}R_{a}^{i}是 Ra 中所有奖励的总和。

该公式通过平均奖励的最小值和平均值来计算 Q(a),平衡了最坏情况和平均结果。

具体代码在更新UCT中,这里就不展开了。 反向传播

在完成所有叶节点的奖励值采样和 Q 值更新后,我们将把这一变化传播到其父节点和祖节点。在这个更新过程中,如果节点 a 的子节点集合 Children(a) 中任何元素的 Q 函数值发生变化,则该节点的 Q 函数值将更新为

{Q}'(a)=\frac{1}{2}(Q_{a}+\max\limits_{i \in Children(a)} Q(i))

其中,Q′(a) 是答案 a 的更新质量值,考虑了来自其子节点的影响;Q(a) 是仅考虑其奖励采样的原始质量值;\max\limits_{i \in Children(a)} Q(i)表示 a 的子节点中质量值最高的节点。

具体代码同样在更新UCT中。 更新 UCT 和选择

更新树中所有节点的 Q 值后,我们进入下一轮选择阶段。这一过程包括以下步骤。 候选节点选择



但是,鉴于在这项任务中充当策略的LLM可以针对任何答案状态 a 生成无限多的细化操作 m,因此每个节点都可能面临一组无限制的扩展操作。因此,借鉴贝叶斯优化中的 Expectated Improvement(这里原论文写错了)概念,我们提出了两个判断 "完全扩展 "的标准:


-至少有一个子节点的 Q 值超过节点的 Q 值。

根据这些标准确定候选节点集合 C,以便进一步扩展或选择。这一策略有助于准确定义哪些节点可能在后续搜索中产生更高价值的答案,从而提高整体搜索效率和结果质量。

childs: 字典,表示每个节点的子节点列表。
to_explore: 列表,包含待探索的节点。
to_explore_reward: 字典,每个节点的奖励值列表。
max_expand: 整数,指定每个节点允许的最大扩展数目,默认为 3。
def filter_mature_node(childs, to_explore, to_explore_reward,max_expand=3):
    filterd_to_explore = []
    avg_reward = {node: (min(to_explore_reward[node]) + np.mean(to_explore_reward[node])) / 2 for node in to_explore}

    for node in to_explore:
        if len(childs.get(node,[])) < max_expand or max([avg_reward.get(child,-999) for child in childs.get(node,[])]) < avg_reward.get(node,-999):
    return filterd_to_explore


采集函数是贝叶斯优化的核心,它决定了该如何选择下一个要学习的样本。这里给出最容易理解的 PI 法 和最常见的 EI 法的简单解释。

Probability of Improvement (PI)

找到一个位置 xt+1, 要求该位置下的函数值 f(x) 比已知最大值 f(x+) 还要大 ϵ 的概率最高

Expected Improvement (EI)

EI 法稍微复杂一点,相对于 PI 只关心其比已知最大值还大的概率, EI 关心的是比已知最大值大多少,即求两者差的数学期望。 UCT 更新

借鉴 AlphaGo,我们使用 UCT 和 UCB-1 方法来平衡节点的探索和利用;对于候选集 C 中的节点a,其 UCTa 值为

UCT_{a}=Q(a)+c\sqrt{\frac{lnN(Father(a))+1}{N(a)+\epsilon }}

其中,Q(a) 是答案 a 的 Q 值,N (·) 是给定节点的总访问次数,c 是常数,用于平衡开发和探索。epsilon是一个小常数,防止除以零的情况出现。



def compute_ucb(r_c, N_n, N_c, C):
    return r_c + C * math.sqrt(math.log(N_n + 1) / (N_c + 1e-5))


def update_ucb(fathers, childs, to_explore, to_explore_reward, ucb_bank, C=1.4,gamma=0.85):
    # 计算所有节点的访问次数
    visit_count = {node: len(to_explore_reward[node]) for node in to_explore}

    # 计算所有节点的平均奖励
    # avg_reward = {node: sum(to_explore_reward[node]) / len(to_explore_reward[node]) for node in to_explore}
    avg_reward = {node: (min(to_explore_reward[node]) + np.mean(to_explore_reward[node])) / 2 for node in to_explore}

    # 获取所有叶子节点
    leaves = set(to_explore) - set(fathers.values())
    # 更新所有叶子节点的UCB值
    for leaf in leaves:
        # ucb_bank[leaf] = avg_reward[leaf]
        ucb_bank[leaf] = compute_ucb(avg_reward[leaf],len(to_explore_reward.get(fathers.get(leaf,None),[])),len(to_explore_reward.get(leaf,[])),C)
    # 从叶子节点向上更新父节点的UCB值
    nodes_to_update = list(leaves)
    while nodes_to_update:
        new_nodes_to_update = set()
        for node in nodes_to_update:
            father = fathers.get(node)
            if father is not None:
                if father not in ucb_bank:
                if father in ucb_bank:
                    # 计算父节点的UCB值
                    ucb_values = []
                    child_reward = []
                    for child in childs[father]:
                    father_reward = (avg_reward[father] + max(child_reward))/2
                    ucb_bank[father] = compute_ucb(father_reward,len(to_explore_reward.get(fathers.get(father,None),[])),len(to_explore_reward.get(father,[])),C)
        nodes_to_update = list(new_nodes_to_update)


  • 初始化 nodes_to_update 为叶子节点列表。
  • 遍历 nodes_to_update 列表中的每个节点,更新其父节点的UCB值:
    • 如果父节点不在 ucb_bank 中,则将其添加到 new_nodes_to_update 中。
    • 如果父节点在 ucb_bank 中,计算其UCB值并更新:
  • 更新 nodes_to_update 为 new_nodes_to_update 列表,重复上述过程,直到所有节点都被更新。


如果父节点在 ucb_bank 中,执行以下操作:

  • 初始化两个列表:ucb_values 用于存储子节点的UCB值,child_reward 用于存储子节点的平均奖励值。
  • 遍历当前父节点的所有子节点,分别将子节点的UCB值和平均奖励值添加到相应的列表中。
  • 计算父节点的奖励值 father_reward,其值等于父节点的平均奖励值和其子节点中最大奖励值的平均数。
  • 调用 compute_ucb 函数,使用 father_reward、父节点的访问次数和子节点的访问次数来计算父节点的UCB值,并将其存储在 ucb_bank 中。 排序和选择

根据候选集 C 的 UCT 值,我们可以选择一个最优的节点,通过贪婪抽样或重要性抽样来探索细化过程。


def get_best_explore_from_ucb(to_explore, ucb_bank):
    # 初始化最佳节点和最高UCB值
    best_node = None
    highest_ucb = float('-inf')
    # 遍历所有待探索的节点
    for node in to_explore:
        ucb_value = ucb_bank.get(node, float('-inf'))
        if ucb_value > highest_ucb:
            highest_ucb = ucb_value
            best_node = node
    return best_node 终止函数

在 MCTSr 算法中,搜索终止函数标准 T 可以从几个条件中衍生出来

提前终止: 当搜索结果的改善程度降低或连续搜索产生重复结果时,就会终止搜索。

搜索限制: 一旦rollout次数达到预定限制,或者树中的一个或多个节点满足最大深度限制,搜索就会终止。

基于语言模型 Logits 的高级标准: 搜索会根据从语言模型对数中得出的预定义指标得出结论。
一旦满足终止函数条件 T,我们就可以根据 Q 值或其他条件从树节点中收集最佳答案。



    max_iter = 16
    if 'meta-math' in DATA_NAME:
        max_iter = 8
    if 'testtime' in DATA_NAME:
        max_iter = 2
    hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank = main_loop(query,ground_truth,max_iter=max_iter,ans_format=ans_format)


to_explore: 待探索的答案列表。
to_explore_reward: 存储每个答案对应的奖励。
history_bank: 存储每个答案的历史记录。
hints_bank: 存储每个弱答案的提示。
ucb_bank: 存储每个节点的上置信界(UCB)值。
fathers 和 childs: 分别存储每个节点的父节点和子节点。
hints_reward_imp_bank: 存储提示及其相关的奖励改进。
sampling_reward(answer): 计算并存储给定答案的奖励。
add_to_hints_bank(hints, weak_answer): 将提示添加到提示库中。
add_to_childs(father, child): 将子节点添加到父节点的子节点列表中。
add_to_hints_reward_imp_bank(hints, weak_answer, reward, answer): 存储提示及其相关的奖励改进。
def main_loop(query,ground_truth,max_iter=16,ans_format=''):
    to_explore = []
    to_explore_reward = {}
    history_bank = {}
    hints_bank = {}
    ucb_bank = {}
    fathers = {}
    childs = {}
    def sampling_reward(answer):
        if answer not in to_explore_reward:
            to_explore_reward[answer] = []
        reward = cal_reward(query,answer)

    def add_to_hints_bank(hints,weak_answer):
        if weak_answer not in hints_bank:
            hints_bank[weak_answer] = []

    def add_to_childs(father,child):
        if father not in childs:
            childs[father] = []

    hints_reward_imp_bank = {}
    def add_to_hints_reward_imp_bank(hints,weak_answer,reward,answer):
        if weak_answer not in hints_reward_imp_bank:
            hints_reward_imp_bank[weak_answer] = []
    ground_truth_label = extract_label(ground_truth)
    ###get weak answer###
    weak_answer,history = get_weak_answer(query,ans_format=ans_format)
    history_bank[weak_answer] = tuple(history)
    answers_list = [weak_answer,]
    to_explore = [weak_answer,]
    childs[weak_answer] = []
    fathers[weak_answer] = None
    # to_explore_reward = [cal_reward(query,weak_answer),]
    ##add total-bad answer###
    # if check(ground_truth,weak_answer):
    #     return 
    if True:
        total_bad = random.choice(["I Don't Know","I can't understand this question.","I can't help with this question.","I don't know how to solve this question.","I don't know the answer to this question.","I don't know the answer to this question, sorry."])
        total_bad_history = copy.deepcopy(history)
        total_bad_history[-1] = total_bad
        history_bank[total_bad] = tuple(total_bad_history)
        answers_list += [total_bad,]
        to_explore += [total_bad,]
        childs[total_bad] = []
        fathers[total_bad] = None
        # to_explore_reward = [cal_reward(query,weak_answer),]
    hints_list = []
    if check(ground_truth,weak_answer) :#and 'testtime' in DATA_NAME
        return hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank
    patient = 0 if 'testtime' not in DATA_NAME else 0
    alpha = 0.45

    for i in range(max_iter):
        filterd_to_explore = filter_mature_node(childs, to_explore, to_explore_reward)
        weak_answer = get_best_explore_from_ucb(filterd_to_explore, ucb_bank)
        hints,answer,history = step(query,weak_answer,history=history_bank[weak_answer],ans_format=ans_format)
        history_bank[answer] = tuple(history)
        fathers[answer] = weak_answer
        childs[answer] = []
        if check(ground_truth,answer) and 'testtime' in DATA_NAME:
            return hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank
        elif check(ground_truth,answer) and 'testtime' not in DATA_NAME:
            if patient <= 0:
                return hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank
            patient -= 1
        add_to_hints_reward_imp_bank(hints,weak_answer,min(to_explore_reward.get(answer)) - min(to_explore_reward.get(weak_answer)),answer)#ucb_bank[answer] - ucb_bank[weak_answer]
    return hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank




    ###get weak answer###
    weak_answer,history = get_weak_answer(query,ans_format=ans_format)
    history_bank[weak_answer] = tuple(history)
    answers_list = [weak_answer,]
    to_explore = [weak_answer,]
    childs[weak_answer] = []
    fathers[weak_answer] = None
    # to_explore_reward = [cal_reward(query,weak_answer),]


##add total-bad answer###
    # if check(ground_truth,weak_answer):
    #     return 
    if True:#not check(ground_truth,weak_answer):
        #从预定义的错误答案列表中随机选择一个作为 total_bad
        total_bad = random.choice(["I Don't Know","I can't understand this question.","I can't help with this question.","I don't know how to solve this question.","I don't know the answer to this question.","I don't know the answer to this question, sorry."])
        #创建 history 的深拷贝,确保修改 total_bad_history 不会影响原始 history
        total_bad_history = copy.deepcopy(history)
        #更新历史记录的最后一条为 total_bad。
        #将更新后的历史记录存储在 history_bank 中,键为 total_bad
        total_bad_history[-1] = total_bad
        history_bank[total_bad] = tuple(total_bad_history)
        #将 total_bad 添加到 answers_list 和 to_explore 中。
        answers_list += [total_bad,]
        to_explore += [total_bad,]
        #初始化 total_bad 的子节点为空列表,并将其父节点设为 None。
        childs[total_bad] = []
        fathers[total_bad] = None
        # to_explore_reward = [cal_reward(query,weak_answer),]


hints_list = []


if check(ground_truth,weak_answer) :#and 'testtime' in DATA_NAME
        return hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank




filterd_to_explore = filter_mature_node(childs, to_explore, to_explore_reward)
weak_answer = get_best_explore_from_ucb(filterd_to_explore, ucb_bank)


hints,answer,history = step(query,weak_answer,history=history_bank[weak_answer],ans_format=ans_format)
history_bank[answer] = tuple(history)
fathers[answer] = weak_answer
childs[answer] = []


patient = 0 if 'testtime' not in DATA_NAME else 0

再看这里后面的代码,这里值得一提的是testtime,简单来说就是做测试的时候用,如果DATA_NAME里有testtime的话就是在做测试,只迭代一次,就直接输出了,在实验时应该默认not in,那这样的话就是patient参数控制继续探索的次数。

if check(ground_truth,answer) and 'testtime' in DATA_NAME:
            return hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank
        elif check(ground_truth,answer) and 'testtime' not in DATA_NAME:
            if patient <= 0:
                return hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank
            patient -= 1


add_to_hints_reward_imp_bank(hints,weak_answer,min(to_explore_reward.get(answer)) - min(to_explore_reward.get(weak_answer)),answer)


return hints_list, answers_list, to_explore, to_explore_reward, hints_bank, history_bank, hints_reward_imp_bank, fathers, childs, ucb_bank

3.3 实验设置与结果展示

3.3.1 数据集简介

大模型使用了LLaMA3-8B (Meta AI, 2024) 作为基础模型。



数据量 train(7473);test(1319)


    'question': 'Natalia sold clips to 48 of her friends in April, and then she sold half as many clips in May. How many clips did Natalia sell altogether in April and May?',
    'answer': 'Natalia sold 48/2 = <<48/2=24>>24 clips in May.\nNatalia sold 48+24 = <<48+24=72>>72 clips altogether in April and May.\n#### 72',

GSM Hard

数据量 train(1320)


Janet’s ducks lay 16 eggs per day. She eats three for breakfast every morning and bakes muffins for her friends every day with 4933828. She sells the remainder at the farmers' market daily for $2 per fresh duck egg. How much in dollars does she make every day at the farmers' market?

def solution(): """Janet’s ducks lay 16 eggs per day. She eats three for breakfast every morning and bakes muffins for her friends every day with four. She sells the remainder at the farmers' market daily for $2 per fresh duck egg. How much in dollars does she make every day at the farmers' market?""" eggs_per_day = 16 eggs_eaten = 3 eggs_baked = 4933828 eggs_sold = eggs_per_day - eggs_eaten - eggs_baked price_per_egg = 2 money_made = eggs_sold * price_per_egg result = money_made return result


数据量 train(7500);test(5000)


{'problem': 'A board game spinner is divided into three parts labeled $A$, $B$  and $C$. The probability of the spinner landing on $A$ is $\\frac{1}{3}$ and the probability of the spinner landing on $B$ is $\\frac{5}{12}$.  What is the probability of the spinner landing on $C$? Express your answer as a common fraction.',
 'level': 'Level 1',
 'type': 'Counting & Probability',
 'solution': 'The spinner is guaranteed to land on exactly one of the three regions, so we know that the sum of the probabilities of it landing in each region will be 1. If we let the probability of it landing in region $C$ be $x$, we then have the equation $1 = \\frac{5}{12}+\\frac{1}{3}+x$, from which we have $x=\\boxed{\\frac{1}{4}}$.'}


数据量 train(933)


What is the largest even integer that cannot be written as the sum of two odd composite numbers?


Math Odyssey

数据量 train(389)


Let $S=\left\{ 1,2,\cdots 2024 \right\}$, if the set of any $n$ pairwise prime numbers in $S$ has at least one prime number, the minimum value of $n$ is \underline{\hspace{2cm}}.

Taking the 15 numbers 1, 22, 32, ..., 432 violates the condition. Furthermore, since $S$ does not contain any non-prime numbers with a minimum prime factor of at least 47, there are only 14 types of non-prime numbers in $S$, excluding 1. Applying the Pigeonhole Principle, we conclude that $n=16$.





Turbo the snail sits on a point on a circle with circumference 1. Given an infinite sequence of positive real numbers $c_{1}, c_{2}, c_{3}, \ldots$. Turbo successively crawls distances $c_{1}, c_{2}, c_{3}, \ldots$ around the circle, each time choosing to crawl either clockwise or counterclockwise. For example, if the sequence $c_{1}, c_{2}, c_{3}, \ldots$ is $0.4,0.6,0.3, \ldots$, then Turbo may start crawling as follows: Determine the largest constant $C>0$ with the following property: for every sequence of positive real numbers $c_{1}, c_{2}, c_{3}, \ldots$ with $c_{i}<C$ for all $i$, Turbo can (after studying the sequence) ensure that there is some point on the circle that it will never visit or crawl across.

[ "$\\frac{1}{2}$" ]

3.3.2 评估程序




from functools import lru_cache
from glob import glob
import json
import re
import sys

data_list = glob(f"/data/home/xywan/gsm8k-testtime/jsons/*")

pattern = re.compile(r'\-?\d+\.\d+|\-?\d+')

right = 0
all_fail = 0
truncate = 8


from run_with_earlystopping import check

retry_times = []
retry_times_no_one = []

def checklist(gt,anss):
    for ans in anss:
        if check(gt,ans):
            return True
    return False

for file in data_list:
    with open(file, 'r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
        retry_time = len(data['answers_list'])
        answers = []
        for i in data['answers_list']:
            if i in ["I Don't Know","I can't understand this question.","I can't help with this question.","I don't know how to solve this question.","I don't know the answer to this question.","I don't know the answer to this question, sorry."]:
        if checklist(data['ground_truth'],answers[2:4]):
            right += 1
            all_fail += 1

import numpy as np

all_len = len(data_list)
print('Acc rate',right,all_len,right/all_len)


从一个字符串中提取用 \boxed 包围的答案

def extract_boxed_answer(pred_str, strip_double_curly_brace=False):
    boxed_str = last_boxed_only_string(pred_str)
    if boxed_str is None:
        return None
    answer = remove_boxed(boxed_str)
    if answer is None:
        return None
    if strip_double_curly_brace:
        match = re.match('^\{(.*)\}$', answer)  # noqa: W605
        if match:
            answer =
    return answer

修复给定字符串中的 \sqrt 表达式,使得所有的 \sqrt 表达式的开方数都被包含在花括号 {} 中

def fix_sqrt(string):
    if '\\sqrt' not in string:
        return string
    splits = string.split('\\sqrt')
    new_string = splits[0]
    for split in splits[1:]:
        if split[0] != '{':
            a = split[0]
            new_substr = '\\sqrt{' + a + '}' + split[1:]
            new_substr = '\\sqrt' + split
        new_string += new_substr
    return new_string

3.3.3 结果分析 gsm基准测试

在 GSM8K 和 GSM-hard 测试集上对上述方法进行了评估,这两个测试集分别涉及典型和高难度数学问题。结果如表 1 所示。

可以发现,结果显示 MCTSr 的rollout次数与成功率之间存在直接关系,随着迭代次数的增加,成功率明显提高,尤其是在不太复杂的 GSM8K 中。然而,在更复杂的 GSM-Hard 集中,即使迭代次数越多,性能上限也越高,这表明了当前策略在应对复杂问题时的局限性。 MATH 基准测试

本节介绍在不同复杂度的 MATH 数据集上应用 MCT-Self-refine(MCTSr)算法的结果。该数据集分为五个难度等级,从第 1 级(最简单)到第 5 级(最具挑战性)不等。该算法的性能通过四种不同的配置进行评估: 每种配置的功效都是通过成功解决问题的数量和相应的成功率来衡量的,所有级别共使用了 5000 个示例。

第 1 级的结果显示了最高的成功率,8-rollouts MCTSr 的成功率高达 90.16%,解决了 437 个问题中的 394 个。随着rollout次数的增加,这一级别的成功率也有明显的提高。

在最具挑战性的第 5 级部分,8-rollouts MCTSr 配置的成功率为 34.06%,解决了 1324 个问题中的 451 个。这说明在高度复杂的情况下,算法的难度和性能都在不断增加。

所有级别的总体性能显示,8-rollouts MCTSr 的累计成功率为 58.24%,解决了 5000 个问题中的 2912 个。这一成功率与 Zero-Shot CoT 最初的 24.36% 相比有了大幅提高。数据表明,rollout次数的增加与成功率的提高之间存在一致的趋势,这凸显了 MCT-Self- refine 算法在提高不同数学复杂度的问题解决能力方面的功效。 奥林匹克水平基准

MCT-Self-refine (MCTSr)算法的功效在三个数学奥林匹克竞赛数据集上进行了测试: AIME、GAIC Math Odyssey 和 OlympiadBench。GAIC Math Odyssey 数据集于 2024 年 4 月发布,与 LLaMa3-8B 模型的预训练语料库重叠极少,为算法的泛化能力提供了强有力的测试。

AIME: 从 Zero-Shot CoT 的 2.36%(解决了 22 个问题)到 8rollouts MCTSr 的 11.79%(解决了 110 个问题)。

GAIC Math Odyssey: 大幅提高,从 17.22%(解决 67 个问题)到 8 次滚动 MCTSr 的 49.36%(解决 192 个问题)。

奥林匹克竞赛本: 从 Zero-Shot CoT 的 1.25%(解决了 16 个问题)提高到 8 次滚动 MCTSr 的 7.76%(解决了 99 个问题)。

结果显示了一个明显的趋势,即rollout次数的增加与成功率的提高相关联,凸显了该算法通过迭代改进提高性能的潜力。GAIC 数学奥德赛的结果主要反映了 MCTSr 在新环境中的泛化能力。
这些发现肯定了 MCT-Self-refine 算法的鲁棒性及其在处理复杂、未知数学问题时的实用性,表明其适用于奥林匹克竞赛等竞争性学术环境的教育技术。

4. 代码复现

4.1 环境配置

# MCTSr: Mathematic as a Blackbox for LLM

## Envoirment

### Server
We need VLLM or other Openai compatible method.
pip install vllm
### Clients
We need Huggingface toolkit and Openai for inference.
pip install datasets transformers openai

## Usage

The script relies on Slurm, If you run it on non-slurm environments,

Just use VLLM to create a openai compatible server, and insert to 'server.csv'


If you run it on slurm environment, change the `partition name` to your own partition in ``

then, you can run the `` for datasets.


### Support Datasets

datasets were given by the first part of `DATA_DIR_NAME` arguments, like ` gsm8k-llama3-8b-new-mcts-8` for `gsm8k` , can selected in,


Using `` to run all of them.

Alert: That would consume a long time.

## Disclaimer

This project was still in a very early stage for explore, pay attentions for the algorithm's output, and do not deploying it to real-world product without fully test.




OpenAI Compatible Server — vLLM


--model 模型路径

--host= --port=8000


python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server --model /data/home/xywan/.cache/modelscope/hub/LLM-Research/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct --dtype auto --api-key token-abc123 --host= --port=8000



from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def create_client(line):
    global clients
    if len(line) < 3:
    node,port,model = line.split(',')
    ip = socket.gethostbyname(node)
    client = OpenAI(
            {"role": "user", "content": 'hi'}#+'\nBe concisely and clearly in no more than 50 words.'
        # max_tokens=min(len(prompt)+128,8000),
        temperature=0.95,#0.5 if 'testtime' in DATA_NAME else random.uniform(0,1)
#从文件 server.csv 中读取多行数据,创建客户端对象并存储在全局变量 clients 中
def get_clients():
    global clients
    lines = open('/data/home/xywan/MathBlackBox-main/server.csv','r').readlines()
    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:, lines)


4.2 其他重要代码


def func(example):
    if os.path.exists(f'{DATA_NAME}/jsons/{hashlib.md5(str(example).encode()).hexdigest()}.json'):
        # return json.load(open(f'{DATA_NAME}/jsons/{hashlib.md5(str(example).encode()).hexdigest()}'))
        return {}
    #解析 example 获取 query 和 ground_truth
    if 'instruction' in example and 'output' in example:
        query = example['instruction'] + '\n' + example['input']
        ground_truth = example['output']
    elif 'context' in example and 'question' in example:
        if example['context']:
            query = example['context'] + '\n' + example['question']
            query = example['question']
        ground_truth = example['final_answer'][0].replace('$','')
    elif 'GAIC' in DATA_NAME :
        query = example['problem']
        ground_truth = example['answer']
        if 'query' in example:
            query = example['query']
        elif 'problem' in example:
            query = example['problem']
        elif 'input' in example:
            query = example['input']
        elif 'Question' in example:
            query = example['Question']
            query = example['question']
        if 'response' in example:
            ground_truth = example['response']
        elif 'solution' in example:
            ground_truth = example['solution']
        elif 'target' in example:
            ground_truth = str(example['target'])
        elif 'Answer' in example:
            ground_truth = example['Answer']
            ground_truth = example['answer']
    #根据 DATA_NAME 和 ground_truth 的类型,确定答案的格式 ans_format
    if 'gsm' in DATA_NAME:
        ans_format = r'"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \n#### [answer]"'
        if extract_label(ground_truth).isdigit():
            ans_format = r'"[Final Answer] The answer is [number] \n#### [number]"'
        elif extract_label(ground_truth).isalpha() and extract_label(ground_truth).isupper():
            ans_format = r'"[Final Answer] The answer is \\boxed{[option]} \n#### [option]"'
        elif extract_label(ground_truth).lower() in ['yes','no']:
            ans_format = r'"[Final Answer] The answer is \\boxed{[Yes or No]} \n#### [Yes or No]"'
            ans_format = r'"[Final Answer] The answer is \\boxed{[answer formula]} \n#### [answer formula]"'
    # new_len = len(ground_truth)
    hints_prompt = f'Question: {query}\nCould you provide me with the thought process to solve this problem, but please don’t give me the answer or calculation, just the thought process?'
    max_iter = 16
    if 'meta-math' in DATA_NAME:
        max_iter = 8
    if 'testtime' in DATA_NAME:
        max_iter = 2
    hints_list,answers_list,to_explore,to_explore_reward,hints_bank,history_bank,hints_reward_imp_bank,fathers,childs,ucb_bank = main_loop(query,ground_truth,max_iter=max_iter,ans_format=ans_format)
    if len(answers_list) <= 1 and 'rs' in DATA_NAME:
        if not 'testtime' in DATA_NAME:
            # gt_hints = get_gt_hints(query,ground_truth)
            gt_hints = ''
            gt_hints = ''
        data = {
        if 'rs' in DATA_NAME and not check(ground_truth,answers_list[-1]):

        with open(f'{DATA_NAME}/jsons/{hashlib.md5(str(example).encode()).hexdigest()}.json','w+') as f:
        return data

4.3 数据集导入


而服务器无法连接hugging face的话是无法执行的,这里我采用的是直接加载本地文件方式



from modelscope import snapshot_download
model_dir = snapshot_download('LLM-Research/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct',revision='master')



4.4 评价文件编写


Acc rate 44 1319 0.03335860500379075



"query": "Mandy owes Benedict $100. They agreed to have monthly interest of 2%. If Mandy was able to pay it after 3 months, how much should she give to Benedict?",
    "ground_truth": "The monthly interest is $100 x 2/100 = $<<100*2/100=2>>2.\nAfter 3 months, the total interest amount to $2 x 3 = $<<2*3=6>>6.\nTherefore, Mandy should give Benedict a total of $100 + $6 = $<<100+6=106>>106.\n#### 106",
    "hints_list": [],
    "answers_list": [
        "Let's break it down step by step.\n\n[Reasoning process]\n\n1. Mandy owes Benedict $100 initially.\n2. There is a monthly interest of 2%.\n3. The loan should be paid after 3 months.\n\nTo calculate the interest, we need to find out how much Mandy needs to pay each month. Since the interest is 2% per month, we can find the monthly interest by multiplying the initial amount by the interest rate:\n\nMonthly interest = $100 x 2% = $100 x 0.02 = $2\n\nNow, we need to find out how much Mandy needs to pay each month to pay off the loan in 3 months. We can use the formula:\n\nTotal amount = Principal + Interest\n= $100 + ($2 x 3 months)\n\n= $100 + $6\n= $106\n\nSo, Mandy needs to pay $106 to pay off the loan in 3 months.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's verify our calculation:\n\n1. Initial amount: $100\n2. Interest for 3 months: $2 per month x 3 months = $6\n3. Total amount: $100 + $6 = $106\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is $106.",
        "I don't know the answer to this question."


import os
import json
import re
from glob import glob

def extract_last_number(s):
    # 提取字符串中最后出现的数字
    numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', s)
    return numbers[-1] if numbers else None

def get_last_number_from_answers(answers_list):
    # 从整个answers_list中提取最后一个出现的数字
    last_number = None
    for answer in answers_list:
        numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', answer)
        if numbers:
            last_number = numbers[-1]
    return last_number

def check_json_files(directory):
    json_files = glob(os.path.join(directory, "*.json"))
    total_files = len(json_files)
    same_count = 0

    for json_file in json_files:
        with open(json_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        ground_truth = data.get("ground_truth", "")
        answers_list = data.get("answers_list", [])

        last_number_ground_truth = extract_last_number(ground_truth)
        last_number_answer = get_last_number_from_answers(answers_list)
        if answers_list:
            last_answer = answers_list[0]
            last_number_answer = extract_last_number(last_answer)
            last_number_answer = None
        if last_number_ground_truth == last_number_answer:
            same_count += 1
    same_percentage = (same_count / total_files) * 100 if total_files > 0 else 0
    return same_count, total_files, same_percentage

if __name__ == "__main__":
    directory = "/data/home/xywan/gsm8k-testtime/jsons/"
    same_count, total_files, same_percentage = check_json_files(directory)

    print(f"正确数量: {same_count}")
    print(f"总数: {total_files}")
    print(f"比例: {same_percentage:.2f}%")


正确数量: 1078
总数: 1319
比例: 81.73%


正确数量: 1106
总数: 1319
比例: 83.85%


    "query": "Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?",
    "ground_truth": "She stamped 60/3=<<60/3=20>>20 letters.\nThen there were 30-20=<<30-20=10>>10 in the already-stamped pile to begin with.\n#### 10",
    "hints_list": [
        "Let's critically analyze the initial answer and identify potential flaws.\n\n**Initial Answer:**\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\n* Let's start by understanding the situation...\n* We can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n* Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n* We can set up an equation based on the situation: x - 10 = 30\n* To solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation: x = 30 + 10 = 40\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of clarity in the initial statement**: The initial statement is a bit vague and doesn't provide enough information about the relationship between the two piles of letters.\n2. **Assuming the 10 letters are already in the pile**: The initial answer assumes that the 10 letters Jennie stamped are already in the pile of already-stamped letters, but this isn't explicitly stated. Instead, it's possible that the 10 letters are a combination of new letters and existing ones.\n3. **Incorrect equation**: The equation x - 10 = 30 is based on an incorrect assumption. The correct equation would be x + 20 = 30, since Jennie added 20 stamped letters to the pile.\n4. **Incorrect solution**: The solution x = 40 is incorrect because it doesn't consider the 20 stamped letters Jennie added.\n\n**Feedback:**\n\nTo correct the answer, let's re-analyze the situation:\n\n* Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 20 letters.\n* The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20 (since Jennie added 20 stamped letters).\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, which means the initial number of already-stamped letters is 30 - 20 = 10.\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n**Revised Answer:**\n\nThe correct answer is 10.\n\n**Score:**\n\n* Clarity in the initial statement: 0/2\n* Correctness of assumptions: 0/2\n* Correctness of the equation: 0/2\n* Correctness of the solution: 0/2\n* Overall score: 0/8",
        "**Feedback and Reflection**\n\n**Initial Flaw:** The answer starts with \"I Don't Know\", which is not an acceptable response for a problem-solving exercise. It's more like a placeholder for a actual response.\n\n**Step-by-Step Analysis:**\n\n1. The problem states that Jennie has 60 letters needing stamps and stamps one-third of them. Let's find one-third of 60: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n2. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n3. The problem also states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. This implies that there were originally fewer letters in this pile.\n4. To find the original number of letters in the pile, subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n**Conclusion:** The initial answer was very weak, and the analysis revealed several flaws. A well-structured answer would have broken down the problem into smaller steps, made calculations, and explained the thought process.\n\n**Final Answer:** [Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\nNote: I've removed the initial \"I Don't Know\" response and provided a detailed analysis and feedback to help improve the answer.",
        "[Reflection and Feedback]\n\nFlaw 1: Incorrect calculation of one-third of 60\nThe answer states that Jennie stamps one-third of the letters needing stamps, but the calculation is incorrect. One-third of 60 is actually 20 letters, but the answer assumes it's 30 letters.\n\nScore: -20\n\nFlaw 2: Lack of clear thinking about the problem\nThe answer jumps straight to calculating the number of already-stamped letters without considering the relationship between the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters.\n\nScore: -30\n\nFlaw 3: No clear statement of variables\nThe answer does not define the variables used in the calculation, making it difficult to understand the thought process.\n\nScore: -20\n\nFlaw 4: No verification or re-checking of the answer\nThe answer does not provide any verification or re-checking of the calculation, which is essential to ensure accuracy.\n\nScore: -30\n\nTotal score: -100\n\n[Analytical Critique]\n\nThe initial answer is incomplete and lacks critical thinking. To correct the answer, we need to:\n\n1. Clearly define the variables and the problem.\n2. Calculate one-third of 60 correctly.\n3. Think about the relationship between the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters.\n4. Verify the calculation and provide a clear explanation.\n\nBy addressing these flaws, we can provide a corrected and more accurate answer.\n\nRevised Answer:\n\n[Answer]\nLet's define the variables: L is the initial number of letters in the already-stamped pile, and S is the number of letters still needing stamps.\n\nThe problem states that Jennie stamps one-third of the letters still needing stamps, which means she stamps 20 letters (one-third of 60).\n\nThe initial number of already-stamped letters is L. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters is L + 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, which means L + 20 = 30. To find the initial number of letters, we can subtract 20 from both sides: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
        "Here's a rigorous critique of the original answer:\n\n**Score: 2/10 ( Weak Answer)**\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of transparency**: The answer doesn't clearly show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. It's hard to follow the thought process.\n2. **Vagueness**: The answer doesn't explicitly state the question being answered, making it unclear what the answer is actually addressing.\n3. **Insufficient verification**: The answer doesn't provide sufficient evidence to support the conclusion. It doesn't explicitly calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n4. **Inadequate language**: The answer uses informal language, which may not be suitable for a formal assessment.\n\n**Feedback to Improve:**\n\n1. **Break down the problem**: Show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. Be explicit about the question being answered.\n2. **Use precise language**: Use formal language and avoid colloquialisms.\n3. **Provide clear reasoning**: Clearly explain the thought process and reasoning behind the conclusion.\n4. **Include verification**: Provide conclusive evidence to support the answer. In this case, calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n\n**Example of a Revised Answer:**\n\n[reasoning process]\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since there are 30 letters in the pile now, we can set up the equation x + 20 = 30. Solving for x, we get x = 10. Therefore, there were 10 letters in the pile when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\n**Revised Score: 8/10 (Improved Answer)**",
        "A projective reflection! I'll scrutinize my previous answer and provide a critical feedback to improve it.\n\n**Feedback:**\n\n1. **Lack of clarity**: The answer jumps directly to the calculation without clearly explaining the steps. A more detailed explanation is needed to help the reader follow the solution.\n2. **Inconsistent notation**: Using both \"x\" and \"letters needing stamps\" to refer to the pile of letters being processed can cause confusion. Choose one notation and stick to it.\n3. **No explicit verification**: While the answer claims to verify the solution, it only restates the steps without providing an actual check of the calculations against the given data. A more rigorous verification is necessary.\n4. **Implied assumption**: The answer assumes that the numbers are integers, which might not always be the case. A more general solution should account for non-integer values.\n\n**Corrected Answer:**\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. We can represent this situation using an equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n**Verification:**\nTo check our calculations, let's calculate the total number of letters needing stamps after Jennie stamps one-third of them:\n\n60 (initial letters needing stamps) - 20 (stamped letters) = 40\n\nSince there are 30 letters in the already-stamped pile, this means that 30 - 40 = -10 letters would have been in the already-stamped pile initially. However, this is impossible, as the number of letters in a pile cannot be negative.\n\nConclusion: Our initial answer was incorrect, and we need to re-examine the problem.\n\n**Final Answer:**\nUnfortunately, the re-examined answer is not possible within the given constraints. The problem statement is incomplete or contradictory, and we cannot determine the original number of already-stamped letters.\n\n[Footnote: If the problem intended to ask about the total number of letters rather than the number in the already-stamped pile, the solution would be a different story.]"
    "answers_list": [
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.",
        "I Don't Know",
        "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10",
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
        "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10",
        "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10",
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60/3 = 20 letters. The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20, so the new total number of already-stamped letters is x + 20.\n\nWe are given that the new total number of already-stamped letters is 30, so we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nSubtracting 20 from both sides gives us:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nTo verify our solution, we can check that the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters make sense. After Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, the number of letters needing stamps decreases by 20. So, the new number of letters needing stamps is:\n\n60 - 20 = 40\n\nThe total number of letters is the sum of the letters needing stamps and the already-stamped letters:\n\n40 + 30 = 70\n\nThis total makes sense, as it is less than or equal to the initial number of letters (60 + x). Our solution passes this verification step.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10."
    "ground_truth_hints": "",
    "hints_prompt": "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nCould you provide me with the thought process to solve this problem, but please don’t give me the answer or calculation, just the thought process?",
    "to_explore": [
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.",
        "I Don't Know",
        "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10",
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
        "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10",
        "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10",
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60/3 = 20 letters. The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20, so the new total number of already-stamped letters is x + 20.\n\nWe are given that the new total number of already-stamped letters is 30, so we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nSubtracting 20 from both sides gives us:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nTo verify our solution, we can check that the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters make sense. After Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, the number of letters needing stamps decreases by 20. So, the new number of letters needing stamps is:\n\n60 - 20 = 40\n\nThe total number of letters is the sum of the letters needing stamps and the already-stamped letters:\n\n40 + 30 = 70\n\nThis total makes sense, as it is less than or equal to the initial number of letters (60 + x). Our solution passes this verification step.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10."
    "to_explore_reward": {
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.": [
        "I Don't Know": [
        "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": [
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.": [
        "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": [
        "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10": [
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60/3 = 20 letters. The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20, so the new total number of already-stamped letters is x + 20.\n\nWe are given that the new total number of already-stamped letters is 30, so we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nSubtracting 20 from both sides gives us:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nTo verify our solution, we can check that the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters make sense. After Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, the number of letters needing stamps decreases by 20. So, the new number of letters needing stamps is:\n\n60 - 20 = 40\n\nThe total number of letters is the sum of the letters needing stamps and the already-stamped letters:\n\n40 + 30 = 70\n\nThis total makes sense, as it is less than or equal to the initial number of letters (60 + x). Our solution passes this verification step.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10.": [
    "hints_bank": {
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.": [
            "Let's critically analyze the initial answer and identify potential flaws.\n\n**Initial Answer:**\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\n* Let's start by understanding the situation...\n* We can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n* Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n* We can set up an equation based on the situation: x - 10 = 30\n* To solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation: x = 30 + 10 = 40\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of clarity in the initial statement**: The initial statement is a bit vague and doesn't provide enough information about the relationship between the two piles of letters.\n2. **Assuming the 10 letters are already in the pile**: The initial answer assumes that the 10 letters Jennie stamped are already in the pile of already-stamped letters, but this isn't explicitly stated. Instead, it's possible that the 10 letters are a combination of new letters and existing ones.\n3. **Incorrect equation**: The equation x - 10 = 30 is based on an incorrect assumption. The correct equation would be x + 20 = 30, since Jennie added 20 stamped letters to the pile.\n4. **Incorrect solution**: The solution x = 40 is incorrect because it doesn't consider the 20 stamped letters Jennie added.\n\n**Feedback:**\n\nTo correct the answer, let's re-analyze the situation:\n\n* Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 20 letters.\n* The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20 (since Jennie added 20 stamped letters).\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, which means the initial number of already-stamped letters is 30 - 20 = 10.\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n**Revised Answer:**\n\nThe correct answer is 10.\n\n**Score:**\n\n* Clarity in the initial statement: 0/2\n* Correctness of assumptions: 0/2\n* Correctness of the equation: 0/2\n* Correctness of the solution: 0/2\n* Overall score: 0/8"
        "I Don't Know": [
            "**Feedback and Reflection**\n\n**Initial Flaw:** The answer starts with \"I Don't Know\", which is not an acceptable response for a problem-solving exercise. It's more like a placeholder for a actual response.\n\n**Step-by-Step Analysis:**\n\n1. The problem states that Jennie has 60 letters needing stamps and stamps one-third of them. Let's find one-third of 60: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n2. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n3. The problem also states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. This implies that there were originally fewer letters in this pile.\n4. To find the original number of letters in the pile, subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n**Conclusion:** The initial answer was very weak, and the analysis revealed several flaws. A well-structured answer would have broken down the problem into smaller steps, made calculations, and explained the thought process.\n\n**Final Answer:** [Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\nNote: I've removed the initial \"I Don't Know\" response and provided a detailed analysis and feedback to help improve the answer."
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.": [
            "[Reflection and Feedback]\n\nFlaw 1: Incorrect calculation of one-third of 60\nThe answer states that Jennie stamps one-third of the letters needing stamps, but the calculation is incorrect. One-third of 60 is actually 20 letters, but the answer assumes it's 30 letters.\n\nScore: -20\n\nFlaw 2: Lack of clear thinking about the problem\nThe answer jumps straight to calculating the number of already-stamped letters without considering the relationship between the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters.\n\nScore: -30\n\nFlaw 3: No clear statement of variables\nThe answer does not define the variables used in the calculation, making it difficult to understand the thought process.\n\nScore: -20\n\nFlaw 4: No verification or re-checking of the answer\nThe answer does not provide any verification or re-checking of the calculation, which is essential to ensure accuracy.\n\nScore: -30\n\nTotal score: -100\n\n[Analytical Critique]\n\nThe initial answer is incomplete and lacks critical thinking. To correct the answer, we need to:\n\n1. Clearly define the variables and the problem.\n2. Calculate one-third of 60 correctly.\n3. Think about the relationship between the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters.\n4. Verify the calculation and provide a clear explanation.\n\nBy addressing these flaws, we can provide a corrected and more accurate answer.\n\nRevised Answer:\n\n[Answer]\nLet's define the variables: L is the initial number of letters in the already-stamped pile, and S is the number of letters still needing stamps.\n\nThe problem states that Jennie stamps one-third of the letters still needing stamps, which means she stamps 20 letters (one-third of 60).\n\nThe initial number of already-stamped letters is L. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters is L + 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, which means L + 20 = 30. To find the initial number of letters, we can subtract 20 from both sides: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
            "Here's a rigorous critique of the original answer:\n\n**Score: 2/10 ( Weak Answer)**\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of transparency**: The answer doesn't clearly show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. It's hard to follow the thought process.\n2. **Vagueness**: The answer doesn't explicitly state the question being answered, making it unclear what the answer is actually addressing.\n3. **Insufficient verification**: The answer doesn't provide sufficient evidence to support the conclusion. It doesn't explicitly calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n4. **Inadequate language**: The answer uses informal language, which may not be suitable for a formal assessment.\n\n**Feedback to Improve:**\n\n1. **Break down the problem**: Show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. Be explicit about the question being answered.\n2. **Use precise language**: Use formal language and avoid colloquialisms.\n3. **Provide clear reasoning**: Clearly explain the thought process and reasoning behind the conclusion.\n4. **Include verification**: Provide conclusive evidence to support the answer. In this case, calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n\n**Example of a Revised Answer:**\n\n[reasoning process]\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since there are 30 letters in the pile now, we can set up the equation x + 20 = 30. Solving for x, we get x = 10. Therefore, there were 10 letters in the pile when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\n**Revised Score: 8/10 (Improved Answer)**"
        "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10": [
            "A projective reflection! I'll scrutinize my previous answer and provide a critical feedback to improve it.\n\n**Feedback:**\n\n1. **Lack of clarity**: The answer jumps directly to the calculation without clearly explaining the steps. A more detailed explanation is needed to help the reader follow the solution.\n2. **Inconsistent notation**: Using both \"x\" and \"letters needing stamps\" to refer to the pile of letters being processed can cause confusion. Choose one notation and stick to it.\n3. **No explicit verification**: While the answer claims to verify the solution, it only restates the steps without providing an actual check of the calculations against the given data. A more rigorous verification is necessary.\n4. **Implied assumption**: The answer assumes that the numbers are integers, which might not always be the case. A more general solution should account for non-integer values.\n\n**Corrected Answer:**\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. We can represent this situation using an equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n**Verification:**\nTo check our calculations, let's calculate the total number of letters needing stamps after Jennie stamps one-third of them:\n\n60 (initial letters needing stamps) - 20 (stamped letters) = 40\n\nSince there are 30 letters in the already-stamped pile, this means that 30 - 40 = -10 letters would have been in the already-stamped pile initially. However, this is impossible, as the number of letters in a pile cannot be negative.\n\nConclusion: Our initial answer was incorrect, and we need to re-examine the problem.\n\n**Final Answer:**\nUnfortunately, the re-examined answer is not possible within the given constraints. The problem statement is incomplete or contradictory, and we cannot determine the original number of already-stamped letters.\n\n[Footnote: If the problem intended to ask about the total number of letters rather than the number in the already-stamped pile, the solution would be a different story.]"
    "history_bank": {
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.": [
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nThe response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40."
        "I Don't Know": [
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nThe response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "I Don't Know"
        "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": [
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nThe response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "Let's critically analyze the initial answer and identify potential flaws.\n\n**Initial Answer:**\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\n* Let's start by understanding the situation...\n* We can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n* Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n* We can set up an equation based on the situation: x - 10 = 30\n* To solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation: x = 30 + 10 = 40\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of clarity in the initial statement**: The initial statement is a bit vague and doesn't provide enough information about the relationship between the two piles of letters.\n2. **Assuming the 10 letters are already in the pile**: The initial answer assumes that the 10 letters Jennie stamped are already in the pile of already-stamped letters, but this isn't explicitly stated. Instead, it's possible that the 10 letters are a combination of new letters and existing ones.\n3. **Incorrect equation**: The equation x - 10 = 30 is based on an incorrect assumption. The correct equation would be x + 20 = 30, since Jennie added 20 stamped letters to the pile.\n4. **Incorrect solution**: The solution x = 40 is incorrect because it doesn't consider the 20 stamped letters Jennie added.\n\n**Feedback:**\n\nTo correct the answer, let's re-analyze the situation:\n\n* Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 20 letters.\n* The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20 (since Jennie added 20 stamped letters).\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, which means the initial number of already-stamped letters is 30 - 20 = 10.\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n**Revised Answer:**\n\nThe correct answer is 10.\n\n**Score:**\n\n* Clarity in the initial statement: 0/2\n* Correctness of assumptions: 0/2\n* Correctness of the equation: 0/2\n* Correctness of the solution: 0/2\n* Overall score: 0/8",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10"
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.": [
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nThe response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "I Don't Know",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "**Feedback and Reflection**\n\n**Initial Flaw:** The answer starts with \"I Don't Know\", which is not an acceptable response for a problem-solving exercise. It's more like a placeholder for a actual response.\n\n**Step-by-Step Analysis:**\n\n1. The problem states that Jennie has 60 letters needing stamps and stamps one-third of them. Let's find one-third of 60: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n2. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n3. The problem also states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. This implies that there were originally fewer letters in this pile.\n4. To find the original number of letters in the pile, subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n**Conclusion:** The initial answer was very weak, and the analysis revealed several flaws. A well-structured answer would have broken down the problem into smaller steps, made calculations, and explained the thought process.\n\n**Final Answer:** [Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\nNote: I've removed the initial \"I Don't Know\" response and provided a detailed analysis and feedback to help improve the answer.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10."
        "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": [
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nThe response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "I Don't Know",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "**Feedback and Reflection**\n\n**Initial Flaw:** The answer starts with \"I Don't Know\", which is not an acceptable response for a problem-solving exercise. It's more like a placeholder for a actual response.\n\n**Step-by-Step Analysis:**\n\n1. The problem states that Jennie has 60 letters needing stamps and stamps one-third of them. Let's find one-third of 60: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n2. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n3. The problem also states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. This implies that there were originally fewer letters in this pile.\n4. To find the original number of letters in the pile, subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n**Conclusion:** The initial answer was very weak, and the analysis revealed several flaws. A well-structured answer would have broken down the problem into smaller steps, made calculations, and explained the thought process.\n\n**Final Answer:** [Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\nNote: I've removed the initial \"I Don't Know\" response and provided a detailed analysis and feedback to help improve the answer.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "[Reflection and Feedback]\n\nFlaw 1: Incorrect calculation of one-third of 60\nThe answer states that Jennie stamps one-third of the letters needing stamps, but the calculation is incorrect. One-third of 60 is actually 20 letters, but the answer assumes it's 30 letters.\n\nScore: -20\n\nFlaw 2: Lack of clear thinking about the problem\nThe answer jumps straight to calculating the number of already-stamped letters without considering the relationship between the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters.\n\nScore: -30\n\nFlaw 3: No clear statement of variables\nThe answer does not define the variables used in the calculation, making it difficult to understand the thought process.\n\nScore: -20\n\nFlaw 4: No verification or re-checking of the answer\nThe answer does not provide any verification or re-checking of the calculation, which is essential to ensure accuracy.\n\nScore: -30\n\nTotal score: -100\n\n[Analytical Critique]\n\nThe initial answer is incomplete and lacks critical thinking. To correct the answer, we need to:\n\n1. Clearly define the variables and the problem.\n2. Calculate one-third of 60 correctly.\n3. Think about the relationship between the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters.\n4. Verify the calculation and provide a clear explanation.\n\nBy addressing these flaws, we can provide a corrected and more accurate answer.\n\nRevised Answer:\n\n[Answer]\nLet's define the variables: L is the initial number of letters in the already-stamped pile, and S is the number of letters still needing stamps.\n\nThe problem states that Jennie stamps one-third of the letters still needing stamps, which means she stamps 20 letters (one-third of 60).\n\nThe initial number of already-stamped letters is L. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters is L + 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, which means L + 20 = 30. To find the initial number of letters, we can subtract 20 from both sides: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10"
        "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10": [
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nThe response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "I Don't Know",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "**Feedback and Reflection**\n\n**Initial Flaw:** The answer starts with \"I Don't Know\", which is not an acceptable response for a problem-solving exercise. It's more like a placeholder for a actual response.\n\n**Step-by-Step Analysis:**\n\n1. The problem states that Jennie has 60 letters needing stamps and stamps one-third of them. Let's find one-third of 60: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n2. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n3. The problem also states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. This implies that there were originally fewer letters in this pile.\n4. To find the original number of letters in the pile, subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n**Conclusion:** The initial answer was very weak, and the analysis revealed several flaws. A well-structured answer would have broken down the problem into smaller steps, made calculations, and explained the thought process.\n\n**Final Answer:** [Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\nNote: I've removed the initial \"I Don't Know\" response and provided a detailed analysis and feedback to help improve the answer.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "Here's a rigorous critique of the original answer:\n\n**Score: 2/10 ( Weak Answer)**\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of transparency**: The answer doesn't clearly show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. It's hard to follow the thought process.\n2. **Vagueness**: The answer doesn't explicitly state the question being answered, making it unclear what the answer is actually addressing.\n3. **Insufficient verification**: The answer doesn't provide sufficient evidence to support the conclusion. It doesn't explicitly calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n4. **Inadequate language**: The answer uses informal language, which may not be suitable for a formal assessment.\n\n**Feedback to Improve:**\n\n1. **Break down the problem**: Show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. Be explicit about the question being answered.\n2. **Use precise language**: Use formal language and avoid colloquialisms.\n3. **Provide clear reasoning**: Clearly explain the thought process and reasoning behind the conclusion.\n4. **Include verification**: Provide conclusive evidence to support the answer. In this case, calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n\n**Example of a Revised Answer:**\n\n[reasoning process]\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since there are 30 letters in the pile now, we can set up the equation x + 20 = 30. Solving for x, we get x = 10. Therefore, there were 10 letters in the pile when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\n**Revised Score: 8/10 (Improved Answer)**",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10"
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60/3 = 20 letters. The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20, so the new total number of already-stamped letters is x + 20.\n\nWe are given that the new total number of already-stamped letters is 30, so we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nSubtracting 20 from both sides gives us:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nTo verify our solution, we can check that the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters make sense. After Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, the number of letters needing stamps decreases by 20. So, the new number of letters needing stamps is:\n\n60 - 20 = 40\n\nThe total number of letters is the sum of the letters needing stamps and the already-stamped letters:\n\n40 + 30 = 70\n\nThis total makes sense, as it is less than or equal to the initial number of letters (60 + x). Our solution passes this verification step.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10.": [
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nThe response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "I Don't Know",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "**Feedback and Reflection**\n\n**Initial Flaw:** The answer starts with \"I Don't Know\", which is not an acceptable response for a problem-solving exercise. It's more like a placeholder for a actual response.\n\n**Step-by-Step Analysis:**\n\n1. The problem states that Jennie has 60 letters needing stamps and stamps one-third of them. Let's find one-third of 60: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n2. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n3. The problem also states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. This implies that there were originally fewer letters in this pile.\n4. To find the original number of letters in the pile, subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n**Conclusion:** The initial answer was very weak, and the analysis revealed several flaws. A well-structured answer would have broken down the problem into smaller steps, made calculations, and explained the thought process.\n\n**Final Answer:** [Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\nNote: I've removed the initial \"I Don't Know\" response and provided a detailed analysis and feedback to help improve the answer.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "Here's a rigorous critique of the original answer:\n\n**Score: 2/10 ( Weak Answer)**\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of transparency**: The answer doesn't clearly show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. It's hard to follow the thought process.\n2. **Vagueness**: The answer doesn't explicitly state the question being answered, making it unclear what the answer is actually addressing.\n3. **Insufficient verification**: The answer doesn't provide sufficient evidence to support the conclusion. It doesn't explicitly calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n4. **Inadequate language**: The answer uses informal language, which may not be suitable for a formal assessment.\n\n**Feedback to Improve:**\n\n1. **Break down the problem**: Show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. Be explicit about the question being answered.\n2. **Use precise language**: Use formal language and avoid colloquialisms.\n3. **Provide clear reasoning**: Clearly explain the thought process and reasoning behind the conclusion.\n4. **Include verification**: Provide conclusive evidence to support the answer. In this case, calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n\n**Example of a Revised Answer:**\n\n[reasoning process]\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since there are 30 letters in the pile now, we can set up the equation x + 20 = 30. Solving for x, we get x = 10. Therefore, there were 10 letters in the pile when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\n**Revised Score: 8/10 (Improved Answer)**",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nSince we have a weak Answer, could you provide me with a relection or feedback to correct this answer better? Analyze this Answer Strictly and Critic, point out every flaw for ervery possible imperfect to minus every possible score!\nLet's think step by step.",
            "A projective reflection! I'll scrutinize my previous answer and provide a critical feedback to improve it.\n\n**Feedback:**\n\n1. **Lack of clarity**: The answer jumps directly to the calculation without clearly explaining the steps. A more detailed explanation is needed to help the reader follow the solution.\n2. **Inconsistent notation**: Using both \"x\" and \"letters needing stamps\" to refer to the pile of letters being processed can cause confusion. Choose one notation and stick to it.\n3. **No explicit verification**: While the answer claims to verify the solution, it only restates the steps without providing an actual check of the calculations against the given data. A more rigorous verification is necessary.\n4. **Implied assumption**: The answer assumes that the numbers are integers, which might not always be the case. A more general solution should account for non-integer values.\n\n**Corrected Answer:**\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. We can represent this situation using an equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n**Verification:**\nTo check our calculations, let's calculate the total number of letters needing stamps after Jennie stamps one-third of them:\n\n60 (initial letters needing stamps) - 20 (stamped letters) = 40\n\nSince there are 30 letters in the already-stamped pile, this means that 30 - 40 = -10 letters would have been in the already-stamped pile initially. However, this is impossible, as the number of letters in a pile cannot be negative.\n\nConclusion: Our initial answer was incorrect, and we need to re-examine the problem.\n\n**Final Answer:**\nUnfortunately, the re-examined answer is not possible within the given constraints. The problem statement is incomplete or contradictory, and we cannot determine the original number of already-stamped letters.\n\n[Footnote: If the problem intended to ask about the total number of letters rather than the number in the already-stamped pile, the solution would be a different story.]",
            "Question: Jennie is helping at her mom's office. She has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps, and a pile of letters already stamped. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. If there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, how many were in that pile when Jennie began?\nPlease refine the your answer according to your Reflection or Feedback. The response should begin with [reasoning process]...[Verification]... and end with end with \"[Final Answer] The answer is [answer] \\n#### [answer]\"\nLet's think step by step.",
            "[reasoning process]\nLet's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60/3 = 20 letters. The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20, so the new total number of already-stamped letters is x + 20.\n\nWe are given that the new total number of already-stamped letters is 30, so we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nSubtracting 20 from both sides gives us:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nTo verify our solution, we can check that the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters make sense. After Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, the number of letters needing stamps decreases by 20. So, the new number of letters needing stamps is:\n\n60 - 20 = 40\n\nThe total number of letters is the sum of the letters needing stamps and the already-stamped letters:\n\n40 + 30 = 70\n\nThis total makes sense, as it is less than or equal to the initial number of letters (60 + x). Our solution passes this verification step.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10."
    "hints_reward_imp_bank": {
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.": [
                "Let's critically analyze the initial answer and identify potential flaws.\n\n**Initial Answer:**\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\n* Let's start by understanding the situation...\n* We can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n* Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n* We can set up an equation based on the situation: x - 10 = 30\n* To solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation: x = 30 + 10 = 40\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of clarity in the initial statement**: The initial statement is a bit vague and doesn't provide enough information about the relationship between the two piles of letters.\n2. **Assuming the 10 letters are already in the pile**: The initial answer assumes that the 10 letters Jennie stamped are already in the pile of already-stamped letters, but this isn't explicitly stated. Instead, it's possible that the 10 letters are a combination of new letters and existing ones.\n3. **Incorrect equation**: The equation x - 10 = 30 is based on an incorrect assumption. The correct equation would be x + 20 = 30, since Jennie added 20 stamped letters to the pile.\n4. **Incorrect solution**: The solution x = 40 is incorrect because it doesn't consider the 20 stamped letters Jennie added.\n\n**Feedback:**\n\nTo correct the answer, let's re-analyze the situation:\n\n* Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 20 letters.\n* The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20 (since Jennie added 20 stamped letters).\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, which means the initial number of already-stamped letters is 30 - 20 = 10.\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n**Revised Answer:**\n\nThe correct answer is 10.\n\n**Score:**\n\n* Clarity in the initial statement: 0/2\n* Correctness of assumptions: 0/2\n* Correctness of the equation: 0/2\n* Correctness of the solution: 0/2\n* Overall score: 0/8",
                "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10"
        "I Don't Know": [
                "**Feedback and Reflection**\n\n**Initial Flaw:** The answer starts with \"I Don't Know\", which is not an acceptable response for a problem-solving exercise. It's more like a placeholder for a actual response.\n\n**Step-by-Step Analysis:**\n\n1. The problem states that Jennie has 60 letters needing stamps and stamps one-third of them. Let's find one-third of 60: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n2. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n3. The problem also states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. This implies that there were originally fewer letters in this pile.\n4. To find the original number of letters in the pile, subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n**Conclusion:** The initial answer was very weak, and the analysis revealed several flaws. A well-structured answer would have broken down the problem into smaller steps, made calculations, and explained the thought process.\n\n**Final Answer:** [Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\nNote: I've removed the initial \"I Don't Know\" response and provided a detailed analysis and feedback to help improve the answer.",
                "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10."
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.": [
                "[Reflection and Feedback]\n\nFlaw 1: Incorrect calculation of one-third of 60\nThe answer states that Jennie stamps one-third of the letters needing stamps, but the calculation is incorrect. One-third of 60 is actually 20 letters, but the answer assumes it's 30 letters.\n\nScore: -20\n\nFlaw 2: Lack of clear thinking about the problem\nThe answer jumps straight to calculating the number of already-stamped letters without considering the relationship between the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters.\n\nScore: -30\n\nFlaw 3: No clear statement of variables\nThe answer does not define the variables used in the calculation, making it difficult to understand the thought process.\n\nScore: -20\n\nFlaw 4: No verification or re-checking of the answer\nThe answer does not provide any verification or re-checking of the calculation, which is essential to ensure accuracy.\n\nScore: -30\n\nTotal score: -100\n\n[Analytical Critique]\n\nThe initial answer is incomplete and lacks critical thinking. To correct the answer, we need to:\n\n1. Clearly define the variables and the problem.\n2. Calculate one-third of 60 correctly.\n3. Think about the relationship between the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters.\n4. Verify the calculation and provide a clear explanation.\n\nBy addressing these flaws, we can provide a corrected and more accurate answer.\n\nRevised Answer:\n\n[Answer]\nLet's define the variables: L is the initial number of letters in the already-stamped pile, and S is the number of letters still needing stamps.\n\nThe problem states that Jennie stamps one-third of the letters still needing stamps, which means she stamps 20 letters (one-third of 60).\n\nThe initial number of already-stamped letters is L. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters is L + 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, which means L + 20 = 30. To find the initial number of letters, we can subtract 20 from both sides: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
                "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10"
                "Here's a rigorous critique of the original answer:\n\n**Score: 2/10 ( Weak Answer)**\n\n**Flaws:**\n\n1. **Lack of transparency**: The answer doesn't clearly show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. It's hard to follow the thought process.\n2. **Vagueness**: The answer doesn't explicitly state the question being answered, making it unclear what the answer is actually addressing.\n3. **Insufficient verification**: The answer doesn't provide sufficient evidence to support the conclusion. It doesn't explicitly calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n4. **Inadequate language**: The answer uses informal language, which may not be suitable for a formal assessment.\n\n**Feedback to Improve:**\n\n1. **Break down the problem**: Show the step-by-step calculation to arrive at the solution. Be explicit about the question being answered.\n2. **Use precise language**: Use formal language and avoid colloquialisms.\n3. **Provide clear reasoning**: Clearly explain the thought process and reasoning behind the conclusion.\n4. **Include verification**: Provide conclusive evidence to support the answer. In this case, calculate the original number of letters in the pile.\n\n**Example of a Revised Answer:**\n\n[reasoning process]\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20. This means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since there are 30 letters in the pile now, we can set up the equation x + 20 = 30. Solving for x, we get x = 10. Therefore, there were 10 letters in the pile when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.\n\n**Revised Score: 8/10 (Improved Answer)**",
                "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10"
    "fathers": {
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.": null,
        "I Don't Know": null,
        "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.",
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.": "I Don't Know",
        "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
        "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10": "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.",
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60/3 = 20 letters. The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20, so the new total number of already-stamped letters is x + 20.\n\nWe are given that the new total number of already-stamped letters is 30, so we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nSubtracting 20 from both sides gives us:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nTo verify our solution, we can check that the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters make sense. After Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, the number of letters needing stamps decreases by 20. So, the new number of letters needing stamps is:\n\n60 - 20 = 40\n\nThe total number of letters is the sum of the letters needing stamps and the already-stamped letters:\n\n40 + 30 = 70\n\nThis total makes sense, as it is less than or equal to the initial number of letters (60 + x). Our solution passes this verification step.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10.": "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10"
    "childs": {
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.": [
            "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10"
        "I Don't Know": [
            "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10."
        "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": [],
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.": [
            "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10",
            "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10"
        "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": [],
        "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10": [
            "[reasoning process]\nLet's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60/3 = 20 letters. The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20, so the new total number of already-stamped letters is x + 20.\n\nWe are given that the new total number of already-stamped letters is 30, so we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nSubtracting 20 from both sides gives us:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nTo verify our solution, we can check that the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters make sense. After Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, the number of letters needing stamps decreases by 20. So, the new number of letters needing stamps is:\n\n60 - 20 = 40\n\nThe total number of letters is the sum of the letters needing stamps and the already-stamped letters:\n\n40 + 30 = 70\n\nThis total makes sense, as it is less than or equal to the initial number of letters (60 + x). Our solution passes this verification step.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10."
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60/3 = 20 letters. The number of already-stamped letters increases by 20, so the new total number of already-stamped letters is x + 20.\n\nWe are given that the new total number of already-stamped letters is 30, so we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nSubtracting 20 from both sides gives us:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nTo verify our solution, we can check that the number of letters needing stamps and the number of already-stamped letters make sense. After Jennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, the number of letters needing stamps decreases by 20. So, the new number of letters needing stamps is:\n\n60 - 20 = 40\n\nThe total number of letters is the sum of the letters needing stamps and the already-stamped letters:\n\n40 + 30 = 70\n\nThis total makes sense, as it is less than or equal to the initial number of letters (60 + x). Our solution passes this verification step.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10.": []
    "ucb_bank": {
        "I Don't Know": -38.125,
        "I'll help you go through the reasoning process.\n\n[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's start by understanding the situation:\n\n* Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n* She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps.\n* There are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters.\n\nWe can start by finding one-third of 60, which is 20. So, Jennie put stamps on 20 letters.\n\nSince there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, that means Jennie stamped 30 - 20 = 10 letters that were already in the pile of already-stamped letters. But we don't know how many letters were in that pile to begin with, so let's call it x.\n\nWe can set up an equation based on the situation:\n\nx - 10 = 30\n\nThis equation is saying that the number of letters in the pile of already-stamped letters initially (x) minus the number of letters Jennie added (10) equals the new number of letters in the pile (30).\n\nTo solve for x, we can add 10 to both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 + 10\nx = 40\n\nSo, there were 40 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\n\nLet's check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:\n\n40 - 10 = 30\n\nYes, this is true! If there were 40 letters in the pile initially and Jennie added 10, the new total would be 30.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 40.": -70.5,
        "[Reasoning Process]\nJennie puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps, which is 60 / 3 = 20 letters. This means the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Initially, the number of already-stamped letters is x. After Jennie adds the 20 stamped letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes x + 20. Since there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, we can set up the equation:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\n[Verification]\nTo solve for x, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": -78.532601433419,
        "[reasoning process]\nLet's break down the problem step by step.\n\nJennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n\nShe puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3: 60 ÷ 3 = 20.\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20.\n\nThe problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters. To find the original number of letters in the pile, we need to subtract the 20 new letters from the current total of 30: 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them. She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10.": 23.097205781419746,
        "[Reasoning Process]\n\nLet's break down the problem step by step:\n\n1. Jennie has a pile of 60 letters needing stamps.\n2. She puts stamps on one-third of the letters needing stamps. One-third of 60 is 20 letters.\n3. The number of already-stamped letters initially is unknown, let's call it L.\n4. After Jennie stamps 20 letters, the total number of already-stamped letters becomes L + 20.\n5. The problem states that there are now 30 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters, so we can set up the equation: L + 20 = 30.\n6. To find the initial number of already-stamped letters L, we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation: L = 30 - 20 = 10.\n\n[Verification]\n\nVerifying our answer, we can see that 10 letters were already stamped initially, and Jennie stamps 20 more letters, making the total number of already-stamped letters 30.\n\n[Final Answer]\nThe answer is 10\n#### 10": -68.35163421028668,
        "Here's the refined answer:\n\n[reasoning process]\nLet's start by identifying the number of letters needing stamps: 60. Jennie puts stamps on one-third of these letters. To find one-third of 60, we can divide 60 by 3:\n\n60 ÷ 3 = 20\n\nThis means Jennie stamps 20 letters, and the number of already-stamped letters increases by 20. Let's denote the original number of already-stamped letters as x. Since Jennie stamps 20 letters, the new total number of already-stamped letters is:\n\nx + 20 = 30\n\nTo find the original number of already-stamped letters (x), we can subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:\n\nx = 30 - 20\nx = 10\n\nTherefore, there were 10 letters in the pile of already-stamped letters when Jennie began.\n\n[Verification]\nWe can verify our answer by checking if it makes sense. Jennie started with a pile of 60 letters needing stamps and stamped one-third of them (20 letters). She now has 20 more letters in the already-stamped pile, making a total of 30 letters.\n\n[Final Answer] The answer is 10": 51.64836578971332

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(15-3)基于模型的强化学习:蒙特卡洛树搜索(Monte Carlo Tree Search,MCTS)算法
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MCT Self-Refine:创新集成蒙特卡洛树搜索 (MCTS)提高复杂数学推理任务的性能,超GPT4,使用 LLaMa-3 8B 进行自我优化
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以下文章摘录自: 《机器学习观止——核心原理与实践》 京东: 当当: (由于博客系统问题,部分公式、图片和格式有可能存在显示问题,请参阅原书了解详情) MCTS (Monte Carlo Tree Search) 1.1MCTS概述 在前面的学习中,我们分析了蒙特卡洛方法,本章节将为大家解开蒙特卡洛树搜索的“面纱”。虽...
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1、MaxMin与MinMin算法         Condor系统是面向高吞吐率计算计算而设计的,它的主要目的就是利用网络中工作站的空闲时间来为用户服务。针对这种应用,Condor使用的调度方法就相对简单一些。它定义了一套半结构化的数据模型用于描述资源的特性和表达用户的需求。它的调度分为两部分:匹配和声明,在匹配阶段,Matchmaker在可获得资源中找到最适合任务的资源,然后通知用户
10-20 351
在您想要下载MCT-10软件的中文版时,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,打开您的电脑上网的浏览器(比如Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox等)。 接下来,进入搜索引擎网站,比如Google、百度等。在搜索框中输入“MCT-10软件中文版下载”,然后点击搜索按钮。 搜索结果页面可能会显示多个网站或者平台提供下载服务。请注意确保选择的来源是官方网站或者可信的软件下载平台,以避免下载不安全的软件。 一般来说,您可以在搜索结果中找到对应的官方网站链接。点击该链接,进入官方网站。 在官方网站上,查找并选择您需要的MCT-10软件的中文版下载选项。有些官方网站会有针对不同操作系统的下载链接,请确保选择适合您的操作系统的版本。 在找到下载链接后,点击该链接进入下载页面。根据网站的要求,可能需要填写一些信息,如您的姓名、电子邮件地址等。 确认填写信息无误后,点击下载按钮开始下载MCT-10软件的中文版。 下载完成后,您可以双击下载的文件进行安装。按照安装向导的步骤进行操作,直到完成安装过程。 安装完成后,您就可以在您的电脑上使用MCT-10软件的中文版了。 需要注意的是,下载和安装软件时要确保您的设备有足够的存储空间,并且执行下载和安装过程时请遵循官方网站或软件平台的指引,以确保安全和正常的软件使用。


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