Create Wiki
Blank Create Addon logo

If you want to make an addon mod, this is the perfect background for your icon!

Purposes of this site[ ]

  1. List existing, released mods that are focused around Create.
  2. List discontinued but released mods.
  3. List general info on a best-effort basis serving as a good starting point for further research on enhancing your base Create experience.
  4. Link to official, trusted sites for the mods. These are generally big and trusted communities/sites like Modrinth or CurseForge.

Non-Purposes of this site[ ]

  1. List unreleased work-in-progress or cancelled mods (for example teased with no release info). Listing them before they are officially released is counterproductive and there are cases of players harassing mod creators. There were also cases of players getting scammed into downloading/buying infected "early release" versions of mods. Generally, we don't want to fuel drama.
  2. Link directly to communication channels of 3rd party mods (e.g. Discord links). Detecting scams would be hard and moderating it even harder. If you want to get in touch with the creator, start from their mod's official site, looking up their discord on your own is not that hard.
  3. Be an exhaustive, always up-to-date mod lexicon. This page is maintained by hobbyists, so expect the info to be just a rough overview, potentially outdated and maybe missing some mods or author info. This is where YOU can take part in contributing.

Guidelines[ ]

  1. Try to add all links: to the official author's page, to modrinth and to curseforge in this exact order, each link in it's own, separate line.
  2. When adding a new mod, try to include brief but concrete description and include info about authors and supported versions. Ambiguous phrases like "Adds a lot of new stuff" should be avoided and more precise sentences should be used, like "Adds aesthetic glass blocks, new gear made bronze and a new mechanic for extendo-grip"
  3. If a mod is discontinued, add the DISCONTINUED, [optional additional notes here] as the first line of the description followed by a line break and a proper description.
  4. Use exact titles for mods as used by authors on mod portals: include punctuation, capitalization and whitespaces. This helps when searching for mods on mod sites.
  5. Don't remove the "Blank Create Addon logo" image from this site. It is useful for new authors.
  6. Try to keep whitespaces and formatting consistent — don't add needless line breaks in the table cell sources, avoid trailing and leading whitespaces for entries and try to keep the each table cell in it's separate line without breaking to the next one. It helps with bulk editing in text editors later.

Official mods[ ]

These mods were made by official developers of Create or developers who got approved by Create team.

Mod Links Description Notes Since Minecraft Version Most Recent Minecraft Version
Create Modrinth Good, old, official Create Forge 1.14.4 1.20.1
Flywheel Modrinth A mod that replaces Minecraft's native rendering engine. It is used heavily by Create to draw all of the contraptions and other things. It can be used as a standalone mod for some fancy rendering. Forge & Fabric. Until Create 0.5.1 this mod was required to be installed separately for Create to work. Since 0.5.1 it is bundled in the Create jar, so there is no need to include it yourself. 1.16.5 1.19.2
Create Fabric Modrinth Official fabric port of Create. Fabric only 1.18.2 1.20.1

3rd Party Compatibility Addons[ ]

These mods add compatibility between Create and other mods.

Mod Links Description Author/s Since Minecraft Version Most Recent Minecraft Version
KubeJS Create Curseforge Adds Integration Into KubeJS LatvianModder, MaxNeedsSnacks, Amygdaloideae, simibubi 1.16.4 1.20.1
Create Tweaker Curseforge Adds Integration Into CraftTweaker Jaredlll08 1.16.5 1.20.1
Create Curios Curseforge DISCONTINUED, Create .5 supports it out of the box
Adds the ability to use engineer's goggles in curios head slot.
luis_joga 1.18.2 1.18.2
Little Contraptions Curseforge Adds Integration with Little Logistics EDToaster, Sveid_ 1.18.2 1.20.1
Ponder for KubeJS Curseforge Create custom Create Ponder scenes with KubeJS Lytho_, DamnRelentless, kotakotik22, TeamAlmostReliable 1.18.2 1.20.1
PonderJS Curseforge DISCONTINUED, use " Ponder for KubeJS" instead
Create custom Create Ponder scenes with KubeJS.
kotakotik22, wertner22 1.16.5 1.18.1
More Create Stuffs Curseforge DISCONTINUED
A mod adds more items and recipes to Create
JerryLu086 1.16.5
Compressed Creativity Curseforge Adds various interactions and integrations between Create and PneumaticCraft: Repressurized Lgmrszd 1.16.5 1.20.1
Cogwheel Tweaker Curseforge Makes adding custom Create cogwheels possible mc_Grimmauld 1.16.5
Create Integration Curseforge Provides a way of converting Creates RPM to Forge Energy with the Stressed Out Dynamo. mc_Grimmauld 1.14.4 1.15.2
Tetra Pak Curseforge An add-on mod for Tetra that adds new materials with unique effects and niches. Supports Create, Druidcraft, Quark, Farmer's Delight, and many more! mc_Grimmauld, Noobulus_Dos 1.16.5 1.18.2
Ars Creo Curseforge Adds integration with Ars Nouveau baileyholl2 1.16.5 1.20.1
CC:C Bridge Curseforge Adds integration with CC: Tweaked Sammy_echt, luke_15_05 1.18.2 1.20.2
Create Slice & Dice Curseforge Adds variety of features to make Farmer's Delight and Create more compatible. possible_triangle 1.18.2 1.20.1
Delightful Creators Curseforge Delightful Creators is an addon for Farmer's Delight and Create which adds new recipes using Create. Currently adds new fluids and recipes, which are useful on modpacks. Flomik 1.19.2 1.20.1
Respite Creators Curseforge Respite Creators is an addon for Farmer's Respite and Create which adds new recipes using Create. Currently adds new fluids and recipes, which are useful on modpacks. Flomik 1.19.2 1.20.1
Epic Samurai`s Curseforge Epic Samurai's adds compatability with the Samurai armor and the Engineers Goggles. VPixelStudio 1.19.2 1.20.1
Create: Wizardry Modrinth
This is an addon mod for Create adding enhanced compatibility with Iron's Spells and Spellbooks. Adds useful new recipes for inks and essences, and plans to add spell turrets. thetruezeraora 1.19.2 1.20.1
Clockwork is a sophisticated addon that combines the machinery of Create with the moving physics and moving blocks of Valkyrien Skies. Potato 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create: Cobblemon Industrialized Modrinth


Adds integration with Cobblemon Bracken40


1.19.2 1.20.1

3rd Party New Content Addons[ ]

These mods enhance the base Create experience.

Mod Links Description Author/s Since Minecraft Version Most Recent Minecraft Version
Create: Let The Adventure Begin Modrinth Curseforge Create Let The Adventure Begin is an Create mod addon that adds many new structures, to your world, with the focus on making the world fun to explore and worthwhile on an create mod aspect. Not Juno 1.20.1 1.20.1
Create: Interactive
Interact with your Create contraptions in ways never before possible! With Interactive, all contraptions behave just like Minecraft blocks, so build, break, stack, and cause controlled chaos to your heart's content! You can now use contraptions on contraptions on contraptions on contraptions... and derail trains! rubydesic, ThePlasticPotato1, StewStrong 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create Crafts & Additions Curseforge Adds Electric devices and FE generation, to Create MRHminer, thatguynamedalpha 1.16.5 1.20.1
Create Confectionery Curseforge Adds several food items to Create Furti_Two 1.16.5 1.20.1
Create: Crystal Clear Modrinth Create: Crystal Clear is a mod that adds glass casings to create, along with adding a few other glass related things in the near future. Cyvack 1.18.2 1.19.2
Create Deco Curseforge A decoration expansion to Create talrey, Kayladillo, facunditto45 1.16.5 1.20.1
Create Stuff & Additions Curseforge Adds useful tools with unique abilities to Create Furti_Two 1.16.5 1.20.1
Create Misc & Things Curseforge Adds some utility, building, and fun small things that don't fit in a theme to0pa_fr 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create Big Cannons Curseforge Adds cannons that work with Create rbasamoyai 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create Goggles Curseforge Adds goggle helmets to Create Robocraft999 1.14.4 1.20.1
Create Cafe Curseforge Adds Drinks like Boba Milk Tea and Coffee (Not yet) that use the Create mod machines to make 1mphuls3 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create: Alloyed Curseforge Adds 2 new alloys to create MythrilBagels, spottytheturtle, FortressNebula 1.16.5 1.19.2
Create: Alloyed Guns Curseforge DISCONTINUED, in favor of Create Guns
Adds multiple guns into the style and feel of the create mod while also incorporating Create: Alloyed. "[...] most of this mod is mrcrayfish's work, it is essentially a reskin with more mechanics."
EndRage 1.18.2 1.19.2
Create Guns Curseforge Create Guns changes the models and textures of the MrCrayfish's Gun Mod items to match closer with the Create mod. This mod supersedes Create: Alloyed Guns. EndRage 1.16.3 1.19.3
Create: Bells and Whistles Curseforge Adds various new decorative blocks to Create, including train Pilots, a new casing type, and metal grab bar and step blocks. sudolev 1.19.2 1.20.2
Create: Interiors Curseforge Adds furniture blocks (such as new chair blocks) that work with Create contraptions and fit Create's art and modeling styles. sudolev 1.18.2 1.20.2
Create: Dynamic Village Curseforge Adds a host of villager professions & village structures to Create, with trades, loot and contraptions from Create. sudolev 1.19.2
Create: Steam Powered Curseforge Adds Steam Engines To Create yuesha_yc, goumo_g, khjxiagu, MRHminer 1.16.5 1.18.2
Create Chunkloading Curseforge Implements a chunkloader block that will keep chunks loaded around a moving Create contraption embeddedt 1.16.5 1.20.1
Create Gears Curseforge DISCONTINUED
Adds Shaftless cogwheels, a simple gearshift and fully encased chain drives to Create
kotakotik22, wertner22 1.16.5
Create Gear addon Curseforge Adds gears with textures colors from vanilla wood. It also override the recipe of the cogs in create to use only spruce wood and not all woods. xaros74 1.16.5 1.18.2
Create Guardian Beam Defense Curseforge Create Guardian Beam Defense is a mini mod / addon for Create that adds in stationary laser defense units themed around Guardians and Ocean Monuments that are capable of automatically locking on to specified mobs and damaging them over time in frequent bursts. ibarnstormer_ 1.19.2 1.20.1
Dave's Building Extended Curseforge A building mod adding several blocks for Factories and trains Trains, as well as several ambience related system. Medic_Main_Dave, srrendi, xRhys 1.18.2 1.20.1
More Mounted Storages Curseforge Allows for a greater variety of the modded storages to be used as a part of Create moving contraptions juh9870 1.16.5
Create: Mounted Storages Curseforge A fork of More Mounted Storages. See above. Lgmrszd, juh9870 [Original Owner] 1.18.2
Create Live 3 Addon Curseforge Used in the Create Live 3 Modpack mammut53m 1.18.1 1.18.2
Create Factory Curseforge Adds a lot of new foods to Create antop90fr 1.18.2 1.19.2
Create Automated Curseforge DISCONTINUED
Allows automating items previously not automatable and adds ways of automating some of the ones that already are
kotakotik22, facunditto45, wertner22 1.16.5
CreateFoodAdditions Curseforge Adds a bunch of food to Create StacheSebastian 1.16.5 1.18.2
Create: Supercharged Curseforge DISCONTINUED
Adds a wide range of content mainly revolving around Superheated Mixers. Has since moved CurseForge pages to Create Chromatic Return [Below]
phicctv 1.18.2
Create Chromatic Return Curseforge Re-adds Chromatic Compound in a completely different way which incentivises factories and large farms. phicctv, MegaDekerr [Artist] 1.16.5 1.20.1
Create Enchantment Industry Modrinth Tools and methods to handle experience & enchantment in Create like enchanter, disenchanter, book copier and liquid XP. dragons_plus, marblegatekeeper, RaymondBlaze 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create Enchantment Industry Fabric Modrinth Create Enchantment Industry for Fabric marblegatekeeper, RaymondBlaze 1.19.2
Create Addon Curseforge Adds tools and armor to Create welpstudent 1.16.5
Create: Armor and Weapons Addon Curseforge Adds Weapons and Armor to Create maskobi 1.16.5
Boat Contraption Curseforge DISCONTINUED, use /create passenger instead
Allows you to make boat contraptions with the Create mod... in a weird way
sashafiesta 1.16.3 1.16.5
Create: Steam 'n Rails Curseforge


Adds new train tracks made out of different wood types, monorail tracks (a remodel of train tracks), a special conductor mob, new semaphores, trains coupling and decoupling. Slimeist, IThundxr, SpottyTheTurtle, Violet 1.18.2 1.20.1
Big Sip Curseforge Adds a variety of new drinks and a new multiblock fluid storage, the maturing barrel, to make them. possible_triangle 1.18.2
Liquid Burner Curseforge Allows Blaze Burners to heat with liquids, with datapack support for mod compatibility. Ferri_Arnus 1.18.2 1.20.1
Potato Canon Plus Curseforge Makes more food compatible with the Potato Canon. to0pa_fr 1.16.5 1.19.2
Discover Addon Curseforge New materials, processing lines, and worldgen based on using liquid acid to dissolve/etch. SuperCoder79 1.18.2 1.19.2
Create: Broken Bad Curseforge Adds a variety of items and substances related to production of certain chemicals. jetpacker06, Drigonis_ 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create Mechanical Extruder Curseforge Adds the Mechanical Extruder, able to generate any block or item from adjacent blocks/fluids. oierbravo_mc 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create Ore Excavation Curseforge Adds infinite ores and specialized drill to harvest them. tom54541 1.18.2 1.20.1
Industrialized Create Curseforge Adds additional paper, leather, diamond (similar to IC2), netherstar and dragonbreath production and compressed cobblestone blocks and more. coppertj, Jessesiah 1.18.2
Create: Condensed Milk Curseforge Adds Condensed Lava, which reacts with Water/Lava to make renewable Cobbled Deepslate/Netherrack smorb42 1.18.2
Expanding Technologies Curseforge Adds railroad crossing lights curryducker, LarsMans 1.19.2 1.20.1
Create more potatoes Modrinth Adds more potato related blocks RuochenFu21 1.18.2 1.18.2
Create: Estrogen Modrinth
Create Addon Based around expressing yourself, fluid handling and expanding your factory. This mods add a lot of new Items, Blocks, Mechanics and more! The main feature of this mod is a pill that adds the ability to "dash", similar to the skill in another game, Celeste. Maya 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create: Villagerology Curseforge Adds villagers and blocks features which you can trade and allow to make creative motor, creative tank, creative blaze cake etc. in survival abhishekrishnan 1.19.2 1.20.1
Create: New Age Curseforge addon for the Create mod that adds integration with electricity. Antarctic Gardens 1.19.2 1.20.1
Create: Diesel Generators Modrinth
A mod that adds Diesel Generators to the create mod. george8188625 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create: Dreams And Desires Modrinth
Create: Dreams & Desires is an addon for the Create mod that add random QoL, items, & blocks features that relates to old Create & New Create versions! LopyLuna, IThunderxr, Pouffry 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create: Sweets And Treats Modrinth
Sweets and Treats is a Create Mod addon That Adds new Foods such as: Chocolate Cookies, Brownies, Rock Candies, And Gunpowder Cakes To name a Few! [Astral] 1.19.2 1.20.1
Create: Garnished Modrinth
This mod adds multiple food items, mainly nuts! DakotaPrideModding 1.18 1.20.1
Create: Framed Modrinth
A Create mod addon that adds more Framed Glass variants. DakotaPrideModding 1.18 1.20.1
Create: Structures Modrinth
Add-on for Create that implements naturally generating structures containing early-game Create contraptions and items. FusionSwarly 1.19.2 1.20.1
Create: Sandpaper Overhaul Modrinth Gives new uses to sandpaper, adds new types of sandpaper and introduces polishing wheel. TinyGhasto 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create Unlimited Modrinth This mod removes several restrictions in base create mod (basically a remake of tizu69's old Create NTL but slightly better), like placing funny/cursed train tracks, connecting any blocks with glue, putting (almost) anything into copycat blocks, infinite reach with extendo grips and no limits on train curves. rdh 1.19.2 1.20.1
Create: The Factory Must Grow Curseforge A Dieselpunk-like addon for create. Dr_Mango_tea, pepagg8, MilkyFur 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create Irradiated Curseforge Adds Uranium Chunks, Thorium Chunks and Plutonium Chunks, their respective ores, rubber, hazmat suit, some new tools and accessories and Radiation effect. TT_TCS 1.19.2 1.19.2
Create Decoration Casing Curseforge adds lots of block variants for Minecraft and create mod casings to make buildings and decorations TheLynkYT 1.16.5 1.20.1
Create: Power Loader Modrinth
Adds chunk loaders that require rotation powers, have configurable range and can optionally work on contraptions. Lysine 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create: Connected Modrinth
Quality-of-life blocks and features that stay close to base Create. Lysine 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create: Design n' Decor Modrinth Aesthetic mod with variants of normal blocks, such as many new boilers, crushing wheels, vaults, and extra blocks the Create: Design 'n' Decor devs thought fit in well with create! LopyLuna, drmangotea,, MilkyFur 1.18.2 1.20.1
Destroy Modrinth
Add new chemicals and chemical processes geared around the production of Plastic. Build complex chemical plants, manufacture powerful new explosives, or even break bad, but be careful that along the way you are mitigating your effects on the environment – and yourself! Destroy's flagship feature is its sandbox chemistry system with chemistry simulated at the molecular level. Destroy adds a wealth of features that expand upon Create's existing systems - new kinetic components (e.g. differential or planetary gears), processing machines, and lots of 'curiosities' with novel abilities. petrolpark 1.20.1 1.20.1
Create: Vintage Improvements Modrinth Vintage Improvements is Create addon which adds new Kinetics Machines, metal rods, wires & springs to compat with Ad Astra & Create Crafts & Addtitions. Negodya1 1.19.2 1.20.1
Create: Copycats+ Curseforge A vast selection of copycats for all your building needs. Forge and Fabric support included. Lysine, Bennyboy1695, Redcat_XVIII_ 1.18.2 1.20.1
Create: Numismatics Modrinth Numismatics is a brand-new currency mod that boasts easy-to-use systems for simple shops as well as leaving room for your wildest redstone-capitalism dreams. IThundxr, SlimeistDev, spottytheturtle 1.20.1 1.20.1
Craftable Create Casings Curseforge Adds a recipe for each create casing so you don't have to place it down every time. Lord_Of_Crumbs 1.18.2 1.20.1

Other mods[ ]

Mod Links Description Author/s Since Minecraft Version Most Recent Minecraft Version
Create Track Map Modrinth A multi-loader mod that displays a track map of Create trains in your world, including all tracks, signals, stations, and trains. The signals and trains are updated in (practically) real time. The mod is server-side and creates a webserver accessible in the browser to view the generated map. It is similar to Dynamp. littlechasiu 1.19.2 1.20.1

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