
【英単語】moral disciplineを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方

【英単語】moral disciplineを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方

moral disciplineの意味について

moral discipline 」は2つの英単語( moral、discipline )が組み合わさり、1つの単語になっている英単語です。

  • 「 moral 」は【どの行動が良くて、どの行動が悪いかについての信念に関して】意味として使われています。
  • 「 discipline 」は【ルールや罰を使って人の行動をコントロールする行為】意味として使われています。


参考:「moral discipline」の例文一覧

The doctrine of justification received its forensic form and the necessity of good works was emphasized in the interest of moral discipline .
【moral discipline】に関するの例文(英語の例文と和訳)
It has been variously described as virtue, right conduct, morality, moral discipline and precept.
The kirk sessions applied personal and moral discipline .
The morality required by the craft of sermon preparation, the self-criticism, obedience to the text, confidence in the congregation, and weekly hard work are moral disciplines.
【moral discipline】に関するの例文(英語の例文と和訳)

「moral discipline」のネイティブ発音(読み方)を聞きましょう!

読み方は【ˈmɔrəl ˈdɪsəplən】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈmɔrəl ˈdɪsəplənを大声で発音しましょう

【絶対聞こう】アメリカ人が「moral discipline」の意味について解説】!


moral disciplineの実際の意味・ニュアンスを理解して、正しく使いましょう!

That’s a promise. Another method is the moral discipline of refuge.
約束だ もう一つの方法は、避難の道徳的な規律です。
In general, the moral discipline of refuge looks like.
As a path for personal growth and development, the concept of Reisetsu – respect for the other, became the moral discipline which united these two aspects and formed the foundation for the practice of Kyudo – the Way of the Bow.
個人の成長と開発のためのパスとしては、Reisetsu - 点、その他の概念は、これら 2 つの側面を米国し、弓道 - 弓の方法の実践のための基盤を形成は、道徳的規律となった。
Kabuki’s “Kurozuka” is a simple story of the moral discipline that the monk is good and the grandmother is bad, but this time, I will delve into the reason why the grandmother became a demon and draw the emotion of the grandmother I have.
A game should not be hard work; it’s supposed to be entertainment, not moral discipline.
We should launch a powerful drive to establish a socialist way of life and ennobling moral discipline, thus ensuring that no immoral and uncultured practices that run counter to our people’s emotions and aesthetic view are revealed. By doing so, we can turn the whole society into a large, harmonious family filled with moral excellence and tender feelings.
These virtues have been transmitted to the present day as the cornerstone of the three fundamental principles and the five moral disciplines in human relations.
These virtues, transmitted down to the present day, are the cornerstone of the Three Principles and the Five Moral Disciplines of human relationships as viewed in Confucianism.These days, however, such traditional customs and norms are changing.
Looking from the view of morality, there will always be a path to liberation for those who remain absolutely obedient to the three fundamental principles and five moral disciplines in human relations, even though they may dwell within the evil, fallen realm.(26-265, 1969.11.9)
These vary according to existing moral codes and disciplines and, before Scientology, despite their use in law as a test of “sanity,” had no basis in fact but only in opinion.
My greatest fear for South Africa is producing students who are technically proficient in the discipline but without a sense of moral or ethical obligation.
First of all there are the basic rules of moral and ethics and self discipline (yama and niyama), then the discipline of the body (asana) and the rhythm of the breath (pranayama).
The discipline of economics began as moral philosophy and sought to discover the ‘natural’ laws of the economy.
That is why there was growing concern that schools did not provide sufficient opportunity to foster social and emotional skills, such as cooperative mindsets, discipline, and morals.
In reflection of a massive influx of peasants from farming villages to Edo, Tadakuni issued the ‘Hito gaeshi-rei’ (a law to return peasants to their villages) to reconstruct faming villages, and also banned luxury goods and reinforced tighter discipline on public morals in order to rehabilitate the city which was loosened up during the Ogosho Period.
Understanding of the fundamentals of natural science disciplines and safety and moral values regarding science and technology The ability to understand physical, chemical and life phenomena based on the fundamentals of physics, chemistry and biology.The ability to systematically understand the fundamental of materials and life and contribute to the creation of substances ranging from atoms and molecules to polymers and living molecules as well as technology development.
自然科学分野の基礎を理解し、科学技術に対する安全・倫理観 物理学、化学、生物学の基礎を土台として、物理、化学、生命現象を理解する能力 物質・生命の基礎を体系的にとらえ、原子・分子から高分子、生体分子にわたる物質の創成と技術開発に貢献する能力 学修した内容を理論・技術的に応用展開する能力を修得し、物質とナノテクノロジー、環境と生命の調和、高機能材料の創製に結びつく理工学における課題解決に貢献する能力 機能創造理工学科 本学科では、科学・技術に関する確固たる基礎知識を持ち、新たな物理的価値観の獲得や機能の創造に繋がる独創的技術の開発に貢献できる人材の養成を目的として、学生が卒業時に身につけているべき能力や知識を次のように定めています。
Principle 3: All responsible parties are required to take clear responsibility to avoid moral hazard.A safety net is indispensable to prevent systemic risk from materializing and to ensure financial system stability.However, if it is known that safety net is being enhanced, the more it becomes likely that bank management and shareholders will not effect self-discipline as rigorously as would otherwise be the case.
原則3.モラルハザード防止の観点から、関係者の責任の明確化が図られるなど適切な対応が講じられること セーフティネットは、システミック・リスクの顕現化を防止し、金融システムの安定を確保するためにどうしても必要なものである。しかし、それが整備され、周知の事実になればなるほど、経営者や株主等による自己規律が失われかねないという、モラルハザードの問題が生じる。
8 General Exceptions Subject to the requirement that such measures are not applied in a manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between or among ASEAN and Japan where the same conditions prevail, or a disguised restriction on trade within the ASEAN-Japan CEP, nothing in this Framework should prevent any individual ASEAN Member State and/or Japan from adopting or enforcing measures, in accordance with the rules and disciplines of the WTO Agreement, for: (a) The protection of the national security of each ASEAN Member State and/or Japan; (b) The protection of articles of artistic, historic and archaeological value; or (c) Such other measures which each ASEAN Member State and/or Japan deems or deem necessary for the protection of public morals or to maintain public order, or for the protection of human, animal or plant life and health.
8 一般的例外 この枠組みのいかなる記述も、日本又はASEANの個々の加盟国がWTO協定の規則及び規律に従って以下の目的のための措置をとり、または実施することを妨げるものではない。 ただし、それらの措置が、同じ条件の下にある日本若しくはASEANとの間において恣意的若しくは不当な差別の手段となるような態様で、または国際貿易に対する偽装した制限となるような態様で適用されないことを条件とする。
I’ll be using a more narrow definition of philosophy offered up by the British Dictionary: … the academic discipline concerned with making explicit the nature and significance of ordinary and scientific beliefs and investigating the intelligibility of concepts by means of rational argument concerning their presuppositions, implications, and interrelationships; in particular, the rational investigation of the nature and structure of reality (metaphysics), the resources and limits of knowledge (epistemology), the principles and import of moral judgment (ethics), and the relationship between language and reality (semantics) …
通常の科学的信念の性質と意義を明示し、それらの前提、含意、相互関係に関する合理的な議論による概念の了解度を調査することに関わる学問分野。 現実(形而上学)の性質と構造、知識(認識論)の資源と限界、道徳的判断(倫理)の原則と輸入、言語と現実の関係(意味論)の合理的な調査。
Finished goods, tea, the sky is almost evening, tens of miles run around the mountain Fang Jue has been a moral one physical suffering from arthritis in both knees burning in pain, and I very much stop and lie down for a while, even if only a moment, can not do, tour guides, and there is no arrangement where a rest, I must observe discipline, grit one’s teeth continue to catch up with the team before the trip, his son sensible to accompany my side, help me hold things, concerns from time to time asked me: “Mom, can you insist on it?”, in order to give his son to leave a strong impression, even to his son to be a role model, I insisted on walking, and finally did not lag behind.


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