


「ordinary dividend」の意味(noun)

品詞(英単語での分類): 名詞



The company has warned shareholders the ordinary dividend may be at risk as full-year profits will be substantially below expectations.

参考:「ordinary dividend」の例文一覧

What is the difference between the ordinary dividend receiver and the ordinary receiver of interest?
After the ordinary dividend has been paid, the surplus is returned to the farmer.
Between 1946 and 1960 ordinary dividend payments rose by £584 million (164 per cent.).
1946 年から 1960 年の間に、普通配当の支払いは 5 億 8,400 万ポンド (164%) 増加しました。
A special dividend carries a tax credit in the same way as an ordinary dividend .
If we deduct tax the net ordinary dividend in that year, 1946–47, over the whole field, is 111 compared with 100 in 1939–40.
税金を差し引くと、1946 年から 47 年のその年の純普通配当は、分野全体で 111 であるのに対し、1939 年から 40 年の 100 である。
Yet the majority of these companies have not been in a position to pay their preference or ordinary dividend for a very long time.
He must have been thinking of the ordinary dividend of a certain railway before the war.
These will allow non-close companies to obtain relief for single gifts up to 3 per cent. of their ordinary dividend payments.
これにより、非閉鎖会社は、単一の贈与に対して最大 3% の救済を受けることができます。彼らの普通配当支払いの。
In fact, it has never paid an ordinary dividend at all.
The ordinary dividend has increased in this way between 1957 and 1964 without any new capital being added.
1957 年から 1964 年の間、普通配当はこのように増加し、新しい資本が追加されることはありませんでした。





ordinary dividendの実際の意味・ニュアンスを理解して、正しく使いましょう!

In order to thank all our stockholders for continued support, as shown below, we decided to pay an extra dividend in addition to ordinary dividends on shares.
If the effective date occurs before the record date of any Ordinary Course Dividend, ARM Shareholders will not be entitled to receive such dividend.
In addition, ARM Shareholders will also be entitled to receive and retain any future dividends in the ordinary course with a record date prior to the effective date (“Ordinary Course Dividends“), without any reduction of the offer consideration payable under the Acquisition.
If, after the date of this Announcement, any dividend and/or other distribution and/or other return of capital (other than the Dividend and any Ordinary Course Dividends) is announced, declared or paid in respect of the ARM Shares, SBG reserves the right to reduce the offer consideration by an amount up to the amount of such dividend and/or distribution and/or return of capital so announced, declared or paid.
As a result, SOFTBANK expects that the above mentioned dividends receipt will contribute approximately 2.5 billion yen to ordinary income and net income.
Does the medical corporation have public utility? It cannot pay dividends, but it can buy, sell and inherit assets and it is levied taxes as ordinary company.
Because of this decrease, we assume ordinary income and net income to be 1,921 million yen and 1,919 million yen, respectively, and dividend per unit to result in 4,850 yen.
Ordinary profit of “overseas subsidiaries” increased by 34.7 billion yen YoY. Excluding the intra-group dividends, is it correct to understand that the actual increase in ordinary profit at overseas subsidiaries was about 19 billion yen?
With regard to the year-end dividend for the fiscal year under review, based on the above basic policy, the 52nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders has decided to pay \15 per share, giving comprehensive consideration to performance trends, future business development, financial strength, etc.
Because the dividends on domestically listed shares and the performance of affiliated companies to which the equity method is applied was favorable (the investment profit by the equity method was ¥700 million), ordinary profits were about ¥11.3 billion.
株式会社メタルワン | ニュースリリース 当中間期の連結業績につきましては、売上高が約9,244億円、営業利益が約115億円となり、国内上場株式の配当や持分法会社(持分法投資利益7億円)も順調だったことから、経常利益は約113億円となりました。
In the case where the domestic ordinary corporation has received any amount of dividend, etc. as prescribed in Article 23, paragraph (1) (Exclusion from Gross Profits of Dividend Received, etc.) (excluding any amount falling under the provisions of paragraph (3) of the said Article) during the liquidation procedure, the sum of the amounts listed as follows
Regarding dividend amount, we have announced 9 yen per share as interim dividend, and we currently intend to pay a total of 18 yen per share annually, as we predicted upon disclosing Fiscal 2005 1st Quarter financial status on August 4th, because we see our Consolidated Net Income in revised plan still achieving a historical high, while Ordinary Income is declining.
Appropriation of surplusAs described in the timely disclosure document entitled “SDK to Change Record Date for Dividend Payment” dated March 6, 2017, the board of directors today decided to forgo term-end payment of dividends based on the original record date of December 31, 2016.This is because we will not be able to finalize financial statements prior to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.
To further enhance shareholder returns and expand the investor base, SBG determined to split its ordinary shares at a ratio of two for one (“the Share Split”) and forecasts the annual dividend for the fiscal year ending March 2020 after the Share Split to be JPY 44.00 per share, which is the same amount as the prior year.
In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation approved at the 16th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23, 2006 and Article 459(1) of the Companies Act, decisions regarding the distribution of dividends shall be made via a resolution by the Board of Directors, without requiring a resolution by a General Meeting of Shareholders, unless otherwise stipulated by law.
If public funds injections to boost capital is deemed necessary for banks that have been judged capable of continuing business, one effective way would be for the government to buy their ordinary stocks through third-party allocation on condition that the banks agreed to take measures such as suspending dividend payment, reducing capital, completely replacing top management, and reorganizing the banking sector as a whole.
Ono Pharmaceutical – Company News March 6, 2000 Dividends distribution for the fiscal term ending March, 2000 (the 52nd term) We have the pleasure to report you that the steady growth in sales of our bronchial asthma drug “Onon Capsule” and other existing products will likely bring our sales revenues as well as our operating and ordinary profits slightly beyond our initial goal.
ニュースリリース2000/03/06 皆様には、ますますご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。平素は格別のご高配を賜り誠に有り難うございます。さて、当社は、当期において、気管支喘息治療剤オノンカプセルが順調に伸長するとともに、他の既存主力品も堅調に推移しており、 売上面では、当初目標を若干上回ることが確かなものとなりつつあります。
The amount that remains after deducting, from the sum of the amounts of dividend, etc. pertaining to the shares, etc. of an affiliated corporation prescribed in Article 23, paragraph (1), the amount calculated, as specified by Cabinet Order, to be the portion, which pertains to the said shares, etc. of an affiliated corporation, of the amount of interest on liabilities that the domestic ordinary corporation has paid during the liquidation procedure
Further, for Fiscal 2013, Ordinary Income included some temporary income such as gain from sale of container vans, or dividend from non-consolidated affiliated company, etc., which will decrease in Fiscal 2014 compared to Fiscal 2013 and that works negatively for Fiscal 2014. Eventually our forecast for Fiscal 2014 is estimated as breakeven or just the same as Fiscal 2013.
また2013年度収支には、コンテナの資産売却による売却益や、非連結のグループ会社からの 配当等、例年よりも多い一時的な利益が入っていて、この分が2014年度は2013年度に比べると 減少するという収益の悪化要因があり、最終的に収支見通しとしては、2013年度と同じく 収支均衡の数字を現在想定しています。
In the case where a domestic ordinary corporation receives any interest, etc., dividend, etc., compensation money for benefits, interest, profit, margin, distribution of profit, or monetary award as prescribed in the items of Article 174 (Tax Base of Income Tax in the Case of Domestic Corporations) of the Income Tax Act, the amount of income tax to be imposed thereon pursuant to the provisions of the said Act shall be credited against the amount of corporation tax on the liquidation income of the domestic ordinary corporation, as specified by Cabinet Order.


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