Pinterest Trends: Everything You Need To Know

Learn what the Pinterest Trends tool is, how to use it for many use cases, how it compares to Google Trends, and how pinterest100 helps discover new trends.

What Is Pinterest Trends Tool

Pinterest initially launched Pinterest Trends to the masses in December 2019 to enable marketers to discover search volume trends made on Pinterest. 

In 2019 Pinterest launched the tool with only U.S based searches. Pinterest Trends have since introduced Canadian and UK-based trend searches to the tool.

Pinterests Trends - Example Of Explosive Trend Growth

As an alternative search engine and social media for discovering new ideas, Pinterest has alot of user behavioral data from the pins and boards their users make to enable the tool itself.聽

Suppose you use Pinterest actively to drive sales or social media traffic to your landing pages or to grow your followers and monthly viewers. In that case, you want to understand what is trending on Pinterest at any given time to keep growing your results.聽

As a fairly new web analytics tool, from where you can’t go beyond search terms data past a year, it’s still quite useful for marketers to understand what trends they should be looking for next. Either for planning their social media posts, ads, or developing a digital marketing strategy.聽

And the data that Pinterest shows are the relative search volumes that each search term on Pinterest generates. 

And if users search these on Pinterest, it’s highly likely they would use the search terms on social media platforms and other search engines.

So it has many more benefits instead of only increasing your Pinterest followers and viewers.  

Next, let’s see some of the possible use cases for the tool. 

Pinterests Trends Tool Use Cases

With a little creative, trend data can be handy for whatever you’re trying to achieve. 

It can be for business-related: growing sales, brand awareness, gaining traffic. But you can use it for research purposes to understand more the users of Pinterest itself. 

But here’s’ a list of some starting ideas on how you can use Pinterest Trends data in the future. 

  • Keyword research (For SEO and social media)
  • Discovering seasonality of ideas and themes
  • Finding new niches (especially from the Pinterest 100 report)
  • What’s trending and where it’s trending
  • Topics for content marketing
  • Discover new product ideas to sell on your online store
Uses For Pinterest Trends Tool

But the most useful Pinterest trends data is for, of course, growing your following on Pinterest by creating pins that are trendy and relevant. 

And if you’re using Pinterest Ads, the trend data will be highly useful to gain more results and to increase your campaigns’ performance on the platform. 

Learn the benefits of Pinterest Ads.

What Is Pinterest 100?聽

Pinterest100.com聽is an annual report that reveals emerging ideas and trends for the upcoming year.聽

Pinterest 100 Example of 90s rerun

Through the website, you can immerse yourself in the themes and topics that interest you or your business and go deeper into what Pinterest data predicts will trend in the upcoming year. 

The data helps brands to plan and test emerging ideas for upcoming campaigns. 

For example, you can look for some ideas from the report and use the trend tool to analyze the trends more in-depth and to pinpoint precise search terms for later use.  

But to get the most out of the tool, we need to start using it.聽

How To Use Pinterest Trends

Gladly using Pinterest Trends is super simple. 

Firstly, you need to go to here聽to open up the tool.

Then you would decide upon which of the following countries you want to see the trends data from, and the available options are:

  • U.S
  • Canada
  • U.K

And then, you would enter the desired search term into the search bar.聽

Pinterest Trends Landing Page

The tool greets you with a chart that displays your search terms trends over time (which is roughly one year) 

Below the chart, you’ll see related search terms that you can add to the chart. Adding related search terms enables the direct comparison between different search terms and their trends. 

You can choose up to four search terms at once for analysis.聽

How to use pinterest trends

Below the related search terms, you will see some of the said search term’s top pins. Looking at the top pins of any search term helps you discover what kind of pins work for each search term. 

But if you’re wondering what the numbers in the chart mean, let’s open them up a bit. 

Without understanding the search terms relativity to each other, your analysis will be trivial. 

What Do The Numbers In Pinterest Trends Mean?

The numbers you see in the charts represent a relative search term search volume of each search term. 

The tool gives search terms a number between 0 – 100, where 0 would mean the lowest search volume and 100 the highest volume. 

When you compare search terms together, it allows you to see which of the words is more trendy or popular at any given time during a year. 

For example, If we look at three search terms: home decor, hair, and travel.聽

Pinterest Trends Example

We can see that in the week ending on September 9, hair has a relative score of 78, travel 26, and home decor 31. 

And in this specific case, hair would be the trendiest of the bunch, home decor the second, and, lastly, travel. 

Let’s say you have a blog that covers all three topics, and we could see that sharing content about hair would be the trendiest option. 

The crucial part of understanding which of the terms are popular is understanding how their popularity developed during the year. 

Because to be honest, being trendy today might not be trendy tomorrow. 

So you need to analyze past data to make data-driven decisions to choose your future topic to have the best chance of getting more pins, organic traffic, and any other goals your business wants to achieve.

How Does Pinterest Trends Compare To Google Trends?聽

Google Trends is the equivalent tool for trend analysis that uses Google’s vast data sources to determine search terms and topic trends. 

Learn everything you need to know about the tool Google Trends.

Google Trends Example

While Pinterest is massive in its own right, Google has more data about user behavior. 

It means that in most cases, Google Trends can offer more detailed trends data on most topics.  

The biggest difference is that in Google Trends, you can source data from 2008 and search data from 2004, and you can analyze more topical trends more broadly than just search terms themselves. 

But in Google Trends, the data doesn’t indicate search volumes, while Pinterest does. 

As Pinterest has over  320 million users that pinned over 200 billion ideas to date, it’s a discovery tool that users use to save and plan their next ideas. 

The large userbase means if your business or your marketing strategy uses discovery as the primary tool for growth, Pinterest Trends is a superior tool to use. 

Pinterest’s Trends data is also very applicable to other social media marketing platforms, especially discovery-based ones, such as Instagram.  

That said, there’s no reason not to use both tools in tandem. Good trend analysis uses as many data sources to grasp better what works and what doesn’t. 

And as both are free, easy, and fast to use, no matter your topic, goal, or niche, the data helps you discover something new every time. 


Adding Pinterest Trends as a tool for analyzing trends to your marketing toolkit is a no-brainer.

It can help you discover the trends that matter to you or use it with other tools to more precisely determine trends of search terms and keywords that you use more broadly everywhere. 

Is it essential? 

It is probably not unless you’re actively using Pinterest in your social media marketing to drive traffic or sales.

It depends mostly on your industry, and if your target audience uses a lot of Pinterest to discover new things, then the tool is essential. You always want to know how your target audience searches and finds something. 

But if your target audience isn’t on Pinterest, then you need to take the data with a bit of a grain salt as the data skews towards Pinterest user behavior. 

Sometimes you want to look at trends from as wide of an angle as possible, in which the tool becomes essential as Pinterest is a large platform with a lot of data, you can’t exclude Pinterest’s data from a broader analysis.

All in all, as a tool for discovering trends for marketing, Pinterest is great.聽
