差在哪?Although, though, even though, despite 用法上的差別!

You are currently viewing 差在哪?Although, though, even though, despite 用法上的差別!

Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來說明「雖然」句型的各種寫法~

講到「雖然」的句型,although 應該是最常見的用法,但其實還有 though, even though, despite 這些用法可以代換,而且在多益的文法選擇題也常看到它們同時出現在選項中,所以今天就是要讓你搞清楚該如何正確地使用這些字囉!

although, though, even though, despite 的意思都是「雖然、即使」,並作為讓步子句以表達語意上的對比 (contrast),但用法不太相同,接下來會依照詞性及用法把它們分成兩組介紹:

(一)連接詞:although, though, even though


although, though, even though 的用法及差別

  • although / though / even though + 子句(S+V)

although, though, even though 的用法差異不大,它們皆為連接詞 (conj.),用來連接兩個子句,且可以放在句首或句中。

① though:是相對比較不正式的用法,且是唯一可以放在句尾副詞用的字,口語中滿常使用的。
② even though:可以看到它多了 even 這個字,所以多了強調作用,也就是可以加強對比的語氣。

Although Michael has earned a lot of money, he is still unsatisfied.
Even though Michael has earned a lot of money, he is still unsatisfied.
Though Michael has earned a lot of money, he is still unsatisfied.
Michael has earned a lot of money. He is unsatisfied, though.

Sandra plans to study in college although she is 40 years old.
Sandra plans to study in college though she is 40 years old.
Sandra plans to study in college even though she is 40 years old.
Sandra is 40 years old now. She plans to study in college, though.

⚠️ although, though, even though 的常見錯誤

我們用中文時會習慣說「雖然…,但是…」,不過英文句子中是不能同時使用 although / though / even though 和 but 的,只能擇一,因為兩個子句只需要一個連接詞喔,而 but 會是比較口語的用法,看看以下示範吧~

Although my grandfather is 90, but he is very healthy. ❌

Although my grandfather is 90, he is very healthy. ⭕️
My grandfather is 90, but he is very healthy. ⭕️

以上的觀念就跟 because 和 so 不能同時用一樣,如果想知道更多從屬連接詞的概念,可以參考這篇文章:
👉 【因為 英文】because 跟 because of 的用法、差別!

despite 的用法

  • despite + N/Ving
  • despite the fact that + 子句(S+V)

despite 為介系詞,所以要加上名詞或動名詞,可以放在句首或句中。若要加上子句,就要使用 despite the fact that 的型態囉。留意一下,despite 這組用法用起來會更顯正式唷。

Despite the lack of sleep, Annie was still energetic.
Despite the fact that Annie didn’t get enough sleep, she was still energetic.

The children were still happy despite losing the baseball game.
The children were still happy despite the fact that they lost the baseball game.

想了解更多 despite 的細節,可以參考這篇文章:
👉 「despite」正確用法是?來看例句一次搞懂! 




1. _____ his good performance last season, Jeremy didn’t get promoted.
(A) Although
(B) Because
(C) Despite
(D) Due to

💡 解答:

Despite his good performance last season, Jeremy didn’t get promoted.


因為 his good performance 為名詞,所以空格內只能選介系詞,也就是 (C) Despite 和 (D) Due to,根據語意要選 (C) Despite 才合理。

2. _____ the cost was high, the company still decided to go with the manufacturer.
(A) Although
(B) Because
(C) Despite
(D) Due to

💡 解答:

Although the cost was high, the company still decided to go with the manufacturer.

因為 the cost was high 為子句(主詞+動詞),所以空格內要選連接詞,選項中 (A) Although 和 (B) Because 合乎詞性,而語意上為對比之意而非因果關係,因此答案為 (A) Although。


3. 雖然貝蒂每天都吃很多點心,但她都不會變胖。

💡 解答:

  • Although/Though/Even though Betty eats lots of snacks every day, she doesn’t gain any weight.
  • Betty eats lots of snacks every day. She doesn’t gain any weight, though.
  • Despite eating lots of snacks every day, Betty doesn’t gain any weight.
  • Despite the fact that Betty eats lots of snacks every day, she doesn’t gain any weight.

That’s All for Today



👉 Even though 跟 Even if 的用法差在哪?來搞懂!


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Hello! :) 是一個心思細膩、喜歡嘗試不同事物的英文老師,覺得英文可以讓你的世界更廣大,希望能幫助你學英文,讓生命更美好!❤️