「as」正確用法是?來搞懂 as 的6大用法!(含例句)

You are currently viewing 「as」正確用法是?來搞懂 as 的6大用法!(含例句)

Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天來跟我一起搞懂 as 的 6 大用法吧!

相信 as、for、to、with 等功能詞是很多人學英文時很頭痛的地方,因為它們通常有很多不同的語意,讓人常常覺得很混亂!😓 不過別擔心,英文庫會幫大家整理出來各個功能詞的用法,讓你不再傻傻分不清楚啦!趕快來瞧瞧吧!

今天要談的是 as, 它主要用作「介系詞」或「從屬連接詞」,以下會做更詳細的說明,記得一定要看例句示範喔!

as 詞性 中文意思
介系詞 1.  以…的身分、作為、當作



2.  由於、因為
3.  當…時
4.  隨著…
5.  依照、如同、像是、和…一樣
6.  雖然、儘管、即使

1. as 表示「以…的身分、作為、當作」

as 用作介系詞,後面會加上名詞名詞片語

Catherine works as a waitress in the restaurant.

If we clear out the garage, you can use it as a studio.

The news that Kobe Bryant died in a crash came as quite a shock to many people.

On Christmas, the principal dressed up as Santa Claus.

As one of the family members, you should help do some household chores.

  • 視A為B
    regard / view / see / look upon / think of / refer to  A (某人/事物.) as B (形容詞/名詞)

此用法會搭配以上的動詞,as 後方可以加形容詞名詞

Smartphones are looked upon as necessities in our modern society.

Some people regard the death penalty as inhumane.

2. as 表示「由於、因為」

as 用作從屬連接詞,此時 as 與 since 或 because 意義相近,但更為正式一點,可以放在句首或句中。

As the weather was so bad last weekend, we had to delay our journey.

I decided to go home as it was getting late.

3. as 表示「當…時」

as 用作從屬連接詞,此時的 as 與 when 或 while 意義相近,表示兩件事同時發生,as 可以放在句首或句中。

As we left the restaurant after lunch, it started to rain heavily.

All the people cheered as they reached the summit of Jade Mountain.

I saw Linda as I was getting off the bus yesterday.

Just as I was lying down on the bed to relax, the phone rang.

4. as 表示「隨著…」

as 用作從屬連接詞,在此表示兩件事隨著時間的推移在做變化,as 可以放在句首或句中。此用法可以用介系詞 「with + 名詞」替換。

As technology advances, our lives are getting more convenient.
= With the advancement of technology, our lives are getting more convenient.

As the economy develops rapidly, the problems of pollution are getting worse.
= With the rapid development of the economy, the problems of pollution are getting worse.

Hugh Jackman gets more attractive as he gets older.

💡 延伸閱讀: 「with」正確用法是?來看例句搞懂各種用法!

5. as 表示「依照、如同、像是、和…一樣」

as 用作從屬連接詞,此時 as 與 like 意義相近,但 as 不能用在有比較意味的句子,如:Like most students, Tim doesn’t like homework.(如同大多數的學生,提姆不喜歡回家作業。)此句的 like 無法用 as 取代。


The coach told me not to ask any questions, just to do as he said.

Do in Rome as the Romans do.

As you said, the air quality was pretty bad this morning.

Don’t touch anything at the scene of the crime. Leave everything as it is.

As you sow, so shall you reap.
種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。/ 一分耕耘,一分收穫。(📖 sow – 耕種;reap – 收割)
( *此句話為較正式的用句。)

6. as 表示「雖然、儘管、即使」

as 用作從屬連接詞,此時 as 與 though 意義相近,為讓步語氣。要特別注意的是,副詞子句中做修飾的形容詞或副詞需置於句首,形成倒裝語序,但主要子句不用倒裝。

🔺如果在句首加入 As 會讓句子變得比較口語化喔。

  1. (As) Young as the child is, he knows how to take care of his sister.
  2. (As) Tired as Mom was, she still cooked dinner for me.
  3. (As) Old as the car is, it runs pretty well.
  4. (As) Hard as Jenny studied, she couldn’t pass the math exam.


  1. 那個小孩雖然還小,就知道要如何照顧她妹妹。
  2. 媽媽即使很累,她還是煮晚餐給我。
  3. 那輛車雖老舊,卻還是運轉地不錯。
  4. 珍妮雖然很用功念書,但她還是沒辦法通過數學考試。

📖 此用法的語意和 although/though 的句型相近,所以可以互相替換,例句如下:

Although Andrew was sick, he came to the meeting.
= Sick as Andrew was, he came to the meeting.

▸ 特別需要句型架構的讀者可以參考:

Though/ Although + S + V + adj./adv. …, S + V

= adj./adv. + as/ though + S + V…, S + V

以上就是 as 的六大用法,你可能會想問,as 有這麼多意思,放在句子時怎麼知道是哪一個呢?🤔

其實這並不難,你可以先從 as 後面的字判斷,如果是接一個句子,那 as 就是當連接詞,接著就可以從句意或上下文判斷,因為 as 的各個意思相差很多,所以通常讓句子合理的意思只會有一個。而多閱讀英文也會讓你判讀的時間更短且更精準喔。

小試身手 ✏️

看完 as 的主要用法後,馬上來測試一下自己是不是完全理解了呢~
下面有八個句子,請你根據句意判斷 as 在句中的意思及詞性為何,練習完再往下對答案喔。

  1. As a citizen, you have to pay taxes to the government.
  2. As time goes on, Jack will understand what his dad said.
  3. Old as Mr. Smith was, he still worked very hard.
  4. Columbus is famous as a YouTuber.
  5. As you are in poor health, you should not stay up late.
  6. I saw Crowd Lu as I was shopping yesterday. He was so cute and friendly.
  7. Tai Tzu Ying, as we had expected, won first prize in the badminton competition.
  8. Steve is thought of as the smartest person in his family.

💡 解答:

as 的詞性及意思 中文翻譯
1 (介系詞)身為、作為 身為一個公民,你必須繳稅給政府。
2 (連接詞)隨著、當 隨著時間過去,傑克將會理解他爸爸所說的話。
3 (連接詞)雖然、儘管 雖然史密斯先生很年長了,他工作仍然很認真。
4 (介系詞)身為、作為 哥倫布以身為 YT 影片創作者而聞名。
5 (連接詞)因為 因為你的健康狀況不好,你不應該熬夜。
6 (連接詞)當…時 我昨天逛街看到盧廣仲欸。他既可愛又親切。
7 (連接詞)如同、依照 如同我們期待的,戴資穎在羽球比賽中得了第一名。
8 (介系詞)作為、當作 史蒂夫被視為他家族中最聰明的人。

That’s All for Today

有這麼多用法的 as 真的很容易在文章中看到,這次的內容希望你都搞懂了,不再為了 as 的意思傷腦筋,未來也能在寫作上運用自如!

想了解其他跟 as 有關的用法可以參考以下文章喔:
👉 來搞懂 as long as、as soon as、as far as 的用法! (含例句)
👉 「至於」英文怎麼說?As to 還是 As for?

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Hello! :) 是一個心思細膩、喜歡嘗試不同事物的英文老師,覺得英文可以讓你的世界更廣大,希望能幫助你學英文,讓生命更美好!❤️