來搞懂 as long as、as soon as、as far as 的用法! (含例句)

You are currently viewing 來搞懂 as long as、as soon as、as far as 的用法! (含例句)

Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天讓我們來搞懂幾個 as… as… 的用法吧!

不曉得大家是不是看到 as 就頭痛了,因為除了 as 本身就有很多意思,而 as… as…又能延伸出很多片語和用法……😩。別擔心,英文庫早就幫你整理好相關用法,就等著你來學習了!話不多說,往下看看 as long as、as soon as、as far as 該怎麼用吧!


1. as long as  只要…

  • As long as A句, B句.

as long as 指的是如果 A 事件發生了,那麼 B 事件就能夠實現,是條件句的一種。
as long as 作為連接詞來連接兩個句子,可以放在句首或句中,代換成 so long as 也是一樣的意思。

Backstreet Boys 和 Justin Bieber 各有一首歌都叫做 <As Long As You Love Me>,推薦你去聽聽唷 🎶~

You can go out as long as you finish your homework.

As long as you love me, I don’t care how much money you have.

As long as I have you, nothing else matters.

As long as the weather is good next weekend, we will go hiking.

2. as soon as  一…就…

  • As soon as A句, B句.

soon 的語意就是指時間上很快地,所以 as soon as 也跟時間有關係,表示 A 事件發生後,B 事件馬上就跟著發生,可以用於過去或未來的事件。
as soon as 作為連接詞來連接兩個句子,放在句首或句中都可以喔。

The baby stopped crying as soon as she saw her mother.

Damn it! As soon as I walked out of my house, it started to rain.

As soon as Jennifer graduated from high school, her family moved to California.

The meeting will begin as soon as the boss shows up.

📖 補充

要表示「一… 就…」的意思,還可以使用另外兩個常用句型,就讓我來代換以上的例句給你看吧:

  • the moment + S + V
  • on / upon + Ving

The baby stopped crying as soon as she saw her mother.
= The baby stopped crying the moment she saw her mother.
= The baby stopped crying on/upon seeing her mother.

要特別留意的是,在用 on / upon + Ving 的句型時,前後主詞必須相同,在以上的例句中,前後主詞都是 the baby,所以可以使用這個用法,但其他例句由於前後主詞不同,所以無法直接代換,以下再提供幾個例句給你參考喔:

The moment Helen heard the bad news, she burst out crying.
On/Upon hearing
the bad news, Helen burst out crying.

The moment I arrived in Paris, I fell in love with this city.
On/Upon arriving 
in Paris, I fell in love with this city.

3. as far as

  • as far as  達到…的程度;達到…的距離

far 的意思為「遠的」,可以用在距離或程度方面,而此用法的 as far as 後面會加上名詞

I’ve read as far as the fifth chapter, but I still need to read three more chapters.

After you reach the summit, I suggest you go as far as the old castle. It’s worth visiting.

as far as 除了以上的用法外,還常搭配其他的字形成以下的說法,帶有「範圍、限度」之意:

❶ as far as [something] is concerned  關於某事物

這個意思就和 about 和 with regard to 的意思差不多,也作 so far as [something] is concerned。

As far as the budget is concerned, the company decided to sponsor our event.

As far as speaking English is concerned, Rudy is doing pretty well. However, she should improve her writing.

❷ as far as I am concerned  就我而言

這個用法可以用來表達個人意見,與 in my opinion 語意類似,也作 so far as I am concerned(I am 可以自行代換成其他人稱)。

As far as I’m concerned, we had better cancel the trip this weekend as the typhoon is coming.

As far as Columbia’s concerned, Columbus is her ideal lover.

⚠️ 這個用法很常在議論文中使用,但小心不要和 I think 一起用喔,因為 as far as I am concerned 已經有「我覺得…」的概念在。


As far as I am concerned, I think we should adopt Adam’s method. ❌
As far as I am concerned, we should adopt Adam’s method. ⭕️
I think we should adopt Adam’s method. ⭕️

❸ as far as I know  就我所知

這裡是指某人基於自己知道的事情表達想法,但不確定確切的事實為何,也作 so far as I know。

As far as I know, Tracy won’t come to the office until next Monday. She seemed to have caught a cold.

The party will start one hour later, as far as we know. So, you don’t need to hurry.

❹ as far as I can tell/see/remember  按照我所理解/看見/記得

此用法和以上的 as far as I know  類似,亦用於表達個人想法,也作 so far as I can tell/see/remember。

As far as the doctor could tell, my grandma could live no longer than three to six months.

As far as I can remember, Denis moved to Japan last year. So, this address is invalid.

❺ as far as it goes 在一定程度上還不錯


The newbie’s project is pretty good, as far as it goes.

It’s a good article as far as it goes, but there are still a few mistakes.

小試身手 ✏️

學習完以上的觀念,來練習看看你是否完全理解了吧!以下的句子請依照語意填入 as long as、as soon as、as far as 吧!(要忽略大小寫唷)

① __________ I arrive at the hotel, I will send a message to you.

As soon as I arrive at the hotel, I will send a message to you.

➡️ 強調到了之後就會馬上傳訊息,有時間上的先後順序,所以會用 as soon as。

② __________ you practice speaking English every day, you will be able to pass the speaking test.

As long as you practice speaking English every day, you will be able to pass the speaking test.

➡️ 練習說英文是要每天做的,不會馬上就能通過考試,所以會使用 as long as。

③ Mom asked us to wash our hands __________ we arrived home.

Mom asked us to wash our hands as soon as we arrived home.

➡️ 回家和洗手這兩件事是有先後順序的,回家後要馬上洗手,所以會用 as soon as 表示動作先後喔。

④ __________ I could remember, Richard was the last person to leave the office.

As far as I could remember, Richard was the last person to leave the office yesterday.

➡️ 這題應該很明顯,句中有 I could remember,搭配語意就會填可以一起連用的 as far as。

⑤ You will arrive at the destination __________ you follow this route.

You will arrive at the destination as long as you follow this route.

➡️ 從句子可得知還沒按路線也還沒抵達,也不太可能馬上抵達,但只要達成案路線走的條件,就可以實現到達目的地這件事,所以會選 as long as。

That’s All for Today


學英文這條路很漫長,看到進步需要一段時間,所以最後想送你們一句話:It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.(只要你堅持不懈,步伐很慢也沒關係。)

以上的兩個 as 如果你都理解的話,來看看一個 as 你也會了嗎:
👉 「as」正確用法是?來搞懂 as 的 6大用法!(含例句)


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Hello! :) 是一個心思細膩、喜歡嘗試不同事物的英文老師,覺得英文可以讓你的世界更廣大,希望能幫助你學英文,讓生命更美好!❤️