「include」正確用法是?加 to V.? 加 V-ing?

You are currently viewing 「include」正確用法是?加 to V.? 加 V-ing?

唷齁~大家好,歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Min 👋!今天咱們要搞定的是 include 的用法,當然也會一併介紹大家常混淆的 including 和 included 這兩個長得很像的親戚。

這三個字的中文都是「包含」,既然它們是親戚,就代表雖然長得有些神似,但各有不同的地方。比方說,假如我想說「台幣3600的房費包含早餐」,要用 include、including、included 表達的話,分別怎麼說呢?先給你例句暖暖身,讓你觀察一下它們的差別吧 👀。

  • The NT$ 3,600 room rate includes breakfast.
  • The room rate is NT$ 3,600, including breakfast.
  • The room rate is NT$ 3,600, breakfast included.

看出什麼端倪了嗎?沒錯,它們最明顯的差別就是在句子裡出現的位置不同,詳情往下一探究竟吧,Ready? Let’s go! 💃


include 的用法

include 是動詞,所以位置都是出現在主詞的後面。如果我們說 A includes B,意思是 B 屬於 A 其中的一部分,例如:

The bill includes service.

The city tour will include a visit to the Science Museum.

Excuse me. Does the price include tax?

include 後面加動詞怎麼用?

要注意的是,include 後面碰到動詞時,會比較特別!你還記得在學校學過英文裡有一群動詞後面不能加 to V.,只能加 V-ing 嗎?像是 keep、enjoy、finish,這一群動詞其實也 include 了 include 唷(好吧,不好笑 😐)。或許你可以這樣理解,當你想表達「包含……」,指的就是包含一件事,既然是事情,所以原本的動詞就適合加上 ing,來變成名詞的性質(小小聲:這就是你在學校常聽到的「動名詞」),就會顯得比較自然,來看例句的示範吧。

Their plan includes visiting his parents. ⭕️

Their plan includes to visit his parents. ❌

Their daily routines include walking their dog twice a day. ⭕️

Their daily routines include to walk their dog twice a day. ❌

His responsibilities include arranging meetings for his boss. ⭕️

His responsibilities include to arrange meetings for his boss. ❌

關於動詞後面加上動名詞的主題,如果有興趣可以去看這篇。 👉 動詞後面要接 V-ing 還是 to V.?(動名詞 vs. 不定詞)


including 和 included 的差別?

including 跟 included 也都是「包含」的意思,但是兩個字的位置是相反的。如果要加上名詞,表達「包含 XXX 」時,including 會放在名詞的前面,就跟中文的順序是一樣的。

The room rate is NT$ 3,600, including breakfast.
房費台幣 3600,含早餐。

My brother ate all the snacks, including my yogurt!
我哥吃光了所有的點心啦,包含了我的優格 😠!

The foreigner loves all the Taiwanese food, including stinky tofu.


而 included 就比較特別了,會放在名詞的後面

The room rate is NT$ 3,600, breakfast included.
房費台幣 3600,含早餐。

My brother ate all the snacks, my yogurt included!
我哥吃光了所有的點心啦,包含了我的優格 😠!

The foreigner loves all Taiwanese food, stinky tofu included.

除了位置,這兩個親戚本身的詞性也截然不同,including 是介系詞,included 是形容詞。如果是接一般名詞,詞性的差別就沒有影響,但如果是接代名詞,就要注意代名詞可能會需要變化,來看示範:

They all came to my birthday party, including him.
➡ he 需換成受格 him。因為 including 是介系詞,介系詞後面的代名詞都需變成受格。

They all came to my birthday, he included.
➡ he 維持主格即可。

That’s it, folks!

喔耶!看完了,你好棒 🎉!這一篇釐清了 include、including、included 三個字的用法,其實不難對吧?多利用日常生活中會出現的實用例句去記憶單字的差別,這樣印象才會深刻喔!比方說,現在就開口練習把這篇文章開頭的例句們給記下來吧。

  • The NT$ 3,600 room rate includes breakfast.
  • The room rate is NT$ 3,600, including breakfast.
  • The room rate is NT$ 3,600, breakfast included.

更多輕鬆易懂的英文,都在英文庫 🆒 !快去逛逛吧!

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一個想要一輩子都當個老師+學生+書籍譯者的貪心鬼🤘,個人專頁 Yes Min:當英文家教/書籍譯者是一件很迷人的事。熱愛學習、腦力激盪、語言、文字、文學以及文化。平常是埋首事務的工作狂,會逃避人多的地方,一整天都不跟人說話也沒關係,但很喜歡跟學生互動,跟國小高年級到中高階主管都有過可愛的緣分 ❤。