Distraction- the key to automatic normal function

  1. Great Blog and an encouraging perspective to share!

  2. So glad I stumbled across your blog. What about episodes of total vision loss? Any suggestions? Thank you so much!

  3. Absolutely loved this info, could so relate, thanks 🌈 and so helpful,

  4. Hey Max thanks! Brain is something I noticed but didn’t realize what happened like your garden. The last few years I have noticed that in my days I would play video games as distraction and have kind of had to do the opposite of the blog in focusing my attention. Someone pointed this blog out in an US/Canada FND Hope Zoom meeting and grateful.

    Not something you talked about but I’m trying to get ideas together and sharing within groups of FND patients for how to deal with symptoms and for those outside to understand. My biggest symptom is trouble sleeping and was wondering if we could connect to discuss possible things to help in forms of distraction to help. I will say up front i you meditation music and guide meditation but sometimes it triggers me and I have to stop them


    Ross Whisenhunt

  5. Hi Max, thank you so much for providing all of this information. I have felt so lonely and isolated with this struggle with FND since 2015. I’m so glad I found your blog.

  6. Hi does anyone here suffer from insecurities with FND? I have always been a professional with so much confidence and now I am so insecure I don’t know how to cope? Due to several daily seizures and vision problems I am no longer able to drive or work and I feel so bad 😢

  7. Any ideas on distraction techniques for speech affected by FND? Hard to think of things to distract whilst talking!

  8. Hi

    Where can I find this video of the woman who could walk when she answered her phone? Was it put on a FND website of FB/YT page or anything?



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