Understanding One’s Confusions

There is no need to bother about confusions, simply go on living. Live through the confusion, accept and learn; if one tries to get out of it, one will create more confusion. A confused mind cannot get out of confusion – it will create more confusion.

The only way is to accept it. Everybody is confused, otherwise all would have been saints! The whole world is confused. Confusion is intrinsic to the human mind. The confusion has a very fundamental reason, there is an ontology to confusion. Man comes from the animals and man has to become God, that is the confusion. Half belongs to the world of the animals, the unconscious part, and the other half is trying to become conscious, absolutely conscious, hence the tension. Both go on trying to manipulate us, and we are never sure who we are – whether to go this way or to go that way. In being pulled between these two the confusion arises.

Don’t try to escape from it; live it. This is life; love it! Get deeper into it, and by getting deeper into it we will be surprised – our eyes are becoming more and more clear. As we look deeper into our confusion, it starts sorting itself out.

If one goes deeply into any problem one arrives at its solution. The solution is hidden in the problem; it is never outside. The problem is simply an indication that the solution is within us and we are not looking for it. So go into the confusion; allow it, watch it, see it. And don’t be in a hurry to get out of it, because whenever one is in a hurry to get out, one stops understanding. What is the point of understanding something which we want to drop? And we cannot drop it unless we have understood it; that’s the dichotomy. Try to understand it; in that very understanding, confusion disappears.

Clarity comes out of understanding our confusions and answers come by going deeper into our problems. Certainly, one day it will happen – all confusion is gone, all problems disappear, and we are left alone. The beauty of that aloneness is enlightenment. All remains as it is; only now between us and reality there are no more clouds. Everything is the same – we are the same, the world is the same – it is just the something between the two, the confusion, that cloud, is no more there.

Look deep into the confusion. Don’t be worried about it, don’t be concerned about it, because concern means that we are getting ready to escape from it. Hence people create devices; they repress it, they avoid it, they don’t look at it or they start distracting their mind through some other channels. But all these things are not going to help, they will make us more and more confused. If we want to avoid one confusion, we will create another; to avoid that we will create another. Don’t avoid the first one: go into it, watch it, let it be our meditation. If it is there, there must be some significance, because nothing exists without any significance.

Gradually we will feel thankful for it, because looking into it we will become clear, more meditative, more alert, more aware. Then finally we will thank our confusion, that it helped us, that it was an opportunity to grow into awareness. It was just an opportunity knocking on our door to help us to grow into awareness.

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