清华大学汉语自信表达项目( Chinese Confident Expression Program)正在招生



 Chinese Confident Expression Program Admissions Regulations


主办单位:清华大学社会科学学院   立项号2107030004 

Sponsoring Unit: Tsinghua University School of Social Sciences

Project Number: 2107030004




清华大学社科学院IUP 中文项目是一个国际高校(以美国为主)汉语联合会与清华大学共同设立的汉语语言培训项目。该国际高校汉语联合会成员包括清华大学、哥伦比亚大学、印第安纳大学、普林斯顿大学、斯坦福大学、英属哥伦比亚大学、加州大学伯克利分校、芝加哥大学、密歇根大学、弗吉尼亚大学、耶鲁大学十一所久负盛名的世界一流大学。清华大学社科学院IUP 中文项目的前身最早于1963 年在台湾创办,简称“斯坦福中心”,1997 年迁至北京清华大学,更名为清华大学IUP 中文项目。学生中既有来自世界各名校的本科生、研究生,也有已参加工作的专业人士和知名学者等。IUP高效的教学方法已经保持发展了50多年,其毕业生利用他们在IUP所获得语言技能在教育、政府、法律部、商业资讯、管理、公共关系、新闻、外交等多个领域都取得了卓越的成就。

The Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies (IUP) at Tsinghua University School of Social Sciences is a Chinese language training program established by Tsinghua University and a consortium of international universities (mainly in the United States). The eleven schools in the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies consortium includes Columbia University, Indiana University, Princeton University, Stanford University, Tsinghua University, University of British Columbia, University of California Berkeley, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of Virginia, and Yale University. The Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University’s predecessor program was established in 1963 in Taiwan, and was often called “the Stanford Center.” In 1997, IUP moved to Tsinghua University in Beijing and changed its name to the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University. IUP is dedicated to delivering advanced Chinese language training to its participators, who are undergraduate participators, graduate participators, professionals, and recognized scholars from top universities worldwide. IUP’s highly effective teaching methodology has been in use for over fifty years, and its graduates use the language expertise learned at IUP for successful careers in education, government, law, business consulting, public relations, news media, diplomacy, and other fields.







In the process of Chinese learning, improving oral expression ability is the main target of the students. Due to the lack of opportunities to practice oral expression and professional guidance, students' oral Chinese ability is often far behind their listening and reading ability. Therefore, it is important for students to improve their oral Chinese expression ability and enhance their confidence in using Chinese.

In order to meet the needs of students, help them to improve their oral Chinese and to gain the confidence to communicate in Chinese, the IUP program at Tsinghua University prepared for the "Chinese Confident Expression" class for foreign students.





Small group class, highly individualized, targeted training, opportunities for expression, strict error correction and  professional instructors.





Through targeted training, students can improve their pronunciation, language accuracy, fluency, and the ability to use Chinese in daily life or professional situations confidently.






The program is from March 28, 2022 to May 21, 2022



If the number of enrollments did not reach the minimum number of classess (4 students), the program will be canceled. The program has 40 classes, and  45 minutes per class.







This program is not open to the international students who are studying at Tsinghua University. This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students, recent graduates, academics, and professionals with the equivalent of at least HSK 4-level Chinese.

Students can choose a suitable course from the courses according to their own needs and interests.





申请流程 Application Process


1. 提交申请:登录招生入口,提交所需资料,包括申请表、成绩单以及推荐信。可通过该网页查看IUP资料接收情况及申请状态。

2. 安排Skype面试:初审通过后1-2周内,招生网页将推送Skype面试安排通知。

3. 学习资格审核结果:面试后1-2周内将公布结果。

1. Submit Application: Create Admissions Portal login and submit all necessary components including application form, transcripts, and recommendation letters. You can track IUP’s receipt of these documents and your application status in this portal.

2. Schedule a Skype Interview: Within 1-2 weeks if you pass the initial application review, you will be notified to schedule a Skype interview in your Admissions Portal.

3. Receive Decision: You will receive an admissions decision within 1-2 weeks of the interview.







This program provides small group online classes. An instructor with a maximum of 4 students will engage and challenge each other. Instructors will use listening and speaking training methods. The teacher guides the students to do a lot of expression training through questions, corrects the mistakes strictly, instruct them to practice language pattern.





Students can choose a suitable course from the following courses according to their own needs and interests. Before the course starts, the instructor will communicate with the students to understand their learning background, needs, goals and the learning materials they want to use. On this basis, the instructor will determine the specific teaching mode, learning plan and course materials.






"Yellow River Rain Classroom" is the main teaching platform.





课程费用 Cost of Attending IUP


The tuition fee is 8000 yuan, 200yuan/class


The tuition amount listed above includes a fee for the educational training program at Tsinghua University.


交费方式 Payment Methods


Students should use a bank transfer to Tsinghua University’s bank account. The university will provide each participator with a receipt in the form of “Central Tax-Free Income Standard Receipt”.



证书颁发描述 Description of Awarding Certificates

学员完成全部课程学习,并经考核合格后,由清华大学终身教育处统一颁发社会科学学院主办的汉语自信表达学习证书,证书中加盖“清华大学继续教育证书专用章”和“社会科学学院公章”,证书编号可登录清华大学继续教育与认证网站查询,网址 http://thtm.tsinghua.edu.cn

After students have completed their full course of study and have passed review,the Tsinghua University Office of Lifelong Education Administration will uniformly award Certificates of Completed Study from the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University, administered by the Tsinghua University School of Social Sciences. The certificate will be stamped with “Tsinghua University Continuing Education Special Stamp” and “Tsinghua University School of Social Sciences official seal. “Certificate numbers can be searched and displayed at the following website:  http://thtm.tsinghua.edu.cn.



招生截止日期: 2022年3月20日

Admissions End Date: March 20,2022


Contact: Ms.Zhu


原文链接: 清华大学汉语自信表达项目( Chinese Confident Expression Program)正在招生

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