9 On-Page SEO Techniques 2017 That You Don't Know

You might be looking for On-Page SEO Techniques that help you to get more traffic to your blog in 2017.

Some people actually don't know what SEO is and what it's mean. SEO is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization, the method which includes the ways to get organic traffic to your blog and to rank high in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page).

on page seo techniques
SEO is divided into two categories  On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

As my article is about On-Page SEO we are not discussing the other one here.

Let me explain the following terms that you should not ignore at any cost in the blogging industry.

Page Titles, Meta tags, Meta Description, Body Tags, SEO Friendly URLs, Images, Internal Linking, External Linking and Keywords Density.

SEO does not mean to generate blog traffic in black hat way, it only about how to get organic and huge traffic by Search Engines.

On-Page SEO Techniques 2017: That You Should Not Ignore

1. Page Title

What most newbies do, they just create a catchy headline even they don't have any concept about the main keyword. Creating catchy headline is just not enough. Do not forget to include your main keyword in the title tag.

Try to include your main keyword first in the title because the titles having the main keyword in the first get more traffic. So don't forget to add your main keyword in the title.

2. Meta Description

I saw many people doing the fuss in the meta description tag. They only copy any paragraph of their article and paste it into meta description box. It is a HUGE mistake, this tag is a goldmine for you. You have to write some amazing and short descriptive words in this tag.

Actually, this is the tag which determines what you post is actually about. This tag tells the search engine that what you post is about and put your main keyword once.

3. Meta Tags

You have to incorporate highly relevant keywords in meta tags. Some plugins like All In One SEO plugin facilitate you to add keywords in this tag. Plugins make it easy to use and I am using All in SEO for last three years. It allows you to add meta keywords meta tags and page title just beneath your post in WordPress.

Don't try to stuff keywords here otherwise you will be slapped by Google for misleading and keyword spamming. It is negative SEO practice and can harm you badly.

4. SEO Friendly URLs

SEO Friendy URLs are the URL's of our posts, by default it is created and we have to optimize it. They are really important and they impact SEO. Include your main keywords also here. As my post is about On-Page SEO Techniques and my URL is "on-page-seo-techniques-2017".

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They are automatically created when we start writing it is created on the basis of title and sometimes it does not make any sense and looks ridiculous.

5. Images SEO 

Using images in your article make it easy to read and understand. Articles contain images are more likely to rank in Google. Images also provide a lot of traffic to blog. If Images SEO is not done, then go immediately and do it.

youtube raw file name

Your images should contain the keyword and don't let the name of the image as it is. For example: If you capture any screenshot the name of the image will be capture.png or capture.jpg. You have another chance to get traffic and it is the point that you have to optimize.

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How To Create A Blog For Free And Make Money

6. Internal Linking

Internal linking is the interlinking of your old article with new one. Do not add irrelevant anchor text and add at least 4 anchor text in your article. It decreases bounce rate as well as it keeps your visitor to stick around your blog. If you do not have any article and you are writing your first article then pick any website that is similar to your blog and interlinks it with the no follow tag.

7. Keyword Density

Keyword Density is how many times you used the keyword in entire article divide it to a number of words of your article and multiply with 100 and you will get keyword density. It is recommended to keep density around 2-3% but it is decided by search engines.

If I calculate keyword density, then it will look like;
If words are 500
I used my keyword 10 times
And Boom! It's Perfect for me.

8. Body Tags

Body tags are heading that we use in our article. There is HTML tag behind the headlines, they vary in sizes and weight. By default in WordPress title is h1 and it can be used only one time in the article. As by default page title is h1 so we don.t need to use it anymore in the article.

Make sure to use h2, h3, and h4 in your whole article and try to include to your keywords in headings. They are also the second source of major traffic as well.

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9. External Linking

External Linking is also like internal linking but you can't use external linking more than 2 times. They affect SEO and if you liked more 2 sites then change them from do follow to follow. Giving backlinks to many sites can lose your ranking in SERPs.

Over To You

These were simple 9 On-Page SEO Techniques that can help you to improve your blog traffic. If you have any query please let me know in comments. Have I missed anything and have you SEO techniques better than mine? If this helped please do share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

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