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SOUR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SOUR?

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Need another word that means the same as “sour”? Find 87 synonyms and 30 related words for “sour” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:
  • Sour as a Noun
  • Definitions of "Sour" as a noun
  • Synonyms of "Sour" as a noun (3 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Sour" as a noun
  • Sour as a Verb
  • Definitions of "Sour" as a verb
  • Synonyms of "Sour" as a verb (32 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Sour" as a verb
  • Sour as an Adjective
  • Definitions of "Sour" as an adjective
  • Synonyms of "Sour" as an adjective (52 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Sour" as an adjective
  • Associations of "Sour" (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Sour” are: false, off-key, rancid, dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose, saturnine, sullen, off, turned, acid, acidy, acidic, acidulated, tart, bitter, sharp, acetic, vinegary, pungent, acrid, biting, stinging, burning, smarting, unpleasant, distasteful, bad, gone bad, gone off, curdled, embittered, resentful, nasty, spiteful, irritable, irascible, peevish, fractious, fretful, cross, crabbed, crabby, crotchety, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, disagreeable, petulant, pettish, ferment, turn, work, acetify, acidify, acidulate, embitter, make bitter, make resentful, anger, exasperate, disillusion, disenchant, poison, envenom, disaffect, dissatisfy, frustrate, alienate, spoil, mar, damage, harm, impair, be detrimental to, wreck, upset, hurt, worsen, colour, blight, tarnish, acidity, sourness, tartness

Sour as a Noun

Definitions of "Sour" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sour” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The property of being acidic.
  • The taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice is taken into the mouth.
  • A cocktail made of a liquor (especially whiskey or gin) mixed with lemon or lime juice and sugar.
  • A drink made by mixing a spirit with lemon or lime juice.

Synonyms of "Sour" as a noun (3 Words)

acidityThe level of acid in the gastric juices, typically when excessive and causing discomfort.
The increased acidity of rainfall.
sournessThe taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice is taken into the mouth.
tartnessA sharp sour taste.

Usage Examples of "Sour" as a noun

  • A rum sour.

Sour as a Verb

Definitions of "Sour" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sour” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Make or become sour.
  • Make sour or more sour.
  • Make or become unpleasant, acrimonious, or difficult.
  • Go sour or spoil.

Synonyms of "Sour" as a verb (32 Words)

acetifyTo subject to acetous fermentation in the manufacture of vinegar; to convert into vinegar.
acidifyTurn acidic.
Pollutants can acidify surface water.
acidulateMake slightly acidic.
Add two or three bits of lemon peel to acidulate the water.
alienateArouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness.
They defended the Masai against attempts to alienate their land.
angerFill someone with anger provoke anger in.
She was angered by his terse answer.
be detrimental toHave the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun.
blightCause to suffer a blight.
Some people complain that wind farms blight the landscape.
colourChange the colour of something by painting dyeing or shading it.
Surprise coloured her voice.
damageInflict damage upon.
The car was badly damaged in the accident.
disaffectArouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness.
What these ads do is disaffect the voting public.
disenchantFree from enchantment.
He may have been disenchanted by the loss of his huge following.
disillusionCause (someone) to realize that a belief they hold is false.
If they think we have a magic formula to solve the problem don t disillusion them.
dissatisfyFail to satisfy.
What is it about these words that dissatisfies you?
embitterMake (someone) feel bitter or resentful.
These injustices embittered her even more.
envenomAdd poison to.
Tribal rivalries envenom the bitter civil war.
exasperateExasperate or irritate.
This futile process exasperates prison officers.
fermentCause the fermentation of a substance.
We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content.
frustrateTreat cruelly.
It frustrated me that more couldn t be done for her.
harmCause or do harm to.
This could harm his World Cup prospects.
hurtHurt the feelings of.
Does acupuncture hurt.
impairMake worse or less effective.
His vision was impaired.
make bitterRepresent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like.
make resentfulCharge with a function; charge to be.
marImpair the quality or appearance of; spoil.
Violence marred a number of New Year celebrations.
poisonAdminister poison to a person or animal either deliberately or accidentally.
The bombings poisoned the political atmosphere and deepened the social divide.
spoil(of food) become unfit for eating.
A series of political blunders spoilt their chances of being re elected.
tarnishMake or become less valuable or respected.
The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air.
turnTo break and turn over earth especially with a plow.
We turned round and headed back to the house.
upsetMake (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried.
The dam will upset the ecological balance.
workSet to or keep at work.
The political candidate worked the crowds.
worsenMake or become worse.
Her condition worsened on the flight.
wreckSuffer or undergo shipwreck.
An eye injury wrecked his chances of a professional career.

Usage Examples of "Sour" as a verb

  • Many friendships have soured over borrowed money.
  • Water soured with tamarind.
  • A dispute soured relations between the two countries.
  • The milk has soured.

Sour as an Adjective

Definitions of "Sour" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sour” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Having a sharp biting taste.
  • Inaccurate in pitch.
  • Showing a brooding ill humor- Bruce Bli.
  • Having a rancid smell.
  • Smelling of fermentation or staleness.
  • (of food, especially milk) having gone bad because of fermentation.
  • One of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar or lemons.
  • In an unpalatable state.
  • Showing a brooding ill humor.
  • Feeling or expressing resentment, disappointment, or anger.
  • Having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar.
  • (of petroleum or natural gas) containing a relatively high proportion of sulphur.
  • (of soil) deficient in lime and usually dank.

Synonyms of "Sour" as an adjective (52 Words)

aceticOf or like vinegar or acetic acid.
acidHaving the characteristics of an acid.
The acid Bessemer process.
acidicRelating to or denoting steel-making processes involving silica-rich refractories and slags.
An acidic yellow.
acidulatedSlightly acidic.
Use of acidulated fertilizers can lead to long term soil degradation.
acidyHaving the characteristics of an acid.
acridHarsh or corrosive in tone.
Acrid smoke.
badFeeling physical discomfort or pain tough is occasionally used colloquially for bad.
They want the baddest best looking Corvette there is.
biting(of wind or cold) so cold as to be painful.
A cream to ward off biting insects.
bitterProceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity.
Bitter words.
burningVery keenly or deeply felt; intense.
The burning question of independence.
cantankerousStubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate- Spectator.
He can be a cantankerous old fossil at times.
His handwriting is crabbed and hideous.
He was crabby at having his siesta interrupted.
crossExtending or lying across in a crosswise direction at right angles to the long axis.
Cross members should be all steel.
crotchetyHaving a difficult and contrary disposition- Dorothy Sayers.
He was tired and crotchety.
curdledTransformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass.
Curdled milk.
curmudgeonly(especially of an old person) bad-tempered and negative.
A curmudgeonly old man.
darkOf a person having dark skin hair or eyes.
A dark secret.
disagreeableUnpleasant to interact with.
Aspects of his work are disagreeable to him.
distastefulCausing dislike or aversion; disagreeable or unpleasant.
Distasteful language.
dourShowing a brooding ill humor.
The proverbially dour New England Puritan.
embitteredAngry or resentful at having been treated unfairly.
He died an embittered man.
falseUsed in names of plants animals and gems that superficially resemble the thing properly so called e g false oat.
False teeth.
fractiousEasily irritated or annoyed.
Rockets were much too fractious to be tested near thickly populated areas.
fretfulNervous and unable to relax.
A constant fretful stamping of hooves.
gloweringShowing a brooding ill humor.
glumLooking or feeling dejected; morose.
A glum hopeless shrug.
gone badWell in the past; former.
gone offNo longer retained.
irascibleQuickly aroused to anger.
An irascible and difficult man.
irritableEasily irritated or annoyed.
The seeds have been reputed to help conditions such as irritable bladder.
moodyShowing a brooding ill humor- Bruce Bli.
Grainy film which gives a soft moody effect.
moroseSullen and ill-tempered.
She was morose and silent when she got home.
nastyExasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent.
Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.
offLocated on the side of a vehicle that is normally furthest from the kerb offside.
Even the greatest athletes have off days.
off-keyInaccurate in pitch.
peevishEasily irritated or annoyed.
A thin peevish voice.
pettishEasily irritated or annoyed.
He comes across in his journal entries as spoiled and pettish.
petulant(of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
He was moody and petulant.
pungent(of comment, criticism, or humour) having a sharp and caustic quality.
The pungent smell of frying onions.
rancid(used of decomposing oils or fats) having a rank smell or taste usually due to a chemical change or decomposition.
Without preservatives fat goes rancid.
resentfulFull of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will.
He was angry and resentful of their intrusion.
saturnine(of a person or their features) dark in colouring and moody or mysterious.
A saturnine temperament.
sharpEnding in a sharp point.
Her face was thin and her nose sharp.
smartingCapable of independent and apparently intelligent action.
Susan rubbed her smarting eyes.
spitefulShowing or caused by malice.
A truly spiteful child.
stingingCharacterized by a sharp tingling or burning sensation.
A stinging pain.
sullen(of the sky) full of dark clouds.
A sullen crowd.
turned(of a phrase or verse) expressed in a specified manner.
The carefully turned words of great writers.
unpleasantOffensive or disagreeable; causing discomfort or unhappiness.
Unpleasant repercussions.
vinegaryHaving a sour disposition; ill-tempered.
The town s somewhat vinegary sheriff.

Usage Examples of "Sour" as an adjective

  • The kitchen smelled of sour milk.
  • A sour temper.
  • She sampled the wine and found it was sour.
  • Sour milk.
  • A false (or sour) note.
  • He gave her a sour look.
  • The meeting ended on a sour note.
  • Her breath was always sour.

Associations of "Sour" (30 Words)

acerbicHarsh or corrosive in tone.
An acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose.
acerbityA sharp sour taste.
Exuberance sharpened by blunt wit and acerbity.
acidHaving the characteristics of an acid.
She didn t have a clue the sweet had acid in it.
acidicSharp-tasting or sour.
A cocktail of acidic pollutants.
acidulous(of a person’s remarks or tone) bitter; cutting.
acridStrong and sharp.
An acrid smell.
appetizingAppealing to or stimulating the appetite especially in appearance or aroma.
The appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon.
bitterMake bitter.
Bitter cold.
bitternessThe property of having a harsh unpleasant taste.
The lime juice imparts a slight bitterness.
curryA pungent dish of vegetables or meats flavored with curry powder and usually eaten with rice.
Curry tanned leather.
deliciousVariety of sweet eating apples.
Delicious home baked brown bread.
fermentOf a substance undergo fermentation.
A period of political and religious ferment.
flavorLend flavor to.
flavourA substance used to alter or enhance the taste of food or drink a flavouring.
The yoghurt comes in eight fruit flavours.
lemonA distinctive tart flavor characteristic of lemons.
A lemon T shirt.
lusciousAppealing strongly to the senses; pleasingly rich.
The luscious brush strokes and warm colours of these late masterpieces.
palatable(of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory.
A device that made increased taxation more palatable.
pungencyWit having a sharp and caustic quality.
He commented with typical pungency.
pungent(of comment, criticism, or humour) having a sharp and caustic quality.
He has expressed some fairly pungent criticisms.
saltSprinkle as if with salt.
After stuffing the fish I salted and peppered it.
saltyOne of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of sea water.
The bacon will be quite salty.
savorDerive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in.
Savor the soup.
savoryAny of several aromatic herbs or subshrubs of the genus Satureja having spikes of flowers attractive to bees.
A past that was scarcely savory.
spicyProducing a burning sensation on the taste nerves.
Pasta in a spicy tomato sauce.
sweetHaving a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub.
A very sweet nurse came along.
tangyHaving a strong, piquant flavour or smell.
A tangy salad.
tasteHave flavor taste of something.
It was his first taste of serious action.
tastyInvolving or good at fighting.
A tasty morsel.
vinegarDilute acetic acid.
Her aggrieved tone held a touch of vinegar.
zestyHaving an agreeably pungent taste.

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