101 Independence Examples

independence examples and definition, explained below

Independence refers to the state of being self-reliant, having the freedom to make your own decisions, and the ability to manage your own affairs without undue influence from others.

It’s a quality that evolves over time, ranging from the self-feeding of toddlers through to freedom to construct your own life as an adult and on to the right of autonomy for the elderly.

The journey towards independence molds an individual’s self-concept, cultivates resilience, and steers personal growth.

Contents show

Independence Examples

Independence in Childhood (Early Milestones)

1. Children Feeding Themselves
Children’s ability to feed themselves represents an early form of independence. This requires them to successfully navigate utensils, eat from their plate, and gradually transition from assistance to self-reliance at meal times.

2. Toilet Training
Independence in childhood often starts with toilet training. It is a concrete step towards self-reliance as it signifies a child’s ability to respond to bodily signals without the need for parental intervention.

3. Getting Dressed on your Own
Dressing in the morning is an essential skill that emboldens a child’s independence. With its completion, children demonstrate their ability to choose clothes appropriately and put them on without assistance.

4. Tying Shoelaces
When children learn to tie their shoelaces, they demonstrate another facet of independence. This fine motor skill requires practice and patience, symbolizing their capability to master small tasks on their own.

5. Personal Hygiene Practice
Learning basic hygiene routines like hand washing, brushing teeth, or bathing alone signifies independence in children. It shows their understanding and ability to take care of their bodies without parental supervision.

6. Setting Up Play Dates
Arranging play dates initiates children into the realm of social independence. It indicates their desire and capability to manage interpersonal relationships outside the influence of grown-ups.

7. Riding a Bike
Learning to ride a bike indicates a child’s increasing independence. It’s a crucial motor skill that not only improves physical coordination but also promotes the confidence of doing something independently.

8. Cleaning Up Toys
When children clean up their toys post-playtime without being prompted, it’s another sign of independence. It’s indicative of them acknowledging responsibility and understanding the importance of organized surroundings.

9. Doing Homework
An early academic milestone, doing homework independently, bolsters a child’s independence in learning. It’s a sign of a child’s ability to understand tasks and complete them, without necessitating constant supervision.

10. Making Friends at School
Establishing new friendships at school showcases a child’s growing independence. It underlines their ability to form connections with others, navigate social interactions, and participate in group activities.

11. Taking Care of Pets
When a child is independent enough to look after a pet, it’s a significant sign of their readiness for responsibilities. This activity honifies their ability to handle responsibility and are becoming more mature.

12. Helping with Household Chores
The ability to participate in simple household chores signals a step towards independence in childhood. Whether it’s helping set the table or sorting laundry, these tasks show a child’s willingness to contribute to the family unit.

13. Being Home Alone
Mastery of independence in the formative years often sees children being capable of staying home alone for short durations. This trust in their ability to handle themselves indicates sufficient responsibility and maturity, amounting to a notable milestone in their independent growth.

Academic and Educational Independence

14. Self-Study
When students have the capability to engage in self-directed study, it demonstrates academic independence. This ability signifies that a student can plan, execute, and review their learning activities without constant supervision or guidance.

15. Conducting Research
Successfully carrying out research projects independently signifies a knack for deeper understanding. It provides evidence of a student’s capability to explore information beyond textbooks, critically evaluate it, and present findings in a structured manner.

16. Participating in Group Projects
Group projects offer a chance for students to develop and display independence. It requires them to contribute their skills and knowledge, coordinate with peers, meet deadlines, and resolve conflicts, all of which foster academic independence.

17. Time Management
One of the best signs of academic independence is successful time management. Balancing studies, extracurricular activities, and personal time without constant reminders is indicative of a student’s maturity and independence in their academic journey.

18. Independent Reading
When students delve into independent reading beyond prescribed syllabus books, it’s a sign of academic independence. It shows their curiosity to learn more, their love for reading, and their ability to understand and analyze literature.

19. Engaging In Debates
Engaging in debates showcases a student’s independent thought process. Preparation for debates requires independent research, critical thinking, and the development of arguments, highlighting students’ self-reliance in academic aspects.

20. Utilizing Office Hours
A student’s ability to speak directly with teachers during office hours signals academic independence. It shows they can articulate their queries, seek help when needed, and are invested in their learning.

21. Intellectual Discussions
A student capable of engaging in intellectual discussions, especially those involving different perspectives, demonstrates academic independence. It exhibits their capacity to understand, analyze, and discuss ideas critically and constructively.

22. Planning for College
High school students displaying the ability to plan for college also show academic independence. It signals them taking responsibility for their future, including researching options, preparing applications, and making final decisions.

23. Choosing Electives
The ability to choose electives independently is another indication of academic independence. It demonstrates a student’s confidence in focusing on an area of individual interest, supporting their broader learning goals.

24. Creating and Presenting Projects
Creating and presenting projects without guidance denotes academic independence. It’s a testament to a student’s ability to generate ideas, construct narratives, and effectively communicate their understanding of a subject.

25. Solving Problems
Problem-solving on their own is a strong indication of a student’s academic independence. It signifies their understanding of the subject matter, their critical thinking abilities, and their resilience in overcoming academic challenges.

26. Independent Internship Search
When students search, apply, and secure internships independently, they manifest academic independence. This task portrays their ability to navigate professional spaces, thereby preparing them for future career challenges.

Independence in the Transition to Adulthood

27. Choosing a Career Path
When individuals begin to make conscious decisions about their career direction, independence in the transition to adulthood takes shape. It signifies their ability to assess personal strengths and interests and align them with potential vocations.

28. Having a Part-Time Job
Securing a part-time job in teen years or early adulthood signifies a key form of independence. This move not only provides an introduction to the workforce but also cultivates fiscal responsibility.

29. Voting
Exercising the right to vote for the first time marks a significant milestone in adulthood. It’s a sign of maturity, showcasing an individual’s ability to take part in communal decision-making and express personal views.

30. Learning to Drive
Achieving the ability to drive independently provides a crucial stepping stone to adulthood. This new freedom signifies growing self-reliance and mobility, while it necessitates responsibility at the same time.

31. Leaving Home for College or Work
Leaving home for further education or to begin a career signifies a key transition towards independence. It exemplifies an individual’s readiness to manage their affairs, pursue goals, and navigate daily life without constant familial support.

32. Establishing a Health Routine
When individuals actively prioritize their health by developing exercises, dietary schedules, or seeking regular check-ups, they signify a transition towards independence. It showcases their understanding of self-care and their choice to preserve well-being.

33. Managing Personal Finances
Managing personal finances, such as opening a bank account, budgeting or saving money, is a concrete affirmation of independence in adulthood. It demonstrates an individual’s ability to handle money responsibly and plan for financial security.

34. Cooking and Grocery Shopping
Managing meals and grocery shopping independently speaks to an individual’s practical life skills. This newfound responsibility demonstrates their ability to maintain sustenance and manage household chores.

35. Handling Medical Appointments
Attending medical appointments independently reflects a commitment to personal health and a sign of growing independence. This responsibility involves making decisions about healthcare, following through with recommended actions, and managing health records.

36. Relationship Decisions
When individuals start making important decisions about their relationships, it indicates growth towards independence. It’s a symbol of their ability to balance personal desire with communal norms and the outlook of others while ensuring their satisfactions.

37. Accepting Responsibility for Mistakes
Ownership of personal errors and misjudgments is a critical trait of an independent adult. This acceptance signifies mature thinking, courage to face consequences, and the initiative to learn from these missteps.

38. Engaging in Civic Services
Proactive participation in civic services such as volunteering, social activism, or similar community engagements marks a significant sign of an individual’s transition to independence. It represents their understanding and commitment to societal responsibilities.

39. Traveling Solo
Traveling on your own is in many ways the ultimate manifestation of independence. Not only do you have complete choice and freedom about where to go and what to do, but you’re also completely self-reliant for board, food, and transport throughout your trip.

Emotional and Psychological Independence

40. Accepting Personal Identity
An individual’s acceptance of personal identity demonstrates a key step towards emotional independence. This acceptance encapsulates understanding and embracing unique qualities, experiences, and personal preferences without being overly swayed by societal or peer pressure.

41. Decision Making
Making decisions based on one’s values, beliefs, and personal experiences is a testament to emotional independence. This freedom allows for choice without undue influence from others, promoting personal growth and confidence.

42. Emotional Resilience
Emotional resilience, the ability to adapt and recover from setbacks, also demonstrates emotional independence. It signposts an individual’s capacity to cope with stress and adversity, maintaining emotional balance despite life’s challenges.

43. Assertiveness
Assertiveness is a clear marker of emotional and psychological independence. It is a balanced way of self-expression that respects both the individual’s and others’ rights, demonstrating confidence and interpersonal effectiveness.

44. Goal Setting
Setting personal goals reflects a high degree of psychological independence. It signifies an individual’s ability to envision their future, formulating clear, measurable objectives to achieve it without requiring approval from others.

45. Self Reflection
The ability to reflect on one’s actions, feelings, and ideas is akin to emotional independence. It showcases an understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses and the willingness to improve oneself.

46. Maintaining Boundaries
Having the ability to set and maintain personal boundaries is an important aspect of emotional independence. This practice indicates the understanding of self-worth and the ability to prioritize personal well-being over pleasing others.

47. Emotional Self-Regulation
Emotional self-regulation—the ability to manage one’s emotional reactions—demonstrates emotional independence. It suggests a developed sense of self-control and feelings’ understanding that aids in sound behavior and decision-making.

48. Seeking Therapeutic Help
Seeking therapeutic help when needed displays psychological independence. It illustrates an individual’s understanding of their mental health needs, their courage to seek guidance, and their commitment to self-improvement.

49. Developing a Personal Value System
Developing a personal value system without any significant influence from societal or familial norms denotes psychological independence. It signifies guided action towards an authentic and fulfilling life.

50. Self-Motivation
Self-motivation—taking initiative for personal growth or tasks without the need for external incentives—is another facet of emotional independence. It reflects determination, perseverance, and a strong-willed approach towards life’s demands.

51. Mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness, attentive to one’s thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, displays psychological independence. This presence of mind contributes to an improved understanding of personal experience and better emotional regulation.

52. Nurturing Existing Relationships
Emotional independence involves nurturing existing relationships without dependency. By interacting and investing time in relationships, individuals demonstrate the ability to maintain healthy associations and manage interpersonal dynamics.

Financial Independence

53. Creating a Budget
Creating a personal or household budget signifies financial independence. It illustrates an individual’s understanding of their income and expenses, along with their ability to plan for savings and manage economic resources effectively.

54. Paying Bills
Taking responsibility to timely pay bills, whether utilities, rent, or credit card, demonstrates financial independence. It’s a sign of an individual’s ability to manage monthly obligations without reliance on others.

55. Saving for Retirement
When individuals take the initiative to save for retirement, it shows foresight and financial independence. It represents understanding of long-term financial planning and the importance of building a secure financial future.

56. Student Loan Repayment
Managing and repaying student loans denote financial independence. This responsibility signifies an individual’s accountability towards their debts and their commitment to achieving financial freedom.

57. Purchasing a Home
Purchasing a home or property is often considered a significant symbol of financial independence. This decision signifies an individual’s capability to undertake a long-term financial commitment and manage it successfully.

58. Investing in Stocks
Investing in stocks or mutual funds is a sophisticated form of financial independence. It shows that an individual can evaluate risk, understand market dynamics, and make financial decisions that could lead to wealth increment.

59. Having an Emergency Fund
Maintaining an emergency fund displays proactive financial planning, a crucial aspect of financial independence. It reflects an individual’s preparedness to deal with unexpected financial burdens without accruing debt.

60. Being Debt-Free
Being debt-free is a significant milestone in achieving financial independence. It denotes an individual’s successful management of income and expenditures to live within means and evade liabilities.

61. Paying for Insurance
Obtaining and regularly paying for insurance (health, car, or life) signals financial independence. It marks an individual’s understanding of risk management and their dedication to protect themselves against unforeseen adversities.

62. Maintaining a High Credit Score
Maintaining a high credit score showcases fiscal responsibility, denoting financial independence. This score represents an individual’s creditworthiness based on their financial history, reflecting their ability to manage debt and pay bills on time.

63. Manufacturing a Product
Manufacturing a product and generating income through its sales portray financial independence creatively. It indicates entrepreneurial spirit, business acumen, and a proactive approach to making money.

64. Donating to Charity
The ability to donate to charitable causes is also a form of financial independence. Being able to afford to give back to society or support worthy causes signifies surmounting personal financial constraints and the willingness to contribute to societal welfare.

65. Negotiating Salary
Negotiating salary and benefits during job interviews represents another aspect of financial independence. This self-advocacy skill reveals an understanding of one’s value in the job market and the ability to articulate it confidently.

Social and Relational Independence

66. Building Friendships
Building friendships based on personal interests and values displays social independence. It shows an individual’s capability to form connections based on personal judgment, avoiding peer pressure or societal expectations.

67. Resolving Conflicts
The ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts independently indicates social independence. It is a sign of maturity to identify issues, communicate effectively, and find mutually satisfactory solutions without unnecessary external intervention.

68. Saying No
The ability to say no in pressured situations showcases social and relational independence. It signifies respect for personal boundaries and the courage to prioritize self-interest over societal norms or peer pressures.

69. Moving to a New City
Choosing to relocate and establish oneself in a new city typically entails social independence. It demonstrates an individual’s ability to adapt to new environments and form social connections independently, away from their known circle.

70. Effective Communication Skills
Effective communication skills play a crucial role in social independence. Proficiency in asserting one’s needs, listening empathically, and expressing opinions constructively contributes to successful personal and professional relationships.

71. Maintaining Individuality in Relationships
Preserving one’s individuality in personal relationships indicates relational independence. It underscores the ability to stay true to oneself whilst appreciating the companionship and mutual respect within the relationship.

72. Building and Maintaining a Network
The capability to build and maintain a professional or social network is a testament to an individual’s social independence. This ability reflects their understanding of reciprocal relationships and their active role in strengthening these connections.

73. Volunteering
Volunteering for community service or other causes signifies social independence. It denotes an individual’s capacity to use personal resources for societal good, promoting social welfare independently.

74. Balancing Alone Time with Social Interactions
Balancing the need for solitude with social interactions is an important part of relational independence. It underscores an individual’s understanding of self-care, their emotional needs, and the ability to satisfy these needs independently of others.

75. Participating in Social Activities
Choosing to participate in social activities based on personal interests demonstrates social independence. It shows the individual’s capacity to initiate action, mingle in social settings, and derive enjoyment independently.

76. Possessing Emotional Intelligence
High emotional intelligence correlates with increased social and relational independence. This ability includes empathy, self-awareness, and managing personal and interpersonal emotions effectively.

77. Actively participating in civic organizations
Active participation in civic organizations reflects an individual’s social independence. It is a sign of their desire to contribute to the societal fabric independently and their ability to undertake communal responsibilities.

78. Creating Healthy Boundaries
Creating healthy boundaries in relationships denotes relational independence. It represents an individual’s awareness of their self-worth, emotional safety, and their confidence in advocating for these boundaries.

Professional Independence

79. Starting a Business
To start a business is to manifest professional independence. It’s a sign of an individual’s willingness to take risks, their belief in personal vision, and their ability to execute plans without relying on a traditional job setup.

80. Continuing Professional Development
Actively engaging in professional development activities indicates professional independence. It underscores an individual’s commitment to learning, staying relevant in their field, and enhancing their skills and knowledge.

81. Negotiating Contracts and Agreements
The ability to negotiate contracts and agreements is a powerful indicator of professional independence. This skill depicts confidence, a clear understanding of one’s worth, and the ability to stand up for oneself in a professional context.

82. Handling Workplace Conflicts
Dealing with workplace conflicts efficiently demonstrates professional independence. It shows an individual’s ability to address issues, communicate effectively, and seek resolutions without escalating the situation unnecessarily.

83. Setting Professional Goals
Setting professional goals without the need for external push reflects professional independence. This habit represents a proactive approach to career trajectory, an understanding of personal capabilities, and aspiration to achieve.

84. Navigating Workplace Politics
Successfully navigating workplace politics also demonstrates professional independence. It shows an individual’s understanding of organizational dynamics and ability to strategize professionally while upholding personal values.

85. Seeking Feedback and Applying It
Seeking feedback and using it for improvement constitutes professional independence. It indicates an acknowledgment of the value of external perspectives, the humility to understand personal weaknesses, and the drive to enhance performance.

86. Multitasking
Efficient multitasking in professional situations is indicative of professional independence. It signifies an individual’s ability to manage time, juggle multiple tasks, prioritize effectively, and handle stress confidently.

87. Mentoring Others
The willingness and ability to mentor others points towards professional independence. It signifies a robust knowledge of the field, an understanding of people, and the ability to guide others towards their goals.

88. Managing Teams
Managing teams requires leadership skills and demonstrates significant professional independence. This responsibility underscores an individual’s ability to guide, motivate, and handle the dynamics of a team to achieve organizational objectives.

89. Public Speaking
Public speaking abilities signal professional independence. Effective presentations require thorough preparation, understandability of topic, and audience engagement abilities, all testify to self-reliance in conveying information.

90. Setting Work-Life Boundaries
Setting work-life boundaries is a critical facet of professional independence. It signifies that an individual can manage professional responsibilities while also taking care of personal well-being and relationships.

91. Being Accountable and Responsible
Being accountable for professional responsibilities and actions is central to professional independence. It manifests as an affirmation of personal tasks, commitments, and the readiness to bear consequences of professional decisions.

Independent Thought

92. Forming Personal Beliefs
An individual’s ability to form personal beliefs independently from prevailing societal or familial norms indicates independent thought. It demonstrates their capacity to consider various perspectives and align them with personal experiences and values.

93. Engaging in Intellectual Debates
Engagement in intellectual debates signifies independent thinking. This behavior displays an individual’s ability to argue their stance effectively, respect others’ opinions, and potentially reconsider their viewpoints based on new insights.

94. Critical Thinking
Engaging in critical thinking, questioning assumptions, and analyzing information independently demonstrates independent thought. It reveals an individual’s desire to understand the world more deeply and avoid accepting information at face value.

95. Expressing Unique Creativity
Expressing unique creativity—an individual style, a distinct approach, or unique solutions—signals independent thought. Regardless of the medium used, unique creative expression is a direct display of independent thinking.

96. Habits of Self-reflection
Frequent self-reflection and introspection represent independent thinking. These habits enable an individual to learn from experiences, understand their emotions, and gain a better understanding of themselves and the world.

97. Reading Widely and Eclectically
Choosing to read widely and eclectically displays evidence of independent thought. Such reading habits indicate an individual’s curiosity to explore diverse ideas and willingness to challenge their understanding across different subjects.

98. Appreciating Diverse Perspectives
Appreciating different perspectives—whether cultural, political, or ideological—signifies independent thought. It shows open-mindedness, understanding of complexity, and an eagerness to learn from differing viewpoints.

99. Questioning Authority
The ability to question authority also represents independent thought. It proves an individual’s courage to challenge status quo, their drive for transparency, and their refusal to accept information without significant reasoning.

100. Pursuing Unpopular Opinions
Pursuing unpopular opinions, standing for unconventional ideas, or questioning common beliefs all spell independent thought. It signifies the courage to challenge conventional wisdom and the conviction to uphold personal beliefs, however unpopular.

101. Displaying Emotional Intelligence
An high degree of emotional intelligence—that comprises empathy, self-awareness, and managing personal and interpersonal emotions effectively—suggests independent thought. This trait illustrates the capacity to understand and navigate emotional complexities while maintaining individual uniqueness.


Independence, in all its forms, serves as the foundation of individual growth and empowerment. It fosters the courage, self-reliance, and critical thinking necessary for individuals to navigate life’s challenges, make informed decisions, and form authentic relationships. It empowers individuals to take charge of their finances, their professional growth, and their personal life, asserting control over their destiny. In essence, independence equips individuals with the autonomy to shape their world, cultivate resilience, and ultimately lead fulfilling lives.


Chris Drew (PhD)

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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