15 Self-Evaluation Examples

self-evaluation examples and definition, explained below

Self-evaluation is a reflective process where an individual assesses their own performance, skills, and personal growth.

It’s a powerful tool for understanding your own strengths, weaknesses, achievements, and areas of improvement. It is most commonly employed in work, school, and personal development.

Through this practice, individuals can identify their progress towards specific personal goals, professional goals, and educational goals. It helps you to gauge your own proficiency in certain areas and pinpoint where further effort is required.

This introspective exercise encourages self-awareness and helps you to develop greater competence and satisfaction in your own pursuits.

Contents show
chrisComprehension Questions: As you read through this article, I will pose comprehension and critical thinking questions to help you get the most out of this article. Teachers, if you assign this article for homework, have the students answer these questions at home, then use them as stimuli for in-class discussion.

How to Write a Self-Evaluation

The most common method for writing a self-evaluation is via the SWOT framework, which is what I’ll be using for the examples listed below.

This framework asks you to dissect your analysis into four parts:

  •   Strengths: Identify and acknowledge your personal skills, attributes, and experiences that differentiate you positively and give you an edge.
  • Weaknesses: Recognize and accept your limitations, areas of improvement, or any other factors that could potentially hinder your progress or performance.
  • Opportunities: Spot and explore external factors, situations or trends that could benefit you and provide a platform for growth or advancement.
  • Threats: Detect and prepare for external factors, situations or events that could negatively affect your performance, progress or well-being.
chrisTake a Minute to Reflect: Before continuing, reflect on your current position as an employee, student, or even in your personal life and think about what threats are on the horizon. These could include upcoming challenging projects in your teams, a change coming up in your workplace, or a particularly busy period looming on the horizon.

Self-Evaluation Examples for Work

1. Evaluating your Time Management

This is an example where a person is evaluating how they managed their time during a project.

  • Strengths: I have consistently met all project deadlines, which demonstrates my effective scheduling and prioritization skills.
  • Weaknesses: I often find myself needing to work extra hours in the final week before the deadline.
  • Opportunities: I could improve my productivity by utilizing time management tools and techniques to balance my workload more evenly throughout the project timeline.
  • Threats: A potential increase in workload could challenge my current time management strategies, necessitating further efficiency enhancements.

2. Evaluating your Communication Skills

This is an example where a person is assessing their ability to communicate in a workplace setting, over a six-month span since their last self-performance review.

  • Strengths: I’ve developed strong rapport with clients and colleagues, facilitating effective collaboration and coordination.
  • Weaknesses: I’ve noticed occasional misunderstandings, indicating the need for clearer and more concise communication.
  • Opportunities: I can further enhance my communication skills through professional development courses and practice.
  • Threats: As my responsibilities increase, the potential for communication errors and misunderstandings could rise, making continual skill development essential.

Communication skills are vast and include things like verbal and nonverbal, online and offline, as well as active listening skills, and much, much more. To explore communication skills that you could focus on for your self-evaluation, check out this list of 66 communication skills.

3. Evaluating your Leadership Skills

This SWOT analysis is for an evaluation of personal growth as a leader over the past year.

  • Strengths: I have successfully led several projects to completion, demonstrating my ability to guide and motivate my team.
  • Weaknesses: I sometimes struggle to make decisions when faced with complex challenges.
  • Opportunities: There are numerous leadership workshops and training programs available that can help me enhance my decision-making abilities.
  • Threats: As the team expands and project complexity grows, I will need to adapt and enhance my leadership approach to maintain team performance and morale.

Leadership is one of the hardest things to learn, and comes with a massive learning curve as you figure out how to deal with a range of personalities and try to get the best out of them. That’s why self-evaluations are almost essential if you want to quickly develop skills in being a leader, manager, supervisor, or employer.

4. Evaluating your Problem-Solving Skills

This analysis is for a person who has examined their ability to solve problems effectively over a span of several months.

  • Strengths: My analytical abilities have enabled me to devise effective solutions to a variety of technical and strategic challenges.
  • Weaknesses: I’ve realized that I sometimes rush to a solution without considering all perspectives.
  • Opportunities: I could improve by proactively seeking diverse inputs before finalizing decisions and by investing time in developing more robust problem-solving methods.
  • Threats: The increasing complexity and scale of projects might present more challenging problems that will require more sophisticated problem-solving strategies.
chrisTake a Minute to Reflect: During a self-evaluation, it’s sometimes best to focus on your weaknesses. This is where you can achieve the greatest gains because you’ll be starting a a lower base. So, reflect now on your weaknesses. You could write down 2-5 areas where you know there is plenty of room for improvement.

5. Evaluating your Technical Skills

This is a self-evaluation of proficiency in using industry-specific software over the past six months.

  • Strengths: I have effectively used software tools to enhance productivity and work quality.
  • Weaknesses: I’ve experienced difficulties with some advanced features of these tools.
  • Opportunities: There are advanced training resources available that could help me fully utilize these software tools.
  • Threats: Rapid technological advancements and the introduction of new tools necessitate continuous learning to maintain technical proficiency.

Technical skills are often referred to as ‘hard skills’ – these are the skills you need to effectively perform tasks in your job. They’re one of several types of skills – others being soft skills, transferable skills, personal skills, and knowledge-based skills. If you want to explore hard skills for your profession, I have a long list of hard skills here.

6. Evaluating your Adaptability

Adaptability skills are essential in workplaces that are constantly changing with new technologies or changing demands of the job. Here is a personal assessment of a person’s ability to adapt to changes in the workplace over the past year.

  • Strengths: I’ve successfully navigated several significant changes, including policy updates and software transitions.
  • Weaknesses: I’ve noticed some initial resistance within myself when facing unexpected changes.
  • Opportunities: I could improve my adaptability by embracing a growth mindset and actively seeking opportunities to learn from change.
  • Threats: The fast-paced nature of our industry means changes will be continuous and potentially disruptive, making adaptability an essential skill.
chrisTake a Minute to Reflect: What changes are occurring in your industry that necessitate adaptability? These could be related to industry-specific tends, technology changes, regulatory changes, and so on.

7. Evaluating your Project Management Skills

This is a reflection on project management abilities over the span of a year.

  • Strengths: I’ve effectively managed resources, timelines, and team members to successfully complete various projects.
  • Weaknesses: I’ve had difficulties predicting potential project risks, which has led to last-minute adjustments.
  • Opportunities: I could enhance my project management skills by further developing my risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
  • Threats: As projects increase in size and complexity, potential risks and challenges will likely become more difficult to manage and require more sophisticated strategies.

8. Evaluating your Customer Service Skills

A personal evaluation in a sales environment often involves evaluation of performance in handling client interactions (especially the hairy ones!)

  • Strengths: I’ve maintained strong relationships with our clients, ensuring their needs and expectations are met consistently.
  • Weaknesses: I have occasionally struggled with handling client complaints and conflicts.
  • Opportunities: There are numerous resources available, such as customer service training programs, that could help improve my conflict resolution skills.
  • Threats: As we expand our client base, the volume and complexity of customer interactions will increase, requiring enhanced customer service skills.
chrisTake a Minute to Reflect: What skills do you consider to be important for working in a customer-facing role? List 5 skills, then rate your own competency in each skill on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). Based on this, how could you improve your customer service skills?

9. Evaluating your Collaboration Skills

This one is for an evaluation of your ability to contribute to a team, work toward common group goals, brainstorm well with others, and so on.

  • Strengths: I’ve played a significant role in fostering a supportive and inclusive team environment, leading to successful collaborations.
  • Weaknesses: I could improve my delegation skills to distribute tasks more evenly among team members.
  • Opportunities: By actively seeking feedback from team members and focusing on enhancing my delegation abilities, I could further strengthen my collaboration skills.
  • Threats: The introduction of new team members or an increase in project scope could challenge my current collaboration strategies.

If you want to focus on evaluating and improving your collaboration skills, I’d recommend you check out some of my other content on this website on collaboration and teamwork, which can get your mind working on what to write about and reflect on. Start with my piece on what a team player is, followed by my work on the importance of group brainstorming, and the importance of teamwork.

10. Evaluating your Creativity and Innovation

This reflection is for thinking about your ability to generate innovative solutions, think outside the box, and contribute to creative endeavors.

  • Strengths: My creative thinking has resulted in several innovative ideas that have improved team productivity.
  • Weaknesses: I’ve noticed that I sometimes hesitate to share unconventional ideas for fear of rejection.
  • Opportunities: I could cultivate a more fearless approach to innovation and more actively seek feedback on my ideas.
  • Threats: The increasing demand for innovative solutions to tackle industry challenges necessitates continual enhancement of my creative thinking skills.

11. Evaluating your Organizational Skills

Another good area to self-evaluate is your organizational skills, which refers to your ability to arrange your tasks, time, and resources to optimize for productivity and output.

  • Strengths: My effective organization of tasks and responsibilities has facilitated smooth workflows and timely project completion.
  • Weaknesses: I have sometimes struggled with managing complex tasks and projects due to insufficient planning.
  • Opportunities: There are opportunities to improve my skills by incorporating more advanced organizational tools and methods.
  • Threats: The complexity and volume of tasks and projects will likely increase, requiring me to continually refine my organization skills.

12. Evaluating your Feedback Receptivity

Many of us find it hard to give and receive feedback – and of course, there’s an art to good feedback. It should be constructive. Here is a self-evaluation of a person who has been struggling to accept feedback.

  • Strengths: I’ve consistently demonstrated an openness to feedback and have made meaningful improvements based on it.
  • Weaknesses: I sometimes become defensive when receiving critical feedback.
  • Opportunities: I can further improve my receptivity by cultivating a growth mindset and actively seeking constructive criticism.
  • Threats: As roles and responsibilities evolve, the need for constructive feedback will likely increase, requiring an ongoing openness to and learning from feedback.

13. Evaluating your Conflict Resolution Skills

This self-evaluation is for setting goals for managers, customer service representatives, or anyone who needs to resolve conflicts in their workplace.

  • Strengths: I’ve demonstrated a knack for facilitating fair and effective resolutions to team conflicts.
  • Weaknesses: I could work on preventing conflicts before they escalate, by fostering better communication within the team.
  • Opportunities: By enhancing my understanding of conflict dynamics and resolution techniques, I can further improve my skills in this area.
  • Threats: The expansion of the team and the pressure of project deadlines could potentially increase the occurrence of conflicts, making effective conflict resolution skills increasingly important.

14. Evaluating your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is elusive to many of us. It refers to our capacity to exercise empathy and read and respond to both our own and others’ emotions.

  • Strengths: I’ve consistently demonstrated empathy and understanding in my interactions with colleagues, contributing to a positive workplace culture.
  • Weaknesses: I sometimes struggle to manage my own stress during high-pressure periods.
  • Opportunities: There are numerous resources and techniques available to help manage stress and further enhance emotional intelligence.
  • Threats: The demands and pressures of the workplace can escalate, making emotional intelligence an essential skill for maintaining team morale and personal well-being.

See Also: Emotional Intelligence Examples

15. Evaluating your Learning and Development Progress

This area of self-reflection is all about how receptive we are to learning new things, and of course, how we’ve managed to go out there and actually engage in some lifelong learning in the workplace, especially in these times of rapid change.

  • Strengths: I’ve quickly learned new skills and adapted to changes, keeping up with our industry’s fast-paced nature.
  • Weaknesses: I’ve noticed some resistance when faced with learning new technologies or methodologies.
  • Opportunities: I could leverage available learning resources and training opportunities to continually enhance my learning agility.
  • Threats: Rapid technological advancements and changing industry trends could present continual learning challenges, requiring an ongoing commitment to professional development.

Benefits of Self-Evaluation

Self-evaluation is a valuable tool that promotes self-awareness, helping individuals understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of growth.

It aids in goal-setting, allowing people to align their ambitions with their capabilities effectively. Self-evaluation also encourages accountability, as it involves owning up to shortcomings and actively planning for improvement.

It facilitates personal and professional development by serving as a roadmap for progress. It’s a great tool for reflection, fostering a deeper understanding of one’s roles and responsibilities.

Moreover, self-evaluation fosters continuous learning, enhancing an individual’s adaptability and resilience. Finally, it can boost self-confidence and self-efficacy, especially when individuals see tangible progress towards their goals.


Self-evaluation refers to our ability to use metacognition, reflect on our performance, and identify the best ways to move forward to achieve our goals. It is essential for continual personal and professional development. My preferred approach is to use the structured SWOT method because it helps us to know how to go about both evaluating ourselves and thinking about setting ourselves well up for the future.


Chris Drew (PhD)

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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