Wiki Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey
CW 3
Nombre completo

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant

Fecha de nacimiento

21 de junio de 1985 (31 años)

Ciudad de origen

Lake Placid, New York, Estados Unidos

Reside en

California, Estados Unidos


Robert Grant Jr. (padre)
Patricia Grant (madre)
Caroline "Chuck" Grant (hermana)
Charlie Grant (hermano)
Robert Grant Sr. (abuelo)
Cynthia Grant (abuela)
Donald Hill (abuelo)
Madeline Hill (abuela)


G-Eazy (novio)
Francesco Carrozzini (ex-novio)
Barrie James O'Neill (ex-novio)
Steven Mertens (ex-novio)
Mike Mizrahi (ex-novio)
Arthur Lynn (ex-novio)
Varios (mencionados en canciones)

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Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (Nacida el 21 de junio de 1985, en New York City, New York), mas conocida por su nombre artístico Lana Del Rey, o previos nombres tales como Lizzy Grant o May Jailer, es una canto-autora estadounidense, modelo, artista, y música. Es hija de Patricia Grant, y Robert Grant. Aunque nació en New York City, ella fue criada en Lake Placid, New York. Tiene dos hermanos menores: Caroline "Chuck" Grant, su hermana, y Charlie Grant, su hermano. Ella ha estado cantando profesionalmente como Lana Del Rey desde 2011, y ha lanzado un total de 3 álbumes de estudio profesionales, con su cuarto álbum siendo esperado para mediados de 2017.

Vida temprana

Lana Del Rey nació como Elizabeth Woolridge Grant a su madre y padre en New York City, New York el 21 de junio de 1985. Su padre, un antiguo ejecutivo de los derechos de autor de Grey Group convertido a desarrollador de paginas web, y su madre Patricia Grant, una antigua ejecutiva contable de Grey Group la criaron en Lake Placid, New York durante la mayor parte de su juventud, junto a su hermana Chuck y su hermano Charlie. Su padre, quien trabajaba como un importante ejecutivo, empezó a invertir en dominios de internet a finales de los años 90, y como resultado se convirtió en un empresario independiente. A pesar de que su familia vive con comodidad, Del Rey ha dicho que su padre nunca fue un millonario y que nunca tuvieron una vida lujosa.

Desde temprana edad, Del Rey tuvo problemas de alcoholismo. A la edad de 15 años, Del Rey fue enviada a Kent School, un internado en Connecticut después de problemas con sus profesores y su madre. Mientras estaba en Kent School, conoció al profesor y recientemente graduado de la universidad de Georgetown, Gene Campbell, quien la introdujo a varios artistas y escritores tales como Tupac, Walt Whitman y Vladimir Nabokov, lo cual seria una gran influencia en su música a lo largo de su vida.


Principios de su carrera y Sirens

Articulo principal: Sirens (álbum)

Después de volver a New York a los 18 años de edad, Del Rey comenzó a estudiar metafísica en la facultad de Fordham. Fue alrededor de este tiempo cuando ella dejo de beber debido a un incidente donde ella perdió el auto de sus padres, aunque al dejar de beber, se sentía "excluida de la vida universitaria". [1] Ella empezó a hacer contacto con otros artistas que la alentaron a experimentar con música. Después de aprender seis cuerdas en guitarra gracias a su tío, ella empezó a escribir música. Al respecto dijo "Me di cuenta que probablemente podía escribir un millón de canciones con esas seis cuerdas". El resultado fue la producción de su primer álbum,  Sirens. El álbum acústico, totalmente escrito por Del Rey bajo el nombre "May Jailer", fueron el comienzo de su vida musical y mostró fragilidad y paz en su voz y sonido.

Ella empezó a tocar canciones en varios clubes de New York en 2005, y continuo escribiendo y cantando durante los próximos años. Su nombre artístico cambio varias veces durante este periodo, comenzando con "May Jailer", convirtiéndose en "Lizzy Grant & The Phenomena", brevemente como "Sparkle Jump Rope Queen", y posteriormente en Lizzy Grant. Se graduó de la facultad de Fordham con un grado de bachiller de artes en filosofía. A la mitad de sus estudios, Del Rey recibió un contrato discográfico de $10,000 dolares, con el dinero rento una casa rodante en New Jersey a $400 el mes y comenzó su carrera musical.

Era Lizzy Grant

Articulo principal: Lana Del Ray (álbum)

Pronto, después de grabar un EP de demos, No Kung Fu, Del Rey empezó a trabajar en su primer álbum de estudio. Ella envió el EP a varios productores con la intención de encontrar a alguien con quien trabajar, y después de escuchar sus canciones, David Kahne accedió a trabajar con ella. Ambos comenzaron a grabar en 2008 y grabaron todos los días durante tres meses. Su primer EP fue lanzado después de que comenzaran sus sesiones, Kill Kill, el cual incluyo tres pistas - "Kill Kill", "Gramma", y "Yayo". Las tres canciones del EP después serian incluidas en su LP debut, Lana Del Ray. Del Rey había grabado el álbum previamente con quien era su novio en ese entonces, Steven Mertens pero sus contribuciones fueron descartadas. El álbum fue lanzado por 5 Points Records el 5 de enero de 2010, a iTunes y Amazon. Brevemente después fue removido y Del Rey compro los derechos al álbum a la discográfica, después de decidir un cambio en su música. El álbum fue removido de toda circulación, pero una versión nueva de la canción "Yayo" apareció posteriormente en Paradise.

Era Born to Die

Articulo principal: Born to Die (álbum)

A finales de 2010, Del Rey comenzó a trabajar en su álbum debut profesional Born to Die. Ella y Justin Parker comenzaron a trabajar juntos en este tiempo. Ella tiño su cabello rubio a caramelo en 2010, y comenzó a lanzar vídeos hechos por ella misma incluyendo clips de películas vintage, hechos en su computadora Apple, a mediados de 2010. Ella puso "Video Games" en su canal de Youtube el 19 de agosto de 2011. La canción y vídeo inmediatamente le ganaron atención de parte de los críticos, quienes admiraron la fragilidad de su voz y la producción de la canción, y ella firmo un contrato con Stranger Records el mes siguiente. La cancion fue lanzada como un double A-side junto a "Blue Jeans" el 16 de octubre, 2011. Pronto, Del Rey firmo a Interscope Records y Polydor Records y comenzó a preparar  Born to Die para lanzarlo a comienzos de 2012.

Interscope y Polydor introdujeron a Del Rey a varios productores, incluyendo Rick Nowels y Emile Haynie. Ella empezó a grabar viejas canciones y nuevo material para el álbum, y "Born to Die" fue lanzada el 30 de diciembre de 2011, como el segundo sencillo del álbum sin titulo. Del Rey comenzo a promocionar el material despues de habr firmado, y canto en varios conciertos y shows. Hizo su debut en television estadounidense el 14 de enero de 2012, junto a Daniel Radcliffe en el show de comedia Saturday Night Live. The performance received polarized reviews, with some calling it the "worst performance in SNL history", while some attributed Del Rey's stage presence to stage-jitters, due to the fact that it was her first performance on American television.

Despite the mixed reception of the album, it performed well commercially, especially in non-U.S. territories. The record was the 3rd best selling of the year in the United Kingdom.

Paradise era

Articulo principal: Paradise (EP)

In an interview with RTVE on June 15, 2012, Del Rey announced she has been working on a new album due in November, and that five tracks have already been written, two of them being "Will You Still Love Me When I'm No Longer Young and Beautiful" and "In the Land of Gods and Monsters" and the other track titled "I Sing the Body Electric" which was performed at the BBC Radio 1's Hackney Weekend. In an interview with Tim Blackwell for Nova FM in Melbourne, Australia, Del Rey added that her upcoming November release would not be a new album but an EP, which she described as the Paradise Edition of Born to Die. On September 25, 2012, Del Rey released the lead single "Ride" to critical acclaim. The EP was released November 9, 2012 with 8 tracks and one bonus iTunes exclusive track, "Burning Desire".

In June 2013, Del Rey began filming the Anthony Mandler directed short film Tropico, which she called a "farewell" to the Born to Die era. The short film was premiered at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood, California on December 4, 2013, and released to YouTube and VEVO on the following day. At the premiere, Del Rey announced the title of her second full length major label album Ultraviolence. The short film received mixed reception.

Ultraviolence era

Articulo principal: Ultraviolence (álbum)

Del Rey had been working on her Born to Die follow up album since its release, but felt there was no real substance until November 2013 when she sat down with melodies and lyrics she had been working on and wrote the album. Over three weeks in Electric Lady Studios in New York, Del Rey recorded the album with Rick Nowels. By the end of the session the album was complete. However, shortly after Dan Auerbach and Del Rey met in a club and decided to work together. A week later Del Rey rerecorded the entire album with Auerbach using a Shure SM-58 microphone and a live band.

In interviews around this time, Del Rey talked about the development of her album, playing tracks, such as "Black Beauty" and describing the album as dark and spiritual. After "Black Beauty" leaked, Del Rey said "I do feel discouraged, yeah. I don't really know what to put on the record. But I guess I could just put them on and see what happens" leaving the fate of the song on the album uncertain. She added, she was working on Ultraviolence "until my record got leaked last week, 'cause my life is like completely invaded. But yeah, I'm writing songs that I really like right now. They're really low-key and stripped back, all sort of West Coast inspired."

On February 20, 2014 Del Rey posted a picture of herself and Auerbach on Twitter with the caption "Me and Dan Auerbach are excited to present you Ultraviolence". [2]

"West Coast" was released as the album's lead single on April 14, 2014. It recieved critical acclaim and performed modestly on the charts, entering the Top 40 in many countries. A music video was released on May 7. "Shades of Cool" was announced to be the album's first promotional single and was released on May 26. The music video for the track premiered on June 17. "Ultraviolence" was the next promotional single followed "Brooklyn Baby" which was released on June 4 and June 8 respectively. A snippet of a music video for the song "Pretty When You Cry" was released through Del Rey's Instagram on June 16.

"Ultraviolence" was released as the album's second single on August 18, 2014 with a music video featuring Del Rey as a bride released on July 30. On November 21, 2014, "Black Beauty" was released as a single exclusively in Germany alongside a remix EP.

In November, 2014, rumours circulated about Del Rey's involvement with Tim Burton's Big Eyes, culminating in the revelation that she had recorded two songs for the film, a titular track, "Big Eyes" and another called "I Can Fly" written with Dan Heath and Rick Nowels respectively, the latter song of which earned Del Rey a Golden Globe nomination for "Best Original Song".

On December 1, 2014, a tour supporting the album was announced as the Endless Summer Tour with 17 dates in North America. Del Rey featured in Emile Haynie's album We Fall, co-writing and providing vocals for "Wait for Life".

Honeymoon era

Articulo principal: Honeymoon (álbum)

The successor to Ultraviolence was first mentioned in a radio interview in June, 2014, by Del Rey who explained she had a concept for an album titled Music to Watch Boys To that she was developing. In October of the same year, she expressed interest in working with Giorgio Moroder, an influencial disco producer. In an interview with Grazia in December, 2014, she announced she had already written 10 tracks for the album, was working with Mark Ronson and expected the album to be out after her Endless Summer Tour in late August, 2015.

Del Rey confirmed the title of the album to be Honeymoon in an interview with Billboard at the start of 2015. She explained that 9 tracks were completely finished, and she was "looking for a few more songs to tie everything together".

On July 14, 2015, Del Rey uploaded the audio of the song "Honeymoon", the title track from the record, on her personal YouTube account. The video shows Del Rey relaxing in the hills of California for about 30 seconds, and then it transitions into to the lyrics of the song. At the end of the video, Del Rey adds in some vintage clips. Despite it's early release, "Honeymoon" was not available for purchase on iTunes until September 9, 2015, when it was released as the second promotional single from the record.

On August 4, 2015, Del Rey announced the lead single "High By the Beach" on her Instagram, and that the track would be released on August 10, of the same year. The track leaked on August 7, 2015 onto YouTube and the social media platform Tumblr before the official release on Del Rey's YouTube account on the promised date of August 10. It received general appraise from the public, especially due to the fact that Del Rey explored the sound of "trap." The official music video for the single was uploaded to Del Rey's VEVO YouTube channel on August 13, 2015

On August 20, 2015, Del Rey announced the track listing of Honeymoon via social media. The album went up for pre-order the next day, and it included "High By the Beach" and the first promotional single, "Terrence Loves You". 

The last single from the record was called "Music to Watch Boys To". On June 4, 2015, model Jake Mast tweeted that the music video for the song he had filmed with Del Rey earlier in the year was for the track and would be released in June, however, by the end of the month, no song or video had been released and they were instead released in September. On September 1, 2015, Del Rey posted a photo depicting the behind-the-scenes of the music video for the track on Instagram. A snippet of the song was featured alongside excerpts from "Terrence Loves You", "Freak" and "High By the Beach" in an album sampler released September 8, 2015. On September 9, 2015, Del Rey posted the official artwork of "Music to Watch Boys To" on social media sites along with an announcement that the track would premier later that day on Beats 1 Radio. On September 11, 2015, the single's official audio was uploaded to Del Rey's VEVO YouTube channel, and the song was also on iTunes. On September 30, 2015, the official music video for the song was uploaded to Del Rey's VEVO YouTube channel. 

On February 9, 2016, Del Rey hosted a premiere for the music video of her song "Freak". It was located at The Wiltern, in Los Angeles, California. The video debuted via Del Rey's VEVO on the same date.

Lust for Life era

Articulo principal: Lust for Life (álbum)

In October 2015, Del Rey announced that she planned writing material for her new record. [3] She stated that she wanted the upcoming record to have a "pop-friendly" and "New York style" sound, [4] and to be a little harder, faster, more upbeat, and less dreamy. [5] In January 2016, Del Rey was nominated with the "Favorite Female Artist" award at the People's Choice Awards, and she also received a BRIT Award nomination for International Female Solo Artist, her third nomination in the category and fourth BRIT Award nomination overall.

Starting in December 2015, Del Rey began announcing festival dates across Europe, Canada, the United States, and Mexico to promote Honeymoon. [6] She performed at these festivals throughout the summer of 2016. Del Rey officially revealed that she began working on her fourth major-label studio album, just six months after releasing her third. [7] [8] Since then, it has been confirmed that the album has been completed and will be released in 2017.

The lead single from the album, "Love" was registered online during January 2017 under the alternate title "Young In Love". On February 17, 2017, promotional posters for the "Love" music video directed by Rich Lee appeared across Los Angeles, California. Later that day, the full song leaked online. On February 18, 2017, the single was officially released worldwide on all music services. The official music video for "Love" was published to Del Rey's official VEVO channel on February 20, 2017.

On March 29, 2017, Del Rey announced the that the official title of the album was Lust for Life by releasing an album trailer on her official VEVO channel. About the album, Del Rey stated "I made my first 4 albums for me, but this one is for my fans and about where I hope we are all headed." [9]

On April 19, 2017, "Lust for Life" (feat. The Weeknd), the second single and title track from the album, was officially released worldwide. Its official audio was uploaded to Del Rey's official VEVO channel on the same day, but an official music video has not yet been published.


Musical style

Del Rey's sound has been dubbed "Hollywood sadcore". Her music has been noted for its cinematic sound and its references to various aspects of pop culture, particularly that of 1950s and '60s Americana. Rolling Stone noted that Del Rey enjoys playing the role of lounge singer. Time said the solid core of her sound was "movie music", laid out over-top a hip hop vocal cadence.Attributed to many styles, Del Rey's sound has been tagged broadly as a sort of dream pop or baroque pop linked to various forms of rock, indie music, and trip hop, and often touching on styles such as hip hop, trap music, and psychedelic rock on particular releases. Of Born to Die, indie music journal Drowned in Sound wrote, "She likes that whole hip hop thing though, has this whole swagger thing going that not many girls like her got", adding that it sounded like a poppier Bond soundtrack. In "National Anthem", "Off to the Races," and "Diet Mountain Dew", Del Rey employs this alternative rapping technique. Under the stage name Lizzy Grant, she called her music "Hawaiian glam metal", while the work of her May Jailer project was acoustic.

Del Rey has been described as a "self-styled gangsta Nancy Sinatra" and "Lolita lost in the hood". Del Rey has also been called "a torch singer of the internet era" and "the anti-Gaga." [10] Following in the shadow of artists like Prince and David Bowie, Del Rey chose her musical identity because it "reminded [her] of the glamour of the seaside. It sounded gorgeous coming off the tip of the tongue".

Del Rey has attributed her work to various stage names including Lizzy Grant, Lana Rey Del Mar, [11] Sparkle Jump Rope Queen, [12] and May Jailer. [13] Settling on Lana Del Rey, the singer claims she selected the name because it was beautiful. First mention of the name Lana Del Rey came from her Spanish-speaking Cuban friends.

Voice timbre

Del Rey possesses an expansive contralto vocal range, which spans three-plus octaves and has been described as captivating and highly emotive, being able to transcend from sounding high and girlish in her timbre, down to a low and jazzy sound with great ease, although both these areas of the voice can be conflicting in the contrast of their sound, initially polarizing opinion. Following the release of Ultraviolence, which was recorded live in single takes and lacking Pro Tools vocal editing, critics fell into favor with Del Rey's vocal ability, praising her large range, increased vocal confidence, and uniquely emotive delivery. When recording in the studio Del Rey is known for vocal multi-layering, which, as it has been noted, is difficult for her to replicate within a live setting, especially with the lack of backing singers to fill out the original vocal style. Stage fright has also been noted as a major contribution to Del Rey's struggles with live performances. However, journalists noted in 2014 that her live performances had increased exponentially in confidence. Billboard Magazine deemed the Coachella debut of West Coast to be a "star-making performance" and lauded the singer's vocal abilities. Contemporary music critics have called her voice "smoky", "gravelly", and reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe.

Del Rey stated the use of her lower vocals on the tracks from Born to Die, claiming that "people weren't taking me very seriously, so I lowered my voice, believing that it would help me stand out. Now I sing quite low... well, for a female anyway". [14]

"I sing low now, but my voice used to be a lot higher. Because of the way I look, I needed something to ground the entire project. Otherwise I think people would assume I was some airhead singer. Well, I don't think... I know. I've sung one way, and sung another, and I've seen what people are drawn to", she said on the topic. [15]


Amongst her musical influences, Del Rey cites several artists, including Elvis Presley, Antony and the Johnsons, Frank Sinatra, Eminem, Amy Winehouse, Billie Holiday, Britney Spears, Bruce Springsteen, Janis Joplin, Nina Simone, Father John Misty, Bobby Vinton and Kurt Cobain. "[I really] just like the masters of every genre", she told BBC radio presenter Jo Whiley. Her favorite artists include Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, Jeff Buckley and Leonard Cohen. [16] She covered Cohen's "Chelsea Hotel No. 2" in 2013. She also cited "strong female characters" such as Courtney Love, Stevie Nicks, and Joni Mitchell as inspirational.

Janis Joplin's live version of "Summertime" from the Cheap Thrills compilation album is one of Del Rey's favorite songs. Del Rey has also cited "Time of the Season" by The Zombies and "Hotel California" by The Eagles as favorites and inspirations. Her favorite films, The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, and American Beauty have also inspired her musical style. [17] Inspired by poetry, Del Rey cites Walt Whitman and Allen Ginsberg as instrumental to her songwriting. Specifically, she enjoys the chapbook "Leaves of Grass" by Whitman and the poem "Howl" by Ginsberg. Her song, "Body Electric" from her third EP, Paradise, alludes to Whitman in the lyric, "Whitman is my daddy". The song's chorus of "I sing the body electric" is a direct reference to his poem "I Sing The Body Electric". She recited Whitman's poem "Song of Myself" for the French fashion magazine, L'Officiel Paris.

Vida personal

Del Rey stated that she suffered from alcoholism at a young age, but has been sober since 2004. In September 2012, she told GQ:

"I was a big drinker at the time. I would drink every day. I would drink alone. I thought the whole concept was so fucking cool. A great deal of what I wrote on Born to Die is about these wilderness years. When I write about the thing that I've lost I feel like I'm writing about alcohol because that was the first love of my life. My parents were worried, I was worried. I knew it was a problem when I liked it more than I liked doing anything else. I was like, 'I'm fucked. I am totally fucked'. Like, at first it's fine and you think you have a dark side – it's exciting – and then you realise the dark side wins every time if you decide to indulge in it. It's also a completely different way of living when you know that... a different species of person. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me."

Del Rey currently lives in the Los Angeles area of California, United States. Del Rey was in a relationship with photographer Francesco Carrozzini from June 2014 to November 2015, but due to disagreements on settling down together, the two broke up. She was also in a relationship with Barrie James O'Neill from August 2011 to June 2014. The two had been engaged, but they ultimately decided to end their affair (because they had a "dark" relationship, Del Rey claimed). She previously had a relationship with Steven Mertens who produced her first record Lana Del Ray prior to David Kahne's involvement, as well as an alleged relationship with a music industry executive. It is unknown if she is currently in a relationship.

Del Rey tiene múltiples tatuajes, incluyendo la palabra "paradise" y una "M" en su mano izquierda, "trust no one" y "die young" en su derecha, "Chateau Marmont" en su brazo izquierdo, "Whitman Nabokov" en su brazo derecho, "Nina Billie" en el lado izquierdo de su clavícula, y "Whitney Amy" en el lado derecho de su clavícula.


Articulo principal: Discografia de Lana Del Rey


  • Sirens (2006)
  • Lana Del Ray (2010)
  • Born to Die (2012)
  • Ultraviolence (2014)
  • Honeymoon (2015)
  • Lust for Life (2017)


  • Young Like Me (2005)
  • From the End (2005)
  • No Kung Fu (2007)
  • Kill Kill (2008)
  • Lana Del Rey (2012)
  • Paradise (2012)
  • Tropico (2013)


  • Born to Die Tour (2011-2012)
  • Paradise Tour (2013-2014)
  • Endless Summer Tour (2015)
  • Festival Tour (2016)


Articulo principal: Videografia de Lana Del Rey
  • Poolside (2010)
  • Lana Del Rey (2012)
  • Tropico (2013)

Premios y nominaciones

Articulo principal: Premios y nominaciones

Del Rey ha acumulado 14 premios de 53 nominaciones desde su debut, incluyendo el premio Ivor Novello por "Mejor canción contemporánea" con su sencillo "Video Games" en 2012, recibiendo nominaciones al Grammy por "Mejor álbum pop" con Paradise, y "Mejor canción compuesta para medio audiovisual" con "Young and Beautiful" en 2014. En 2015, su canción "Big Eyes", la cual fue incluida en la película del mismo nombre, fue nominada por los Oscars en la categoría "Mejor canción original". También en 2015, Del Rey gano el MTV Europe Music Award por "Mejor Alternative", y en noviembre, gano el premio "Trailblazer" de los Billboard Music Awards. En febrero de 2016, Del Rey recibió el premio a "Mejor artista femenina del año" de The ELLE Style Awards por ELLE Magazine.


  1. Tranter, Kirsten (2014) Lana interview with The Age, May 10, 2014. (Access date: May 27, 2014)
  3. "Lana Del Rey says she is already planning her next album". 2015-12-14. Retrieved 2016-06-29.
  4. Horner, Al. "A Letter From Lana Del Rey – The Full NME Cover Interview : 11 December 2015
  5. "A Letter From Lana Del Rey – The Full NME Cover Interview".
  6. "Lana Del Rey ‘Tapped’ For 2016 Lollapalooza, On Spin Wishlist For DJ Joe Jonas".

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