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This Changes Everything Emote
"I thought maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I'm... different. But you changed too. So, here's to the new us."

In Dev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.

This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).

For further information on these changes, see Canonical inconsistencies



Real name

Camille Ferros


The Gray Lady


  • The Steel Shadow
  • The Razor's Edge [1]



Human ( Cyborg)




  • Born: 916 AN


  • Hextech Heart Hextech Heart
  • Hextech Blade Legs Hextech Blade Legs
  • Hookshot Hookshot

Personal status



Place of origin


Current residence


Romantic Intrest(s)

Hakim Naderi (Former Lover)


  • Rhodri Ferros (Father)
  • Gemma Ferros (Mother)
  • Unnamed Siblings
  • Stevan Ferros (Brother)
  • Elicia Ferros (Grand-Aunt)
  • Albus Ferros Albus Ferros (Relative)
  • Unnamed Grand-Niece

Professional status


Clan Ferros' Principal Intelligencer


Piltover Crest icon Piltover


Ferros Clan Crest icon Ferros Clan

Related character(s)

Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law, Camille Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of Ferros Clan Crest icon Clan Ferros—an elegant and elite agent who ensures the Piltover Crest icon Piltover machine and its Zaun Crest icon Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly. Adaptable and precise, she views sloppy technique as an embarrassment that must be put to order. With a mind as sharp as the blades she bears, Camille's pursuit of superiority through hextech body augmentation has made many wonder if she is now more machine than woman.

CamilleSquare"Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon."  Camille
Read Biography

Background[ ]

Early life[ ]

Most of the family’s wealth came through harvesting a rare crystal from the brackern, a creature native to Shurima. These hex-crystals—or “first crystals”—contained power normally only wielded by those born with innate magical ability. After Camille’s great-great aunt lost an arm during an early expedition, her sacrifice inspired the Ferros family motto: “For family, will I give.”

The brackern were a limited resource, and Camille's family had to augment the crystals they’d accumulated. Utilizing shadow investments in chemtech and runic alchemy, they developed less powerful, but easier to make, synthetic hex-crystals.

Yet there were consequences—synthetic crystal manufacturing has long been rumored to heavily contribute to the Zaun Gray. Furthermore, it was only through espionage, intimidation, and murder that Clan Ferros held its monopoly on this priceless commodity, and ensured its uninterrupted production in Zaun, maintaining the family’s place in Piltover’s illustrious Bluewind Court.

As the eldest surviving child of Clan Ferros’ masters, Camille received every educational advantage. She had exceptional tutors, learning to speak several foreign languages and play the cellovinna at a concert-master level. Camille also learned to read and write Ancient Shuriman while assisting her father on digs in the Odyn Valley.

Traditionally, one of the younger children would become their family's principal intelligencer, working with the clan master to secure their family’s success by any means necessary. However, Camille's younger brother, Stevan, had a weak constitution, and so Camille took his place. He jealously watched her embrace her additional training, and she became quite adept in combat, reconnaissance, and interrogation.

When Camille was twenty-five, augmented Zaunite thugs attacked her and her father, intent on stealing lucrative trade secrets. Camille’s father succumbed to his wounds, and in anguish, her mother died soon after. Stevan became clan master, and he doubled the clan’s research in human hextech augmentation, eager to prove himself as a strong leader.

After a year of mourning, Stevan oversaw the induction of Hakim Naderi—a promising young crystallographer from the Shuriman coastal city of Bel'zhun—as the family’s lead artificer.

Camille requested hextech augmentation from Hakim to push her beyond her human limitations. Hakim was instantly enamored with her, and they bonded over the preparations and late night stories of Shurima… and eventually, Camille returned Hakim's feelings. Their affair grew reckless, as they knew the surgery would conclude their time together. Hakim would move onto other projects, and Camille would once again be fully committed to the principal intelligencer’s duties. More than that, Hakim worried that in carving away Camille's heart, he might remove her humanity.

Days before Camille's operation, Hakim proposed marriage and begged her to run away with him. For the first time in her life, Camille was torn.

Stevan had no such conflict, as he needed Camille to execute his vision. When he learned of the secret proposal, he devised a plan—the next time Camille and Hakim were together, Stevan set himself up to be attacked. When she saw her brother bruised and bloodied, Camille recognized what could happen when her attention was divided.

Hakim pleaded with Camille, but she wouldn’t listen. For family, she would give. She ended her relationship with Hakim, insisting her surgery go forward.

He was the only one who could safely perform the operation, and so he excised Camille’s heart and replaced it with hextech—then resigned. When she awoke, the lab she and Hakim had shared was abandoned.

Camille focused on her work. She took on further refinements, including bladed legs, grapple-spindled hips, and other, minor hex-augmentations, leading some to wonder how much of the woman was left. And as Clan Ferros amassed more power and wealth, Camille’s missions became darker and more deadly.

Thanks to her hextech heart, she did not age—but the years were not so kind to her brother. Yet even as Stevan's body grew more frail, his iron grip on the clan remained.

Contemporary history[ ]

Eventually, Camille uncovered the depth of Stevan's betrayal, and realized his machinations were no longer in the family’s best interests. In that moment, she discarded the last sentiment she felt toward her brother.

After installing her favorite grand-niece as clan master, Camille now runs the family's public affairs as well as its more shady operations. As a solver of… difficult problems, she embraces her more-than-human transformation and the cutting judgment it affords her—but a strange, mournful keening in her hextech heart may yet prove a troubling portent.

Regardless, Camille refuses to sit idle, and gains invigoration from well-executed industrial espionage, a fresh-brewed cup of tea, and long walks in the Gray.

Convergence[ ]

During the events of Convergence, Camille is entrusted with a mission which is to stop the Poingdestres, a chymobarons family which has carried out illegal and extremely dangerous experiments at the expense of the Hextech crystals of the Ferros clan.

After finding out that Ekko was getting into the Poingdestres' investigation, she herself went to confront him and tell him that the only way to stop him from interfering further was to kill him and the two began to fight.Ekko managed to incapacitate Camille. Future Ekko at that moment telling her that he had met Camille, she immediately deduced that there were two Ekkos, who were trying to stop the Poingdestres chemobarons just like her and proposes that they work together. Future Ekko, upsetting Present Ekko , to which Camille proceeded to leave to find the remaining Poingdestres.

During the fight against Jinx, she was about to throw explosives at Ekko but at that moment Camille appeared and cut the explosives with her legs leaving Jinx very surprised, then Camille proceeded to attack Jinx. At first Jinx took the lead hitting camille on the head, but Ekko used his Z press to rewind that moment to tell Camille to protect her head, then after a few hits she managed to incapacitate Jinx but due to a slight distraction she managed to escape .

Camille asked Ekko if there was any way to contact his Future Self and Ekko told him that there was a way and to play along, Ekko called his future self and told him that Camille was going to kill him for letting the Poigndestres go, Camille proceeded to pretend to attack him with her blades and Future Ekko appeared at that moment to stop Camille from landing the final blow on Ekko.

Future Ekko asked what was happening and realized that he had been set up, Camille proceeded to threaten him to reveal his plan unless he wanted her to get the information out of him herself. Future Ekko said that the only way to avoid the catastrophe was to destroy the reserves of Syntixi and the reserves of Hextech crystals in the Ferros clan vaults at the same time, which horrified Camille and Ekko. Future Ekko subsequently escaped to search for more Syntixi, Ekko asked Camille to go with him to Zaun to try to find Future Ekko's hideout and discover his plan.

Appearance[ ]

Camille is an elegant-looking woman with beautiful human and robotic features; she is very tall due to having, instead of legs, large prosthetic blades; her hips are exaggeratedly large, housing her grappling lines; her facial features are pale white skin, high cheekbones, thick lips, short platinum white hair, and piercing electric blue eyes. She wears a cyborg armor of black, dark blue and dark gray colors that covers the entirety of her body aside from her face.

Personality[ ]

Camille is obsessed with her work, enhancing her body to levels far from a normal human through hextech body augmentations. She's cold and ruthless, not allowing any emotion to interfere with her duties. Being born into one of the most powerful families in Piltover, Camille is an aristocrat with an intense loathing of carelessness and mistakes. The virtues she values most are: Patience and Precision.

Despite her lack of emotions, Camille can still show signs of empathy and teamwork, even collaborating with Zaunites.

Abilities[ ]

  • Hextech Cybernetic Enhancement: Camille has been given extensive cybernetic augmentations. Those enhancements gradually culminated when her heart was replaced with a hextech heart.
    • Enhanced Longevity: Camille's aging has been severely halted. She has lived for 80 years while still looking like a woman in her early forties.
    • Cybernetic Prosthetics: Camille's legs have been substituted with prosthetics with powerful abilities.
      • Leg Blades: The "feet" of Camille's legs are sharp blades capable of cutting through most materials.
      • Hookshots: Her tights have two hookshots attached that can be used as grappling hooks to move more easily across the city.
    • Hex Energy Manipulation: Camille emits powerful hex energy that can be used in several ways.
      • Energy Coating: Camille can "coat" her blades with energy, strengthening their cutting power.
      • Energy Fields: Camille can create energy fields around herself and others to protect herself or imprison others.
    • Deduction Skills: Camille is incredibly skilled at gathering information to solve cases.
    • Multilingual: Camille was educated in languages, being able to speak fluently and understand Ancient Shuriman, Targonian, and Ixtali.

Relations[ ]

Jhin Jhin[ ]

She has encountered and fought against Jhin Jhin during his assassination mission in Zaun which affected her clan's business. What happened to Camille afterward is still unknown, however.

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Camille OriginalCentered
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Piltover Crest icon


The Steel Shadow

By Ariel Lawrence

Starring Champion

Camille Jhin Awaken
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Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By Numerous creators

A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.

A Perfect Life Closed Circuit Cover
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Zaun Crest icon



By Double Stallion Games

Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.

Camille Severed Ties Cover
Zaun Boundary Markets
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Piltover Crest icon


Severed Ties

By Phillip Vargas, Ariel Lawrence

Camille must stop a secret alliance that threatens the fragile balance of power in Piltover.

Piltover Sidereal Avenue
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Piltover Crest icon

Short Story • 3 Minute Read

Tea With The Gray Lady

By Ariel Lawrence

The first sound I heard was the scrape of sharp metal against rock. My sight was blurred, my vision still swimming in murky darkness, but something in the back of my mind registered it, that knife-edge slide on wet stone. The rasp was the same as my mason when he marks out which rock to cut away from the cliff. It set my teeth on edge. The fog in my brain receded, but it left me with only one panicked thought as I strained at the ropes binding my hands:

Zaun Boundary Markets
Camille Severed Ties Cover
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Piltover Crest icon

Short Story • 26 Minute Read

The Weakest Heart

By Ariel Lawrence

“You should have killed her.”

Mentioned Champion

Piltover Zindelo's Incognium Runeterra
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Piltover Crest icon

Short Story • 27 Minute Read

Progress Day

By Graham McNeill

Tamara forces herself to rise early - an easy habit to get into when the earth is your bed and fallen leaves the only blanket. Less so when the mattress is stuffed with goose down and the sheets woven from soft cotton. The curtains are pulled back, and warm light pools on the floor of her third floor boarding room. She'd closed the curtains on her first night in Piltover and had slept two hours past dawn, which worried her so much, she has never closed them since.

Zed Comic 5 Cover 2
Zed Comic 4 Cover 2
Zed Comic 6 Cover 2
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Ionia Crest icon


Zed: Issue 5

By Odin Austin Shafer, Edgar Salazar, Lorenzo Ruggiero, Chris O'Halloran

Zed has been captured and is at the mercy of his most bitter enemy--and once most trusted friend--Shen! Meanwhile Akali sets out on her own in search of the deadly Jhin--a journey that may lead her to her own doom! But what is Jhin's endgame?

Alternate Universes

Mythmaker WR Promo 01
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Runeterra Crest icon


Lunar Feast/WR

By [[]]

Mythmaking is hungry work. Thankfully, you and your elite team of chefs are ready to cook up a storm in League of Legends: Wild Rift's Lunar Feast!

WR You Really Got Me
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Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video

You Really Got Me

By Numerous creators

Ready for the Rift?

Eclipse 2018 Promo 1
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Runeterra Crest icon


Answer To Her Light

By Unknown Author

The omens are clear: The coven has reassembled in the name of the old gods. Eclipse Leona is ready to meet them.

Crystal Quest cover
Crystal Quest 2 cover
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Piltover Crest icon


Crystal Quest: Series 1

By ARTeapot

True Damage GIANTS
True Damage Breakout
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Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By True Damage


Evelynn OriginalSkin old3
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Zaun Crest icon

The Shadows Beckon

By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

Swift and lethal, Evelynn is one of the most deadly - and expensive - assassins in all of Runeterra. Able to merge with shadows at will, she patiently stalks her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. While Evelynn is clearly not entirely human, and her heritage remains unclear, it is believed that she hails from the Shadow Isles - though her link with that tortured realm remains shrouded in mystery.

Trivia[ ]

  • Camille is classified as a Cyborg rather than a Golem, like Orianna Orianna. [2]
  • Camille is around 80 years old in 996 AN. [3]
    • Her Hextech heart has allowed her to age much more slowly than usual.
    • She was 26 when she started experimenting with self-augmentation one year after her parents' assassination.
  • Her augmented body, as well as her undercover shadow ops, have earned her the moniker 'The Gray Lady' (the Glorious Evolved's Glorious Evolved's patron saint).
  • Camille takes the role of a 'fixer' in service of the powerful clans, keeping Zaun's power in check from rivaling Piltover.
  • The idea of body augmentation is not so strange to the people of Zaun and Piltover, though Camille's particular body mod would be widely considered extreme.
  • Camille would never admit to anyone else her doubts about how far she could modify herself while retaining humanity. Her deepest fear is that because she's traded in her flesh for tools, others may see her as little more than a tool to be used.
  • Her fighting technique originates from her favorite weapon, the Shon-Xan footed glaive.
  • Her current grappling line and hook originate from the Western Serpent Isles.
  • She masters several foreign languages such as local Zhyun from Southern Ionia and ancient Ur-Nox from Noxus, beside reading and writing Ancient Shuriman.
  • She can play the cellovinna at a concert-master level, her favorite spare-time hobby.
  • Her great-great-aunt is speculated to be the escaping woman in Dreamsong.
  • In Awaken, Camille's eyes change colour when she approaches Jhin Jhin. This changing eye color is an allusion to her in-game passive, where she gains a shield based on the damage type of the champion she's attacking. That shot in the cinematic is her realizing that Jhin has set a trap. Her reaction is to first analyze the threat before jumping into action. [4]
  • It is hinted that Camille knows who killed Vi's Vi's parents.

Change log[ ]

Character blurb
5 Nov 2019 (During V9.22) Added.

References[ ]

  1. Official Riot Forge Twitter
  2. RiotJag on Camille's augmentation
  3. Champion Insights: Camille, the Steel Shadow
  4. Ask Riot: Game Modes and Metal

See also[ ]


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