FF宣布5届勒芒24小时拉力赛世界冠军Derek Bell等成为第二批车主 启动“FF All-Hyper 全球赛道征服者计划”

· FF在Pebble Beach Monterey Car Week举办FF开发者共创之夜,宣布5届勒芒24小时拉力赛殿堂级世界冠军Derek Bell成为FF 91第二批塔尖车主和FF开发者共创官
· FF宣布横跨演绎、音乐、模特等领域的好莱坞经纪人Kelvin Sherman成为第二批塔尖车主和FF开发者共创官
· 世界冠军赛车手Justin Bell成为第二批塔尖车主和FF开发者共创官
· FF与三位新车主和FF开发者 共创官联合启动 “FF All Hyper全球赛道征服者计划”
从左至右: Justin Bell, YT Jia, Derek Bell, Kelvin Sherman
美国加州蒙特雷,2023年8月18日 —— 总部位于美国加州的全球共享智能电动出行生态系统公司 Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.(纳斯达克:FFIE)(以下简称 "Faraday Future"、“FF”或“公司”)今天在Pebble Beach 蒙特利汽车周(Monterey Car Week)举办FF开发者共创之夜,宣布了两位塔尖用户成为第二批车主和开发者共创官,他们是5届勒芒 24 小时耐力赛冠军、殿堂级世界冠军赛车手Derek Bell和好莱坞横跨演绎、音乐、模特等领域的经纪人Kelvin Sherman。他们和此前宣布的第二批塔尖用户首位车主和开发者共创官世界冠军赛车手Justin Bell一起,在Pebble Beach启动了“FF All Hyper 全球赛道征服者计划”。
FF在Pebble Beach Monterey Car Week举办FF开发者共创之夜
德里克·贝尔(MBE,英国帝国勋章成员)拥有超过40年的国际赛车手职业生涯,是全球赛车史上拥有最成功、最多样化和最广泛荣誉的赛车手之一。贝尔以卓越的耐力跑车驾驶而闻名,他五次赢得了勒芒24小时耐力赛冠军、三次赢得了戴通纳24小时耐力赛冠军,并两次获得了世界跑车冠军!他被认为是有史以来在耐力赛中表现最出色的英国赛车手。他驾驶的跑车赛车涵盖了法拉利512、保时捷917、海湾-米拉奇时期、雷诺在勒芒的涡轮车型、保时捷936、保时捷956和962、克雷默保时捷K8、法拉利333 SP以及迈凯轮F1。后者使他于1995年与儿子贾斯汀·贝尔一同站上了勒芒领奖台,对这对父子来说是非常值得骄傲的时刻。
FF在Pebble Beach Monterey Car Week举办FF开发者共创之夜
Kelvin Sherman,一位充满活力的明星合作伙伴,以与众多顶级名人合作的出色记录而闻名,其中包括Justin Bieber、Kendall Jenner、Kanye West、Trippie Red、Lil Durk等等。联合创办Apollo Management Group对他而言是一个重要里程碑,Appllo已将FF 91无缝整合进与超级巨星Travis Scott的合作项目中。凭借着在迈阿密、纽约和洛杉矶的坚实业务,Apollo已经巧妙地定位自己以满足FF的目标市场,从而为广泛增长奠定了坚实的基础。
Kelvin将驾驶着FF 91展开他的日常之旅,他将成为奢华和创新的最佳代表。在他忙碌的日程中,他将组织引人入胜的活动,将FF 91的吸引力展示给挑剔的豪车爱好者。
Kelvin和Apollo将携手加入FF激动人心的冒险中,引领并拥抱独具灵感的交流,让更多人认识FF 91,并在奢侈品圈和名人圈建立持久的纽带。
FF在Pebble Beach Monterey Car Week举办FF开发者共创之夜
“非常激动殿堂级赛车世界冠军Derek Bell和好莱坞顶级跨界明星经纪人Kelvin Sherman成为FF新车主和开发者共创官。” FF 全球CEO陈雪峰表示,“我还要特别感谢传奇车手和赛车评论家Justin Bell成为FF的塔尖用户车主和FF开发者共创官,他们作为传统内燃机奢华时代的传奇,对于智能电车时代极智科技顶奢产品的热情与向往令人振奋。”
在Pebble Beach举行的FF 开发者共创节上,FF和Derek、Justin、Kelvin一起宣布将启动令人振奋的FF All Hyper 全球赛道征服者计划。公司期待和其他不断加入的行业顶尖开发者共创官一起,通过深度参与“FF All-Hyper全球赛道征服者计划”,持续推动“FF aiHyper 6X4 Architecture 2.0”和“全能aiHypercar”迭代升级,持续增强动力Hyper、操控Hyper和AI Hyper能力在内的全Hyper能力。”“FF All-Hyper全球赛道征服者计划”是专为FF量产版“全能aiHypercars”量身定制的终极比赛。下一个FF 开发者共创赛道日上,我们会详细介绍“FF All Hyper全球赛道征服者计划”详细比赛规则。
公司的共创化战略决定了AI电车时代下极智科技顶奢产品和技术发展新四化趋势的广度与深度。为了让FF的颠覆性技术得以不断升级进化,公司正式启动了全球开发者共创官线上招募,同时开始筹备“FF All Hyper全球赛道征服者计划 ”。
“让我们和Derek、Justin、Kelvin还有其他不断加入的行业顶尖开发者共创官一起,一个接一个地去征服包括纽北、勒芒、银石和印第安纳波利斯在内的全球所有著名赛道,不断刷新极智顶奢纯电量产车All Hyper新纪录,让‘无处不在的赛道上的大象’创造赛道上的不朽传奇。同时将FF打造成AI电车时代下极智科技顶奢超级塔尖市场的开创者和引领者。”FF创始人兼首席产品和用户生态官贾跃亭表示。
FF全球开发者共创官可以深度参与FF共创商业模式和共享技术平台,提前体验“Ultimate AI TechLuxury”产品,参与产品升级和技术改进项目,实现价值共创和利益共享。每位FF开发者共创官都成为推动行业转型的直接催化剂。今年计划生产的所有FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance车辆将专门提供给FF开发者共创官。
FF全球开发者共创官的在线注册现已在FF App和FF.com上开放。候选人可根据预订用户或经FF批准的开发者共创官的推荐获取资格。
Faraday Future Announces Second Group of FF 91 Spire Users and Developer Co-Creation Officers, Featuring World Champion Derek Bell, and Launches the Thrilling 'FF All-Hyper Global Racetrack Conqueror Plan
Swipe down to read more
· FF hosts Developer Co-Creation Night at Pebble Beach during Monterey Car Week where legendary racer Derek Bell joins the second group of FF 91 spire users and becomes an FF Developer Co-Creator.
· FF welcomes Hollywood agent Kelvin Sherman, a crossover agent across acting, music, modelling and more to the second batch of spire users and announces him as FF Developer Co-Creation Officer
· World champion race car driver Justin Bell joins the second group of FF 91 spire users and becomes FF Developer Co-Creation Officer.
· FF joins three FF 91 users and FF Developer Co-Creation Officers to launch the Company’s new "FF All-Hyper Global Racetrack Conqueror Plan."
MONTEREY, CA (August 18, 2023) - Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) ("Faraday Future," "FF" or the "Company"), the California-based global shared intelligent electric mobility ecosystem company, today announced two individuals who will join the second group of spire users and Developer Co-Creation Officers - Derek Bell, a five-time Le Mans 24 hours race winner and Hall of Fame World champion racer, and Kelvin Sherman, a Hollywood agent whose practice spans across acting, music and modeling. They along with the Company officially launched the FF All-Hyper Global Racetrack Conqueror Plan at Pebble Beach, along with the recently announced second batch of spire users and Developer Co-Creation Officer Justin Bell.
Derek Bell MBE has enjoyed one of the most successful, diverse and wide-ranging racing careers of any international racing drivers which spans over 40 years. Bell is best-known as the consummate endurance sports car driver who won the Le Mans 24 Hours five times, the Daytona 24 Hours three times and the World Sports Car Champion twice! He is considered to be the greatest British racing driver ever to compete in endurance racing. His sports car racing career spans the Ferrari 512 and Porsche 917, the Gulf-Mirage era, Renault’s turbo effort at Le Mans, the Porsche 936, Porsche 956 and 962, the Kremer Porsche K8, the Ferrari 333 SP, and the McLaren F1. The latter earned him yet another Le Mans podium alongside his son Justin Bell in 1995 – a very proud moment for the father and son.
Kelvin Sherman, a dynamic celebrity partner, boasts an impressive track record collaborating with a roster of A-list notables including Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner, Kanye West, Trippie Red, Lil Durk and many more. Co-founding Apollo Management Group has been a pivotal achievement, notably marked by the seamless integration of the FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance into the project alongside superstar Travis Scott. With a strong presence spanning from Miami, NYC, and Los Angeles, Apollo has strategically positioned itself to cater to FF's target markets, helping to solidify the foundation for expansive growth.
Renowned for his extensive connections within show business, Kelvin possesses a distinct knack for fostering collaborations. His commitment to bridging FF with upper echelon his dedication to establishing FF partners for our co-creation program, propelling the influence on new heights.
Kelvin's daily journey will unfold behind the wheel of the FF 91, while he embodies the epitome of luxury and innovation. As he navigates through a calendar brimming with exclusive events that unite celebrities and culture, he will orchestrate captivating introductions and will showcase FF 91 2.0 vehicle's allure to discerning luxury car enthusiasts.
Kelvin and Apollo will join FF on this exhilarating venture as he spearheads and embraces a mutual exchange of inspiration, propelling FF 91 into the spotlight and forging enduring connections within the realm of luxury and celebrity.
"It's very exciting to have Hall of Fame World Champion racer Derek Bell and top Hollywood crossover star agent Kelvin Sherman as new FF spire users and Developer Co-Creators” said XF Chen, FF Global CEO. "I would also like to give special thanks to legendary driver and racing commentator Justin Bell for becoming an FF spire user and FF Developer Co-Creator Officer as well. "
At the FF Developer Co-Creation Night held in Pebble Beach, the Company was joined by, Derek, Justin and Kelvin, and announced that the Company would be launching the exciting new FF All-Hyper Global Racetrack Conqueror Plan. The Company expects to work with an expanding community of Developer Co-Creation Officers, a group of top-notch industry experts, and through their deep participation in this program, promote the iterations and upgrade of the “FF aiHyper 6X4 Architecture 2.0” and “All-Ability aiHyperCar” and contribute to the continuous advancements of all Hyper capabilities, including propulsion Hyper, handling Hyper and AI Hyper. The “FF All Hyper Global Racetrack Conqueror Plan” is an ultimate race tailored for the production version of All-Ability aiHypercars. We will explain the rules of the “FF All Hyper Global Racetrack Conqueror Plan” in detail on our next FF Developer Co-Creation Track Day.
The Company’s Co-Creation determines the extent and depth to which the four trends can profoundly impact the evolution of Ultimate AI TechLuxury products and technology in the AI EV era. With the goal of continuous upgrades and evolutions of FF's disruptive technology, FF has officially launched the online recruitment campaign for global Developer Co-Creation Officers. At the same time, we're preparing to introduce the "FF All Hyper Global Racetrack Conqueror Plan.
“Let’s join Derek, Justin, Kelvin and the other top talents across various industries within our expanding community of Developer Co-Creation Officers,” said YT Jia, FF’s founder and CPUO. “Together, we are set to conquer the world’s most famous racetracks one by one - Nürburgring Nordschleife, Le Mans, Silverstone, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and all the others. We plan to race to set and reset new records for the Ultimate AI TechLuxury production EVs. I have confidence that our FF 91 will craft yet another enduring legendary story on the racing circuit. A concurrent goal is to establish FF as a pioneer and leader of the “Ultimate AI TechLuxury” ultra spire market in the AI EV era.”
FF Global Developer Co-Creation Officers can deeply participate in FF Co-Creation business models and co-shared technology platforms, have early access to “Ultimate AI TechLuxury” products, involve in product upgrades and technology improvement projects, and achieve value co-creation and benefit co-sharing. Each FF Developer Co-Creation Officer becomes a direct catalyst for industry transformation. All FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance vehicles scheduled for production this year will be exclusively offered to FF Developer Co-Creation Officers.
Online registration for FF Developer Co-Creation Officers is now available on the FF App and FF.com. Candidates will be admitted based on referrals from pre-order users or Developer Co-Creation Officers subject to approval from FF. The Developer Co-Creation Officer recruitment platform can be accessed here: http://app-us.ff.com/ff-v3/news/551?lang=en-US
The Company will post the full video of the Developer Co-Creation Festival at 6:00PM PST on 08/20.
Users can preorder an FF 91 vehicle via the FF Intelligent App or through our website (English): 
or (Chinese): 
Download the new FF Intelligent App: https://www.ff.com/us/mobile-app/.
FF is the pioneer of the Ultimate Intelligent TechLuxury ultra spire market in the intelligent EV era, and a disruptor of the traditional ultra-luxury car industry. FF is not just an EV company, but also a software-driven company of intelligent internet AI product.
This press release “forward looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words “estimates,” “projected,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “forecasts,” “plans,” “intends,” “believes,” “seeks,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “future,” “propose” and variations of these words or similar expressions (or the negative versions of such words or expressions) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements, which include statements regarding the Company’s ability to meet its future production and delivery plan, the success of the Developer Co-Creator program, the consummation of the reverse stock split and the authorized share cap, are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside the Company’s control, that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Important factors, among others, that may affect actual results or outcomes include , among others: the Board setting the exact stock split ratio, if at all, the Board of approving the filing of an amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, decreasing the amount of authorized shares of common stock, if at all, the Company’s ability to execute on its plans to develop and market its vehicles and the timing of these development programs (including timely receipt of parts and satisfactory safety testing); the Company’s estimates of the size of the markets for its vehicles and cost to bring those vehicles to market; the rate and degree of market acceptance of the Company’s vehicles; the success of other competing manufacturers; the performance and security of the Company’s vehicles; potential litigation involving the Company; the result of future financing efforts and general economic and market conditions impacting demand for the Company’s products; potential cost, headcount and salary reduction actions may not be sufficient or may not achieve their expected results; and the ability of the Company to attract and retain employees, any adverse developments in existing legal proceedings or the initiation of new legal proceedings, and volatility of the Company’s stock price. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on May 12, 2023, the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 9, 2023, and other documents filed by the Company from time to time with the SEC. . These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
Investors (English): ir@faradayfuture.com
Investors (Chinese): cn-ir@faradayfuture.com
Media: john.schilling@ff.com

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