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Exploring Ego Death: What It Is And How to Experience It


Imagine looking back at the person you used to be, the person you knew better than anyone else on Earth, because you spent so many years being that person and you just… you don’t recognize them anymore. 

That’s what people say it feels like to experience ego death or ego dissolution, and in this article, I’ll explain everything you need to know about this phenomenon. 

As psychedelic experiences go, it’s said to be one of the most transformative, a deathless death where you step out of the nothingness able to look back at who you once were and feel something new. 

That’s classic ego death: an intense and life-changing process of shedding your old identity and egos and reconstructing a new sense of self based on the infinite potential that lies within. If this sounds a little out there, well, it is. But those who have experienced this eternal, limitless transformation claim ego dissolution gave them a freedom they’ve never known, a chance to understand themselves and their purpose in life. 

In this blog post, I’ll explore ego death: what it is, the different ways to experience it and the potential benefits that come with it. So let’s take a deep dive into how ego death can help us better understand ourselves and regulate our emotional states.

Real quick, though: none of this is medical advice. Don’t take medical advice from websites on the internet.

Ok, let’s get into it. 

What is Ego Death?

what is ego death

Ego death (or psychological death) is a term that has been used to describe a process of dissolving the ego. It is a concept found in philosophy, mysticism, and psychology, which suggests that our normal sense of self can be transcended, allowing us to reach a higher level of consciousness. In this altered state, the individual is said to experience an eerie sense of unity with all existence — something beyond just the thoughts and feelings we normally associate with being alive.

The concept of ego death has been seen as controversial by some people who believe it goes against traditional religious views or spiritual ideals. They think that any attempt to dissolve the ego could potentially lead to a state of moral relativism and rejection of all values and beliefs. On the other hand, supporters of ego death argue that it can be a means of spiritual awakening and can bring about greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Proponents point out that the idea of dissolving one’s ego is not necessarily linked to rejecting religion or ethics; instead, they say it’s more about expanding human consciousness, and understanding the perception of oneself better. Ultimately, one’s opinion on this matter is subjective as it requires exploring one’s relationship with their own personal beliefs.

The concept of the death of Ego is one that remains heavily debated. Whether or not it can help foster higher levels of consciousness depends on each individual’s interpretation and understanding of what this mystical experience really entails. As I move on to talk about “What does ego death feel like” in the next section, I insist you must approach this subject with an open mind in order to gain an unbiased insight into how others view this intense concept.

What Does Ego Death Feel Like?

The experience of ego death is an intensely personal journey, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that what people go through will vary so widely among different individuals. Some people might encounter monumental shifts of perspective, or maybe a feeling of stillness or serenity where once they felt only something like anxiety. For others, they may feel only a minor change–or maybe nothing at all. 

Many people who’ve gone through the proces often describe it as life-alterning and potentially transcendent. Though the sensation varies, there are some commonalities to speak of. 

People have reported feeling like the person they were before experiencing ego-death is almost unrecognizable afterward. This can include a feeling of dissolving identity, a loss of boundaries between themselves and the rest of the world, a sense of dissolution, or a state of non-duality with everything else. It is also described as an emotional, psychological, and spiritual transformation that can be both empowering and disorienting.

After having experienced Ego death, you may find yourself emotional, prone to breakdowns in communication or logic, or experiencing shifts in your sense of self-identity and morality. A lot of people report feeling enlightened afterward; however, this “enlightenment” may not come without temporary confusion or distress as one attempts to navigate your newfound identity.

To flip it and reverse it, some argue that ego death does not exist and is merely a product of wishful thinking or personal delusions—a thought process that takes hold of those seeking inner peace and clarity but brings about feelings of confusion instead because so little is known about it. Others believe that ego death only occurs when we shift our focus from ourselves to something larger than ourselves. As such, this feeling could grossly manifest itself in the form of a religious epiphany or other out-of-body experiences.

How Does EGO Dissolution Affect Consciousness?

Ego dissolution, or “ego death,” is a profound spiritual experience with deep psychological implications. For many people, the dissolution of the ego is a liberating experience, allowing them to connect successfully to their true selves. It can also offer insight into how we think and perceive the world around us. The process of ego dissolution or death can bring about a number of changes in a person’s consciousness.

While it is important to note that everyone experiences ego death differently, there are some general trends that are common among those who have gone through this process. For instance, one of the most common experiences among people who have experienced ego loss is a deeper understanding of their role in the universe and an increased respect for life that was previously lacking. This often leads to an expansion in awareness and allows people to connect more deeply with other aspects of their lives. Additionally, the dissolution of the ego often results in an acceptance of uncertainty and vulnerability, which can lead to a greater sense of peace and contentment.

On the other hand, some believe that while releasing the attachment to one’s ego can be beneficial on a personal level, it can also lead to an overall reduction in creativity and productivity as well as feelings of apathy or disengagement from society. These individuals argue that by letting go of certain elements associated with their identity, such as ambition or passions, they may end up feeling disconnected from themselves and those around them.

Ultimately, there is no one correct answer for how the dissolution of the ego affects consciousness – it will vary from individual to individual depending on their particular mindset and experiences. Regardless of opinion however, it is undeniable that undergoing an ego death can profoundly alter our beliefs and psychological state.

This section has discussed the possible effects and implications associated with experiencing ego death. In the next section, readers will explore different types of ego death that could potentially bring about these changes in consciousness.

Different Types of Ego Death

Ego death is a concept that has been applied in many different ways and has come to reside in many different spiritual, psychological, and religious traditions. It is rarely defined in the same way by any two people, but generally revolves around some form of personal transformation usually brought about by intense experience or radical self-reflection. While there is no single definition or experience of the term ego death, it can be broken down into a few distinct categories.


The first type of ego death is found within the Abrahamic religions, particularly Christianity. Here, it is viewed as an act of surrender to God which involves the outer sense of self being completely transformed in a post-baptismal setting. The individual is said to leave behind their old life and mature spiritually as a result of being ‘born again’ through the transformative power of baptism. In this view, ego death is not necessarily a negative thing – it can be seen as an essential part of spiritual growth and development on the path towards union with God.


The second type of ego death occurs in Eastern traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. Here, it is often referred to as ‘nirvana’ and involves letting go of all attachment to the ever-changing experiences and phenomena of life in order to achieve a higher state of consciousness or enlightenment. Ego death here refers to a spiritual liberation beyond attachment or desires – a dissolution of both conscious and unconscious habits which can be difficult but ultimately rewarding.


The third type of ego death occurs in various old indigenous spiritual traditions around the world where it is often approached with caution and reverence due to its ascribed power over both physical and metaphysical realms. Here, ego death involves traditional practices such as fasting, prayer, meditative walking or vision questing that are designed to alter one’s state of understanding or perceptions about themselves or their environment. This approach to ego deaths aims to bring about altered states for spiritual insight whose primary purpose is personal development on both physical and metaphysical levels.

Different types of ego death can provide unique insights into how we perceive ourselves, our place in society and our relationship with others and the environment we live in. There are diverse opinions on how each tradition approaches this idea. All serve to remind us that our limited human perspective does not provide us with access to universal truths; that greater awareness can only be accessed through transcending our own ego, which is something that has been shared throughout history and across cultures. The next section will explore how these concepts linked with ego death can be experienced through meditation techniques.

Experienced Through Meditation

Navigating ego death through meditation can be a powerful and meaningful spiritual practice itself, offering introspective insights into the nature of reality and the self. In meditation, one practices delving deep into their consciousness to gain greater awareness of interconnectedness with the world. It seeks to quell the tendency for the mind to cling tightly to beliefs about identity, such as clinging to thoughts of being a superior being or needing external recognition. When this clinging is released, it allows for pre-existing structures to be deconstructed and taken apart. This process opens up space for new ways of perceiving one’s sense of self and untangles any attachment that may be felt towards certain aspects of one’s personality or identity.

The efficacy of meditation in inducing ego death has been debated by those who argue that since it seeks to release attachment, it does not address issues related to letting go of personal identity entirely. Meanwhile, proponents of using meditation as an avenue for experiencing ego death posit that it is necessary to first loosen one’s sense of attachment before they can explore shifting beyond an identified sense of self. Furthermore, they suggest that meditation creates a space away from external influences which could potentially cause an individual to hold onto certain beliefs or values more strongly than before without a solid understanding as to why.

Regardless of whether there is disagreement on how open one should be when meditating, it is clear that focusing attention inward on spiritual paths can lead to moments of liberation and clarity; this shift in perspective encourages empathy and interconnectedness with the entire world. To end here before leading into the next section – experiencing ego death through psychedelic substance use – meditation is only one path offered in exploring a healthy relationship between inner consciousness and reality.

Experienced Through Using Psychedelic Drugs

Exploring Ego Death through psychedelic drug use has been a popular method of reaching this spiritual awakening for centuries. Many people find taking part in ayahuasca ceremonies, or using psychedelics such as  psilocybin mushrooms, LSD,  DMT and  mescaline especially useful for deepening their spiritual connection and allowing for an expanded state of consciousness.

These psychedelic experiences can produce intense physical, visual, and auditory hallucinations which can be incredibly profound in terms of the effect on ego structure. Psychedelic drugs have a unique way of opening up pathways within one’s consciousness to experience deeper depths of altered states, creating a feeling beyond the normal waking consciousness that often leads to feelings of ego death.

Proponents argue that by introducing these powerful psychedelic drugs into our body systems, we are able to explore “realms” of unknown we would otherwise never reach. This heightened state of higher vibration (aka psychedelic experience) is said to inspire and expand our level of understanding about ourselves and the universe around us. However, opponents argue that it is not possible to come out of the psychedelic experience with any real knowledge or deep revelations due to the “unnatural” chemical reactions in our brain being triggered by these psychoactive and psychedelic drugs.

No matter what side of the argument you sit on, there is no denying that recently there has been an increase in popularity when it comes to using psychedelic drugs to induce ego death. Whether this type of psychedelic experience is for you or not is ultimately a personal decision. Keep in mind, though, that it’s important to remain aware and informed about the potential risks associated with taking part in this kind of exploration.


Exploring ego death and its impacts on one’s life can be a sensitive journey, yet it can provide immense transformation to an individual’s mental and spiritual well-being. To understand the impact of ego death, it is important to first acknowledge what the term ‘ego’ actually means in this context – the ego consists of our conscious self-awareness, including senses of identity such as one’s name and memories of one’s past experiences.

Ego death occurs when one’s sense of identity, or sense of self, is completely disassembled and rebuilt from scratch. In certain cultures, ego dissolution experienced as death is believed to bring enlightenment, or understanding of truth; while in other religions like Christianity, ego death is seen as a negative spiritual experience symbolizing the potential loss of life. Supporters of ego death speak more positively about its impacts; on top of possible increased clarity and peace, it has also shown to bring deeper insight into oneself and an enhanced appreciation of life moving forward.

On the other hand, there are some risks associated with experiencing ego death as it can at times lead to a complete meltdown mentally and spiritually if an individual isn’t ready or equipped to handle it. It can obscure firm belief systems which may interfere with one’s ability to cope with everyday life. In particular, for people already in a state of depression or despair, ego death could lead to further confusion and hopelessness.

Therefore, it is imperative that anyone exploring ego death has taken the time to undertake serious introspection to gain inner clarity before embarking upon their journey. Going through ego death must be considered carefully as its effects have long-term implications not only for oneself but also for those around them in terms of personality changes and lack of attention span that might result from a complete dismantling of an individual’s knowledge base.

Ego death brings both positive and negative possibilities. However, by understanding your abilities and limitations before embarking on such a powerful journey, it allows you to recognize beforehand how this experience might affect your life moving forward. To truly reap the potential benefits, it is integral that following ego death one should strive towards finding balance by understanding this new spectrum of reality. This leads us to our next section which delves into exploring methods for finding balance and understanding after experiencing ego death.


After going through the void of the formless experience that is ego death, it can be difficult to understand and make sense of what has happened in the metaphorical emptiness. Many people struggle with finding balance and peace within themselves post-ego death because this type of altered state can often be accompanied by feelings of uncertainty, confusion, and a lack of internal silence. In order to successfully move forward from, and find joy in the experience, it’s important to start by reflecting on the meaning behind it.

The concept of ego death carries a range of interpretations, depending on who you ask. Some believe that this process involves a complete destruction of the ego or sense of self in favor of enlightenment or spiritual growth. Others may see it as simply a form of mindfulness practice that simply helps bring awareness to our thought patterns and emotions. It is important to explore these different perspectives and come to your own conclusions about what the experience truly meant for you.

After developing an understanding of the experience, it’s important to also try to incorporate healthy new habits into one’s life as well. Finding methods like meditation practices, writing journal entries, practicing forgiveness and self-love, or other creative outlets will allow you to process your feelings more effectively. One should avoid turning to excessive behaviors such as drinking alcohol or using drugs as a way to cope with the changes brought on by ego death.

It is also beneficial to seek out community resources that are available for support when trying to move forward from your ego death experiences. Professional counseling or  therapy can provide helpful tools for managing emotions and understanding how your thought processes are shifting. Support groups and discussion forums online can also be useful sources for hearing from others who have gone through similar experiences and may offer insight on how they found their footing after undergoing ego death themselves.

By taking these steps, you can apply the lessons you learned during your altered state onto life afterwards and make progress towards finding balance and peace within yourself in its wake.

To wrap this deep-dive into the concept of Ego death up, I’ll go over some common questions that came up again and again in my research. 


How does ego dissolution transform an individual?

Ego dissolution can be a profoundly transformative experience. It replaces the ego with a sense of unity or oneness with everything in the universe. This state of heightened awareness allows for increased creativity, insight, and even bliss. As a result, ego dissolution is often seen as an integral part of spiritual growth and development.

What is the process of ego dissolution typically experienced through?

The process of ego dissolution is often experienced through a deep meditative state or the use of psychedelic substances. These altered states of consciousness provide an opportunity to let go of one’s sense of self and identity, facilitating the dissolution of the ego.

What is the significance of ego dissolution in relation to our habitual thought patterns?

Ego dissolution entails a deep dissociation and separation from our habitual thought patterns or “default-settings.” This detachment allows us to release the mental world from the physical world. By exploring the subconscious, our conscious mind becomes open to new perspectives and possibilities, breaking free from the limitations imposed by our habitual thought patterns.

How is ego defined?

Ego can be defined as our self-defined “self.” It encompasses both how we perceive ourselves and how we believe the world perceives us. It is the construct that shapes our identity and influences our thoughts about ourselves and our place in the world.

Why do some people prefer to use the term “ego dissolution” instead of “ego death”?

Some individuals prefer to use the term “ego dissolution” instead of “ego death” because the word “death” can carry negative connotations such as darkness and sadness. By using “ego dissolution,” they aim to avoid the potential fear or discomfort associated with the term “death.”

How is ego death experienced?

Ego death is typically experienced through a deep meditative or psychedelic state. It involves letting go of one’s sense of self and identity – particularly the sense of “me”, “mine”, or “ego” that may have been developed throughout life. During this process, the ego dissolves and is replaced with a feeling of unity or oneness with everything in the universe. This can be a profoundly transformative experience that allows one to become open to new perspectives and possibilities. Furthermore, it can give access to states of heightened awareness, creativity, insight, and even bliss. For these reasons, ego death is often seen as an integral part of spiritual growth and development.

What is the concept of ego death and where did it originate?

The concept of ego death is an ancient idea that originates from Eastern spiritual teachings such as  Buddhism and  Hinduism. It is the notion that one can transcend the fundamental sense of self, of our ego-based identity and experience a state of being without attachment to our ideas of who we are. In this state, there is no sense of limitation or separation, allowing a more expanded view of reality and an understanding of interconnectedness with all things. Ego death is often experienced through meditation, psychedelic drugs, or spiritual practices such as chanting, breathwork and yoga. It is an experience of pure presence or transcending consciousness in which one loses all sense of identity and boundaries and connects to something greater than yourself. The experience allows for deeper insight and spiritual awakening.

What long-term effects does ego death have on the individual?

Ego death can lead to profound and long-lasting changes in the individual. It can offer a person the opportunity to experience a greater connection with themselves, others, and the world around them. This can result in an increased sense of peace, contentment, and meaning in life. Moreover, the dissolution of the ego during a psychedelic trip allows individuals to view their sense of self differently. They may realize that their negative and limiting sense of self is illusory and not essential to who they are, which can bring great relief. In addition to this, ego death experiences can lead individuals to enlarge their sense of self and incorporate more aspects into it, including the environment and others. Feeling more connected to nature and other people has been shown to have positive effects on mental health.

Furthermore, ego death can help individuals develop more mindful and conscious approaches to decision-making. By understanding their own motivations, intentions, and feelings, individuals can make more informed choices. This heightened self-awareness can also lead to increased clarity of thought and improved ability to express oneself creatively. These aspects contribute to improved mental well-being.

Lastly, ego death can result in higher levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. By accepting the present moment and letting go of negative self-perceptions, individuals can experience an elevated sense of self-worth. All of these effects can be long-lasting, providing individuals with a lasting improvement in their mental health and overall well-being.

How long does ego death last?

Ego death, a phenomenon that can occur through psychedelic use or other methods, is usually a brief experience. It often reaches its peak during the most intense phase of a psychedelic experience, aligning with the strongest effects of the substance. The duration of this profound state, where the self seems to dissolve, varies depending on the dosage and individual sensitivity. Generally, ego death can last from a few minutes to several hours. As the psychedelic effects diminish, people report a range of sensations. Some experience a deep, pervasive sense of peace, while others feel a significant increase in confidence and self-assuredness.

What kind of preparation is involved with experiencing Ego Dissolution?

In order to experience ego dissolution or ego death, a person must first understand what it is and the implications it can have. Being prepared mentally is key for adequately understanding and navigating the potentially intense feelings that come along with leaving behind one’s sense of personal identity.

A person should also be aware of any underlying mental health issues or traumas that could come up as they explore an  altered state of consciousness. It is important to try to create an emotional and physical environment that promotes relaxation in order to feel safe and secure when venturing into new territory. Further, practicing a variety of techniques such as meditation, visualization, breathwork, chanting, sensory deprivation, and somatic practices can help foster emotional regulation and open up space for deeper exploration.

Overall, preparing to experience ego death consists of taking the time to gain knowledge on the subject and creating an environment both mentally and physically where comfort and safety are prioritized so that a person feels supported while exploring this powerful concept.

What Are The Various Mental And Spiritual Benefits Of Ego Death?

Ego death can be a profound and transformative experience that offers a multitude of therapeutic benefits. On a mental level, ego death can bring about a sense of clarity and inner peace, allowing individuals to release the grip of intense emotions that often keep them trapped in unhealthy thought patterns or reactions. This newfound clarity can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s own thoughts and feelings, as well as a broader perspective on the world around them.

Moreover, ego death has significant spiritual implications. It offers an opportunity for personal growth, transformation, and transcendence. Through the dissolution of the ego, individuals can access a universal truth that transcends their limited beliefs and perspectives. This spiritual awakening can serve as a powerful tool for self-discovery, unveiling hidden aspects of oneself that were previously unknown. The journey through ego death enables individuals to connect with their deepest values and move closer to their life’s purpose, ultimately fostering profound inner healing.

It is worth noting, however, that the therapeutic benefits of ego death are not guaranteed in all circumstances. Research suggests that enduring negative outcomes can occur when individuals struggle for a prolonged period during a psychedelic experience. However, it is important to emphasize that these risks are primarily associated with unsupervised use of psychedelics. In a controlled therapeutic setting, where participants are carefully screened, prepared, and supported, the risk of enduring psychological distress is significantly reduced.

In conclusion, ego death offers a transformative and potentially therapeutic experience. It provides mental clarity, emotional release, and a broader perspective on reality. Additionally, it holds the potential for profound spiritual growth and self-discovery. To ensure a positive therapeutic outcome, it is crucial to engage in ego death within a controlled and supported environment, where guidance and care are provided throughout the process.

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