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How to Write a Resignation Letter in 2023 (With Templates)

So, you’ve made a decision to quit your job. 

All it’s left to do is find a way to resign gracefully and painlessly. 

The first and most important step is giving your notice and letting all the relevant people know about your decision. 

But, how exactly do you write a polite resignation letter? 

Do you need one in the first place? 

If so, who do you need to address it to? 

And, what do you say to resign gracefully? 

Is there a simple resignation letter template you can use? 

Read on to find answers to these and other most important questions about writing a resignation letter. Plus, we’ve included 17 resignation letter templates to help make this process super easy. 

Let’s get started!   

How to write a resignation letter in 2023-cover

Table of Contents

What is a resignation letter? 

A resignation letter is a formal piece of writing used to inform your superior(s), HR, and any other relevant parties of your decision to leave your current job.

Although not a necessary step, a resignation letter is a very much appreciated part of your quitting process.

It serves as a record of the end date of your employment. 

You can print out a copy of your resignation letter and hand it over to your manager(s) and/or human resources representative during an in-office meeting if you’re on site. In case you’re remote or hybrid, you can send over an email or even a message via your internal communication software. 

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It’s as simple as that. 

However, if you’ve ever been in the position to write a resignation letter, you’ll agree that it’s often easier said than done. 

Why you should write a resignation letter

When it comes to actually composing a resignation letter, you suddenly see all the complexities of this process. 

Most often, you’re faced with the dilemma of whether or not you should write a letter of resignation in the first place. 

The short answer is — yes! Although it’s not necessarily required, writing a resignation letter doesn’t cost you a huge amount of time or effort, but it pays off big time. A polite and professional resignation letter will help you make the best lasting impression and ensure you burn no bridges on your way out of the company.  

Let’s have a look at all the main reasons why you should write a resignation letter to put this conundrum to rest. 

A Certified Professional Career Coach, Claire Burke, highlights the 3 most important reasons to write a resignation letter

Claire Burke

“As a career coach, I believe writing a resignation letter is important for the following reasons: 

  • To demonstrate professionalism, 
  • Provide documentation, and 
  • Ensure legal protection.”

Let’s take a more in-depth look at why it’s important to craft a professional resignation letter. 

Reason #1: A resignation letter serves as written evidence

A resignation letter creates a record of the end date of your employment.  

The legal or finance department in your company may need a paper trail of your notice containing your departure date and other details that help get the final paperwork done.   

Reason #2: A resignation letter can help with the talk 

If you’re nervous about telling your boss you’re leaving the company, a resignation letter can help make the perfect introduction and make the talk less awkward. 

Reason #3: You might be required to write a resignation letter   

In some companies and/or industries, it might be a part of the regular practice, and therefore expected to hand in a resignation letter before leaving the organization. 

Reason #4: A resignation letter can help you co-sign the narrative about your departure 

A resignation letter can be a great tool to ensure transparency about your leaving. A direct and clear resignation letter sent to your boss, their boss, and potentially someone from HR, serves to protect you from any potential spin threats and preserves your reputation.

Reason #5: A resignation letter secures a good standing with the company 

Last, but not least, a professional resignation letter helps maintain a great lasting impression, just in case you want to leave the door open for future opportunities. Moreover, this approach can also help solidify your professional reputation in HR and industry circles.   

What to include in your resignation letter?

The best thing about a resignation letter is that it can be as short or as extensive as you want. 

It’s up to you, your personal preference, and the type of impression you want to make whether you’ll include some courteous phrases and explanations or leave it to a bare minimum of information.

Let’s look at the common elements of a standard resignation letter.   

Resignation letter do #1: Start with an unequivocal resignation 

This is no place to beat around the bush and sugarcoat the reality. A simple and straightforward resignation means stating directly what you want to do — which is resign. Don’t forget to add the position you’re resigning from. 

Resignation letter do #2: Include the effective date of resignation

Leave no room for misunderstandings. Clearly state the last day to make sure everything is taken care of by the time you leave and all relevant parties are informed. 

Resignation letter do #3: Add a thank you

As straightforward as it may be, a professional resignation letter should include a short thank-you note. Remembering to express your gratitude speaks volumes about your character, makes all the parties feel recognized and appreciated, and leaves a great lasting impression. 

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If you’re not sure how exactly to properly express gratitude in a professional setting, we have a guide on the blog to help you:

  • How to say ‘Thank you’ professionally 

Resignation letter do #4: An offer to help facilitate a smooth handover

Show your desire to leave on great terms and help the company have a smooth transition. Let the relevant parties know all the details about how, when, where, and how long you’ll be available to train other team members and ensure a smooth handover. 

Resignation letter do #5: A professional closing

Don’t forget to keep it professional until the very end and express your desire to leave in good faith.    

What not to include in your resignation letter?

Now that we’ve figured out what the resignation letter is all about, it’s time to detail what to avoid in your resignation letter.

Resignation letter don’t #1: Give a detailed explanation of why you’re leaving

Although you might feel tempted to go above and beyond in explaining your reasons for leaving, remember that a resignation letter form is not the place for long-winded explanations of this sort. 

Ideally, you’ll have a one-on-one meeting with your manager (and other relevant parties, if needed) where you’ll discuss these reasons in detail. A resignation letter is a brief document stating your intention to quit, not a place for you to discuss your reasons in detail. 

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Resignation letter don’t #2: Share too many details about where you’re going

It’s not relevant nor ethical to discuss your future position and plans in your current company. This is especially true for a resignation letter whose sole purpose is to express your decision to quit and give brief details about the wrap-up of your duties. 

Career & Leadership Coach, Ayanna E. Jackson, advises against mentioning anything about your future career plans in your resignation letter: 

Ayanna E. Jackson

“I would not include in your resignation letter any information about your next career opportunity, salary, or title. You can discuss that in your exit interview or exit survey if one is provided. Companies use this information to get up-to-date insight on salaries, titles, and DEI metrics on attrition.” 

Resignation letter don’t #3: Voice criticism of the company, employees, or practices

This is a massive no-no in general, let alone in your resignation letter. There is a time and place for making constructive criticism remarks and proposing solutions and suggestions on how to improve certain processes and employee relationships. However, choosing to rant about the stuff you weren’t happy about just as you’re about to leave serves no constructive purpose, so it’s better left unsaid. 

Jackson agrees that there’s time and place for voicing criticism: 

Ayanna E. Jackson

“[…] this is not the time to list all of your grievances and problems with the company or your manager. You can discuss this or any potential ethical issues with HR during your exit interview.”

Resignation letter don’t #4: Add detailed instructions for the person taking over your position

As mentioned earlier, you’ll have an opportunity to hand over your position and duties in a timely manner, so leave the instructions and important information about the job duties for those training sessions. 

A resignation letter is not intended for the person that’s about to take your place, so make sure to leave out any long instructions when structuring your resignation letter. 

Resignation letter don’t #5: Write any long-winded paragraphs

Less is more when it comes to writing your resignation letter, so remember to keep it short and to the point.

Going on a tangent of any sort is not a good look, so, if you want to keep a great lasting impression, be relentless about cutting out all unnecessary ramblings and sugarcoating expressions.

Here’s a recap of all dos and don’ts we discussed:   

✅ Resignation letter dos ❌ Resignation letter don’ts 
A clear and direct resignationA detailed explanation of why you’re leaving 
The effective date of resignation Details about where you’re going 
A thank you Criticism of the company, employees, or practices 
An offer to help facilitate a smooth handoverDetailed instructions for the person taking over your position 
A professional closing Any long-winded paragraphs 

Resignation letter templates by type

Now that we’ve uncovered all the reasons to write a resignation letter (as well as all the elements that should go in one), let’s help you get some more tangible ideas on how to actually write a resignation letter based on your specific situation or need.

Read on as we uncover 13 (+4) types of resignation letter templates to spark your inspiration.

And, if you need even more inspiration, there are filled-out templates with word-for-word examples illustrating all these 17 types of resignation letters. 

Type #1: Basic resignation letter template

So, you’ve made a final decision — you’re leaving your job and there’s no turning back. 

After all the deliberation and soul-searching you’ve gone through in the previous period, the last thing you want to do is craft a perfectly detailed resignation letter.

So, how do you write a basic resignation letter? 

First things first, let’s cover the basics of writing a resignation letter.

In our basic resignation letter template below, you’ll find only, well, the basic elements of a resignation letter.

As mentioned earlier, when writing any (basic) resignation letter, make sure to: 

  • Express a clear and direct resignation, 
  • Include the effective date, 
  • Express your gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had during your time with the company (optional), 
  • Offer to help with the transition period (optional), and 
  • Close the letter politely and professionally. 

Here’s an example of a basic resignation letter you can send to your manager:

⬇️ Download Basic Resignation Letter Template 

An example of a basic resignation letter template
An example of a basic resignation letter template

The best part about this template is that it can serve any type of resignation situation you might need as there are no distinct elements or angles that might veer in a specific direction.

Also, as such, it provides a perfect base for when you need something specific but don’t know where to start. 

So, whether you need a basic resignation letter template or a solid starting point, you’ll find our basic resignation letter template useful.  

Type #2: Simple resignation letter template

If you were going for a more simple resignation letter, you can write a simplified version of the basic resignation letter to achieve so. 

Essentially, you can remove and/or shorten the optional parts in our basic resignation letter template to achieve a simple resignation letter. 

Here’s an example of a simple resignation letter you can use for inspiration: 

⬇️ Download Simple Resignation Letter Template

An example of a simple resignation letter template
An example of a simple resignation letter template

You can use the simple resignation letter if: 

  • You have already discussed all the details with all relevant parties at length,
  • You’re planning to have dedicated one-on-ones with your manager(s), HR, and/or teammates, and
  • You just want to make sure you’ve complied with the formalities of departing from a job. 

Type #3: Short resignation letter template

If the simple resignation letter still wasn’t simple and concise enough for you, worry not. 

Believe it or not, there’s even a simpler and shorter version of a resignation letter you can send (or hand over) to your manager(s). 

The trick to writing a short resignation letter lies in taking a simple resignation letter template, for example, and editing it down to the bare minimum of information. 

Here’s a short resignation letter template you can copy and paste if you want a super concise and to-the-point version of your resignation letter: 

⬇️ Download Short Resignation Letter Template

An example of a short resignation letter template
An example of a short resignation letter template

Although we would advise adding a little bit more detail to your resignation letter (such as saying thank you to your manager and expressing willingness to help with the transition), you can use the short resignation letter when you want to create a brief record of the end date of your employment. 

Type #4: Generic resignation letter template

Another great starting point when writing a resignation letter is a generic resignation letter template. 

As its name suggests, a generic resignation letter template includes only the basic elements of a resignation letter with the most generic phrases and lines. 

Below you’ll find an example of a generic resignation letter template you can use as inspiration and customize to your liking. 

⬇️ Download Generic Resignation Letter Template

An example of a generic resignation letter template
An example of a generic resignation letter template

You can use the generic resignation letter template when you need quick inspiration when setting the basic structure for your resignation letter. Depending on your specific situation and the impression you want to leave, you can add a more personalized styling.   

Type #5: Official resignation letter template

A resignation letter is an official document in and of itself. However, as you might expect, you can always go more or less official depending on:

  • Your position, 
  • Industry, 
  • The level of formality in your general internal communication in a company, and 
  • Your relationship with your manager and the type of leadership and communication style they practice. 

So, if you’re looking for a version of a resignation letter that is leaning slightly more on the official side, you can take a look at our template below. 

⬇️ Download Official Resignation Letter Template

An example of an official resignation letter template
An example of an official resignation letter template

Use the official resignation letter template: 

  • When in doubt about the formality level you should express, 
  • When you’re resigning from a position at a company you’ve been working for a short period of time, or 
  • When you want to keep it super professional and official. 

Type #6: Formal resignation letter template

Depending on your job position and industry, you might need to exercise a more or less formal tone and vocabulary in your resignation letter.

If your position, industry, or company culture requires a higher level of formality, you’ll need to keep your resignation letter in line with the features of formal communication. To ensure a more formal tone, remember to keep it:

  • Rational, 
  • Structured, and 
  • Goal-oriented.  

To help you get a clearer picture of what constitutes a formal resignation letter, we’ve crafted a formal resignation letter template to illustrate this format. 

⬇️ Download Formal Resignation Letter Template  

An example of a formal resignation letter template
An example of a formal resignation letter template

Although all resignation letters are, essentially, formal pieces of writing, you’ll still be able to distinguish the subtle nuances in tone and vocabulary and determine when it’s more appropriate to use a more formal resignation letter.

Type #7: Heartfelt resignation letter template

If you felt super close to your team and had an amazing relationship with your manager, you might want to let it all out in your resignation letter and express your sincere appreciation to your manager and team. And, why not, add a bit about how you feel about leaving your job and the team. 

Of course, make sure to still keep it professional and don’t go into melodramatic ramblings.

To get a better understanding of what constitutes a heartfelt but professional resignation letter, take a look at our example template below. 

⬇️ Download Heartfelt Resignation Letter Template

An example of a heartfelt resignation letter template
An example of a heartfelt resignation letter template  

So, each time you want to express a plan to maintain a relationship with your boss and teammates after your departure, you can compile a warm and heartfelt resignation letter that includes the following elements: 

  • Details announcing your resignation, 
  • Your thoughts and feelings about the role and the team, and 
  • Your hopes for the future (of your relationship).   

Type #8: Immediate resignation letter template

In the occasion you need to leave your job right away, you’ll need to write a resignation letter with a notice effective immediately. 

Of course, the perfect case scenario states resigning with at least 2 weeks’ notice, however, chances are you’ll experience some instances where you won’t have much choice but to resign immediately. Therefore, we’re providing a template example below, to help you craft a perfect resignation letter when in a rush. 

⬇️ Download Immediate Resignation Letter Template

An example of an immediate resignation letter template
An example of an immediate resignation letter template

Even if you have to resign immediately and are not able to give longer notice, remember to:

  • Check the terms of your employment agreement or contract (consult your HR department if not sure which rules apply with regard to notice), 
  • Explain your decision in as much detail as possible (you’re not obligated to give any personal detail regarding your resignation, however, it’s common courtesy to at least provide a vague, non-specific reason to keep them informed to some extent), and 
  • Keep your tone professional and polite, especially if you want to leave on good terms despite the circumstances. 

Type #9: Short notice resignation letter template

In addition to immediate resignation circumstances, you can also happen to come across a work situation when you’ll have some time to give the notice, but it will, nonetheless, be less than required.

Not to be confused with the immediate resignation letter that implies an immediate termination of employment, a short notice resignation letter supposes any situation when you have to provide a notice shorter than the expected 2 weeks. 

Here’s how you can formulate a resignation letter when you have to give a short notice. 

⬇️ Download Short Notice Resignation Letter Template 

An example of a short notice resignation letter template
An example of a short notice resignation letter template

Use a short notice resignation letter template when you can’t provide the regular 2 weeks’ notice. A short notice resignation letter will come in handy when:

  • Your new company needs you to start right away, 
  • You have a personal or family emergency, or 
  • You can’t tolerate certain conditions at work.  

Type #10: 2-week resignation letter template 

A 2-week notice resignation letter is somewhat of a norm when you want to quit your job. 

It’s considered an optimum amount of time for the company to plan how to cover your absence. 

In case your circumstances allow you to provide a 2-week notice, here’s how you can craft your resignation letter. 

⬇️ Download 2-week Resignation Letter Template 

An example of a 2-week resignation letter template
An example of a 2-week resignation letter template

You can send a 2-week resignation letter each time you can offer to stay for the 2 weeks notice period.   

Type #11: 1-month resignation letter template

In an ideal world, you’ll have the opportunity to plan your resignation at least one month in advance. 

If that’s the case, you and your employer both are going to have enough time to wrap things up and ensure a smooth transition. 

Regardless of the advance notice, writing a proper resignation letter is no easy task, especially when you want to make a perfect lasting impression.

Here’s some inspiration on how to craft your perfect 1-month resignation letter. 

⬇️ Download 1-month Resignation Letter Template

An example of a 1-month resignation letter template
An example of a 1-month resignation letter template

Use the 1-month resignation letter template when your company policy recommends advance notice.     

Type #12: Retirement resignation letter template

When you’re approaching the end of your professional career life, it’s time to do your due diligence and inform your employer about your pending retirement via a retirement resignation letter.  

In addition to being a polite and professional way to close this chapter of your life, a retirement resignation letter also serves legal and financial departments as proof it was your decision to resign. 

If you’re having trouble finding the right words to express your decision and feelings, take a look at our retirement resignation letter template for some inspiration. 

⬇️ Download Retirement Resignation Letter Template 

An example of a retirement resignation letter template
An example of a retirement resignation letter template

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To get all the details and tips for writing a retirement letter (as well as more examples and templates), be sure to check our guide on the blog: 

  • How to write a retirement letter with examples     

Type #13: Rescind resignation letter template

In business things often unexpectedly happen, and decisions are made only to be revoked in a little while. 

The same thing can happen with your decision to leave your job. You may have been firmly convinced that it’s the right thing to do and even filed a resignation letter to your manager and company human resources only to have an unexpected turn of events lead you to realize that you’d still want to keep your job. 

What you should do in this situation is — rescind your resignation letter. 

If you’re not sure how exactly to go about writing a rescind resignation letter, here’s some inspiration to get you started. 

⬇️ Download Rescind Resignation Letter Template 

An example of a letter template to rescind a resignation
An example of a letter template to rescind a resignation

As this is less than an ideal position, you’ll need some extra encouragement and additional tips to nail a letter to rescind your resignation. 

When preparing to write a letter to rescind your resignation, remember to: 

  • Get familiar with your company policy on the matter, 
  • Consult your manager on the right course of action,
  • Keep up your performance levels, 
  • Clearly state your decision to rescind early on in the letter, 
  • Explain your decision in detail,
  • Apologize profusely, 
  • Remind them of the pros of keeping you on board, and 
  • Express your gratitude.  

Resignation letter templates by job

Although we tried to keep our list of the most common types of resignation letter templates as extensive as possible, it’s still virtually impossible to cover all the potential scenarios and circumstances you’ll encounter throughout your career in one post. 

This is why our next chapter will deal with some of the most common resignation letters by job just to give you an idea of how you can customize some of the previous templates to suit a specific job type or position. 

And, for more inspiration, be sure to check out the next section in this guide where we offer detailed examples of how to word specific resignation letters from start to finish. 

Let’s dive in! 

Type #1: Teacher resignation letter template

If you’re a teacher determined to put a formal end to your employment at your current job, you might want to end on a positive note — by writing a resignation letter. 

A teacher resignation letter form should follow all the major resignation letter structure points, in addition to potentially offering to finish the ongoing term or providing a solution to help with the transition. 

Here’s an example of how you can structure a letter of resignation as a teacher giving notice. 

⬇️ Download Teacher Resignation Letter Template

An example of a teacher resignation letter template
An example of a teacher resignation letter template

One more point to keep in mind when giving formal notice as a teacher is that it’s common practice for this type of letter to be handed in personally by the teacher leaving the job. 

Type #2: Nurse resignation letter template

As a nurse vacating your current place of employment, you’re expected to give your formal notice and begin the voluntary termination process. 

The resignation letter should state:

  • A brief resignation statement that includes your title and your last day of employment, 
  • An offer to help with the handover of your responsibilities (if applicable), and 
  • An expression of gratitude for the opportunities provided to you during your time with the company. 

That being said, here’s what a nurse resignation letter looks like in practice.

⬇️ Download Nurse Resignation Letter Template

An example of a nurse resignation letter template
An example of a nurse resignation letter template

Type #3: Board resignation letter template

A board resignation letter is a formal notice given by a board member to a board or a director stating their decision to resign. 

A board resignation letter template thus follows a standard resignation letter structure. One specific detail indicative of a board resignation letter is that it can specify a time period for the resignation or suggest an immediate dismissal. 

Depending on the circumstances, the board can decide to postpone the resignation for another, more convenient time.

Here’s an example of a board resignation letter template you can reference when writing your resignation letter to leave a board. 

⬇️ Download Board Resignation Letter Template

An example of a board resignation letter template
An example of a board resignation letter template

Finally, board resignation letters are usually handed out to board members during a formal board meeting.     

Type #4: Director resignation letter template

If you happen to be a director who’s decided to leave the company you currently work for, it’s more than advisable to write a resignation letter giving your formal notice. 

More importantly, a resignation letter in this case will provide:

  • Official paperwork to facilitate a seamless transition, 
  • A note to express gratitude and appreciation for the people, 
  • An explanation of the reasons to resign (if applicable), and 
  • A suggestion of the future course of action for the company, as the director’s resignation can significantly affect how the company moves forward.  

Here’s a director resignation letter template you can reference when writing your own. 

⬇️ Download Director Resignation Letter Template

An example of a director resignation letter template
An example of a director resignation letter template

When resigning from a director position, remember to keep your resignation letter: 

  • Brief and to the point, 
  • Clear, and 
  • Professional but personalized.  
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Resignation letter examples

Now that you became familiar with different types of resignation letters and how to structure them, let’s get an even more detailed perspective. 

We’ve compiled 17 letter of resignation examples to help you get a clear understanding of what it actually looks like. 

Basic resignation letter example

Dear Mr. Miller,

Please accept this letter as notice that I am resigning from my position as a brand strategist at Beyond the Retail on June 30, 2023. 

Thank you for the opportunity to work in this position for the past two years. I really appreciate all of the opportunities for professional development you have given me during my time with the company. 

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if I can be of any assistance during the transition period. I’d be happy to help with the training of new employees along with wrapping up my responsibilities. 


Abel Tyler 

Simple resignation letter example

Dear Ms Stanley,

Please accept this letter as notice that I am leaving my position at On Cloud Design on July 15, 2023. 

Thank you for the opportunity to work in this position for the past 3 years.

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance during the transition period.


Yusra Raymond 

Short resignation letter example

Dear Alecia,

This is to notify you that I’m ending my employment at Flexi Soft on July 10, 2023. 


Dathan Bailey

Generic resignation letter example

Dear Moss,

Please accept my notice that I’ll be leaving my job as an account executive at Growth Mate. My last day will be July 20, 2023. 

Thank you for all your help and guidance over the past two years. 

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance during this transition. 


Arlene Dawson

Official resignation letter example

Dear Ms Franklin,

Please accept this as my official resignation from my position as human resources generalist at ABC Corp effective July 31.

I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work in this position for the past two years. It has been an incredible honor and privilege to work with you and the rest of the team. I am forever grateful for all the opportunities and support you have so generously provided. 

Please don’t hesitate to let me know how I can be of assistance in facilitating a smooth transition of responsibilities. 

I wish you and the team all the very best. 


Adrian Foster 

Formal resignation letter example

To Leron Fadel, Senior Associate Attorney, 

Kindly accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as an associate attorney at ABC Law Group effective July 31. 

I would like to express my gratitude for the growth opportunities that I have been given these past five years. It is with a heavy heart that I’m leaving this company and the team I feel honored to have been part of. 

Please don’t hesitate to let me know how I can be of assistance in ensuring a seamless transition of responsibilities to my successor. 

I wish the company continued success in the future.


Claus Larsen 

Heartfelt resignation letter example

Dear Sarah,

I’m writing this letter to let you know about my decision to resign from my position as a customer service representative at ABC Software. I expect my last day to be August 15, 2023. 

I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for all your guidance, support, mentorship, and understanding you’ve so graciously provided during these three years. Your kind and wise words will stay with me for the rest of my professional career and I’m forever grateful for having you as a mentor and a friend on my professional journey. 

I’m really sad to leave this role and the truly remarkable team we’ve created over the years. I will miss our brainstorming sessions and Friday evening get-togethers the most. 

Please let me know how I can help wrap things up as smoothly as possible while I’m here. I would love to help however I can. 

I promise to come back and visit whenever I’m in town, and hope you guys do the same.  

I can’t wait to hear all about the amazing things you do next.

Many thanks again for everything, 

Ben Marose  

Immediate resignation letter example

Dear Ms Hernandez,

I regret to inform you that I’m resigning from my position here immediately as an IT support specialist for personal reasons. My last day will be tomorrow.

I know this is unexpected and I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. I’m willing to assist in making this transition as smooth as possible. 

I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity to work in this position for the past two years. It has been an incredible honor and privilege to learn from you and work alongside you and the rest of the team. I can’t thank you enough for all the guidance and support you’ve given me during my time here. 

Please don’t hesitate to let me know how I can be of any help during this transition period. I can be available for phone and email inquiries on request during the next two weeks. 

I wish you and the team all the very best. 


Marissa Cooper

Short notice resignation letter example

Dear Kirk,

Please accept this letter as formal notice that I’m resigning from my position as a financial analyst with ABC Company. My last day will be Friday, July 7, 2023.

I understand the two weeks minimum notice is expected and I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. However, a personal situation has risen leaving me no option but to depart from my position at the company by the end of next week. 

I intend to finish my current project before my final day. I’d be more than happy to help wrap things up and transition the responsibilities to my successor while I’m here (and over the next two weeks on a limited basis over email). 

I am so grateful for the amazing opportunities for professional and personal growth I’ve experienced at the company for the past three years. It has been an immense joy working under your guidance and supervision. 

Thank you for your understanding in this matter and please do not hesitate to let me know if I can be of any assistance during the transition. 

I wish you and the team all the very best. 


Chris Mayer

2-week resignation letter example

Dear Rebecca,

Please accept this as a formal notice of my resignation from my position as a junior graphic designer with ABC Design effective two weeks from this date. My last day will be July 12, 2023.

You’re familiar with my desire to venture into more individual entrepreneurship opportunities in interior design and content creation. An opportunity has arisen to join a well-established industry content creator’s team, so I believe this is the perfect time for me to make the shift and continue my career in the design field. 

I want to let you know this was not an easy decision to make, as I’ve been very happy working alongside you and our amazing team for the past year and a half. I feel really blessed and privileged to have gained invaluable experience working on some of the most interesting creative projects. 

I hope the two weeks notice period will be enough to create a plan to cover my absence. I intend to finish my current project before my final day. Of course, I’ll be happy to offer any assistance in creating a smooth transition over the next two weeks while I’m here.  

I wish you and the team all the very best. 


Michael Pratt  

1-month notice resignation letter example

Dear Sabrina,

This letter was meant to serve as my formal notice of resignation from the position of office manager with ABC Corp effective one month from this date. My last day of work will be July 29, 2023.

As you know, I’ll dedicate the next chapter in my career to developing my craft and pursuing acting more seriously. Thank you so much for your understanding and support throughout the years and especially during this transition time. 

I hope a month’s notice will be enough to find and train my replacement and wrap things up as smoothly as possible. I’ll be more than happy to do my part in making sure the transition is done without a hitch.  

I also wanted to let you know I had a really hard time making this decision. It’s really difficult to leave the place you felt so welcomed and cared for and venture into completely unknown territory. However, I feel this is the right time for me to make this leap, and I wholeheartedly appreciate all the support and strength you have given me during my time here. 

As I mentioned, don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I can do while I’m here. 

I wish you and the team all the very best and hope to stay in touch. 


Sarah Green 

Retirement resignation letter example

Dear Mr. Collins,

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from the position of accounting manager with ABC Group effective August 31, 2023.

My experience working here for the past ten years has been nothing short of amazing and I will cherish the wonderful memories and lessons and achievements for the rest of my life. 

However, the time has come for me to step down and dedicate my time to my family, spend time with my grandchildren, and enjoy my hobbies. Even though I will deeply miss all of you guys and our amazing team and the work we did together, I also strongly believe that it’s time I took a bit slower pace and left the bar raising in the industry to younger generations.  

I would like to thank you for all the support, guidance, and friendship you so generously bestowed upon me over the years. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end a career. 

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I can do while I’m here. I’m happy to jump in and facilitate a smooth handover for as long as you need. 

I wish you and the team all the very best and hope to stay in touch. 


Nathan Tomlinson

Rescind resignation letter example

Dear Ms Lederman,

I’m writing this letter to rescind my previous statement sent June 1, 2023, wherein I resigned from my position as a growth product manager at Workify. I’ve decided that I would like to keep my position and I don’t want to resign, which is why I’d like to request to keep my current position in the company. 

I understand that my decisions have caused inconvenience for everyone involved, and I would like to apologize and compensate for the trouble and confusion my actions have created. 

As you’re aware, my initial decision to resign was due to a family move to another country. However, now that the company has become fully remote-first, I am able to continue working in this position since I can work from anywhere with quarterly visits to the central office.  

Hopefully, you’ll agree and be able to keep me on the team, and I promise to deliver my best A-game to ensure the continued success of our team. Now that I’m certain our company will operate remotely, I would be honored to stay at Workify and do my best to keep up the great work we’ve done so far.  

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and take my request to be reinstated in my job into consideration. I appreciate the effort, and will wholeheartedly step up and support my team for as long as I’m allowed.  


Tom Morril

Teacher resignation letter example

Dear Ms Sanchez, 

I’m writing this letter to inform you that I’m resigning from my current position as a 7th-grade teacher at Estuary Elementary School. I’m planning to finish the current term, therefore, my last day of work will be June 30, 2023, and my resignation will become effective September 1, 2023. 

As you know, I’ve decided to go back to school and complete my Master’s in Contemporary Art Theory at the Ridgeview Academy. Thank you so much for your understanding and support throughout the years, especially during this transition time. 

I would also like to thank you for making my work at Estuary Elementary so enjoyable and filled with valuable experiences and lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for showing understanding, clear guidance, and unconditional support to all of our students and staff. I really appreciate all the effort you continue to put toward making our school an amazing place for everyone. 

My last weeks are going to be bittersweet, as I’m preparing to embark on a new journey while feeling sad to leave our great team of teachers and students. 

Rest assured that I will work closely with my successor to ensure a smooth transition. 

Of course, let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with while I’m here. 

I wish you and the team all the very best and hope to stay in touch. 


Whitney Baker

Nurse resignation letter example

Dear Mr Stark, 

I’m writing this letter to outline my resignation from my current position as a staff nurse at Hope Care. This will take effect on July 31, making it my last working day. 

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you and the entire nursing team at Hope Care for making my time there a tremendous experience filled with valuable lessons and challenges combined with amazing support, encouragement, and friendship. 

It is with a heavy heart that I’ve decided to leave my position here to pursue the next step in my career growth I, unfortunately, couldn’t have found at Hope Care. 

Please know that I will be available to assist you and smooth the transition during my remaining time here, and don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with while I’m here. 

I wish you and the team all the best. 

Kind regards, 

Andrew Wilson  

Board resignation letter example

Dear Ms Miller,

I regret to inform you of my decision to resign from my board position with ABC Corp Ltd effective July 31, 2023. 

The reason behind my resignation is that I’m looking to create a better work-life balance for myself and my family, as I have felt my personal and family life has taken a toll over the last few years of me juggling several roles and responsibilities. I’m happy with the progress we’ve made so far and I’m immensely grateful to everyone for pulling their weight to help the company thrive. 

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the winning team of leaders and learn from the best in the industry. I’m absolutely positive that the lessons and experiences I have learned at ABC Corp Ltd will stand me in good stead for years to come. 

Please know that I will be available to assist you and smooth the transition during my remaining time here, and don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with while I’m here. 

I look forward to hearing about the company’s future successes.  


Lewis Carter 

Director resignation letter example

To Pioneer Partners,

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from the position of director at Pioneer Partners in one month, which makes my final working day July 29, 2023. 

Although I’ve tremendously enjoyed working with all of you and working for the company, unfortunately, personal reasons require me to step down and focus on improving the matters in question. 

Thank you to everyone for pulling their weight to help the company thrive. I’m immensely grateful to have been working alongside you during my time at Pioneer Partner and I wish you all the best in the future.  

Please know that I will be available to help transition my responsibilities to my successor during my remaining time here. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with while I’m here. 

Thank you again and kind regards,

Riley Smith      

FAQ about resignation letter templates

Here are the answers to a few common additional questions you might have regarding writing a resignation letter.  

How do you resign gracefully in a letter?

One of the ways to ensure a graceful transition is to keep the letter as short and to the point as possible. 

We reached out to Brian Pulliam, Founder of Refactor Coaching, a career coaching practice specializing in tech industry careers, to pick his brain on the topic of writing a resignation letter.

He proposed a good rule of thumb when you want to make sure to write a perfectly concise resignation letter that communicates grace. 

Brian Pulliam

“Keep this email short, as if you’re paying $50 per word. The longer this email is, the more likely you say something you want to, but shouldn’t.

For example, ‘good luck finding someone to replace me with THAT boss and only $40k/year’, while cathartic, isn’t advised.”

Is the effective date the last day of the resignation letter?

The effective date is not the last day of the resignation letter, in the sense that it’s not the last day you’re supposed to submit your notice. 

Quite the contrary, the effective date is the last day of your employment, i.e. the last day of your work at a position you’re resigning from.  

How do you write a polite resignation letter?

To ensure your resignation letter comes across as polite and professional, remember to: 

  • Stay clear and transparent in your announcement statement,
  • Thank your colleagues and manager for the specific benefits and opportunities they’ve provided, and 
  • Offer to help with the handover.  

What is the best template for a resignation letter?

The best template for a resignation letter is largely determined by: 

  • Your specific circumstances, 
  • Your job type, 
  • Your industry, and 
  • The level of formality practiced in your internal communication.  

That being said, you can never go wrong with starting with a basic or generic resignation letter template and building upon those with a few personalized details if applicable. 

Send your resignation letter through Pumble and leave a lasting impression 

While a perfect resignation letter may not be the first thing that comes to mind when leaving a company, taking some time to write one before departing from your job yields multifold benefits.

Additionally, leveraging tools like Pumble, an all-in-one team communication app, can enhance convenience and familiarity. Pumble’s ease of use will streamline the process of sending a resignation letter that leaves an impeccable and long-lasting impression on your boss and keeps the door open to potential future opportunities.

Utilizing your everyday communication platform will reduce the need for additional tools or paper copies. By harnessing the power of Pumble, you can ensure that your resignation letter effectively communicates your gratitude and professionalism

So, to uphold courteous etiquette when departing, use our templates and tips above and craft a winning resignation letter. Once you do send it through Pumble!

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