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Search Engine Optimization

Starting at $750 Monthly

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website to make it more appealing and friendly to search engines. With proper optimization and SEO marketing strategies, you can appear higher in SERPs ahead of your competition. Let’s dive into the world of SEO, Local SEO, Keyword Research, and why these are essential to your business.
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What is SEO?

What is SEO?

SEO means search engine optimization. In basic terms, it’s the process used to improve your website to deliver more organic search traffic. The better your pages rank in the search engines, the more visibility you have, and the more likely you are to attract website visitors.

SEO means search engine optimization. In basic terms, it’s the process used to improve your website to deliver more organic search traffic. The better your pages rank in the search engines, the more visibility you have, and the more likely you are to attract website visitors.

search engine optimization graphic
Search Engine Optimization - How it Works

How Search Engine Optimization Works

How Search Engine Optimization Works

Google and Bing both use bots, often called web crawlers or spiders, to crawl web pages. These bots travel from site to site, collecting all of the information and indexing them accordingly. Algorithms are working behind the scenes to rank the pages and place them in order of significance and relevance. Unlike SEM, you can’t pay the search engine to rank your site higher organically. To do this, you need proven SEO strategies in place that help you to climb the ranks organically.

Google and Bing both use bots, often called web crawlers or spiders, to crawl web pages. These bots travel from site to site, collecting all of the information and indexing them accordingly. Algorithms are working behind the scenes to rank the pages and place them in order of significance and relevance. Unlike SEM, you can’t pay the search engine to rank your site higher organically. To do this, you need proven SEO strategies in place that help you to climb the ranks organically.

Why Search Engine Optimization is Important

Every business that wishes to have or grow an online presence should utilize SEO marketing. Users are constantly online, on their phones, looking for the products and services you have, and they want a quality user experience. If they can’t find you on the internet easily, they will find your competitor and move on. With the right SEO marketing services, you take advantage of this free ranking simply by making your site more friendly to Google and Bing, allowing you to rank where your customers can find you. SEO doesn’t just improve your website ranking and user experience, but it will improve the quality scores of your digital ads as well.

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Our Data-Driven Approach to
SEO & Content Marketing

Rank Higher on Google

Rank Higher on Google

Reach Marketing Pro is a search engine optimization company that focuses on the process of getting your site ranked higher. With our SEO and content marketing strategy, you can master the search engine optimization basics. Below is a step-by-step guide you can expect with our SEO marketing help.

Reach Marketing Pro is a search engine optimization company that focuses on the process of getting your site ranked higher. With our SEO and content marketing strategy, you can master the search engine optimization basics. Below is a step-by-step guide you can expect with our SEO marketing help.


Organic Strategy Phase

Determine if you need a combination of a national approach and a local approach to SEO, or just one or the other. Depending on the needs of the business, you may want to rank globally, nationally, region-specific, city-specific, or all of the above.


Keyword Research Phase

Using the latest tools within the industry, we perform in-depth keyword analyses to select a group of keywords with substantial search volume and attainable competition levels that would work for your business and drive more traffic.


Content Creation Phase

We work with some of the best SEO writers to draw up a content outline and timeline to write and expand on individual keywords. Keywords are separated into a primary keyword and relevant secondary keywords that each article i.e. web page, will target and rank for accordingly.


Content Review & Editorial Phase

Our SEO editors review the content provided by our SEO writers and make sure that the content flows appropriately, is grammatical, is engaging, covers the content in-depth, focuses on the primary keyword while pulling in details on the secondary keyword phrases, and ensures a good product overall.


Client Review & Approval Phase

Once approved by our SEO editors, we will send the content to you, and you can review and provide edits to the content before it ever gets posted on your website.


Content Upload & Implementation Phase

After you sign off and approve of your new SEO content, we will upload, optimize, and create a search engine-worthy page on your website.


Content Indexation & Monitoring Phase

We will submit the indexing of the newly created SEO webpage to Google Search Console, monitor the web page’s organic performance over time, and report on its success on a quarterly basis.

The SEO Process

Our SEO services include content creation, website optimization, local SEO services, schema markup implementation, and much more. We can help businesses who already have an existing website and need help with SEO or those who need someone to implement an SEO strategy for the first time, even if you just launched your website.

For new account creation, this is what the process looks like.


Analytics Setup

Setting up Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, Google My Business, and Keyword Tracking within SEMRush.


Keyword Analysis

Choosing the proper keywords that you wish to target and rank for in SERPs.


Data-Driven Content

Developing engaging, informational, and keyword data-driven SEO content for your website that will rank higher in search results.


Conversion Tracking

Setting up conversion tracking for the website in Google Tag Manager for button clicks, form submissions, call tracking, and chat conversations / engagements.


Local SEO

Assessing the local SEO needs of your business and determining if you should be ranking outside of your local city or what your reach should be and what your goals are for your website.


On-Page SEO

Optimizing the entire website and each individually created webpage to ensure that the organic health of your website is in order, meta data is unique and engaging, and that you don't have any missing or duplicate meta data.

For those with an existing digital presence or SEO strategy that need management or optimization, the process looks more like the following.


Strategy Review

Reviewing past and current SEO strategies, keywords, and structure to ensure best practices are being implemented.


Analyze Setup

Analyze Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager, and Google My Business to guarantee everything is set up correctly and optimized.


Ranking Needs

Determine how you rank nationally compared to how you rank locally and determine which one is a bigger need for your business and if that aligns with what you want out of your website.


SEO Health Check

Analyze meta data optimization of the website to check on the SEO health of the website to make sure you aren't missing or duplicating meta data across multiple pages.


Align Strategies

Align your organic SEO strategies with your paid SEM strategy then adjust your content and keyword optimization to target users and rank for search queries related to your domain as a whole and on an individual campaign basis.


Ongoing Support

Ongoing support, optimization, maintenance, and management to further improve results over time. We are always here for you when you need us and optimizing your performance when you're away.

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What is Local SEO?

What is Local SEO?

When it comes to SEO basics, you must also understand local SEO. This term describes the process to increase search visibility for your brick-and-mortar business with a physical location. Not only do you want to claim your business listing, so it shows up in Google, but you also need to incorporate some reviews, ratings, reputation management, and social media management.

When it comes to SEO basics, you must also understand local SEO. This term describes the process to increase search visibility for your brick-and-mortar business with a physical location. Not only do you want to claim your business listing, so it shows up in Google, but you also need to incorporate some reviews, ratings, reputation management, and social media management.

local search engine optimization graphic

SEO Keyword Research

SEO Keyword Research

When it comes to SEO best practices, choosing the keywords for your campaign must be done carefully. If you have a small SEO marketing budget, you need to be very careful about your target keywords. It shouldn’t be too broad and should always include your location if you need local SEO. For the larger budget, you can extend into keywords that cover multiple geographical locations and focus on more competitors. Without the right SEO marketing company on your side, you might end up spending more than you need to.

When it comes to SEO best practices, choosing the keywords for your campaign must be done carefully. If you have a small SEO marketing budget, you need to be very careful about your target keywords. It shouldn’t be too broad and should always include your location if you need local SEO. For the larger budget, you can extend into keywords that cover multiple geographical locations and focus on more competitors. Without the right SEO marketing company on your side, you might end up spending more than you need to.

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How Paid SEM Helps Your Organic SEO Efforts

By aligning your SEO and SEM strategy, you can reach more people. By working on the paid and organic side of search traffic simultaneously, you find the perfect blend of building quality website traffic. SEO and SEM are like peanut butter and jelly; they are made to work together. With our unique strategy, we focus on content and keywords while nurturing your clients and providing the information they need. We cover the entire buyer’s funnel from start to finish, ensuring you have a customer for life.

Proven SEO & Content Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimization is what we live and breathe. We are Google My Business Experts, Google Partners, Google Analytics Certified, Semrush experts, Schema/Structured Data Markup Experts, AMP (accelerated mobile pages) implementation qualified, and Google Tag Manager Experts. With our mobile-first mentality combined with keyword data-driven strategies, we can provide better results to your SEO and SEM marketing campaigns. Our team always follows the latest trends and best practices to ensure quality results. Get the most out of your budget and reach out to us today.

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An SEO Agency That Delivers

Partner with Reach Marketing Pro for all your SEO needs. Together, we will reach new heights and exceed your goals.

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