Subatomic Particles

Subatomic Particles
The three subatomic particles in an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons, in turn, consist of elementary particles called quarks.

Subatomic particles are the building blocks of atoms, the smallest units of matter that cannot be divided by any chemical means. But, they also exist separate from atoms.

Subatomic Particles of an Atom

By definition, subatomic particles are smaller than an atom. Atoms consist of three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each atom has a nucleus that contains protons and neutrons and has a positive electrical charge. Protons and neutrons are roughly the same mass as one another (neutrons are slightly more massive). Protons carry a positive charge, while neutrons are neutral. Electrons orbit outside the nucleus and carry a negative electrical charge. Electrons are very light and do not appreciably contribute to the mass of an atom. The electrical charge of a proton and an electron are equal but opposite (+1 and -1, respectively).

ParticleElectric ChargeAtomic ChargeMass (amu)Atomic MassSpin

Shorthand Notation

Scientists often represent atoms of elements using shorthand notation that includes the element symbol or name, mass number, and sometimes the atomic number or proton number. The atomic number identifies the element. This notation allows for quick identification of the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom.


Find the number of protons from the element symbol or atomic number (if given). Look to the left of the element name or symbol for determining the number of neutrons.


If the number of electrons differs from the number of protons, either a positive or negative charge appears as a superscript to the right of the element symbol. Atoms of the same element with different numbers of electrons are different ions. Note that if the charge is +1 or -1, the number “1” is omitted, leaving just + or -.

Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons are different isotopes. Except when talking about pure isotopes, the neutron number is an average from samples taking in the Earth’s crust. For example, if you see Ca2+, the proton number (from the periodic table) for calcium is 20. The charge is 2+, so there are two more protons than electrons. So, the number of electrons is 18. The atomic mass (from the periodic table) for calcium is 40.08, which is the sum of protons and neutrons. So. the average neutron mass is 40.08 – 20 = 20.08. In other words, usually there are 20 neutrons in a calcium atom. Having an equal number of protons and neutrons is not necessarily the norm for all elements.

Other Basic Subatomic Particles

Other subatomic particles include antimatter particles (which can form antimatter atoms), alpha particles, and beta particles. Alpha and

Composite vs. Elementary Particles

Some subatomic particles are individual particles, while others consist of still smaller parts.

Classification of Subatomic Particles

Another way of classifying subatomic particles is according to their properties or functions:

Protons and neutrons are types of baryons, and thus are hadrons. Electrons are fermions. While protons and neutrons are subatomic particles that consist of smaller elementary particles, an electron is itself an elementary particle.

Elementary Particles of the Standard Model

Elementary Particles
Elementary particles do not consist of smaller parts. The two broad classes are fermions and bosons.

The Standard Model of physics recognizes two general classes of particles: fermions and bosons. Fermions have half-integer spin and are either quarks or leptons. Quarks participate in all four interactions (strong, weak, electromagnetic, gravitation), while leptons are not involved in strong interactions. Bosons, on the other hand, have integer spin. Like quarks, they are involved in all four interactions.
