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Unit 5 Art world Revision. 1. 流行音乐 2. 颁发;提交 3. 获胜者 4. 中心的,中央的 5. 乐器;工具;器械 6. 普通的,一般的,常见的 7. 物品,东西 8. 石头 9. 音乐家 10. 控制 11. 成功地 12. 传统的 13. 钟,铃 14. 虽然,尽管.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Art world Revision. 1. 流行音乐 2. 颁发;提交 3. 获胜者 4. 中心的,中央的 5. 乐器;工具;器械 6. 普通的,一般的,常见的 7. 物品,东西 8. 石头 9. 音乐家 10. 控制 11. 成功地 12. 传统的 13. 钟,铃 14. 虽然,尽管."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Art world Revision


3 1. 流行音乐 2. 颁发;提交 3. 获胜者 4. 中心的,中央的 5. 乐器;工具;器械 6. 普通的,一般的,常见的 7. 物品,东西 8. 石头 9. 音乐家 10. 控制 11. 成功地 12. 传统的 13. 钟,铃 14. 虽然,尽管 15. 高度地;高地 16. 持续 17. 音乐会 18. 乡下,乡村 19. 牛仔 20. 吉他 21. 持久的 22. 价值 23. 非洲的;非洲人 24. 美国的;美国人 25. 今晚 26. 赞扬,表扬 27. 天赋,才能 28. 污点,斑点 29. 鼓励;劝告 1.pop=pop music 2.present 3.winner 4.central 5.instrument 6.common 7.object 8.stone 9.musician 10.control 11.successfully 12.traditional 13.bell 14.though 15.highly 16.last 17.concert 19.cowboy 20.guitar 21.lasting 22.value 23.African 24.American 25.tonight 26.praise 28.mark 29.encourage

4 1. present vt. 颁发,提交 A gold medal _______________(present) to the winner soon. 另外 : ① n. 礼物 (=gift); 现在( at present ) ② adj. 在场的,现在的 present sth. to sb. present sb. with sth. will be presented was presented with He ________________( 被授予 ) a medal for his excellent work.

5 n. 获胜者 He _______(win) 2 gold medals at the Olympics. Do you know the ________ names? We all look forward to ________ the match against Class 2. 2. winner 注意 : 动词形式 win ( win-won-won ) winners’ winning won

6 3. central in central …=in the centre of… adj. 中心的,中央的 He lives ___________________( 在伦敦中央 ). There will be rain in _______( 中心的 ) parts of the country. in central London central in the centre of London

7 4. common adj. 普通的,一般的, 常见的 His name is Li Ming, ______________( 一个常见的 名字 )in China. We have a lot ______________ ( 共同 ). 反义词: uncommon an uncommon name a common name in common

8 5. musician n. 音乐家 Though he doesn’t have ______(music) talent, he is very interested in music. These amazing works are those ________ (music). musical musicians’

9 6. control vt. 控制,支配 The accounts( 账目 ) of the company _______________ (control) in this department. He makes over 50 sounds from water by __________(control) the speed of water flow. 注意 : control 也可是名词, a remote control 遥控器 under the control of … 在 … 的控制下 are controlled controlling

10 7. successfully adv. 成功地 He has finished the work ___________. He has __________ in finishing the work. He has been ______________ in finishing the work. He has had _____________in finishing the work. 注意 : success 名词; successful 形容词; succeed 动词 successfully succeeded successful 他已成功地完成工作. success

11 8. though conj. 虽然,尽管 Though/Although it was raining, we went to school. 注意 : ① though =although 不和 but 连用 ② as though=as if 好像,仿佛 He talked as though he knew anything. ③ even though=even if 即使,纵然 Even though I fail, I’ll keep on trying. ④区别拼写相似的几个单词 : through 通过; thought 想法

12 9. highly think highly of sb. = speak highly of sb. 高度赞扬某人 a highly educated woman 一个受过很高教育的妇女 adv. 高度地;高地 (表示抽象的) 比较词: high 形容词:高的 a high building 副词: 高地(表示具体的) jump high

13 be of great value =be valuable 很有价值 be of some/little/no value 有一些 / 很少 / 没有价值 My husband doesn’t listen to music often, as he thinks music____________________ to him.( 没多大价值 ) is of little value 10.value valuable adj. 有价值的 n. 价值

14 11. 国家 人(单数 / 复数) 语言 China America England France Germany Australia Japan Canada Russia Rome Chinese/Chinese American/Americans English/ an Englishman /Englishmen French/ an Frenchman / Frenchmen German/Germans Australian/Australians Japanese/Japanese Canadian/Canadians Russian/Russians Roman/Romans Africa-African /Asia-Asian /Europe-European /America-American Chinese English French German English Japanese English/French Russian Roman

15 12.praise v./n. 赞扬,表扬 win high praise from sb. 赢得某人的高度赞扬 (n.) praise sb. for sth./doing sth. 因某事赞扬 (v.) 某人 can’t praise sb. too much 对某人大加赞赏 (v.) 我的老师经常表扬我英语取得进步。 My teacher often _____________________my progress in my English. praises me for

16 1. My patents think I have a real ________( 天赋 ) for music. 2. She looked at the _____________( 污点 ) on her son’s face and laughed happily. 3. The more children are _____________( 鼓励 ), the more progress they will make. 4. My parents _________( 赞扬 ) my designs for the fashion show. 5. Yancheng is in ________( 中心的 ) Jiangsu. 6. Can you play the _________( 吉他 ) ? 7.Most young people aren’t interested in the ________( 经典的 ) culture of China. 8. __________( 牛仔 ) in western America are brave. 9.Nothing can break the ________ (last) friendship between us. gift mark/marks encouraged praised central guitar classical Cowboys lasting 10. At last we __________(success) climbed up to the top of Mount Tai. successfully 根据提示完成句子。

17 How much do you know about him? place of birth place of year his interest and love his education his works his music

18 Tan’s interest and love When he was very young, Tan ___________________________( 对音乐感兴趣 ). show an interest in sth./doing sth.=be interested in sth./doing sth. show a great interest in… 对 … 显示出很大的兴趣 show no interest in… 对 … 不感兴趣 showed an interest in music /was interested in music He loves _____________________________________( 淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声 ). the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind Why? ________to him, the best music comes from nature. He didn’t have any instruments. ________( 因为 ) he had no musical instruments, he _____________________________ ___________________( 用像石头和纸一样的普通的东西作曲 ) made music with common objects like stones and paper Since/As Because

19 Tan’s education In 1978, he _________________( 进入大学 )—the Cental Conservatory of Music in Beijing. After that, he decided to ___________________ ( 继续去研究音乐 ) in the USA. entered university go on to study music go on to do sth. 继续做(另一件)事情 go on doing sth. /go on with sth. 继续做(原来没做完的)事情

20 Tan’s works the music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Water The award music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Tan Dun is best known for _________is best known for (win) an Oscar for it. winning Tan makes over 50 sounds from water ________________________________ ( 通过控制水流速度 ). by controlling the speed of water flow It uses _________________________( 传统的中国音乐 ) and _______________________________________( 中国 古钟的声音 ), though it is ________________( 西式 ). traditional Chinese music the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell in a Western style In his works, the past and the present, common objects and musical instruments, traditional Chinese music and modern Western music all_______________________________( 混合在一起形成新的类型 ). mix together to make a new type _________________( 这些天籁之音 ) create different _____________( 在不同人脑海 ). The sounds of nature in different minds

21 be known/famous for 因 … 著名 Beijing is famous/known _____ the capital of China. 北京作为中国的首都而闻名。 China is famous/known _____ the Great Wall. 中 国以长城著名。 be known/famous as: 作为 … 而著名 for as

22 Tan’s music He has helped_______________________________________ ( 在东西方之间架起一座桥梁 ). He ___________________________________________________ ( 已成功地把中西方音乐融合在一起 ). build a bridge between the East and the West has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together


24 1. 艺术形式 2. 一条分界线 3. 乡村音乐 4. 美国黑人 5. 编;编造 6. 地方特色 7. 对 … 有天赋 8. 因 … 而闻名 9. 高度赞扬 10. 擅长拉小提琴 art form different art forms a dividing line country music African Americans an African American make up local colour have a (real) gift for be known for = be famous for think highly of be good at playing the violin

25 11. 将要有一场学生的艺术展 12. 一场艺术节 13. 对所有的学生开放 14. 欢迎每个人到来。 15. 在歌舞表演上跳舞 16. 给我们免费的歌剧票 17. 交通太拥挤. 18. 匆忙进入剧院 19. 我们最好要快点。 20. 气喘吁吁 There will be a students’ art show. an art festival be open to all students Everyone is welcome. dance at the song and dance show give us free tickets to an opera There was too much traffic. hurry into the theatre We had (We’d) better be quick. out of breath

26 21. 过了一会儿 22. 玩耍时编曲 23. 有强烈的地域色彩 24. 有一个持久的价值 25. 去听音乐会 26. 持续一个半小时 27. 传统的形式 28. 赞扬我的设计 29. 鼓励某人做某事 30. 真有绘画天分 31. 向各个方向跑 after a while make up the music while playing have strong local colour have a lasting value go to the concert last for one and a half hours praise my design encourage sb to do sth have a real gift for painting run in all directions in the traditional style

27 32. 把颜料与水混合在一起 33. 拿走刷子 34. 把颜料滴在纸上 35. 看着污点,我决定吹它。 36. 我忘记我在上课,直到老师走到我课桌旁。 37. 不断努力 38. 后来我确实做了一些很不错的图片。 39. 自那时起,我就对蜡笔和颜料着迷。 40. 每次作画时,我在颜色的世界里玩得很开心。 mix the paint with water take the brush away drop some paint onto the paper Looking at the mark,I decided to blow it. I forgot that I was in class until Ms Luo came by my desk. keep trying I did make some wonderful pictures later. Since then, I have been crazy about crayons and paints. I enjoy myself in the world of colours every time I paint

28 1. The report says the heavy rain _______(last) another two days. 2. - Why do you want to be a doctor? ---- ______ (help) more people. 3. Soon we saw Mary _________(run) towards us. 4. The film _________ (start) in five minutes. Let’s hurry. 5. My father suggests ______ (leave) for the airport by car at once. 6. Rub this oil and your headache will soon _________(appear)! 7. You’d better _________ (not smoke) here. 8.The project they had devoted up to two years to ________ (choose) as the best one at the conference. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 will last To help running will start leaving disappear not smoke was chosen

29 8.Jazz ___________(create) by African Americans long ago. 9.Parents ask me ___________(not listen) to music while ________ (do) homework. 10.The folk music concert _______ (start) at 7 p.m. every Saturday. 11. She kept _________(tell) herself, “Don’t be afraid.” 12. Betty is often seen ________(help) the old man with his housework. 13. All the students are encouraged __________ (to study) hard. 14. How much difficulty did you have ________(solve) this problem? 15. --What’s wrong with him? He looks sad. –he _______ (fail) in the exam. was created not to listen doing starts telling to help not to study solving has failed

30 选择题 ( ) 1. Zhu Zhiwen was ___ usual farmer several years ago. But now he is ____ famous singer. He can play ____ piano. A. an, a, the B. a, a, the C. an, a, \ D. a, a, \ ( ) 2. Don’t be crazy about computer games, ____ your parents will be worried. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( ) 3. Our English teacher encourages us ____ part in all kinds of after—class activities. A. to take B. take C. taking D. to taking B B A

31 ( ) 4. Tony never spends money buying books ____ he doesn’t like reading. A. but B. because C. though D. until ( ) 5. Mo Yan’s books have been sold out in many bookshops ____ his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize. A. because B. since C. as D. because of ( ) 6. I’ll help you with your study _____ you don’t do well in it. A. so B. until C. since D. though B D C

32 ( ) 7. ---- is the street crowed with so many people? ---- Because they are waiting to watch the boat races. A. Why B. Where C. How D. Who ( ) 8. --- Could you tell me yesterday? --- Because my bike was broken on my way here. A. why you came late B. why do you come late C. why you come late D. why did you come late ( ) 9. After running a 1,000—meter race, he was. A. out of breath B. dying out C. take a deep breath D. arrive first A A A

33 ( ) 10. Tony never spends money buying books _____he doesn’t like reading. A. but B. because C. though D. until ( ) 11. China is very ___ the Great Wall and pandas. A. famous as B. famous for C. ready to D. ready for ( ) 12. We lost the soccer game, ____ everyone of us played very well. A. because B. though C. or D. so B B B

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