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Managing Conflict.

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1 Managing Conflict

2 Research Findings on Conflict
Some degree of conflict can be expected in all organisations Conflict can have positive as well as negative effects Managers spend a considerable portion of their time handling conflict Identifying and resolving conflicts is critical to the success of managers

3 What is conflict Dispute, clash, or opposition created due to differences in opinion, interest, values, goals Perceived incompatible differences that result in interference or opposition Behaviour of one party affecting another party in such a way that the value of the outcome of the action of the second party is reduced Contradiction => Attitudes => Behavior

4 Conflict Four conditions
Antecedent condition (e.g. scarcity of resources) Affective state (e.g. stress, tension) Cognitive state (e.g. awareness of conflict situation) Conflictual behaviour (e.g. passive resistance or overt aggression)

5 Conflict Creation Outcomes Conflict Consequence: Functional
Dysfunctional Inputs Incompatible goals Resource constraints Communication problem Perception Personality clash Process Perceived conflict Felt Outputs Manifest conflict

6 Conflict Episodes

7 Different Approaches to conflict
Traditional view All conflict is bad and must be avoided Avoid conflict through rules and regulation, by establishing standards, norms, rewards and punishment system, socialization, and by increasing conformity Human relation view A natural and inevitable outcome in any organization Accept it Manage them through interpersonal skills, leadership, communication, teamwork and participation

8 Different Approaches to conflict
Interactionist (modern) view: Necessary for an organization to perform effectively Conflict should be encouraged to the level enough to keep the organization viable, self critical and creative Conflict a source of energy Manage appropriate level of conflict

9 Conflict and Performance
Low High Level of Conflict High Level of Organization Performance Low B C Situation A Level of conflict Low or none Optimal High Type of conflict Dysfunctional Functional Dysfunctional Organization's Apathetic Viable Disruptive Internal Stagnant Self critical Chaotic Characteristics Unresponsive to Innovative Uncooperative change Lack of new ideas

10 Conflict and Effectiveness
Level of conflict Characteristics of organization Effectiveness outcomes None or low Apathetic, stagnant, non-responsive to change, lack of new ideas Low Optimal Viable, innovative, self critical High Disruptive, chaotic, uncooperative

11 Positive Effects Increases interactions Facilitates change
Increases interpersonal ability Improves problem solving ability Stimulate creativity and productivity Releases emotion Generates new learning

12 Negative Effects Increases mistrust, competition and ill feeling
Increases stress and tension Deepen differences and creates barriers to cooperation Divert people from dealing with really important issues Promote insularism Reduces cooperation and coordination

13 Types of Conflict Role conflict
Intra-role: a person has two roles with conflicting requirements Inter-role: separate parties having different expectations of a person in a particular role Person-role: role's requirements conflicting with the person's values and attitudes Interpersonal conflict (between persons) Inter- group conflict (between groups) Inter-organizational conflict

14 Sources of Conflict Personal factors (differences in personality, goal, value, interest, expectation, behaviour) Informational deficiency(information holding, inadequate information, misrepresentation or misinterpretation of facts) Structural deficiency (differences in goals, unclear policies, unequal distribution of power and resources, jurisdictional ambiguity, lack of organisation- wide vision) Environmental stress

15 Approaches to Conflict Management
Conflict prevention Conflict resolution Conflict stimulation

16 Preventing Conflict Remove the key sources of conflicts as far as possible Recognise and accept personal differences Be honest with self and others Avoid assuming yourself always right and others wrong Develop positive orientations (in behaviour, attitude and thought) Develop and use interpersonal competencies

17 Resolving Conflict Identify conflict
Recognize the behavior that tends to emerge in a conflict Develop the skills to behave more rationally Use appropriate conflict response Use appropriate conflict resolution style and strategy

18 Identifying Conflict Identify conflict parties
Get to know about them as much as possible Assess the effects of the conflict Identify the nature of the conflict Identify the sources of the conflict Speculate the conflict response patterns of the involved parties Decide the most appropriate response pattern

19 Conflict Behavior Usually negative emotions and behaviors such as anger, frustration, aggression or withdrawal Acceptance of conflict as normal, natural and inevitable Confronting conflict positively Assertiveness and responsiveness/ cooperative behaviors Self analysis, interpersonal, negotiation skills

20 Conflict Resolution Skills
Identify your preferred conflict handling style Be judicious in selecting the conflicts you want to handle Evaluate the conflict players: people, their interest, values, personality and resources Look the conflict situation through the eyes of the conflicting parties Assess the sources of the conflict Know your options

21 Conflict Response Forcing (assertive, uncooperative)
Accommodating (unassertive, cooperative) Avoiding (unassertive, uncooperative) Compromising (between assertive and cooperative) Collaborating (assertive, cooperative)

22 Conflict Response Options
(I win you lose) (I win You win) Forcing Collaborating Assertive Integrative Distributive Concern for one’s goal Compromising (Both win some and lose come) Assertiveness (I lose You win) Avoiding Accommodating Uncooperative Cooperative Unassertive Cooperativeness Concern for other’s goal

23 Know Your Options Avoidance: withdrawal from or suppression of conflict Accommodation: resolving conflicts by placing another’s needs and concerns above one’s own Forcing: satisfying one’s own needs at the expenses of another’s Compromise: a solution to conflict in which each party gives up something of value Collaboration: resolving conflict by seeking a solution advantageous to all parties

24 Use of Conflict Response
Avoidance Issue not important to you Relationship not critical Relative power is equal to high Time not a factor Accommodating Relationship critical No other option

25 Use of Conflict Response
Forcing Issue extremely important to you Relationship not necessary Relative power is high High sense of urgency Compromising Issue very complex and moderately important for both Relationship moderately important Relatively equal power Time constraint low

26 Use of Conflict Response
Collaborating Problem identification Solution generation Action plan and agreement Implementation and follow up

27 Conflict Response Approach and Situations
Forcing Accommodating Compromising Collaborative Avoiding High Low Medium Equal-High Low-high Medium high Medium-high Issue importance Relationship importance Relative power Time constraint

28 Resolving Strategies Lose - lose strategy Win - lose strategy
Avoidance Compromise Smoothing Separation Buffering Reference to rule Win - lose strategy Dominance Authoritative command Majority rule

29 Resolving Strategies Win -win strategy Super-ordinate goals
Resource expansion Objective criteria Mutual gains Mediation Integration/ collaboration Problem solving

30 Resolve the Conflict Sit together (for information collection)
Evaluate the conflict and conflicting parties Think of strategies: Avoidance: leave as it is. Power based: person with power can quell. Right based: being a judge to identify the right and wrong and give justice Interest based: consider the interest and need of the party. Chose the strategy

31 Conflict Resolution method Conflict resolution process
The Outcome One party prevails Competing or Accommodating Force and violence Adjudication Rules of chance Compensation Strong one takes the orange Orange is given according to some principles like rights, needs or preference Tossing a coin to decide who gets the orange Compensation for the loser Withdrawal Avoidance Prevarication, misleading Walk away from the orange, give orange to some body, just watch the orange or put the orange in deep fridge Prof. Subas KC/2010

32 Conflict Resolution method Conflict resolution process
The Outcome Compromise Negotiation Cut the orange, peel the orange and divide the slices or any other methods of division Transcendence (collaborating, problem solving, design solution and outcome) Dialogue Get one more orange, get more people to share the orange, bake the orange, sell it and divide the proceeds, sow the seeds have more oranges

33 Initiator Problem identification Solution generation
Succinctly describe your problem Persist until understood Encourage two way discussion Manage the agenda carefully (incrementally) Solution generation Focus on things you share in common while requesting preferred alternatives

34 Responder Problem identification Solution generation
Establish a climate for joint problem solving Seek additional information about the problem Agree with some aspects of the complaint Solution generation Ask for recommendations

35 Mediator Problem identification Solution generation
Acknowledge that a conflict exists Gather all relevant information Maintain a neutral posture Manage the discussion to ensure fairness Solution generation Explore options by focusing on interests behind stated positions

36 Is Conflict Stimulation Needed?
Are you surrounded by yes people? Are the subordinates afraid to admit ignorance and uncertainties to you? Is there so much concentration by decision makers on reaching a compromise that they lose sight of values, long term objectives or the organization’s welfare? Do managers believe that it is in their best interest to maintain the impression of peace and cooperation in their unit, regardless of the price? Is there a lack of new ideas?

37 Is Conflict Stimulation Needed?
Is there an excessive concern by decision makers for not hurting the feelings of others? Do managers believe that popularity is more important for obtaining organizational rewards than competence and high performance? Are mangers unduly enamored or obtaining consensus for their decisions? Do employees show unusually high resistance to change? Is there an usually low level of employee turnover?

38 Stimulating Conflicts
Change the organization’s culture where the person who challenge status quo, suggest new ideas, offer divergent opinions are rewarded Regulate flow of information: such as floating ambiguous or threatening messages, layoff and closing down of the units Bring in outsiders or transfer to mix with different backgrounds, attitudes, values and managerial style

39 Stimulating Conflicts
Restructure the organization such as centralizing decisions, realigning work groups, increasing formalization and increasing interdependency Appoint a “Devil’s Advocate” who purposely presents arguments that run counter to those proposed by the majority or against current practices may just to stimulate discussion Create greater independence Use too much or too little leadership

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