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中文 2—复习课 Chinese 2—Review Class.

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1 中文 2—复习课 Chinese 2—Review Class

2 Chinese Zodiac Do Now Rules of this game: 1. Break into 3 groups
点击添加文本 Rules of this game: 1. Break into 3 groups 2. Put the 12 animals in the order of Chinese Zodiac. No looking up on the Internet!!! 3. I will only tell you which ones are in the correct places. Those that are not correct, try again, until you get the 12 of them correct. 4. The group that finishes first wins the game, and will be given a prize. 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本

3 Do Now Chinese Zodiac 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本

4 目录 1 2 3 4 5 问好 Greetings 家庭 Family 时间 Dates and Time 爱好 Hobbies
点击添加文本 问好 Greetings 2 家庭 Family 点击添加文本 3 时间 Dates and Time 点击添加文本 4 爱好 Hobbies 点击添加文本 5 看朋友 Visiting Friends

5 1 复习 You Good 问好 Greetings More phrases: good teacher good student
点击添加文本 点击添加文本 More phrases: good teacher good student good person good name 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 You Good

6 1 问好 Greetings 复习 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本

7 ni(3) jiao(4) shen(2) me(0) ming(2) zi(0)
1 问好 Greetings 复习 What 点击添加文本 ni(3) jiao(4) shen(2) me(0) ming(2) zi(0) 你 叫 什 么 名 字? 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 qing(3) wen(4), nin(2) gui(4) xing(4) 点击添加文本 only used with 你

8 1 问好 Greetings 复习

9 1 问好 Greetings 复习

10 1 问好 Greetings 复习

11 1 问好 Greetings 复习

12 1 复习 问好 Greetings Make a dialogue: 1. Two students in one group.
2. Make a dialogue using the greetings we reviewed today: 你好! 我叫/我是。。。你呢? 你叫什么名字? 我姓。。。请问您贵姓? 我是老师/学生/中国人/美国人。你呢? 你是老师/学生/中国人/美国人吗? 我也是老师/学生/中国人/美国人。 我不是老师/学生/中国人/美国人。你呢? 3. Present your dialogue.

13 1 复习 Do later (homework): 问好 Greetings 1. Sign into google classroom
2. Bring to the next class Integrated Chinese, level 1, part 1, text book and workbook 3. Review Chinese I: Unit 2 4. Bring to the next class a family picture.

14 Do Now 2 家庭 Family Your dialogues Game: Pinyin card

15 2 复习 家庭 Family More phrases: family member (family people) my home
your home teacher's home old home country home; family

16 2 复习 家庭 Family ba(4) ba(0) ma(1) ma(0) 爸 爸 妈 妈 da(4)er(2)zi(0) 大 儿 子
爸 爸 ma(1) ma(0) 妈 妈 da(4)er(2)zi(0) 大 儿 子 xiao(3)nü(3)er(2) 小 女 儿 da(4)nü(3)er(2) 大 女 儿

17 2 复习 家庭 Family ba(4) ba(0) 爸 爸 ma(1) ma(0) 妈 妈 ge(1) ge(0) 哥 哥
爸 爸 ma(1) ma(0) 妈 妈 ge(1) ge(0) 哥 哥 mei(4)mei (0) 妹 妹 jie(3)jie (0) 姐 姐 di(4) di(0) 弟 弟

18 2 复习 家庭 Family More phrases: More phrases: woman man girl boy
female student female teacher girl friend More phrases: man boy male student male teacher boy friend

19 ni(3)jia(1)you(3)ji(3)kou(3)ren(2)
家庭 Family 复习 ni(3)jia(1)you(3)ji(3)kou(3)ren(2) 你 家 有 几 口 人? to exist: E.g. How many people are there in Wang Peng's family? to have: E.g. Do you have a little brother? How many little sisters do you have?

20 ni(3)jia(1)you(3)ji(3)kou(3)ren(2)
家庭 Family 复习 ni(3)jia(1)you(3)ji(3)kou(3)ren(2) 你 家 有 几 口 人? numbers: 一,二,三,四,五,六,七, 八,九,十,十一,十二。。。 两 (liang 3) VS 二 Game: roll the dice how many

21 2 复习 家庭 Family my Dad my little sister my picture her home his school
who? Wang Peng's friend my mom's student my teacher's name my eldest brother's daughter my second eldest sister's son

22 zuo(4)shen(2)me(0)gong(1)zuo(4)
家庭 Family 复习 zuo(4)shen(2)me(0)gong(1)zuo(4)

23 2 复习 家庭 Family Exercise: 我是美国人。他也是美国人。=> 李友是学生。王朋也是美国人。=>
王老师有女儿,白律师有女儿,李医生也有女儿。=> 这个女孩子姓李,那个男孩子也姓李。=>

24 2 复习 家庭 Family Do Later (homework):
1. Review Unit 3: Dates and time. Be ready for next class. 2. Prepare a short introduction to your family members in Chinese, describing the family picture. Write at least 5 sentences. Submit "My Family" speeches in Google classroom. 3. Be ready to present your speech "My family" next class.

25 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Exercise: Express your like/dislike 我喜欢A。我不喜欢B。

26 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Exercise: Express your like/dislike 我喜欢A。我不喜欢B。
dish; cuisine; vegetable

27 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习

28 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习

29 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Exercise: A or B?
1. Is he your older brother or younger brother? 2. Is she your classmate or girlfrend? 3. Is tomorrow Saturday or Sunday? 4. Do you like Chinese food or American food? 5. Are you Chinese or American? 6. Is Wang Peng a teacher or a student? 7. Is that boy Jim or Jack? 8. Is this picture Wang Peng's or Li You's? 9. Does he have a son or a daughter? 10. Are you free or not free tomorrow?

30 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time How about...? How is...? Exercise:
to eat meal this dish your classmate their teacher this afternoon tomorrow

31 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Exercise: What time is it?
7: : : : : : :05 9: : : : : : :30

32 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习

33 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习 Exercise: Describe the time table in full sentences. today very busy 9:00 am have English class 10:00 am have Chinese class 2:00 pm have something to do tomorrow not busy 9:00 am have no English class 10:00 am have no Chinese class 2:00 pm have nothing to do

34 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习

35 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习 Exercise: What day is this holiday?

36 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习 Exercise: What day is this holiday?

37 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习 Exercise: What day is this day?

38 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习

39 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习

40 3 时间 Dates and Time 复习

41 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Activity: Ask each other:
What day is your birthday? How old are you this year?

42 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Do later (homework):
1. Review the second part of Unit 3: dates and time 2. Review today's class. In Google classroom, type in your birthday and age in Chinese, using 我的生日是X年X月X日,我今年X岁。Ask at least 3 other students their birthdays and ages, and type them in Google classroom, using XX的生日是X年X月X日,他/她今年X岁。

43 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Exercise: Translate. I invite you to dinner.
Teacher Zhao invites me to dinner. My mom invites her students to eat Chinese food. Wang Peng invites Li You to drink coffee.

44 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Words you will need to know:
ren(4) shi(0) 认识: to know lü(4) shi(1) 律师:lawyer zhao(4) pian(1) 照片:picture also Exercise: Translate. I love to eat American food, also love to eat Chinese food. Li Zhong has a older sister, also has a older brother. Bai Ying'ai invites Li You to dinner tomorrow, also invites Wang Peng to dinner. 4. Li You know Lawyer Wang, also Lawyer Wang's daughter. 5. Wang Peng has a picture of Li You, also a picture of Li You's family.

45 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time A-not-A question: ...A不A?
Words you will need to know: mang(2) 忙:busy gong(1) zuo(4) 工作:to work you(3) shir(4) 有事儿:have something to do mei(2) shir(4) 没事儿: have nothing to do xian(4) zai(4) 现在:right now Exercise: Translate the questions and answer. 1. Wang Peng is or isn't a Beijing person? 2. Does Li You love or not love to eat Chinese food? 3. Is Teacher Zhao busy or not busy tonight? 4. Does Bai Ying'ai have or not have a brother? 5. Does our younger sister work or not work? 6. Do you have something or not have anything right now?

46 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Words you will need to know: xue(2) 学:to learn
ren(4) shi(0) 认识:to know tong(2) xue(2) 同学:classmate ai(4) 爱:to love shuai(4) 帅:handsome Exercise: Translate and Answer. 1. Why do you learn Chinese?--Because I love China. 2. Why are you busy?--Because I have Chinese classes. 3. Why do you know him?--Because he is my classmate. 4. Why do you love him?--Because he is handsome.

47 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Words you will need to know: mang(2) 忙:busy
ren(4) shi(0) 认识:to know cai(4) 菜:dish Exercise: Translate. 1. I am very busy today, but I am not busy tomorrow. 2. I have an older brother, but I do not have a younger brother. 3.. I have Chinese classes on Wednesday, but I don't have English classes on Wednesday. 4. I know him, but he does not know me. 5. I love to eat Chinese food, but I do not like this dish.

48 3 复习 时间 Dates and Time Do later (homework):
1. Review Unit 3: dates and time. Be ready for a quiz next class. 2. Make and write an invitation card to invite a classmate to do sth. Bring your card to next class. 3. Review Unit 4: Hobbies

49 4 复习 爱好 Hobbies Do Now---Quiz game: Bingo
1.Write the words I read in any box in your bingo sheet. 2. I will read the words in a difference order. Whoever gets the first line (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) wins the game. The winner must have all the words written correctly.

50 4 爱好 Hobbies 复习 What do you like to do? What is your hobby?

51 4 爱好 Hobbies 复习

52 4 爱好 Hobbies 复习

53 4 爱好 Hobbies 复习

54 4 爱好 Hobbies 复习 Game: guess what I am doing

55 4 爱好 Hobbies 复习 Game: a survey on hobbies ? ?

56 4 复习 爱好 Hobbies Words you will need to use: qu(4) 去:go to do sth
wai(4)guo(2) 外国:foreign dian(4)ying(3) 电影:film zhou(1)mo(4) 周末:weekend zhao(3) 找:to find Exercise: Complete suggestions. 1. We go to see a foreign film tomorrow night, 好吗? 2. We go to play ball this weekend, 好吗? 3. We listen to American music this afternoon, 好吗? 4. We go to find Li You, 好吗?

57 4 复习 爱好 Hobbies Exercise: Want to do or not? 1. eat Chinese food
want to do something not want to do something Exercise: Want to do or not? 1. eat Chinese food 2. sing 3. dance 4. watch TV 5. read books 6. go to China 7. sleep

58 4 复习 爱好 Hobbies Do later (homework):
1. review the second part of Unit 4: hobbies 2. In google classroom, write 3 sentences about your hobbies. What is it? Why do you like to do it? When and where do you often do it? Who do you often do it with? 3. Interview 2 classmates. Write 3 sentences about their hobbies for each of them. Type your interview result in Google classroom.

59 4 复习 爱好 Hobbies Exercise: usually or sometimes? 1. eat Chinese food
2. sing 3. dance 4. watch TV 5. read books 6. go to China 7. play balls

60 4 复习 爱好 Hobbies A B How about if we...? not interesting.
Then, how about...? I don't like..., either. Then, what do you like to do? I only like...

61 4 复习 爱好 Hobbies Exercise: Form sentences.
1. I, busy=>not going to watch the movie. 2. I, tomorrow, have something=>not going dancing 3. I, Saturday night, invite Wang Peng to dinner =>not have time to study 4. I, love to play balls=> usually play balls 5. I, don't like American food=>tomorrow, eat Chinese food

62 4 复习 爱好 Hobbies Do later (homework):
1. Find a classmate. Make a dialogue about hobbies. Inviting he/her to do sth. together, including when and where. The other student accepts/declines the invitation. Present the dialogue next class. 2. Review all the previous lessons. Be prepared for a test next class.

63 5 复习 看朋友 Visiting Friends Using adj. as a predicate:
Subject+ 很/不/没+adj. big small pretty tall good happy busy interesting Chinese film American music My younger brother Li You's sister Teacher Wang I My youngers sister Teacher Li's house 很/不/没

64 5 看朋友 Visiting Friends 复习 Activity: Opinion Poll 名字 高兴 漂亮 有意思

65 5 看朋友 Visiting Friends 复习

66 5 复习 看朋友 Visiting Friends Do later (homework):
1. in google classroon, type in your part in your dialogue.Collaborate with your partner. 2. review all the new words learned by now. Be ready for a game next class.

67 5 复习 看朋友 Visiting Friends Softening the tone:
to modify the verb. to modify the noun. Exercise: change the tone 1. 我看你的照片。 2. 你喝茶。 3. 请给我菜。 4. 你想吃什么? 5. 你想看什么?

68 5 复习 看朋友 Visiting Friends Softening the tone:
a sentence-final "suggestion" particle, often used at the end of an imperative sentence to soften the tone Exercise: use 吧 in the following sentences 1. Please drink water. 2. Let's go dancing together. 3. Let's go to watch a ball game tonight. 4. Please sit down. 5. Please come in. 6. Let's listen to music. Words you will need to use: tiao(4)wu(3) 跳舞:to dance yi(4)qi(3) 一起:together kan(4)qiu(2) 看球:to watch ball (games) zuo(4) 坐:to sit jin(4) 进:come in ting(1)yin(1)yue(4) 听音乐:listen to music

69 5 复习 看朋友 Visiting Friends Exercise: The one who is always late
to indicate the lateness of an action or situation Exercise: The one who is always late 1. 我们九点钟上来。(她十点钟来。) 2. 我们十二点吃午饭。(她一点吃午饭。) 3. 我们六点吃饭。(她六点一刻来。) 4. 我们七点看电影。(她七点半来。) 5. 我们十点钟回家。(她十一点回家。) 6. 我们十一点半睡觉。(她十二点半睡觉。)

70 the preposition 在 indicates location.
5 看朋友 Visiting Friends 复习 Words you will need to use: kan(4) shu(1) 看书: to read books tu(2)shu(1)guan(3) 图书馆:library he(1) cha(2) 喝茶:to drink tea zhou(1) mo(4) 周末:weekend da(4) xue(2) 大学:university gong(1) zuo(4) 工作:to work na er(3) 哪儿:where xi(3)huan(1) 喜欢:like kan(4)dian(4)ying(3) 看电影: to watch a movie the preposition 在 indicates location. at; in; on Exercise: 1. I read books in the school library. 2. She drinks tea at Li You's house this weekend. 3. He studies Chinese at this university. 4. Where is my book? 5. Where do you work? 6. I don't like to watch movies at home.

71 One Last Language Point!!!
5 看朋友 Visiting Friends 复习 One Last Language Point!!! (1) the occurence or completion of an action or event (2) the emergence of a situation Exercise: 1. Mom had three glasses of water today. 2. Yesterday night, I went to play ball. 3. On Monday, Little Gao bought me a bottle of cola. 4. Tomorrow I'll go see a movie after I have eaten dinner. 5. How many cups of coffee did you drink? bei(1) 杯:glass, cup da(3) qiu(2) 打球:play ball qing(3) 请:buy sb. sth. ke(3) le(4) 可乐:cola ka(1) fei(1) 咖啡:咖啡

72 5 复习 看朋友 Visiting Friends Do later (homework):
total and thorough review. Be ready for the first exam next class.

73 添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本

74 添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本

75 添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本

76 添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本

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