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静, 心 则. 心静心静 什么是肥胖? What is obesity ? 现代医学 Modern medicine 现代医学认为: 肥胖分为单纯性和继 发性两类。前者不伴 有明显神经或内分泌 系统功能变化,临床 较为常见。 Modern medicine considered that : Obesity.

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Presentation on theme: "静, 心 则. 心静心静 什么是肥胖? What is obesity ? 现代医学 Modern medicine 现代医学认为: 肥胖分为单纯性和继 发性两类。前者不伴 有明显神经或内分泌 系统功能变化,临床 较为常见。 Modern medicine considered that : Obesity."— Presentation transcript:

1 静, 心 则

2 心静心静 什么是肥胖? What is obesity ?

3 现代医学 Modern medicine 现代医学认为: 肥胖分为单纯性和继 发性两类。前者不伴 有明显神经或内分泌 系统功能变化,临床 较为常见。 Modern medicine considered that : Obesity is generally divided into two categories : primary and secondary obesity. The former is often seen in clinical practice with no obvious functional changes in the nervous or endocrine system.

4 后者多伴有内分泌 紊乱,多由于各种 激素,尤其是胰岛 素、性激素、肾上 腺皮质激素、瘦素 等分泌异常引起。 The latter is associated with endocrine disorders, due to a variety of hormones caused by abnormity, especially insulin, sex hormones, adrenal cortical hormone, leptin secretion.

5 Analysis from visceral syndrome differentiation, obesity is related to the function of liver, spleen, kidney,TCM theory considered that obesity is the result of qi dificiency and multi-phlegm due to innate endowment factors, overeating, as well as a long time lying fatness sedentary and less labor. Often accompanied with dizziness, fatigue, disinclination to talk, little action shortness of breath and other symptoms. 中医从脏腑辨证分析肥 胖主要与肝、脾、肾三脏 的功能有关,认为肥胖是 由于先天稟赋因素、过食 肥甘以及久卧、久坐、少 劳等引起,常伴有头晕、 疲劳、少气、懒言等其它 症状。

6 万物归一 /simple

7 世界标准 World Standards 分类 BMI 体重指数 (kg/m 2 ) 相关疾病危险度 正常范围 18.5  24.9 平均水平 超重 25 - 29.9 轻中度增高 肥胖 >30.0 严重增高 Classification Normal range Overweight Obesity risk of Related disease Average level Mild to moderate increase Severe increase

8 亚太地区标准 Asia-Pacific Standard 分类 体重指数 (kg/m 2 ) 相关疾病危险度 正常范围 18.5  22.9 平均水平 超重 23 - 24.9 轻度增高 肥胖 25  29.9 中度增高 严重肥胖 >30.0 严重增高 Classification Normal range Overweight Obesity Severe obesity risk of Related disease Average level Mild increase Moderate increase Severe increase

9 腹型肥胖 Central obesity 体重指数正常或不很高 腹围: 男性大于 101 厘米 女性大于 89 厘米 或腰围/臀围比值 男性大于 0.9 女性大于 0.85 在判断胖与不胖和危害大小时, 不仅要重视体重指数的高低, 更要 测量腰围的粗细。 Normal or high body mass index Abdominal circumference : male≥101cm ; female≥89cm Or waist / hip ratio : male≥0.9 ; female≥0.85 Note : When determining fatness or non- fatness and the severity of harm , not only pay attention to the level of the index, but also measure the thickness of the waist.

10 肥胖分虚胖(中心性肥胖)和实胖(均一性肥胖 ) 肥胖分虚胖(中心性肥胖)和实胖(均一性肥胖 ) Obesity concludes puffiness (central obesity) and real fatness(uniformity of obesity). Obesity concludes puffiness (central obesity) and real fatness(uniformity of obesity). 古人把肥胖分成肉人 ( 实胖 ) 和膏人 ( 虚胖 ) 。 古人把肥胖分成肉人 ( 实胖 ) 和膏人 ( 虚胖 ) 。 The ancients divided the Obesity into the meat obese body (real fatness) and the creamy body (puffiness). The ancients divided the Obesity into the meat obese body (real fatness) and the creamy body (puffiness).

11 虚胖 1. 进食少 2. 易疲劳 3. 手脚易觉肿胀,下蹲时小 腿肿胀感强烈 4. 脸色偏白或泛青,怕冷汗 少,多白痰 5. 运动少,肌肉松弛 6. 尿液颜色清淡 7. 夜间多梦 ( 有 3 项以上符合就属于虚胖 体质 ) Puffiness 1 Impaired appetite 2 Fatigue 3 Edema of hands and feet, a strong sense of swelling in legs when squatting 4 White or cyan complexion, aversion to cold, less sweating, more white phlegm 5 Less exercise, muscle relaxation 6 Light urine. 7 Dream-disturded sleep ( match three or more items above,,the physique belongs to puffiness.)

12 实胖 1. 多食易饥 2. 易便秘, 大便 ≤3 次 / 周 3. 外表多肉,结实 4. 经常感到口干舌燥,多浓痰 5. 脸色较红润 6. 小便赤、浊、黄、深 7. 易做噩梦 Real fatness 1 Polyphagia , polyrexia 2 Easy constipation(stool ≤ 3 times / week) 3 Fleshy, firm appearance 4 Often dry mouth,thirst, more thick phlegm 5 Relatively rosy face 6 Reddish,turbid,brownish, dark urine 7 Nightmares


14 主穴 ( 腹八针 ) :中脘、关元或中极、滑肉门、 天枢、外陵 Acupoint Prescription(8 points of abdomen): Zhongwan(RN12),Guanyuan(RN4),orZhongji(RN3),Huaroumen(GB30),Tianshu(ST25),Wailing(ST26)

15 脾虚湿滞: 肥胖浮肿、疲乏无力、肢体困 重、尿少、纳差、腹满,脉沉 细、舌淡苔腻。 取穴:水分、手三里、足三里 、阴陵泉、丰隆、三阴交。 Spleen deficiency and dampness stagnation: Obesity, edema, fatigue, weakness, body weight difficulties, oliguria, anorexia, abdominal fullness. The pulse thin and deep, the pale tongue with a greasy coating. Points : Shuifen ( RN9 ) , Shousanli ( Li10 ), Zusanli ( ST36 ), Yinlingquan ( SP9 ), Fenglong ( ST40 ) Sanyinjiao ( SP6 )

16 湿热内盛: 头目眩晕,头重,胸闷, 食欲不振,呕恶痰涎,肢 体困重,或见形体丰肥, 或闭经,舌苔黄腻,脉滑 取穴:大横、腹结、四满、 曲池、合谷、阴陵泉、丰 隆、内庭 Damp-heat Accumulation in the interior: Dizziness, headache, heavy head, chest tightness, palpitations, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting phlegm, body weight difficulties, or the fat body, or amenorrhea, the yellow and a greasy coating,the slippery pulse. Points : Daheng(SP15) , Fujie(SP14) , Siman(KI14), Quchi(Li11) , Hegu(Li4) , Yinlingquan(SP9) , Fenglong(ST40) , Neiting(ST44).

17 胃肠实热: 头晕、消谷善饥、肢重困楚、 怠惰、口渴喜饮,舌红苔黄 腻、脉滑数。 取穴:大横、腹结、曲池、 支沟、合谷、丰隆、内庭。 Heat Stagnation in the Stomach and Intestines: Dizziness,polyrexia, bodily heaviness, sloth, thirst with desire to drink. Slightly slippery pulse number,the red tongue with a yellow,greasy coating,the slippery and rapid pulse. Points:Daheng(SP15),Fujie(SP14), Quchi(Li11),Zhigou(SJ6),Hegu(Li4 ),Fenglong(ST40),Neiting(ST44)

18 脾肾阳虚:疲乏畏寒,腰酸 腿软,阳萎阴冷,便溏、舌 淡或淡紫或淡暗、脉沉细无 力。 取穴:命门、肾俞、大赫、 血海、足三里、阴陵泉、三 阴交。 Spleen and Kidney yang Deficiency : Fatigue, aversion of cold, soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, impotence and cold scrotum,loose stool, the pale or lavender or turb tongue, deep,thin and weak pulse. Points:Mingmen(Du4),Shenshu(BL23), Dahe(KI12),Xuehai(SP10),Zusanli(ST3 6),Yinlingquan(SP9),Sanyinjiao(SP6)

19 肝郁气滞: 胸胁胀闷,胃脘痞满,月经 不调或闭经,失眠多梦。脉 细弦,舌苔薄,舌质暗 取穴: 太冲、行间、期门、 蠡沟、曲泉、膻中 Liver qi stagnation: Chest distress and epigastric distension , irregular menstruation or amenorrhea, insomnia , dream- disturded sl-eep , the string and thin pulse , the dark tongue with a thin coating. Points:Taichong(LR3) , Xingjian(LR2) , Qimen (LR14),Ligou(LR5) , Ququan(LR8) , Danzhong (RN17)

20 取穴:口、食道、饥点、 内分泌、脑、胃、脾、三 焦、膀胱、小肠、交感、 皮质下 Points : Mouth, esophagus, hunger point, endocrine, brain, stomach, spleen, triple energizer, bladder, small intestine,thympath-etic, subcortex

21 刮痧 Scrapping 拔罐 Cupping 经络 Meridians 饮食 Dietary

22 谢谢Thanks!

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