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2013年高考备考讲座 人大附中 李玉新.

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1 2013年高考备考讲座 人大附中 李玉新

2 近几年高考英语学科命题的总特点 探讨高考试题的意义
高考试卷是命题人员对教学大纲和考试说明的权威解读, 是原则性和灵活性的结合。 全真历年NMET试题有着强烈的不可替代性,其规范性、准确性、科学性、风格的连贯性和统一性等等,都是其他满天飞的材料不可替代的。历年高考试题语法点的测试,分布均匀,立意较高;完形侧重词与情境的关联,风格独具;阅读设问句技巧具有较高水平,凝结较高的知识含量和较强的思维力度,而这些则恰恰是目前高三英语复习所缺少的,因此更显得珍贵。

3 试卷考了什么?考的能力是什么?体现了怎样的命题思路和技巧?
只有深入的理解命题意图,原则,探索命题规律,从而结合教学实际,才能有地放矢的科学备考。 近几年高考试卷坚持了稳中有变的命题原则, 保证了各项基础知识的考查,着重检测了学生终合运用语言的能力,是有利于中学素质教育的推进,有利于新课标的实施,有利于高校选拔人才的高信度,高效度和区分度 、较为理想的试卷。

4 2013年,全国统一试题的局面已经被彻底打破,全国卷分三套试题,新课标全国卷,(河南,宁夏,海南,黑龙江,吉林,河北,山西,新疆,云南,内蒙等)。大纲全国卷I(广西,青海等)大纲全国卷II (贵州,甘肃,西藏等),上海卷、北京卷、天津卷、重庆卷、江苏卷、浙江卷、福建卷,江西卷,湖北卷,陕西卷,广东卷,山东卷,辽宁卷,四川卷,湖南卷,安徽卷等19套英语试题,我们可以看出高考英语学科的命题改革方向,即教育部考试中心制定的“突出语篇、强调交际、注重应用、稳定发展”。近几年高考英语的命题思路一脉相承。从2013年全国各地的高考英语学科试题中,我们不难总结出现行高考英语测试的如下特点:

5 特点之一: 强调对考生英语语言的实际应用能力的考查。同往年相比,各省试题更加突出语言的交际性,更加强调英语知识的灵活运用。可以说,2013年高考英语测试已成功地实现了从知识型向能力型的过渡,这也体现了今后高考英语命题的走向。

6 特点之二: 试题内容更加丰富多彩,贴近生活,贴近时代。从听力、语法、词汇、完形填空、阅读理解、改错或任务型阅读,到书面表达,无论哪一部分的试题内容都与学生的日常生活息息相关,有很强的时代感。

7 特点之三: 适当调整了试题各部分的难度。 语法与词汇部分的难度与往年相比,明显下降。这对当前的中学英语改革有良好的反拨作用,引导学生不再死记硬背语法知识,而将精力花在语言应用能力的培养上。与此同时, 为了平衡整份试题的难度,完形填空与阅读理解的难度得到适当提高,阅读材料中继续出现一些不加注释、但不太影响对考试内容理解的生词,这使阅读内容更接近实际读物,使阅读活动更贴近生活实际,也更好地反映了新课程改革的基本精神。

8 特点之四: 大胆改革,勇于创新。 为了有利于更全面地测出考生的听力水平,北京增加了主观题型, 打破了听力测试标准化题型一统天下的局面。北京卷还摈弃了颇有争议的短文改错题型,考两篇写作(情景作文与开放式作文),把对考生写作能力的考查上升到了新的高度。安徽卷新增任务型阅读和广东卷信息匹配题读写任务。

9 应该承认,我国现行的高考试题是经过几十年的积极探索、改进并逐步完善起来的,比较成 熟的、全国性的、人才选拔性质的大规模语言测试,在英语新课程标准的全面推行过程中,必然对全国中小学英语教学产生积极的反拨作用,正是从这种意义上说,英语新课程标准中的八级要求(高三应达到的要求)肯定会逐步与以后的高考英语命题息息相关。因此,考生应熟悉国家英语新课程标准中的听、说、读、写、译的具体要求及现行高考英语中各大题型的命题特点,有针对性地各个击破,强化英语语言的实际应用能力。

10 高考试题如何定位?其突出风格有哪些?重在考语义内容还是考形式?
考试的定位为“语言交际能力测试”(Language Communicative Competence Test) 其突出风格为:突出语篇,强调应用,注重实际。 建立在国外外语教学理论基础之上的语言测试理论认为,单 一地考查语音、语法、词汇等语言知识并不等于检测了语言的运用能力与水平。NMET测试就是要考查在实际交际环境中运用语言的能力,其评价标准也是按照测试对象在完成一定交际任务时所达到的程度来确定的。

11 这里讲的语篇是指的课文一类的篇章材料吗? 需要指出的是,这里说的“语篇”与我们一般意义上所说的篇章或语段概念不同。关于语篇(discourse)的定义在此引用著名语言教育家David Nunan给出的释义:Discourse: recordings of naturally occurring samples of language within their communicative context(交际语境范围中自然发生的语言实例记录)。

12 高考的“命题原则”是什么? 2 语言运用题: 1)语言必须放在实际的、并尽可能不同的情景中运用。 2)语言必须适合具体的交际行为。
多年来高考的“命题原则”基本稳定,分为两大类: 1 语言知识题:保证知识覆盖面,尽可能增加综合性与语境化因素; 2 语言运用题: 1)语言必须放在实际的、并尽可能不同的情景中运用。 2)语言必须适合具体的交际行为。 3)考核的焦点在于是否达到交际目的。 4)语言交际行为除了需要语言能力之外,还需要一些其他 的能力。

13 需要注意的是,实际使用的试卷上,第1、3、4部分(听力、阅读理解和写作)都属于“英语语言运用”范围;第2部分(单项填空和完形填空)则划归为“英语知识运用”范围。

14 何谓“三维模式”? 由美国语言学家Larsen-Freeman(1995)在其代表作《三维语法》(Grammar Dimensions)一书中提出了对于语法认识的新概念,即语法由相互关联的三个维度组合而成:语言形式(language form :how is the grammar structure formed? )、语言意义(language meaning: what does the grammar structure mean?)和语言运用(language use: when or why is the grammar structure used?)。

15 听力部分选材有何特征? 高考听力部分的选材一般具有以下特征: 1)口语特征明显,其中包括如句式结构简短、停顿、重复、犹疑等。
2)语境明确,听力材料的发生背景明确,能够从话语中甚至添加的背景音效中了解到。 3)内容相对完整。遵循“语篇”概念,每一段听力材料都能够自成一体,或者说也都是一个微型语篇。 4)说话人身份明确。 5)信息量足。听力材料中内容丰富,能为考查检测提供充分的信息。

16 6)不含生词。与阅读要求不同,一般不含生词。但人名、地名等专有名词仍可能出现,这一点与实际交际中的情况也是一致的。
7)内容“贴近时代、贴近生活、贴近学生”,减少非语言因素对于考查效果的影响。 8)长短适宜。根据命题需要,第1—5段小对话一般为1—2、 3个回合。第6—10段对话或独白则要长一些。

17 “听力”主要考查内容有哪些? 听力部分的考查主要在于以下4个方面: 1)理解主旨、要义。

18 2)获取(与话题中心相关的)具体事实信息。

19 3)推断说话背景、说话者之间关系。 语言交际中我们要求不仅能听懂话语的字面含义,还应能从谈话或说话的内容话题和语气等来推断出对话双方(或说话人)的身份、场合、彼此间(或与他人)的关系等。相同的话在不同的场合或不同对象之间会有不同含义,例如,当你听到有人对你你说;

20 “Were you in class yesterday. ”时,你一定得看看是谁在什么样的场合中问你这样的话,老师. 家长. 还是同学

21 4)理解说话者的意图、观点或态度。 弄清说话人背景与场合的同时,还需要从其话语内容中听出其“弦外之音”,也就是,理解其意图、观点或态度。 仍以上面那句问话为例,“Were you in class yesterday?”可能是老师提问学生时没有得到满意答复时的责怪:“昨天上课没有? (怎么会答不出来或答错?)”也有可能是同学之间的对话,需要了解与课堂有关的内容:“昨天上课没有?(笔记给我对一下……)” “听话听声”,揣摩说话人的真实意图、把握了解其观点或态 度是有一定难度的。英语听力测试中的这类试题常常还会涉及到语言文化的问题,需要我们在语言学习和听力训练中培养文化意识,提高领悟能力。

22 听力部分的命题原则是怎样的? NMET听力部分的命题原则主要为:
1)考点均匀分布,涉及所听材料的主要内容不会只是集中在某一局部,设题考虑到了材料中所涉及内容的顺序先后。 2)首句无题。一般提问不涉及开头句内容。 3)问答形式,与“阅读理解”的两种形式不同,¨只有一种形式:问题与选项答案,没有完成句子的形式。 4)设题简明。为最大程度地考查“听力”,减少其他干扰,听力部分的问题与选项答案都尽可能简明扼要,

23 5)不涉及与听力无关的内容,例如专业性要求太高的内容等
6)答案唯一。 7)干扰有效。每一个错误选项一定会对某一部分考生构成干扰,否则为无效,也就将3选1的题目变成了2选1,影响测试目标的实现了。 8)选项平行,不相包容。选项设计时考虑到其相互关系,例如:A. Beijing B. Wuhan,从地理概念看,二者平行。若 A. Beijing B.China,则当答案为A时,B同样成立。或者出现了不只一个答案,或者缩小了答题时考虑的范围。

24 使用“含听力卷”几年来的情况如何?有哪些情况值得我们注意?
“含听力卷”已经在全国范围铺开。对于教学的导向与反拨作用是不言而喻的。从考后的分析来看,也有一些情况颇具代表性,值得以后的考生们注意。例如第1小题答题情况惊人相似: Where did this conversation most probably take place? A.At a concert. B.At a flower shop C.At a restaurant

25 统计表明,本题难度0.32, 属中档题, 误选A项的考生
占52%。 这一结果对于我们的听力教学与备考训练有很大启发,误选的重要的原因在于他们只是听到该选项中所含词汇(flower和computer ),而没有听懂整段对话的大意,简单的对号入座,正好落入“陷阱”。 真正的答案里的单词本身反而没有出现。

26 录音稿: M:The music and flowers are lovely. I hope the food is good,too. W:Yes.I hope the food is good,too. 统计表明,本题难度0.18,属较难题;考生中误选B项者占56.5%。 Who is Chris? A.Computer engineer. B.Book seller. C.Writer. 录音稿: W:I like to read Chris Paine? M:So do I.I hear he writes on his computer.And his new book will come out next week. W: Great, I’ve got to get one as soon as it is out

27 高考英语听力复习及解法探讨 精听与泛听 既要泛听更要精听。 泛听,决不是指泛泛地、漫不经心地听,而是要听各种材料。在泛听的过程中,不可能都听懂,应以总体上较多的获取信息为原则。 虽然从宏观上来看,任何听力材料都是有益的,但鉴于有限的可利用时间,复习资料的选择一定要有针对性。要精听高考真题。

28 Would you mind going to dance with me tonight?
横听与纵听 横听听熟 每一个具体的考题并没有太多的用途.重要的是要 听出横向的规律才算听熟.要培养做类型题的能力. 这种能力必须培养而且完全可以培养.如: Would you mind going to dance with me tonight? 回答只有两种可能, yes or no. 我们需要培养这种 能力:听完了第一句后,马上可以断定出这是一类考题 ,其实这类考题需要我们扑捉的就是第二个人回答的方向 , 第一个人谈什么并不重要,回答一般是: I’d like to, but… May I have your order,please?

29 A. He is modest B. He is satisfied C. He is upset
纵听听透 但我们从不同的考题中体会到题型的分类后, 还要进一步深入体会到答案的必然性.这就要求我们 了解语言所反映出的文化背景.没个考题的内容都很朴素 ,目的都很单纯,就是要通过考题让我们掌握日常生活中 英语口语的运用.语言代表思想,考题反映生活. 如果我 们能从英语的文化根基出发,会发现很多考题的答案是必然的如,what can we learn about the man? A. He is modest B. He is satisfied C. He is upset W:Jack, how are you doing with your paper? M: I’ve written and rewritten it so many times that I wonder when I can finish it. 一般考题中对各种作业评价只有一个“抱怨”我们会发现考题中所描述的情形都是不尽人意的Ticket, sold out. Room booked up. Traffic held up. Exam hard , apple pie must be delicious. Traditional culture.

30 听时技巧 问题选项,迅速预习 目注试题,预猜“谜底” 缩小范围,瞄准题意;横扫竖扫,边听边记;诸多信息,区分主次;身份场合,可听语气;弃前保后,大保小弃;高考佳绩,平时“实力”。 在听的过程中,要注意一些表示思路转向的信息词如but,however,while,yet等,表示强调的词如indeed,at all,anyway等,表顺序的词如first,second,next,after that等,表原因的词如because,therefore,now that等;要注意一些相反词如fast- slow/ up- down/ more- less…;注意一些结构have…left/ three times bigger than…/ four times as big as…;注重抓主题句;注意录音材料中重读的实词等。 当你听到某些词语不能理解时,不要停下来思索,而应该将句子或段落连续听完,或 许听完时对不懂的也能猜出一二,否则只会顾此失彼。只有连续不断,才能不贻误后面的内容

31 高考英语听力核心话题与词汇 一、日常生活living_room, kitchen, bathroom, bath, brush teeth, mirror, clothes, dress, umbrella, shower, factory, office, bank, wallet, rent, haircut, birthday, go to the cinema, film, housework, tidy, sweep, cook, furniture, fridge, table, chair, radio, television, watch television, tired, bed, make the bed, go to bed 二、学校生活education, kindergarten, school, institute, college, university, grade, junior, senior, graduate, degree, professor, teacher, student, monitor, pupil, librarian, office, lab, library, dining_room, playground, classroom, chalk, ink, lecture, course, subject, lesson, mathematics, geography,history,biology,chemistry, physics, politics. .

32 三、兴趣与爱好favorite , interested in, be fond of ,poem,novel,music,piano,sports,computer games,collect stamps/coins/film, watch TV, listen to the radio. 四、家庭、朋友与周围的人home, family, granny, parent, father, dad, mother, mum, husband, wife, child,son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece, twin, people, friend, guest neighbors. . . 五、工作与职业company, factory, employ, labor, work, job, actor, actress, player, manager, clerk, worker, engineer, scientist, merchant, business, professor, headmaster, teacher, student, servant, waiter, waitress, boss, secretary, doctor, nurse, patient, shop assistant, customer, driver, conductor, guide, passenger, reporter, writer, artist, poet, musician, pianist, painter, pilot, soldier, policeman, lawyer, housewife, cook, farmer, peasant, tailor, gardener, operator, typist, postman.

33 六、购物go shopping, market, shop, store, bookstore, money, bill, dollar, pound, quantity, quality, weigh, size, price, expensive, cheap, dear, worth, save, charge, bargain, sale, buy, pay, cost, spend, change, borrow, lend, clothes, shoes. . . 七、饮食food, sandwich, bread, cake, beef, hot dogs, butter, cheese, ham, biscuit, soup, chicken, fish, rice, chocolate, egg, meat, drink, milk, water, coffee, tea, wine, beer, vegetable, potato, fruit, tomato, orange, oil, salt, pork, spoon, fork, knife, dish, plate, meal, breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner, delicious, thirsty, hungry, full, restaurant, order, serve, menu, taste. . . 八、假日holiday, vacation, New Year's Day, Women's Day, April Fool's Day, Children's Day, National Day, Teachers' Day, Thanks_giving Day, Christmas. . .

34 九、文娱与体育game, Olympic Games, match, sports meeting, team, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, swim, skate, race, run, jump, chess, ticket, film, cinema, club, theatre, concert, dance, music, piano, violin. . . 十、健康body, head, forehead, face, mouth, tongue, brain, tooth, eye, nose, ear, neck,throat, shoulder, arm, hand, finger, nail, chest, heart, lung, stomach, waist, back, leg, knee, foot, ankle, bone, temperature, pulse, breath, disease, ill, sick, trouble, cold, fever, ache, cough, sneeze, sweat, pain, hurt, treat, cure, recover, operation, medicine, hospital, clinic, doctor, nurse, patient, health, fit, blind, deaf. .

35 十一、周围环境environment, nature, continent, river, lake, hill, mountain, valley, rock, desert, forest, island, land, ocean, sea, beach, city, building, factory, country,farm, village, garden, park, flower, tree, grass, plant, crop, pollution, noise, fire, rubbish, flood, earthquake, population, animal, space, sun, moon, star, planet. . . 十二、天气 weather, sunny, fine, clear, sunshine, cloud, cloudy, wind, rain, storm, thunder ,lightning,shower, snow, fog, flood, wet, temperature, hot, warm, cold, cool 十三、旅行与交通abroad, tour, travel, trip, journey, bicycle, car, voyage, plane, ship, taxi,boat, truck, flight, lorry, luggage, map, ticket, hotel, crossing, traffic light, street, road, railway, station, airport, highway, direction, left, right, straight, ahead, north, south, east, west, drive, kill, jam, camp, picnic, tent, police, stranger, passenger

36 十四、学习subject, class, course, lesson, biology, chemistry, composition, computer, law, language, maths, physics, teach, study, learn, review, write, read, knowledge,text, exercise, dictation, examination, test, fail, pass, experiment, book, diary, dictionary, ink, magazine, rubber, newspaper, paper, pen, pencil,ruler. . .

37 高考英语语法与词汇的命题趋势与复习指导 近几年高考英语试题已经由知识立意转向能力立意,淡化了语言基础知识在试题中的地位。 所以,近几年语法与词汇部分的难空同往年相比,已有所下降,这种变化趋势可以遏制英语教学漫无边际地讲练语法的局面,从而有时间对学生进行交际能力的训练。但是,淡化语法并不意味着不考语法,阅读、写作能力的提高都离不开语法,所以实质上是高考对考生的语法要求更高。

38 考生在进行语法训练时,切忌做大量的难题、偏题,因为语法部分在上海卷中只有20题,在全国卷、北京卷及其他省市更少,才15题,而高考语法题又有极强的典型性和代表性,几乎每道题都代表了某一典型的语法点,冠词、名词、代词、连词、定语从句、现在分词与过去分词、不定式、强调句型、倒装、名词性从句等通常会依次出现,考生只有仔细分析历年高考试题,熟悉了高考语法题的构成比例、测试热点及测试点在试题中出现的位置,并进行恰当的语法模拟训练, 才能快速提高答题的准确率。

39 近几年各省考查的词汇量与英语新课程标准的八级语言知识目标相比,差距在逐年缩小。英语新课程标准的八级语言知识目标要求学会使用3000个单词和 个习惯用语或固定搭配,但与中国台湾地区、韩国高考的英语试题相比,大陆高考英语试题所涉及的词汇量明显稍逊一筹。可以预测,随着英语新课程标准的进一步实施和考生英语水平的整体捉高, 高考英语的词汇量肯定会逐年增加,如北京卷每年都在增加 个词汇,逐步接近新课程标准的词汇量,考生一定要自觉扩大自己的英语词汇以适应高考的新要求。

40 同时,近义词的辨析正成为高考英语词汇测试的热点,值得广大考生关注。从测试题型看, 除了全份试题(尤其是阅读)都有词汇量的要求外,大纲卷II还考核单词拼写,上海卷还单设了词汇辨析题,共10题,占10分,主要测试名词、形容词、副词、动词、词组等的词义辨析,考生答题时切忌陷入误区,即这类题不存在语法错误,而有的考生却自作聪明地按语法规则去答题,,出现不该出现的失误。全国卷、北京卷及其他省市卷一般将词汇辨析题放在语法题中,比例不大,但容易失分。从高考英语命题的总趋势看,考生必须注意词汇的积累,建议不必拿着考试词汇表死记硬背,通过大量阅读来扩大词汇量是一个行之有效的方法,因为高考测试词汇都是将词汇放在特定的语境中考查的。

41 内容不超纲,又着眼于未来新课标。 与往年一样,考核内容严格遵循大纲要求,着力素质和能力的考查。近几年试卷中使用了较多高中阶段所学的单词、词组,并出现了大量的合成与派生词,加大了“考试说明”词汇表后边附的“构词法”的权重,这无疑会对今后的中学教学起到良好的导向作用。

42 react, mobolity , pressing ,incompetent, promising, live off ,inability ,breakdown, hold up, coincidental, relatively, phenomenon, habitual, consequence, personnel, academics, higher education, dependent , microseconds, register for , befriend ,view as , retiring , potential , ambiguous , financial , finance, pacing, unfavorably, sympathetic, complexity, Barking, unsettled, previous, restless, enthusiasm, spring up, long for, / accessible, foster, confirm, acknowledge, reflect, motto

43 enthusiasm, spring up, long for, / accessible, foster, confirm, acknowledge, reflect, motto
intention, instantly, take chances, /enquire, position, closely-located,

44 “完形填空”的选项设计有何特点? 各选项设计大多为一个单词,有时是一个短语。每小题所给的4个选项一般都属于相同或对等的词类,同一范畴;错误选项与空前、空后词语也大多可以形成搭配,因此构成一定的干扰与迷惑。各选项中所用词汇尽量避免重复,从而增加考查的覆盖面。

45 设空以实词(即所谓信息词汇)为主,名词、动词、形容词和副词等要占到全部选项的90%以上。
按照答题时需要考虑的范围大小,“完形填空”设可以分为3层次:有些只需要考虑设空所在的句子便可看出答案,属于较容易的小题, 一般只占10%-20%;有些则需要弄清楚前后几个句子甚至上下一两段才能找出答案,属于中等难度;还有一些则必须通观全文,从整体角度来考虑才能判断最佳选项的,属于较难的小题。从近几年来的试题设计看,后两种小题一共要占到全部设 题的80%以上。

46 “完形填空”的解题一般应从哪些角度考虑? 一般说来有4个方面的线索需要考虑:
1)上下文:“完形填空”的设计思路是让各个选项大都能与空前空后形成搭配,语法上也无明显错误,从而构成干扰。我们在选择答案时必须从上下文的情节与文意来考虑,才能找到真正符合文意要求的最佳选项。 2)词汇意义及用法:“完形填空”考查的主要内容是在所给短 文这样一个特定语境中,对于某些词汇的意义与用法的掌握情况:我们常常遇到一些英语词汇的中文词义看似相近因而容易易淆的情况,“完形填空”中的错误选项就常按此思路设置,以形成迷惑与干扰。

47 3)逻辑推理与常识:一篇完整的短文中一定具有其严密的逻辑性,当出现若干空白时,逻辑性便被破坏或打断,我们如果能够选出正确选项,就能恢复短文的原貌。某些设题就是从是否合乎逻辑常理的角度来考虑的。还有一些设空则涉及到我们应该具备的常识,是否合乎通常情理成为我们判断选择最佳选项的主要依据。这类与逻辑推理或生活常识相关的设题一定是与对于短文内容和—词汇意义的考查紧密关联着的。不应该脱离文意去主观臆断, 那样是很容易误选到迷惑项的。

48 4)惯用法与搭配:“完形填空”设题中也有一些是需要从词汇习惯用法与搭配来考虑的。其出发点仍然是在短文这样一个特定语境中考查我们综合运用词汇的能力。平时通过足够数量的语言输入,掌握比较扎实的语言基本知识,答题时又能真正弄懂弄通文意,才能应对这样的考查。 需要强调的是以上关于考查要点的分类在实际试题中并非是泾渭分明的,大多情况下我们都需要综合几方面因素来考虑,一切以文意要求为准,使其恢复原貌。 答题过程中需要随时设想所遇空白中应该出现的内容,然后再以该题所给选项来验证自己的推测,做出必要的调整与修正。

49 掌握“短文改错”所设错误类型对答题有何帮助?
“短文改错”是一道综合性较强的试题,旨在检验我们在 阅读理解的基础上运用所学语言知识的准确程度。该题灵活性大、覆盖面广、综合性强、测试层次多、区分度高。 “短文改错”的选材通常是一篇我们较为熟悉且在已有识 结构能力范围内可以理解的短文。它的语言材料通常看似学生自己的作品;话题来自同学身边;篇章结构的难易程度也符合同学们的实际水平;语言明白易读;基本上不涉及生僻的语言现象

50 和繁难的语句结构。它要求首先判断短文各行是否有错,无错行打钩;如有错误,则按题目要求及错误形式(错词、少词或多词)在该行文内标以相应符号,在题号后横线上写出答案,或为改后的正确单词;或为添栅的单词;或为应该去掉的单词。错误类型一般涉及词法、句法、行文逻辑等。一行中最多只会有一个错误;而且错误均只涉及一个单词:或错一词,或漏一词,或多一词。从历年来试卷“短文改错”设题的形式分布看,10个小题中一 般为:无错1题,多词1-2题,漏词1—2题,其余为错词。考虑到考点覆盖面的因素,一道大题内涉及的考查内容一般都不会重复。

51 在“短文改错”的解题训练中还应注意哪些方面?

52 1)“短文改错”不仅只是考查我们发现、判断错误的能力,同时还通过纠正错误的要求来检测我们是否准确、熟练掌握了语言的基本规则。所以,平时的复习训练应多从正面入手,牢牢掌握正确规则。在大量的阅读中感悟语言,积累经验,提高写作及自我纠错的能力。 2)做“短文改错”时,不仅要注意发现单纯、独立的词法或句法错误,更要学会判断篇章上的错误。训练时,不能只从某个词本身,甚至某个句子本身去判断错误,而要从上下文乃至整篇文章去判断。

53 只有弄懂了文章的结构、内容、意义及行文逻辑,才有可能做好“短文改错”。这就要求平时应熟练掌握时态、语态名词的数、主谓一致、介词搭配等基本语言规则;还要有意识地训练自己注意上下文的连贯性及行文的逻辑性
3)平时写完作文后,应有意识地养成习惯,默读自己的作文,运用所学知识监控语言的输出,逐步培养校验能力。 4)“短文改错”中的错误各式各样,但都是常见错误。因此做 题要细心,在默读中凭借语感去敏锐地发现那些不通顺、不合词法和句法的地方,然后凭借语言规则准确地加以修正。

54 《考试说明》对于“书面表达”在“语言”方面的要求有哪些?
概括起来,“书面表达”的评分原则对于“语言”方面的要求有:应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性;上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。结合平时训练要求,可以归纳为如下几点: 1)一定范围内的遣词技能。 2)应用语法系统、结构与规则的技能。

55 3)运用不同的语法形式来表达意义的技能。 4)语篇的整合技能。 5)使用语篇惯例的技能。 6)根据不同交际目的得体地发挥语段的交际技能。 7)运用逻辑关联手段清楚地传达主旨、论据、未知信息、已知信息、概括和例证的技能。

56 8)运用写作策略(如:能根据读者对象调整文字表达、构思想象、表述、检索并利用已存信息、修改、校正等)的能力。
总之,要看考生能否清楚得体地传达信息,完成试题规定的 任务,是否达到了预期的写作目的。同时还有格式和辞令的考查要求。比如,写信的格式,以及根据语境或交流对象的不同选择相关的辞令的能力。例如,议论或发表观点时,常用第一人称we 和第二人称you,这样会令读者产生身临其境之感,引起共鸣。拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受

57 评分原则中有关“内容”的考查要求是什么? 能够覆盖所有内容要点。内容要点可用不同方式表达。对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分
“评分原则”对于“内容”的考查主要体现为: 能够覆盖所有内容要点。内容要点可用不同方式表达。对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分

58 写作时应该注意些什么? 写作时应尽量避免如下情形: 1)审题不周、不全、不当,随意漏掉要点或想当然地添加要点。
2)主谓冲突,指代不明,逻辑混乱。 3)思路不清,语义表达模糊,措词呆板生硬不地道。 4)运用词汇和句式的单一及重复。 5)篇章结构杂乱,段落之间衔接不清乃至矛盾。应考虑按递进、因果、问答、先假设后论证等顺序展开推进全文的观点并使用语篇过渡词(discourse marker)和短句来承接过渡以使全文连贯。

59 “书面表达”答题步骤中的审题意义何在? 审题是“书面表达”答题的第一个步骤,其意义在于以下 两个方面:
1)审题可以决定文体及把握时间基调(即,全篇大体要用何 种时态),同时决定写作方向、动机、手段等。一般说来,有应用文、记叙文、说明文和议论文等4种基本文体。 (1)应用文:它是生活和工作中交流感情、传递信息、指令求助等书面材料的总称,其种类极其繁多。书信(感谢、祝贺、致歉、慰问、介绍、邀请、询问、生意、私人交往)、报告(进度、建议、调查结果)、申请、简历、口头和书面通知(通告、布告、通缉、失物招领、寻人启事)、海报等都属于应用文。

60 (2)记叙文:以记叙为主要手段记述人物、叙述事件,常用于故事、回忆录、游记、日记、书信等的写作。一般来说,记叙文有时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果6大要素构成,要求我们做到语言简洁、表达正确、条理分明、情节清楚、过渡自然、详略得当。日记、随想、观后感、回忆录、简讯、讲故事等都需要用记叙的手法。 (3)说明文:说明文用定义、举例、比较等手段介绍事物的特征、本质、性能、用途、结构、原理等,以使读者全面清晰地认识该事物。写作时要注意运用恰当的顺序:空间顺序、时间顺序、逻辑顺序、认知顺序等。先主后次,由浅人深。如果通过图表的提示加以说明,则要变抽象为具体,使事物或现象直观化。注意认真审视图表,理解其潜在的信息,然后准确地描述出来。必要时,还 得阐述缘由。

61 介绍人物、国家、节日、民族风情、操作规程及注意事项、工作进展等及广告文案、图案设计等均属于说明文的范畴。

62 2)审题确定写作内容要点。 图画题型的作文要点就是画面所描述的故事情节。只要认真看图,思考画面之间的联系,一般不难发现;图表作文中表格形式的作文要点则常常以对比、列举、分类等方式展现,比较明显。而以柱状图、圆形图、线形图等图示形式出现的作文要点多体现在数据的变化和比例的分配上。有时,还要求我们分析数据变化的原因和比例分配现象背后的本质和根源;一般说来,提纲题型的作文相对于图表题型和图画题型的作文而言要点更为明确。

63 写好短文的基础是什么? 写好短文也是一个循序渐进的过程:措词 →造句→构思
段落→谋篇布局。因此,打好基础是至关重要的。不难看出,写作的基础是措词和造句。 具体说来,措词涉及到词语意义的辨析与选择,词语形式(词性与词性间的转换;单复数形式;肯定和否定形式等)的考虑与选择,以及词语结构搭配等的推敲与运用。最终目的是能选择并运用词义准确的、结构搭配合理的、尽可能不重复的词语。

64 接下来就要造句。自然是要能把握好句子成分,以及谓语动词的时态和语态,写出完整而且有意义的单句,而后尝试运用更为复杂的结构 (例如各类从句等)。在写单句或复句的练习过程中,也要尝试正确运用所学的句型。近几年年的高考“书面表达”试题涉及的句型有:there be,as well,such as,形式主语和感叹句。同时还考查了几乎所有的从句,即:名词性从句(宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句)、定语从句(包括非限定性定语从句)和状语从句(时间、地点、因果、方式、条件等从句)。

65 有了一定的写作基础,还应掌握哪些写作技巧?
如上所述,措词和造句只是写作的基础。我们写作的最 终目的是能写出一段文字乃至一篇文章,即,构思段落和谋篇布局。因此,使语篇连贯(coherence)流畅(fluency)以及最后的润色是接下来的重要任务。 使语篇连贯流畅。其必要且有效的手段是在句子和段落之间恰当地运用关联(过渡)词(discourse marker)。这些关联词大 致可以分为如下几类: 1)类举:列举同类的人或事物,如next,another,finally,still等。例如: If not,I can try and find another place for you.

66 2)举例:列举一个集合中的个体,就一事实或结论举证如 that is,for example,in particular,specifically,such as等。例如:
I can follow my own interests such as reading books,visiting museums,and taking computer lessons. 3)类比:就同类的人或事物加以比较,如as,similarly,at the same time,in the same way,as well等。例如: I used to have to work...doing endless homework and attending classes as well.

67 They suggest,however,fees should be charged low.
4)对比:讨论事物的对立面或某一事实的不同侧面,有“转 折,让步”的意味,如but,and yet,however, instead,while,though,after all, On the other hand, On the contrary, despite ( in spite of)等。例如: They suggest,however,fees should be charged low. 5)递进:加强程度,加深层次,如even,also,besides,more over,furthermore,in addition,most important,what's more等。例如: What's more,I can go to bed earlier.

68 6)地点:指明方位(向),明确范围,如opposite to,on one side,On the other side,to the east,next to,below,above,beyond等。例如: The car didn't stop but drove off at great speed heading west. 7)时间:明确事件发生的前后关系、起点,进展的时间长短、终点等,如 after,later,next ,meanwhile afterward,as soon as,in the past,until,since,before,at last等。例如: The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road.

69 8)结论:长话短说,表明观点,做出定论,如finally,in short, in summery,therefore,to sum up,in a word,as far as等。例如:
In short,things have begun to improve since schools were... 9)强调:肯定语气和态度,透过现象看本质,如indeed,in fact,truly,of course,after a11,even,certainly,no doubt等。例如: Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away.

70 10)因果:探究原因,索求结果,推敲个案,洞察其中,如as a result,since,then,therefore,because,otherwise,thus等。例如:
40%think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and workers.

71 什么样的“书面表达”答卷能够得高分? 综合《考试说明》对“书面表达”的“语言”和“内容”的考
查要求和评分原则,可以确认高分答卷必须具备如下条件和要素: 1)覆盖所有内容要点。 2)应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致。

72 3)具备较强的语言运用能力。有效使用了语句间的连接成分,全文结构紧凑,语言得体。
4)卷面整洁。 总之,灵活得体地运用语言,显示扎实的写作基本功和娴熟的写作技巧,文章具有鲜明的个性特色,完全完成了试题规定的任务并完全达到了预期的写作目的。

73 高考英语单项填空的复习

74 葡萄与竹竿 English is among the easiest languages to speak badly,
王力说过“英语是法制的语言,汉语是人治的语言. English is among the easiest languages to speak badly, But the most difficult to use well. 举一例来做深层思维剖析。试译下面这句中文: “我有一个朋友,她的男友发生了一次严重的车祸,结果导致半身不遂。在医院病房恢复期间,他居然还使她怀孕了。” 你是不是又要写出这样“丑陋”的小短句:I have a friend.Her boyfriend…?

75 我们来看看英文原文是怎么说的: One of my friends got pregnant in her boyfriend’s hospital room while he was recovering from a terrible car accident that left him partially paralyzed. 对比中文原文,我们看看上句英文是如何展开叙事的,原句可以分成三大块: One of my friends got pregnant(句子核心意思) in her boyfriend‘s hospital room(事件发生的地点)while he was recovering(事件发生的时间)from a terrible car accident that left him partially paralyzed

76 比较:对状语的处理 英文思维:将语义重心放在前面,然后分解叙事,即把重要的方面如态度、观点、结果、结论先交待清楚,开门见山、一语道破。然后再把理由、事实、条件、例证等方面逐步展开,即先概括后分解,先表态后叙事,先总结后事例,由果到因、由小到大。按照上述的英文思维特点,此句先说结果:got Pregnant,然后再交待其他方面的信息来展开叙事,即事情发生的地点(in her boyfriend’s hospital room)和时间(while he was…)一律后置。 中文思维:按照自然顺序(natural order)展开论述,先进行叙事铺垫:“我有一个朋友,她的男友发生了一次严重的车祸,结果导致半身不遂。”后说结果:“使她怀孕了。”另外,从时间角度来看,汉语是按照事物发展的时间先后顺序来展开叙事:先发生事故——然后住院治疗恢复——最后使她怀孕。

77 我们看一看下面的例子: Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with inbuilt personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived. 译文:儿童将与装有个性芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视前休闲,这时数字时代就来到了。 街头笑话“Good good study, day day up.”和“You don’t know, who know!”之所以好笑,是因为“好好学习,天天向上。”和“你不知道,谁知道?”是典型的中文表达,直接翻译成英文不符合英文语法。正确的翻译其实很简单:Work hard and you will make progress everyday./If you don’t know,who knows?动词Work和make是句子的核心,两者之间用并列连词连接;If引导从句使who knows成为整个句子的主句。如果没有这些结构上的调整,中文句子的语义是无法用英语表达出来的。

78 例如:Interest in historical methods had arisen less from external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. 译文:人们对历史研究方法产生了兴趣,这与其说是因为外部对历史作为一门知识学科的有效性提出了挑战,还不如说是因为历史学家内部发生了争吵。 例如:In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 译文:门口放着一堆雨伞,少说有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。

79 英语句子不仅可以在简单句(前面两个例子都是简单句)中使用很长的修饰语使句子变长,同时也可以用从句使句子变复杂,而这些从句往往通过从句引导词与主句或其它从句连接,整个句子尽管表面上看错综复杂却是一个整体。汉语本来就喜欢用短句,加上表达结构相对松散,英语句子中的从句翻成汉语时往往成了一些分 Decision-thinking is not unlike poker ? it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think决策思维不像打扑克那样,它常常是不仅与你想的有关,而且与别人对你的想法以及你对他们对你的想法的看法有关,其心理过程是同样的。

80 我有一个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答吗?
Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me?

81 解题技巧 单项填空,可依据下列解题技巧:先内容后结构,先框架后细节,先语感后猜选,特别注重“语境化’。 冠词 应试策略 掌握冠词用法的关键是:记住可数名词与不可数名词的用法特点:熟悉具体名词与抽象名词的转化规律:搞清泛指和特指、类指和专指等概念。

82 A. The;/ B. The;a C. An;the D. An;/
1. First impressions are the most lasting . After all ,you never get ___ second chance to make ___ first impression. A. a;the B. the; the C.a;a D the ;a 2.___0n-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is ____ major concern of the country. A. The;/ B. The;a C. An;the D. An;/

83 3.Most animals have little connection with______ animals of______different kind unless they kill them for food. A.the;a B.不填;a C.the;the D.不填;the Sara looked at____ finished painting with ___satisfaction. A /,a B. a, the C. the ,/ D. the ,a

84 名词 在语境中选择恰当的名词。 命题热点 根据语境,从意义相近或拼写相似的几个名词中选出一个最恰当的选项。 应试策略 1.平时注意搜集一些意义相近和拼写相似的词语; 2.结合语境,根据句子意思和前后搭配,选出正确的选项。

85 1. Those who suffer from headache will find they get ___ from this medicine. A.relief b. safty C. defence D sheter 2.If by any chance someone comes to see me,ask them to leave a_____. A.message B.letter C.sentence D.notice 3.-I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke.I was very tired. -There is no_____for this while you are on duty. A. reason B. excuse C.cause D. explanation

86 4.“I don’t think it’s my_____that the TV blew up.Just turned it on, that’s all,” said the boy.
A. error B.mistake C.fault D.duty .5.I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little_____. A. wait B.time C.patience D. rest 6.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of_____. B.source C.power D.material 7Those football players had no strict_____until they joined our club. A.practice C.exercise

87 代词 命题热点 不定代词和替代词。 应试策略 代词看似简单,其实不易,考生决不可掉以轻心。代 词为必考内容,务必要认真对待。在整体把握各类代同的基本用法的基础上,必须重点掌握上述考点中所列的几组不定代词的用法区别和替代词的用法。 1. I like ____ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. A. this B. that C. it D. one 2. Being a parent is not always easy, and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with __ extra stress . it them one him

88 3.--When shall we meet again?
--Make it_____day you like, it's all the same to me. A. one B. any C. another D. some 4.—You're always working. Come on, let's go shopping. —_____you ever want to do is going shopping A. Anything B. Something C. All D. That 5.If you want to change for a double room you'll have to pay_____$15. A. another B. other C. more D. each 6.Few pleasures can equal_____of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C. that D. those 7.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _____I will always treasure. A. that B. one C. it D. what

89 Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic
with him, but ___ of them wants to, because they have work to do . A. either B.any C.neither D.none

90 形容词和副词 1.________to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. A.Brave enough students B.Enough brave students C.Students brave enough D.Students enough brave 2。-How was your recent visit to Qingdao? -It was great.We visited some friends,and spent the_______days at the seaside. A.few last sunny B.last few sunny C.last sunny few D.few sunny last 3。It is generally believed that teaching is_______it is a science. art much as B.much an art as an art much much an art as

91 4. Boris has brains.I doubt whether anyone in the class has____IQ.
A.a high B.a higher C.the higher D.The highest 5.The house rent is expensive.I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying ____here. three times much much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much 6.It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood____to her mother. A. close B. closely C.closed D. closing 7.It’s always difficult being in a foreign country,_____if you don’t speak the language. A.extremely B.naturally C.Basically D.especially 8.Wait till you are more____.It’s better to be sure than sorry. A.inspired B.satisfied C.calm D.certain

92 9.A person’s____ body temperature is about 37℃A.ordinary B.normal C.common D.usual
10. Fred is second to none in maths in our class,but believe it or not,he______passed the last exam.A.easily B.hardly C.actually D.successfully 11.I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a(an)_____trick. A.ordinary B.easy D.simple 12.Whoever has_______sense knows that smoking is harmful to people’s health. A.normal B.general C.ordinary D.common

93 The result is not very important to us, but if
we do win, then so much ____. A. the best B. best C. better D. the better This restaurant wasn’t ___ that other restaurant we went to. Half as good as B. as half good as C. As good as half D. good as half as

94 介词 1.They had a pleasant chat____a cup of tea. A. for B.with C.during D. over 2.—What do you want______those old boxes? —To put things in when I move to the new flat B.for C. of D. with 3.The home improvements have taken what little there is_____my spare time. A. from B. in C. of D. at 4._____production up by 60%, the company has bad another excellent year. A. As B. For C. With D. Through

95 5. Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden
5. Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are ___ everyone’s enjoyment. A. in B. at C. for D. to

96 Sorry , I ___ myself clear. WE want to return on Oct.20
时态和语态 命题热点 一般现在时、现在完成时、一般过去时和过去进行时。 应试策略 1.在了解八种时态的用法和构成的基础上,通过教材中每个单元第一课的情景对话,留心英语母语者在实际生活中是如何使用各种时态的,从而领悟时态用法的真谛。 2.答题时要研读题干,寻找尽可能多的“时间参照信息”,尤其是句中其他动词的时态,以及修饰动词的状语信息。 I am sorry , but I do not quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20 ? Sorry , I ___ myself clear. WE want to return on Oct.20 A. had’t B. woudn’t C. don’t D haven’t made

97 “ Life is like walking in the snow,”Granny used to say , “ because every step ___.”
A. has shown B. is showing C. shows D. showed I had been working on math for the whole Afternoon and the numbers ___ before my eyes. A. swim B. swum C. swam D. had swum

98 2.The price______but I doubt whether it will remain so.A.went down B.will go down C.has gone down D.was going down 3. -- _____my glasses? -Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago. A.Do you see B.Had you see C.Would you see D.Have you seen 4.All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness_______.A. has grown B. is growing C. grew D. had grown 5.-You haven’t said a word about my new coat,Brenda.Do you like it? -I’m sorry I_________anything about it sooner.I certainly think it’s pretty on you. A.wasn’t saying B.don’t say C.won’t say D.didn’t say

99 6.-Your phone number again?I_____ quite catch it.
-It's . A. didn’t B. couldn’t C. don’t D. can’t 7.I_____ping-pong quite well,but I haven’t had time to play since the new year. A. will play B. have played C. played D. play 8.-You’re drinking too much. -Only at home. No one____me but you. A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw 9.-Can I help you, sir? -Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it_____. A.didn’t work B.won’t work C.can’t work D.doesn’t work

100 10.Shirley_____a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it
A.has written B.wrote C.had written D.was writing 11.-Hey,look where you are going! -Oh, I’m terribly sorry______. A.I’m not noticing B.I wasn’t noticing C.I haven’at noticed D. I don’t notice 12.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology____so rapidly. A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 13.-Alice,why didn’t you come yesterday? -I______,but l had an unexpected visitor. A. had B.would C. was going to D. did

101 14.A new cinema_____here. They hope to finish it next month.
A. will be built B. is built C.has been built D. is being built 15.Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not,you may______run over by a car A.have B.get C.become D.turn 16.Cleaning women in big cities usually get____by the hour. A. pay B. paying C.paid D. to pay

102 情态动词 命题热点 1.一般用法中考得最多的是can;2常用的几个情态动词的否定式,如can’t不能、不可以;mustn’t不允许、千万不needn’t不必要。3. 表示推测的用法,尤其是may,might,can’t,should考得较多。4. 表示责备或后海中考得最多的是should。 应试策略 1.掌握常用的情态动词的基本意义和用法,在真实的语言材料中去印证和领悟其用法特征。 2.一定要将上述考点,尤其是热点落到实处,反复咀嚼,确保精通。 3。做题时,利用细节,想象出会话的实际情景,体会说话的的语气和情态,做出正确的选择。

103 I ____ use a clock to wake me up because
At six o’clock each morning the train comes by my house . couldn’t B. mustn’t C. Should’t D. needn’t

104 1. A left-luggage office is a place where bags_____be left for a short time,especially at a railw ay station. A. should B.can C. must D. will 2.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone____get out, A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to 3. -Is John coming by train? -He should,but he_____not.He likes driving his car A.must B. can C. need D.may 4.-Are you coming to Jeff's party? -I’m not sure. I______go to the concert instead. A.must B.would C.sho D.might

105 5.-There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.
-It______a comfortable journey. A.can’t be B.shouldn’t be C.mustn’t have been D.couldn’t have been 6.It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack_____be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. can 7.-When can I come for the photos?I need them tormorrow afternoon. -They_______be ready by 12:00. A. can B.should C.might D. need

106 8.I was really anxious about you.You_____home without a word.
A.mustn’t leave B.shouldn’t have left C.couldn’t have left D.needn’t leave 9.I told Sally how to get here,but perhaps I________for her. A.had to write it out B.must have written it out C.should have written it out D.ought to write it out

107 Being a clever girl, Mary’s father sent her to college.
非谓语动词 非谓语动词的逻辑主语 通常情况下,其逻辑主语必须与主句的主语一致. Being a clever girl, Mary’s father sent her to college. Being a clever girl, Mary was sent to college by her father. Having studied my lessons , there was nothing to do. Having studied my lessons, I had nothing to do. To get some information on the economy, the book should be read. To get some information on the economy, he should read the book. Upon hearing the bell ring, the lessons were stopped. Upon hearing the bell ring, the teacher stopped the lessons.

108 非谓语动词的时态和语态 非谓语动词的否定式 命题热点
时态:不定式或现在分词的动作若发生在谓语动词的动作之前,用完成式,否则,就用一般式。若与谓语动作同时发生,并强调正在进行的情景或持续性,可用进行式。 语态:不定式或-ing形式与其逻辑主语若是主动关系,用主动式:若是被动关系,用被动式。 非谓语动词的否定式 通常是将not,never放在非谓语动词之前。当前面有逻辑主语时,要放在逻辑主语与非谓动词之间。 命题热点 1.非谓语动词作状语和补语,同时涉及其否定式和完成式。  2.“连词+分词”作状语近年来也成了命题的一个热点。  3.题目的设置有注重情景化和结构复杂化的趋势。

109 A. to have studied B. to study
应试策略 1.首先根据句中是否有谓语宋确定是否选择非谓语动词,尤其注意:(1)区分是以非谓语动词开头的句子还是祈使句:(2)区分是非谓语动词还是与句中其他动词并列的谓语动词。 2.解析句子结构,确定要填的非谓语动词在句中作哪种句子成分,然后看它与逻辑主语是主动关系还是被动关系,确定用哪种非谓语动词形式。 3.根据非谓语动词与谓语动词的动作发生的先后关系,确定用一般式还是完成式 1.Robert is said _____ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying

110 The party will be held in the garden , weather _____.
A. permitting B. to permit C. Permitted D. permit Film has a much shorter history ,especially when ____ such art forms as music and painting .A. having compared to B. comparing to C. compare to D. compared to

111 2.Paul doesn’t have to be made _____. He always works hard.
A. learn B. to learn C. learned D.learning 3.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen. A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked 4.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _____ the next year. A. carried out B. carrying out C. carry o D. to carry out 5.European football is played in 80 countries,_____ it the most popular sport in the world. A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

112 6.Finding her car stolen, _____.
A. a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searching thoroughly was looked for everywhere D. she hurried to a policeman for help 7.—How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? —The key _____ the problem is to meet the demand _____ by the customers. A. to solving, making B. to solving, made C. to solve, making D. to solve, made 8. The research is so designed that once _____ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun

113 短语动词 命题趋势 大有考查“熟词生义”的趋势:在全国试题中,2001、2002、2003连续三年所考短语动词在当年考试说明中所附词汇表里都有,但是所考查的意义和用法在中学课本中未出现。 应试策略 1.在做历年真题时,不要仅仅满足于所选答案,还要理解归纳其他各选项的意义与用法: 2.平时进行大量的课外阅读,在阅读中去理解短语动词的新意义: 3.在完全掌握真题所涉及的所有短语外,着重掌握下列短语动词:

114 1. break break away:突然离开、叛离、消失(散) break away from:脱离、离开、放开 break down:破坏、中断、衰弱、失败 break in:打断、习惯于、使驯服 break into:闯入、插入、占用 break off:折断、突然中断 break off from:跟……断绝关系 break open:破开、撬开 break out:爆发(战争、火山、灾难)、发生(火灾、骚乱) break out into:突然做出(说出) break through:突破、挤过、克服 break up:开垦、破碎、结束

115 bring back:送回、使回忆、恢复
bring down:打落、降低、打倒 bring forward:提出、提前 bring in:引进(入)、产生、介绍 bring on:引起、使成长、发展 bring out:显示、说明、发表 bring to an end:使终止、结束 bring together:集合、召集 bring up:养育、教育、带大、(船)到达终点 call after:以……命名 call for:请求、要求、去拿(物件)、去接(某人) call in:招请、收回、来访 call off:注意力转移、取消、放开 call on(upon):号召、访问 call out:出动(军队)、召集、大声喊 call to mind:想起、回忆call up:召唤、召集、打电话so called:所谓的

116 carry away:带走、冲走、搬走 carry off:带去、抢走 carry on:继续下去、经营、坚持 carry out:贯彻、执行、实现、落实 carry through:坚持到底、贯彻 come about:发生、(风)改变方向 come across:(偶而)发现、(偶然)遇见 come across the mind:忽然想起 come after:跟在后面、来找 come at:达到、接近、得到 come away:脱开、离开、折断 come back:回来、复原、恢复 come by:从旁走过、获得

117 come down:倒下、降落、流传 come for:来取(物)、来迎接(人) come forward:前进、出现 come in:进来、到达、上涨 come into sight:出现、看见 come into:进入、得到 come into being:形成、产生、出现 come into power:掌权、上台 come into use:开始使用 come on:上台、上演、提出问题、加油 come out:出来、长出、出版、显现 come over:过来、传来、改变立场 come through:经历、脱险、获得成功 come to:总计、苏醒、复原、逐渐 come to a conclusion:得出结论 come to nothing:失败、毫无结果 come to oneself:复原、苏醒

118 come to pass:实现、发生、产生
come to the point:抓住要点(关键) come true:实现,成为事实 come up:走进、长出、流行 come up to:到达、符合(标准) come up with :赶上、提出 come upon:碰见、打击、要求 do a favour for sb:帮某人忙,给某人做好事 do away with:去掉、废除、破除 do good:有益、有效 do harm to:损害,对 ……有害 do one’s bit(for)(为……)尽一份力量 do research in对……进行调查 do one’s best:尽力而为、竭力 do up:修缮、收拾、使整洁do well:做得好、长得好。 do with 和……相处、处理、和……有关系 have something(nothing)to do with 和……有(无)关

119 fall across:碰见、遇见 fall away:疏远、抛弃、消失 fall back:撤退、后退、违约 fall behind:落后、拖欠 fall down:倒下、失败 fall ill:生病、病倒 fall in:塌陷、垮下、到期 fall into:陷入(混乱、错误)、分成(部分)、(河流)流入 fall to:着手、开始工作 fall to the ground 坠地、失败、落空 get across:(使)通过、渡过、被人了 get ahead(of):超越、胜过、进步 gat along:前进、进展、友好相处 get along with:在……方面有进展 get at:达到、发现、领会 get away:离开、逃脱、把……运走 get back:取回、回来、恢复 get behind:落后、识破、深入

120 get in:进入、到达、收割、收集 get into:进入、陷入、从事干、研究、变成 get off:送出、送走、脱下(衣服)、下(车)、出发、起飞 get on:上(车)、上(马)、进展、穿上、接近 get out:出去、离开、逃避、泄露、取出 get out of:由……出来、拔出、戒除、避免 get over超过、恢复、克服 get through:到达(目的)、完成(任务)、通过(议案) get together:聚集、积累 get up:起床、起立、产生、研究 get up to:到达、赶上 give away:送掉、泄露、放弃、分配 give back:归还、送回、恢复、后退 give in:屈服、让步、交上、提出  give off:放出、发出、排出 give oneself up to:牺牲自己、专心于 give out:发出、发表、发布、用完 give up:让给、放弃、停止、投降

121 go about:着手、从事、尽力,走来走去
go after:追逐、追求 go against:违反,不利于,反对 go ahead:前进、进展、继续下去 go all out:鼓足干劲,全力以赴 go along:前进,进行 go away:离去 go back:回去,回顾,追溯 go before:居前 go beyond超出、超过、胜过 go by过去、依照 go down下降、沉没、继续 go in参与、加入、进入 go in for赞成、参加(考试)、从事 go into进入、加入、成为、从事 go off打出、变坏、变质、离去

122 go on继续、接下去、进行下去 go out出去、过时、熄灭、罢工 go over越、渡、转向、参观 go round绕道走、绕……运行 go through通过、穿到、审查、经历 go together一起去、伴随、调和、相称 go up上升、爆炸、进步、增长 go without没有 go wrong出毛病、发生故障、走错路 1.News reports say peace talks between the two countries ________with no agreement reached. A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up

123 Mary is really good at taking notes in class .
She can ____almost every word her teacher says. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together

124 2. Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ______ the shocking ending.
A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off 3. We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ______ it. It might be valuable. A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn t D. look after 4.His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ______from home and earn some money on his own. A. run away B. take away C. keep away D. get away 5.We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it ______ very well. A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on

125 完形填空 选文特点 以叙述文体的小故事为主,篇幅一般在250字左右,难度低于阅读理解题中的短文,也低于高三课文水平。所选短文结构严谨,层次分明、逻辑性强; 设空特点 完形填空的短文,在第一句一般不设空,以便让考生对短文前提和背景有个较清楚的了解。短文设空平均密度一般为10~15个单词设1空。 选项特点

126 选项一般是同一词类,或属同一范畴,其区别主要是其意思(即语境意义)不同。从词类来看,待选词多为名词、动词、形容词、副词等实词,而介词、连词、冠词等虚词则相对考得比较少。另外,从选项本身来看,以单词填空为主,短语或词组的填空为辅。 顺便说一句,经研究表明:even,ever,still,just,almost,already等副词似乎备受高考命题者的青睐,可以说是高考命题的热点。近十多年以来,其大部分年代均对此作过考查,这里我们把各年考查这些词的选项列出来,供考生研究,同时也希望考生能对这几个词的用法和含义作一个比较全面的研究,要全面掌握,若高考再次出现类似题日,绝不能丢分。 : A. still B. ye C. even D. already : A. just B. ever C. even D. almost : A. almost B. even C. just D. ever : A. almost B. even C. often D. rather

127 考查特点 : A. quite B. already C. even D. still
: A. even B. still C. always D. almost : A. yet B. even C. never D. just : A. yet B. only C. even D. still : A. even B. hardly C. certainly D.probably : A. Then B. Thus C. Therefore D. Yet 考查特点 完形填空题主要考查考生对短文上下文(即语境)的理解,其所给四个选项往往在语法方面都成立,但是从语境方面来看,却只有一个选项是最合适的。此类题不仅考查语法知识在短文中的综合运用,而且更重要的是考查对短文内容的综合理解力。如高考有这样一句: We ________ to play like two mad men. A.pretended B.stopped C.continued D.decided

128 最后顺便说一句:高考完形填空题的正确答案在A、B、C、D四个选项中的分布大致(不能绝对化)是均等的。请看历届高考完形填空题的答案分布:

129 如何准备完形词汇 英语有两句俗话:一是You know a word by the company it keeps.(要知义如何,关键看词伙),二是Words do not have meaning, but people have meaning for them.(词本无义,义随人生)。这说明词典对词的定义和解释是死的,而实际运用中的语言是活的。从原文角度来说,这种活用是词义和用法的引申, 现在我们看一看sure这个词在不同句子中的处理情况: ①I am not quite sure of his having said it. 我不能确定他是否说过这话。 ②This is the surest guarantee that we shall be successful. 这是我们取得成功最可靠的保证。 ③He made a sure step out of the mud. 他从泥淖中跨出了稳健的一步。

130 ④She had a sure grasp of the subject.
她对于这门学科的知识掌握得很牢固。 ③He is very sure in his beliefs 他的信仰十分坚定。 5个sure分别译成了“确定”、“可靠的”、“稳健的”、‘库固”和“坚定”,如果部译成大家熟悉的“确信的”、“肯定的”,中文译文岂不成了天书?原文词义稍有引申,译文就要进行适当的推理。

131 在前面完形测试点的分析中,我们提到词汇的辨析和使用占到完形出题量的60%-70%左右,是最重的部分。所以,考前词汇的准备对于完形显得尤为重要。但如何最为有效地复习词汇关键是要根据完形对词汇考查的特点有所了解: 首先,完形考查的不是那些所谓“很难、很偏的词”。大纲所要求的词汇量本身就是应该掌握的基本词汇,在这些词汇中适于用来考完形的不过在1000-1200个左右,这些词汇绝大部分都是考生们已经“认识”的普通词汇完形的重点当然不会放在考查其大概意思上,而是考查考生对该词汇掌握的“深度”。在词汇的意义上,由于大部分英文词汇为多意,完形注重对词汇意义的全面考查,而不仅限于该词的主要意义(很多考生恰恰只掌握词汇的主要意义,忽略其他意义,即对词汇意义掌握不全面);从上述分析来看,考生们对词汇的准备应更多地放在对已经认识的词汇的“深度”扩展上,而非简单地去追求词汇的“广度”,以至于钻偏词、难词。

132 完形应试十大误区 完形填空是考生失分率较高的题型,也存在着一些解题方面的常见问题。  1. 缺乏整篇意识
 缺乏整篇意识  考生在解答完形填空时往往遇到这种情形:抛开上下文孤立地分析一个句子时,有些空格中填入四个备选答案的任何—个都是可行的。但从整篇文章看,却应选出最适合上下文语义的答案。这就要求考生在通篇理解的基础上去确定答案,不可草率。解题的关键就是要有全局观念. 2. 不通读全文

133 述写成,解题时应特别注意对连词组句的语法功能词的理解和把握。
许多考生由于担心时间不够,往往是见到完形填空就即刻从第一题开始做,而不是花费适量的时间将文章通读一遍,从而初步理清文章在结构、内容等方面的脉络,抓住文章的中心思想或大意以及各个句子之间的意思上的联系。因此,快速地通读全文可以帮助考生做到全局在胸,为选择正确答案打下基础。 3. 不注意分析文章的体裁  弄清楚文章的体裁对准确地找出语境线索是十分有利的。完形填空的文章多为记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章有时也出现一些说明文。记叙文要注意事件的人物描写。说明文通常采用列举理由、举例、比较或对比、因果关系、过程的描述、事实或数据等方式对事物进行叙 述写成,解题时应特别注意对连词组句的语法功能词的理解和把握。

134 议论文中,文章的主题句通常出现在开始或结尾之处,用来概括点明段落或文章的中心思想,或交代作者的观点、立场和态度。解题时要注意识别主题句,这样才有益于准确地理解全文,把握整篇文章的框架和中心。
4. 忽视对文章第一句的推敲和理解  在多数情况下,完形填空文章的第一句往往就是点出文章的主题和作者的主要观点的句子,所以它应当成为认真阅读和仔细推敲的重点句子。鉴于英语文章强调“开门见山” 的特点,许多英语文章都会把点明主题的句子放在最开始,所以,认真分析和正确理解首句对顺利理解整篇和正确解题都是很有帮助的。

135 5. 不能识别原文提供的重要解题线索  原文当中经常运用的表示句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间关系的各种关联词语,如表示递进关系的moreover,表示转折关系的however,表示举例的for instance等,这些都是文章中提供的重要线索,可以用来辨别主题句、扩展句、作者的观点以及为证明该观点而提供的事实或例证等所处的位置。忽视这些线索,就无法恢复文章思路发展中所缺失的信息。 6. 孤立地进行词汇辨析  遇到词汇辨析题时,如果仅仅孤立地区别每个单词的含义,就只能获得片面或偏差很大的理解。英语中的词汇一般含义丰富,一词多义现象非常常见,只有通过上下文才能判断出准确的含义。所以,应将词汇放置于文章的上下文中,从语义、语法结构、固定搭配,甚至语体色彩等多种角度加以比较、辨析和选择。

136 7. 过分拘泥于一条线索  有时在解题过程中,备选答案的确定仅仅依靠一条语境线索往往是不够的。这时就应考虑从两个、甚至更多的语境线索中找寻正确答案。尤其是碰到四个选项中有两个甚至三个模棱两可的情况时,不仅要仔细琢磨各选项在词义上的微弱差异,还应变换思维,从其他角度灵活地进行辨析和选择。 8. 忽视必要的句法结构分析  文章和段落是由一个一个的单句组合而成的,忽视句法结构的必要分析,就很难对完形填空文章中的许多问题做出分析和选择。通过必要的句法分析,能够帮助考生弄清语法结构和句子结构,还可以明确是主动句还是被动句,是简单句还是复合句以及各种从句与主句之间的关系问题。

137 9. 缺乏背景知识的积累 分析近几年的考试命题可以发现,所选文章更加强调考生对各种话题广泛的涉猎与了解,所以,仅仅掌握语言知识本身还不足以帮助考生轻松自如地进行选择,考生还应在平时多多关注新鲜的话题,通过阅读英文报刊增加自己对新词语、新搭配以及新话题的熟悉程度,从而培养更加敏锐的语感。 10. 不注意解题技巧的利用  完形填空作为一种标准化考试的典型题目,也是有不少规律可以依循,不少技巧可以加以利用的。比如,先填写比较有把握的选项,把似是而非的、较难的题目暂时搁置一旁,以便逐步扩大线索,降低填空难度。比如,可以适当地采用排除法来灵巧地解决某些较有难度的题目。所以,考生应在平时练习时适当摸索或尝试有效的解题技巧和方法,从而提高做题的准确率,提高解题的速度。

138 六大实战技巧 1. 逻辑判断技巧  一个完整的语篇应该是符合逻辑的,而文章逻辑关系的取得主要靠转承语的使用。正确使用转承语,是保证文章连贯和谐,保证文章逻辑有序的有效手段。考生在做完形填空时应通过对上下文的理解,理清逻辑关系,然后选择正确的转承语。  根据历年的真题,常考的逻辑连接词有:now that, in that, instead of, rather than, nevertheless, however,moreover, furthermore,while,although,only if,as if等,其中以 however居多。

139 2. 复现利用技巧  复现是一种词汇衔接手段,它通过原词、同义词、反义词、概括词等形式重复某一概念,使整篇文章上下连贯,有机地衔接在一起。通过同一概念词的重复使用达到语篇上下衔接,这一技巧在语篇中运用比较广泛。  复现包括原词复现,同义词、近义词复现,反义词复现,同源词复现和上义词、下义词复现,考生可根据文章的具体情况选择并利用文章中的复现现象。 3. 同现利用技巧  同现指意义上相互关联的单词同时出现在同一语篇当中。一个语篇,一个话题,要求有与之相关联的词汇。由于单词意义的区别和语域的差别,所适用的上下文也各不相同。 为了保证语篇的和谐性,得体性,有必要以话题为中心,了解由相关单词组成的词汇链。同现这种现象普遍存在于英语文章中。而且,根据同现的内容,可分以为以下几种形式.

140 (1)场所同现;(2)修饰同现;(3)因果同现;(4)结构同现。结构同现指搭配之类的句型和成对出现的短语。
4. 对比对照技巧  对比对照技巧也是考生在做完形填空题时需要掌握的技巧之一。顾名思义,对比对照即意味着在原文当中寻找词汇之间的对比或对照关系,以帮助解题。 some. . . ,others. . . ,still others. . . ;on the one hand. . . 5. 锁定搭配技巧  固定搭配也称习惯用语或词组,包括名词与介词的搭配,形容词与介词的搭配,副词与介词的搭配,动词与名词的搭配或介词短语等。测试固定搭配试题的选项设置思路多样,有的是介词,有的是名词,有的是形容词,有的是副词,有的是动词,有的是介词词组,

141 6. 上下文词义推敲技巧  完形填空对词汇的考查侧重于其在上下文中的意思。因此,考生在碰到词义认知及辨析的题目时,切忌冒然进行选择,而应充分考虑上下文的情境,反复推敲各选项的意思。

142 英语阅读 一般特殊结构 与中国人表达事物总是按时间和事物发展的顺序由因到果、由先到后不同,英美人擅长抽象思维,常常先概括后分解、先表态后叙述、先总结后事例、先结果后原因、先整体后细节,这样的文章统称为”一般特殊结构”。这种结构的语义重心在文章或段落的起始部分。 1、定义解释结构: 定义解释结构是指先下定义再进行具体解释的文章或段落结构。阅读这样的篇章结构首先要正确理解定义的内容,然后再以定义解释为主线去理解其它部分的解释内容。

143 Happiness Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. According to recent pools sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy and one in twenty persons feels very unhappy.

144 Psychologists have been studying the factors that con tribute to happiness. It is not predicable nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy. The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feelings. A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness. Though both may contribute

145 they are only chief factors if the person is seriously under-educated or actually suffering from lack of physical needs. The rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes. People with co1lege education are

146 somewhat happier than those who did not graduate from high school, and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportunity to control their lives. Yet people with a high income and a college education may.

147 be less happy than those with the same income and no college education
Poor health does not rule out happiness except for those very weak or in pain. Learning to cope with a health problem can contribute to happiness.

148 Those with a good sex life are happier in general, but those who have a loving affectionate (温柔亲切的)relationship arehappier than those who rely on sex alone. Love has a higher correlation (相互关联)with happiness than any other factor.

149 It should be noted that people quickly get used to what they have, and they are happiest when they are increasing their level no matter where it stands at a given time. .

150 Children whose parents were happily married have happier childhoods but are not necessarily happier adults. The best formula for happiness is to be able to develop the ability to tolerate (忍受)frustration, to have a personal involvement and commitment, and to develop self-confidence and self-esteem

151 分析:文章的第一段给幸福(happiness)下了一个定义:Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind.文章的第二段用明了一项统计结果(认为生活幸福与不幸福的美国人的比例)以及心理学家的研究结果(表面上的幸福并不一定真的幸福)。第三段开始阐述过可能影响幸福的一些因素:受教育的情况、收入情况、健康状况等几个方面 (三、四、五段)。文章的第六段说明另外一个对一个人幸福与否产生影响的因素:只要一个人他在进步,他就永远是最快乐的。文章的最后一段指出家庭环境对人的幸福的影响,同时列出决定幸福的几个要素:the ability to tolerate frustration, a personal involvement and commitment, self-confidence and self-esteem.从以上的分桥我们不难看出,阅读定义解释型的文章结构重在先理解定义,其它段落一定是以定义为核心展开的详细解释。抓住了定义解释即主线,其它段落也就很容易就读懂了。

152 2.概括列举结构 概括列举结构是指先进行概括,然后分别列举说明的文章或段落结构。阅读这种结构类型的文章首先要把总括部分的内容理解透彻,然后再去寻找表示列举关系的标志词语,文章的主线也就在掌握之中了。 表示列举关系的标志词语主要有:first (ly) , second(ly),…lastly; for one thing, for another; in the first place, in the second place; first, second, then,…last(ly)/finally etc…

153 Teach Your Child to Wonder
Children start out as natural scientists, instinctively eager to investigate the world around them. Helping them enjoy science can be easy; there’s no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment. You only have to share your children’s curiosity.

154 Firstly, listen to their questions
Firstly, listen to their questions. I once visited a classroom of seven-year-olds to talk about science as a career. The children asked me “textbook questions” about schooling, salary and whether I liked my job. When I finished answering, we sat facing one another in silence. Finally l said,” Now that we’ve finished with your lists, do you have questions of your own about science?”

155 After a long pause, a boy raised his hand, “Have you ever seen a grasshopper (蚱蜢)eat? When I try eating leaves like that, I get a stomachache (腹痛). Why?” This began a series of questions that lasted nearly two hours. Secondly, give them time to think. Studies over the past three decades have show that, after asking a question, adults typically wait only one second or less for a response, no time for a child to think. When adults increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more, children respond with more logical, complete and creative answers.

156 Thirdly, watch your language
Thirdly, watch your language. Once you have a chi1d engaged in a science discussion, don’t jump in with “That’s right” or “Very good”. These words work well when it comes to encouraging good behavior. But in talking about science, quick praise can signal that discussion is over Instead, keep things going by saying, “That’s interesting” or “I’d never thought of it that way before,” or coming up with more questions or ideas.

157 Never urge a child to “Think”
Never urge a child to “Think”. It doesn’t make sense, children are always thinking, without your telling them to. What’s more, this can turn a conversation into a performance. The child will try to find the answer you want, in as few words as possible, so that he will be a smaller target for your disapproval. Lastly, show; don’t tell. Real-life impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can extract from a book or a television program. Let children look at their fingertips (指类)through a magnifying glass, and they’ll understand why you want them to wash before dinner rather than saying that water evaporates (蒸发),set a pot of water to boil and let them watch the water level drop.

158 分析:文章的第一段的前半部分(概括部分)主要阐述文章的主题思想:帮助孩子理解科学的方法很简单,就是分享事他们的好奇心。从第一段的后半部分开始,作者分别论述了分享孩子好奇心的几种方式(每一种方式都是通过使用表示列举的标志词来简明扼要地阐明的):Firstly,listen ttheir questions;Secondly, give them time to think;Thirdly,watch your language;Lastly, show, don’t tell.通过上面的分析我们可以看出,对于概括分述型篇阐结构,应重点理解其前面的概括部分,然后尽快找到表示列举的标志词,再按分层列举这一逻辑关系篇章结构这一主线来阅读。这样阅读的结果是既节省时间,又容易抓住主题思想,同时也很容易地就会把题目解对。

159 3、整体分解结构 整体分解结构是指先对事物的整体进行论述,然后对其进行分解并阐述细节的文章或段落结构。阅读这样的文章结构一般要有清晰的思路,先抓住整体论述中的要点,再在后面的论述中一一对号入座。也就是说读这样的文章结构完全可以提纲契领式地阅读,主题思想尽在其中,出题点也不会偏离得太远。 Food Storing Foods quickly spoil and break down if they are not stored correctly. Heat and damp encourage an increase of micro-organisms(微生物),and sunlight can destroy the vitamins in such foods as milk. Therefore, most foods should be stored in a cool, dark, dry places.

160 Some foods go bad quickly, such as meat, eggs, and milk
Some foods go bad quickly, such as meat, eggs, and milk. They should be stored in a temperature of 5℃-10℃. In thistemperature range, the activity of micro-organisms is greatly reduced. In warm climates, this temperature can be maintained only in arefrigerator or in the underground basement of a house. Dry goods, such as flour and rice, should be kept at a slightly higher temperature than foods that go bad quickly. A temperature of l5℃ is ideal. In Britain and northern European countries this means that the room in which dry goods are stored should share the general heating of the house. The room should also be well aired and, above all, dry. Damp very quickly causes the growth of the green molds (霉). These molds often grow on cheese if it is not stored properly.’

161 Fruits and vegetables need cool, damp but frost-proof (防霜冻的)conditions
Fruits and vegetables need cool, damp but frost-proof (防霜冻的)conditions. Therefore, an underground basement usually makes an excellent storage place. If the central heating unit is located in the basement, however, it will not be ideal unless the unit and the pipes do not give out any heat.

162 Foodstuffs (食物,粮食)do not break down quickly
Foodstuffs (食物,粮食)do not break down quickly. If correctly stored, they should keep for quite long periodsof time. Thus, salt and sugar will keep for about two years;tinned meat foods, such as beef and chicken, for about eighteen months; flour and other dry goods, for a about a year Freezing the foodstuffs that spoil easily preserves them for much longer than is otherwise possible. But even frozen foods do not keep their food value or their taste for ever As a general rule, meat should be cooked and eaten within a year after it is frozen; fish, within six to ten months, fruits and vegetables, within three to six months.

163 分析:文章的第一段先对食物储存进行总体说明:货物保存不当容易变坏,热量、温度、阳光等因素都会对食物的保存起破坏作用,因而食物最好在凉爽、避光、干燥的地方保存。从第二段开始,作者分别论述了不同食物的保存方式。第二段:易变质的食物(肉、蛋、奶),第三段:干货(米、面),第四段:水平和蔬菜,最后一段:食料等。 由此可又看出,阅读此类结构应把重心放在前面的总体论述部分,然后按照”先总后文”这一逻辑篇章结构这一主线来阅读。当然,由于这种神结构中通常没有明显的表示列举的标定调出现,读起来似乎有一定的难度,但是只要做个有心人,在阅读的时候就能从字里行间找到相关的阅读线索,如第一段的最后一句话就是一个很好的线索:Therefore,most foods should be stored in a cool,dark,dry places.读到这句话里的most foods就应该联想到下面的段落可能采用的论述方式(分别论述),在阅读时重点阅读段首句或段尾句就可从把握文章的主题思想了。

164 问题解决结构 这一结构与中国人的思维模式即归纳思维相同,常用于记叙文体,先说明情况、出现问题,再作出反应来解决问题。此类结构的语义重心在文章或段落的结束部分。 l、时间序列结构: 时间序列结构是指按照事物发展的时间先后展开论述的文章或段落结构。阅读这种类型结构的文章,应以时间线索为主线了解事物、事件发生的最初状况、中间发展过程和最后的结果,并把阅读的重点放在结果上。同时要善于从文章中寻找表示时间先后的标志词,如:once,once upon a time,during the time,then,after,after many days(weeks,months,years),before,afterwards,beforehand,when等引导的表示时间的状语等。

165 Economic Knowledge in One Sentence
Once upon a time,Tanstaafl was made king of all lands.His first act was to call his economic advisers and tell them to write up all the economic knowledge the society possessed. After years of work, they presented the king with a set ofbooks:25 vo1umes, each about 400 pages long. But during that time, King Tanstaafl had become very busy with running a kingdom of all lands. Looking at the lengthy volumes, he told his advisers to put their findings into one volume. The economists returned to their desks, wondering how they could summarize what they had been so careful to spell out. After many more years of rewriting, they were finally satisfied with their one-volum effort, and tried to make an appointment to see the king.

166 分析:通过对全篇文章的阅读,我们可从看出文章的大体行文思路:第一段开始的两句话点明了事情发生的最初状况:新当过的国王采取新的举措来搜集经济知识。从第三句话开始一直到第二段的最后一句话之前都在说明中间的过程:如何把详尽阐述有关经济内容的25卷书变成比较精练的一卷书,最后变成一句话。文章的最后一句话是点睛之笔,一语道破文章的标题所要阐述的具体内容:Economic knowledge in one sentence is:”There is no such thing as a free lunch.”这也是文章的中心所在。在阅读的过程中,如果能够注定到其中表示时间概念的短语或句子(once upon a time,after years of work, during that time, after many more years of rewriting, etc.),那么就会很容易地穿起一条主线,并最终把题目解对。

167 2.空间序列结构: 空间序列结构是指按照事物的空间位置展开论述的文章或段落结构。阅读此类结构应以空间位置的变换为主线来阅读,同时在阅读的过程中要注意以表示空间序列结构的标志词为线索来抓这样的主线。 It was the green heart of the canyon,…Here all things rested. Even the narrow stream ceased its turbulent down--rush long enough to form a quiet pool... On one side, beginning at the very lip of the pool, was a tiny meadow a cool, resilient surface of green that extended to the base of the frowning wall. Beyond the pool a gentle slope of earth ran up and up to meet the opposing wall. Fine grass covered the slope____ grass that was spangled with flowers, with here and there patches of color, orange and purple and golden.

168 Below, the canyon was shut in
Below, the canyon was shut in. There was no view The walls leaned together abruptly, and the canyon ended in a chaos of rocks, moss-covered and hidden by a green screen of vines and creepers and boughs of trees. UP the canyon rose far hills and peaks, the big foothills, pine-covered and remote. And far beyond like clouds upon the border of the sky, towered minarets of white, where the Sierra’s eternal snows flashed austerely the blazes of the sun. 分析:在阅读这段话的时候,如果能把具体标记出来的表示空间方位的词或短语找到,整个线索也就很清楚了

169 3、因果推理结构 因果推理结构是指由于某种原因而产生某一/某几种结果或者某种/些结果产生的是什么原因来展开论述的文章或段落结构。阅读此类结构应以因、果这一主线来阅读,并重在对这一结构的理解。这种结构可以把原因放在前面进行阐述,也可以把结果放在前面进行阐述,不管是原因在前还是结果在前,都应按照因、果主线来进行阅读。在阅读的过程中如果再能把握有关因果关系的关联词(because,since, now that, because of , as a result consequence of , on account of , in this way for this reason, owing to, due to, for, as, the explanation is that…, there are several reasons why the reasons for.. .are..., the cause of…is…,…is the result of…,therefore, so, thus, hence etc. ), 效果将事半功倍。

170 Lifetime Employment in Japanese Companies
In most large Japanese companies, there in a policy of lifetime employment. What this means is that when people leave school or university to join an enterprise, they can expect to remain with that organization until they retire. In effect, the employee gets job security for life, and can only be fired for serious mistakes in work. Even in times of business recession, he or she is free from the fear of being laid off

171 One result of this practice is that the Japanese worker identifies closely with his company and feels strong loyalty to it. By working hard for the company he believes he is safeguarding his own future. It is not surprising that devotion to one’s company is considered a great virtue in Japan. A man is often prepared to put his firm’s interests before those of his immediate family

172 The job security guaranteed by this system influences the way employees approach their work. They tend to think in terms of what they can achieve throughout their career This is because they are not judged on how they are performing during a short period of time. They can afford to take a longer perspective than their Western counterparts. .

173 This marriage between the employee and the company--the consequence of lifetime to love the products their company is producing and why they are willing to stay on after work, for little overtime pay, to participate in earnest discussions about the quality control of their products

174 Growth and Development
We often use the words “growth” and “development” as if they meant essentially the same thing. But this may not always be the case. One can easily imagine instances in which a country has achieved higher levels of income (growth) with little or no benefit coming to most of its citizens (development). In the past, most development policies were aimed at increasing the growth rate of income per capital (人均). Many still are based on the theory that benefits of economic growth will come to all members of society. lf this theory is correct, growth should promote deve1opment. By the early l970s, however, the relationship between growth and development was being questioned. A major study by the World Bank in concluded that it is now clear that more than a decade of rapid growth in developing countries has been of 1itt1e benefit to a third of their population.

175 分析: 本篇文章首先提出了日本这个国家为什么实施终身雇佣的制度(因):员工可从得到终身受雇佣的保障;第二段和第三段说明了这种制度带来的好处(结果):员工对企业更加忠诚,他们对待工作的态度经得起考验。最后一段进一步总结团(终身雇佣)和果(终身雇佣制度带来的好处)之间的关系。 配对比较结构 配对比较结构是指将两个事物相比较、分别论述其相同或不同之处的文章或段落结构,阅读此结构要重点把握两个事物的异同。常用于比较、对比结构的标志词语有:however, although, and yet, but, in contrast, in spite of , despite, nevertheless,on the contrary similarly whereas, on the other hand, while 等.

176 The World Bank study indicated that increases in GNP per capita did not promise important improvements in nutrition, health and education. Although GNP per capita did indeed rise, its benefits come down to only a small part of the population. This realization gave rise to a call for new development policies. These new policies favored agriculture over industry, called for domestic redistribution (重新分配)of income and wealth, and encouraged programs to satisfy such basic needs as food and shelter. In the late l970s and early l980s, the international macroeconomic(宏观经济的) crises of high oil Prices, worldwide recession, and the third world debt forced attention away from programs designed to get rid of poverty However, the lesson remains:economic growth does not promise economic development. Efforts may be required to change growing output capacity into economic benefits that reach most of a nation’s people.

177 分析:文章开篇即提出出所要比较的两个概念:经济增长(growth)和经济发展(development),并进一步阐述了二者之间的关系即经济增长并不等于经济发展。第三段和第四段引用第三世界国家的实例来论证经济增长并没有带来真正的经济发展。最后一段明确说明经济增长并不保证经济发展。

178 阅读方法 1  快读(Skimming): 快读的目的是用浏览全文的方法了解文章的大意和主题思想,并对文章的结构有个总的概念,快读时,应特别注意文章的开始段、结束段、文章中每段的段首句和结尾句以及篇章连接手段和行文中的信息词(signal word),因为它们往往是对文章内容的整体概括,是左右文章大意的关键。

179 2 查读 (Scanning): 如同查电话号码或翻字典查单词一样,是专门用来处理阅读中的细节问题(Supporting Details)。Detai1s是用来说明、论证或分析文章中心的。这类题目常以"WH-"形式来提问,如who, what, when, where, why及how等形式。这些问题的表达常不采用文章中的原话提问,而是使用同义词语等,因此,在选择答案前应首先看准题干,看清问题所问;然后,在查读时注意寻找与题目相关的关键词语;最后,在充分理解原文、原题的基础上确定正确答案。当然,这类细节性问题所涉及的面是很广的。有的涉及数字计算,如:问时间、距离、次数、数量等,认真计算后方可选定正确答案;有的涉及正误判断,要先看选项,根据

180 选项提供的线索,寻视文中相应部分,最后在题中选出肯定答案;还有的寻问事实、原因、结果、目的等。总之,做细节题切忌通过自己对某类知识的主观了解和认识做出想象判断,一定要紧扣文章内容,不可随心所欲。 
细节类问题的命题方式有以下几种: ① Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage? ② Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? ③ What is the example of ... as described in the passage? ④ The author mentions all of the following except ... ⑤ The reason for ... is ... ⑥ The author states that ... ⑦ According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc.)

181   细读(Reading for fully understanding):
找到文章中的有关范围以后,即在该范围内逐句阅读,特别对关键词、关键句要仔细琢磨,以便对其有较深刻、较准确的理解和掌握。不仅要理解其字面意思,而且要通过推理、判断、弄清文章中“字里行间”潜在意思。在细读时,对没有学过的生词,可根据上下文或自己的背景知识等来推测其意义;对难以看懂的长句,可借助语法手段,对其加以分析,以达到透彻理解。 关于主题思想问题(Subject Matter)   Subject Matter (SM中心思想)是作者在文章中要表达的主要内容,是贯穿全文的核心。作者在文章中努力通过各种Supporting Details来阐明中心议题。因此,把握主要思想对于全文理解具有重要意义。然而,如何找出主题常使考生倍感棘手。因为他们总希望通过某个词或某句话就能找到答案,而找主题往往需要通读全文后才能做出判断。

182  针对SM问题,应采用快速阅读法(Skimming)浏览全文,理解文章主旨大意,阅读时要注意抓住中心思想的句子在文章中的位置也许不同,但阅读时,文章的开头、结尾及段落的段首句和段尾句特别重要,因为他们往往包含文章的中心议题(SM)。   在阅读理解时,(SM)的题型可分为主题型、标题型和目的型。       主题型一目了然,就是找中心(Main Idea);      标题型是为文章选择标题(Title);      目的型就是推断作者的写作意图(Purpose)。 这类题常见的命题方式有: ① What is the main idea (subject) of this passage ? ② What does this passage mainly (primarily)concerned ?

183 ③ The main theme of this passage is _________
③ The main theme of this passage is _________.  ④ The main point of the passage is________.  ⑤ Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?  ⑥ The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is ________.  ⑦ On which of the following subject would the passage most likely be found in a textbook?  ⑧ The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is________. ⑨ Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole ?

184 关于推理性问题(Inference)    推理性问题与细节性问题相似,也是对文章具体内容的判断。但推理不但要求掌握文章所表达的字面含义,还要掌握一定的逻辑判断能力及写作技巧知识,从文章表面推出更深层含义,这部分往往出题分量大,难度大,出错也最多,归根结底还是对文章内容没有做到真正的理解和掌握。 Inference类问题主要包括Reading Between the Lines和Communication Techniques两大类。 Reading Between the Lines 文字表面往往没有明显反映作者的全部意图,有些含义需要读者从字里行间去体会,按自己的逻辑推理能力去判断,从上下文的联贯及文中有关部分的暗示去明系作者隐含的意思。这类问题的命题方式有:   ① The writer implies but not directly states that________.  

185 Communication Techniques
② It can be inferred from the passage that________. ③ The author strongly suggests that________ . ④ It can be concluded from the passage that ________. ⑤ The passage is intended to________ . ⑥ The writer indicates that________ . Communication Techniques 文章中的每一句话都有它的作用和目的,都是为作者的写作而服务的。有的是下层意思的铺垫,有的是上句话的结果,互相衬托,互相联系。高考阅读中常常就技巧性问题提问,测试读者对文章是否正确理解。这类题的命题方式有: ① The mentioned by the author to show ________.

186 ② The author achieves his purpose by depending mainly upon________
② The author achieves his purpose by depending mainly upon________. ③ The writer talks order to________. ④ In discussing..., the author ________. ⑤ The author's statement a...for...

187 注意阅读文章中的重点 1. 注意每段文章的主题句及结论句,通常是每段的首句或尾句(也有在中间的) 2. 注意文章的细节
(1)数字与日期。 (2)同位语,破折号(——),括号()。 (3)表示附带说明的词如:by the way,furthermore, besides, in addition to等。 (4)倒装句及加强语气的词如: above all, mainly. chiefly等。 (5)注意全文谈何人(who)、何时(when)、何处(where)、何物(what)及特殊之 处。

188 3. 注意比较或对照 除全文的原级、比较级与最高级外,还应注意下列表示比较对照的词。如: (1)对照:though,although,but,despite,inspite of, yet,however,still, otherwise, differ, unlike, on the other hand (2)比较:same,like,compare, similar,similarly (3)例外:except, instead, rather than, on the contrary, oddly enough, reg ardless

189 4. 注意所举之例及解释处 (1)举例:for example, for instance, such as, examples (2)解释:in other words,just as,namely,that is to say,in the same manner 5. 注意否定及包含全部的词 never,no,none,neither,not,seldom,hardly, only always,at all times, entirely, every, forever, all 6. 注意全文中表示因果关系的词 (1)原因:because, since, reason for, cause, result from (2)结果:thus, so,as a result, therefore, hence, result in, in short, in conclusion

190 短文改错 纵观近年高考题,每年正确的行数只有一行,少词2~3个,多词1~2个,错词6行左右,所以考生在做此题时,应多考虑错词的情况,凡少词、多词超过了3个或正确行超过2行,考生必须要引起警惕。 分析这几年的高考试题,错误可能出现在任何地方,但出错的重点大多是学生平时在书面表达中常出现的错误。如: 1. 缺词:句子中常漏掉一些必不可少的功能词。如缺少系动词、冠词、不定式符号等。 2. 多词:往往是初学者因受本族语影响而常常犯的错误。 3. 错词:范围比较广,主要涉及动词时态、名词复数、非谓话动词、冠词、代词、介词、副词、关联词、固定用法及搭配、主谓一致、词形变化等。

191 答题技巧 1. 要有整体阅读的概念。切不可拿过题就一行一行地做下去。要先通读一遍,迅
速弄懂短文的大意,然后再开始做题。做题时,要注意每次必须看完一个完整的句子,有时 还要再看看下面的句子,或返回去联系上一个句子,这样才能为我们的判断提供完整而又可 靠的依据。 2. 先判断正误。通读之后开始做题,先要对这一行作出判断:有无错误?如无错,则打√。如有错,则按下面的步骤进行。 3. 分清错误的类别,对症下药。我们判断出的错误,大致有以下三种:

192 (1)缺词:漏掉的往往是冠词、介词、连词等虚词。这又与前后词的搭配有关。见到名词,应考虑是否缺了冠词;见到动词,可注意后面是否少了应与之搭配的介词或其它词。 
(2)多词:多余的词,往往是结构词,如冠词、介词、代词等等。一种根据涉及到 名词、动词的特点、搭配和含义判断是否多了冠词、介词或副词。另一种是根据全句的结构和意义,判断是否多了连词或其它词。 (3)错词:错词的类型复杂,不胜枚举。但常见的还是搭配错误与语法错误,特别是学生平时写作时常出的错误最易为命题者所关注。

193 纵观几年来的高考书面表达,它们都是通过文字说明或几幅图画的形式把文章的内容、字数作了具体要求。其中,有10年的题型要求考生在观察图画或图示的前提下写作。所以,高考英语写作不仅仅是语言知识和语言功能的测试,同时也是观察能力、思维 能力、组织能力和写作技巧全方位、多视角综合运用能力的考查。 高考英语写作失分原因 从历年考生的英语英语写作来看,大多数考生的失分原因有以下几点:  (1)理解错误。有些考生错误地把题目中所给的汉语提纲直接译成了英语;也有的考生在看图作文时没能正确理解题意。如高考书面表达要求第人称来写,大很多考生用了第三人称。

194 高考书面表达要求文体为“短文”,但有些考生却写成了“书信”,也有的采用了简历的形式。
(2)文不对题。由于审题不够认真,没有完全理解题意,或者虽然审题时理解了题意,却没有列成提纲就直接下笔写,写着写着就忘了,因而遗漏了要点,有些考生一味将自己会写的东西堆砌上去,而没有紧扣主题,以致于下笔千言,离题万里。历年来书面表达词数都 要求在80-120个单词范围之内,按一般长度的句子计算,也就是10句左右,没有盲目发挥的余地。 再者,过度发挥既浪费时间,又影响成绩。所以必须注意,写作中不可乱加花样,只能在紧扣主题、保证要点全面的前提下适当发挥,增加有限的相关细节。因此,无论平时 练习还是应试,一定要记住:首先是彻底理解题意,看准答题要求,然后把内容要点列成提纲,再检查一遍,确信无一遗漏,再开始动笔写。

195 (3)格式错误。在写作时,特别是写应用文时要注意它的格式,
将书信的开头和结尾作为两个考点来考查。 汉语与英语的写作格式有很大区别。比如,英语信和汉语信的格式不同。英语信有两种,私人信件和公务信件。若是私人信件要先写日期,下一行是称呼;若是公务信件,第一页右上角(左上角也可)要写上写信人的地址,顺序从小到大,从门牌号、街名、城市、省份、直到国名,日期应写在地址的下面。不少考生把汉语书信的格式照搬到英语书信中来,日期写在信的末尾签名下边,地址顺序从大到小。由此可见,考生在平时就要注意英语写作的格式,加强训练。 (4)遣词造句错误。有些是语法错误(主要是单复数、人称、时态、语态、结构、搭配和拼写等),有些属于汉语式英语。如在高考中有的同学将When we crossed the crossroads,there were two people standing there。写成When we throughed the crossroads,there are two people standing there.误把介词当作动词使用,时态的搭配上也出了

196 问题;将Time passed quickly.写成Time past quickly.也是误把介词当作动词使用。还有的考生使用错误的动词时态形式,把heard写成heared,kept写成keeped,built写成builded,把Many changes have taken place.写成Many changes have been taken place.又如 有的考生把the tuition写成study money,把in the west与成from the west,把bark写成shout等。这些错误的出现一般都是由于考生语言基础薄弱,词汇贫乏,而又不注意中英文表达方式差异造成的。要解决这个问题,考生平时必须在词汇、语法及句型方面多下苦功。

197 (5)语言运用不当。有的考生虽然写出了语法完全正确的句子,但由于与使用的场合不相适应而不能得分。如1994年高考中有的考生写到Every student must come to the party.这就不像是通知而像是命令了。又如1996年的求职自荐短文开头出现了“Hi! Do you want to know me?”(这种过于随便的口吻不适合于求职自荐)。 (6)不会用连接词,文章不流畅。文章流畅、保持文章的整体性是阅卷教师比较看重的一个方面,也是考生拿高分的 关键。为了使文章结构严密,考生应该在句与句之间,恰当地使用一些过渡性词语。这些过渡性词语可表原因、表结果、表列举、表转折等,恰当地运用这些词语,会使句子之间衔接自然、流畅。 阅卷中看到,考生经常犯句与句之间不使用连接词的错误,这是英语写作中的大忌,应引起注意,记住常用过渡词,平常多练,多写,考试时才不至于漏掉该有的词。

198 (7)书写不工整。书写是否工整清晰在某种程度上也会影响答卷得分。试想,一篇字迹清晰悦目的文章和一篇反复读了多少遍仍有些句子识别不清的文章,两相比较,评卷人的印象会是怎样呢?因此,学生平时练习就要注意字体工整、清晰。 (8)文章没写完。有的考生的作文水平很高,字迹漂亮,可惜没有把全文写完,有的甚至连一半还没写到。根据分析,很可能是在草稿纸上写好、改好而没来得及全部誊抄上去.。也许是时间安排不恰当,致使前松后紧,给作文留的时间太短了,这是非常可惜的。针对以上常见错误,考生在平时练习时应多加注意,有意识地加强这方面的训练,尽量避免错误的出现。

199 高分策略 高考书面表述要求考生根据所给情景,用英语写一篇100个单词左右的短文。情景包括目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等。提供情景的形式有图画、图表、提纲等。书面表达是考察考生综合运用英语能力的一种题型。它既像作文,又不完全是作文,因为考生不能离开情景和要求自行立意、选材,随意发挥。它类似翻译,但又不同于翻译,因为考生必须根据需要进行适当的发挥,因而有较大的灵活性,所以在做这种题目时,要掌握一个总的原则,即“不漏、不错、不多写、不乱写”。 随着我国英语教学水平的不断提高,高考书面表达的要求也相应提高,2000年以前高考书面表达的基本要求是:能写明全部或绝大部分要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。在这样的要求下,当时书面表达教学的指导思想是:尽量运用中学英语最基础的词汇;尽量运用简单的、基本的句型。

200 能够做到要点完整、语言无误、行文连贯、表达清楚就可
以得高分。但近几年的要求是:完成试题规定的任务,覆盖所有内容要点,应用较多的语法结构和词汇,具备较强的语言运用能力,有效使用语句间的连接成分。全文结构紧凑,达到预期的写作目的。这里的变化体现在“应用较多的语法结构和词汇,具备较强的语言运用能力,有效使用语句间的连接成分”等方面。这就是说,仅运用基础的词汇和基本的句型不能体现较强的语言运用能力。尽管表达无 语言错误,却不能得高分。体现较强的语言运用能力就要尽量使用较高级的词汇和较高级的句子结构,有效使用语句间的连接成分,这样才能得高分。句式单一,缺乏生气的表达.哪怕无任何错误也不能得高分。阅卷员很大程度上受到印象的影响,其注意力的顺序正好与评分标准相反 。所以高分作文的特征就是在消灭了低级错误的基础上做到“要点齐全,用词准确,句式多样化,连贯.”

201 写好开头和结尾 打动评卷者,良好的开端是成功的一半,好的开头能马上抓住读者,使其产生继续读下去的愿望,产生敬佩与愉悦的心情,拉近了距离。好的结尾无疑起到画龙点睛的作用,使文章锦上添花。试欣赏高考范文的开头与结尾: It was Grandma's birthday. Father,Mother and I went to visit her. My parents live in the country.They keep a dog called Ah Fu. The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school.

202 文章结尾句 At four o'clock,we said goodbye and set off for home. It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister. The time passed quickly. Before we knew it,we had to say goodbye to the workers. I hope you come and see for yourself some day. About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things. They suggest,however,fees should be charged low. Just let me know.

203 2.在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、强调句、主从
复合句、分词状语等。(1)强调句。例如: My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It had saved my little sister bravely。(一班) My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister bravely.(高级) (2)由what等引导的从句、此处的what相当于中文的“所……”,有很大的概括力, 例如: We had to stand there to catch the offender.(一般)

204 使用较高级的语言结构 1.改变句子的开头方式,不要一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语,最后再加一个状语。可以把状语置于句首,或用分词做状语等。例如: We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning.(一般) Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.(高级) The young man couldn't help crying when he heard the had news.(一般) Hearing the bad news. the young man couldn't help crying.(高级)

205 what we had to do was(to) stand there,trying to catch the offender.(高级)
(3)由with或without引导的短语。例如: He sat in a chair and a newspaper was in the hand。(一般) He sat in a chair with a newspaper in the hand.(高级) (4)分词短语。例如: He was satisfied with the result,and decided to go on with a new experiment.(一般)

206 Satisfied with the result,he decided to go on with a new experiment.(高级)
(5)从句。例如: The teacher pointed out the mistakes.The students had not corrected the mistakes.(一般) The teacher pointed out the mistakes that the students had not corrected the mistakes.(高级) (6)倒装句。例如。 We can achieve our goal in this way.(一般)

207 Only In this way can we achieve our goal.(高级)
(7)省略句。例如: If we do so,victory will be ours.(一般) If so,victory will be ours。(高级) 3.通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。 He stopped us half an hour ago.He made us catch the next offender.(一般 ) He stopped us half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender.(高级)

208 We had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.Some told stories, some played chess.(一般) After a short rest,we had great fun singing and dancing,telling Jokes and playing chess。(高级) 避免使用过多的并列句  这是许多学生常见的毛病,造成这种现象的主要原因是因为在写作中想不起合适的关联词来连接已经想好的几层意思,于是并列便成了许多同学的首选方法,实际上这样不但重点不突出,有时还会造成意思上的混乱,最后连自己也搞不清楚谁是重点。避免这种毛病的方法有两种:一种是将长句变短,化整为零,尽量使用简单句;另一种方法是使用合适的连接词。比如:

209 Mark Twain was an American playwriter, and he had an unhappy childhood, and he told the story of his childhood in a story entitled“The Adventure of Tom Sawyer” and he said it was written in tears and blood(一般) 当改正这样的句子时,可以采用主从分句,修饰性短语以及同位语来替换句子中所存在的许多并列概念。 下面是修改以后的句子: Mark Twain,an American playwriter,told the story of his unhappy childhood in a story entitled“The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”,which he said was written in tears and blood.(高级)

210 学会写作简单累加句  写文章时,不仅要把每个句子都写好,清晰地反映句子之间的逻辑关系,体现整段文字在思想上的统一性(unify),而且还应运用一切手段,力求做到句子结构的多样化。初学用英语作文的人写的文章往往通篇都是短句和简单句,把很多结构雷同的简单句(choppy sentence)堆在一起,结果把文章写得稚气、呆板、枯燥无味。要克服这种毛病,练习写作cumulative sentence(累加句)就十分有意义。试比较如下: 劣:Seven_Star Park is one of the scenic places in Guilin.It looks best summer time.Many foreign tourist are attracted by it. 优:Seven_Star Park,one of the scenic places in Guilin,looks best the summer time,attracting many foreign tourists.

211 从对上述例文的修改可以看出,重要的变化不是短句变长了,而是层次清晰,句子流畅了。添加修饰语旨在再生思想,而不是词汇。切忌为单纯地扩长句子而添加修饰语,使得短话长说。语言以简洁为贵,只要意思明了,句子宁短勿长,宁少勿多。 通过时间顺序扩展段落 不同的主题需用不同的扩展方法。下面介绍的方法比较系统且具体。读者只要细心领会,将会得到很好的效果。一个人在讲述自己一天的活动时,总会说早上做了些什么,下午又做了些什么。讲故事时也总是按照事件发生的先后顺序来讲述的,即先讲开始时发生了什么,后来又怎么样了?最后又有什么结果?按照多个事件发生的时间顺序或先后顺序来扩展段落的方法,称之为时间顺序法。这是英文较常用的一种方法,它常常用以记叙或说明历史、人物或事件的发展过程,这种过程常以顺叙式展开,即按时间的先后顺序叙述。

212 On the fifth day after the vacation, it started snowing
On the fifth day after the vacation, it started snowing. Everywhere was white, so in the evening my sister and I decided to play in the snow in the nearby park the next day. The next morning I got up ear1y and dressed myself quickly. My sister had prepared the breakfast.At half past ten we arrived at the park. Many peop1e there were p1aying snow ball fights. We joined them. After that, we made a big and funny snowman. At noon. we felt hungry. I took out bread and peanuts and began to eat. The sunlight became stronger. and the snowman began to melt. Before returning home, I was pleased to have had a good time in the park.

213 按空间顺序说明 按空间顺序说明是指依物体或地点的空间方位由远及近,由近及远,由左到右或按东南西北的方向来说明。这种方法多用来介绍某地的具体位置及用来按方位说明物体或某地的特征。通常表空间位于某地的动词和词组有:be动词,lie,stand,sit, to be 1ocated 等 。表方位的词和词组有:in front of, behind, at the back of , on, over, above, under, below, near, by, on one side of, on the other side of, into, inside, outside, in the center of, in the middle of , between, among within, across, from, opposite, far from, not far from, close to, towards, toward , away from, to the right of, to the left of , to the east of , to the west of , to the south of, to the north of ,, in the north of, in the south of , in the east of, in the west of , on both sides of , in, against...等。如:

214 My vi1lage is in the southwest of England, which is a very beautiful area in the country. In the north of this area there are hills. In the south there are several villages of the coast. To the east there are woods and to the west there are more hills. There are several islands off the south coast, where fishermen go to catch fish. My village lies on the River Test and has a popu1ation of 750 people. It lies 15 ki1ometers to the east of Hope, the nearest town. A new road runs through the vi11age and separates it into two parts. 这一段文章先讲家乡的具体方位,再由北到南,由东到西,说明周边环境,然后,按方位说明距村庄稍远些的地理位置情况。这一段短文应用了按东南西北方位说明和按由近及远说明两种方法。

215 下面这一段是指路说明: Here are the directions to get to my home from yours. You walk two blocks north and then turn right on Adams Street. Wa1k another two blocks to Third Street.Then, turn left on Third Street and walk until you see a beautifu1 road with a yel1ow house on the corner. That's my home. 短短几句话中,第一句为主题句,说明本文是介绍去“我”家的路线的。之后,作者在不同的参照地点(my home, Adams Street, Third Street)提供他的朋友相应的方向信息(walk two blocks north,turn right,walk to Third Street,turn left,walk until...), 告诉朋友去他家的路。

216 ①解释(常用过渡词有:now,in addition,for,in this case,furthermore,in fact)
使用过渡词获得连贯 ①解释(常用过渡词有:now,in addition,for,in this case,furthermore,in fact) a. Now, read the directions carefully. b. In addition, there are twenty classroom bulidings in the college. c. He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyes were failing. d. The problem, in this case, is hard to solve.

217 ② 强调(常用过渡词有: certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important, to be sure, undoubtedly)
a. Certainly we'll consider your suggestion. b. Indeed, they were p1eased. c. Above all, don't ta1k to anybody about it. d. Surely they must realize that.

218 ③限定(常用过渡词有:but, however, although, though, yet, except for)
a. But newspapers aren't always right. b. One must remember, however, that newspapers are not always accurate. c. We hoped, though, that they would lend you some money. d. Yet there was still a chance for him to swim.

219 ④说明(常用过渡词有:for example, for instance, thus, such, next)
a. Many countries, for example, Mexico and Japan have a lot of earthquakes b. You can't rely on her. For instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.

220 c. Most of the evidence was destroged in the fire
c. Most of the evidence was destroged in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty. d. Such an accident happened a week ago. e. Next, I think of the things you want to do.

221 ⑤增加(常用的过渡词有: in addition, furthermore, also, moreover, first,second, third, etc, then)
a. In addition, they offer lessons in French. b. Furthermore, everywhere we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. c. She is also an English teacher. d. The rent is reasonable and, moreover, the location is prefer. e. First, you mail in an application. Second, you ask for appointment. Third, you send them three personal resume.

222 ⑥比较(常用的过渡词有:like, in the same way, similarly, equally important, too, likewise)
a. Like the owl, the fox hunts at night.b. In the same way, they began to learn English. c. Similarly, the villagers enjoy spicy foods. d. Equally important, you must keep fit. ⑦对比(常用的过渡词有:unlike, in contrast, whereas, on the other hand,instead, on the contrary) a. Unlike Jack, Tom has a large fami1y. b. In contrast, he did not lose weight. c. Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it. d. On the other hand, a student needs time to relax.

223 ⑧让步(常用的过渡词有:although, nevertheless, of course, after all, clearly, still, yet, in spite of , however) Although she joined the company only a year ago, she's already been promoted twice. b. He insisted that everything would be all right. Nevertheless, I could not help feeling anxious. c. After all,it is not so hard as it looks. d. Clearly, the situation is more complicated than we first thought. e. The hotel was terrible. Still, we were lucky with the weather.

224 ⑨陈述结果(常用的过渡词有:therefore, as a result, consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise, because, since)
a. He was very tired, and therefore he fell sound asleep. b. As a result, all flights have had to be cancel1ed. c. The bank refused to give the company more time. Consequently, it went bankrupt. d. The budget for health care has been cut by 10%,Accordingly,some hospitals may be forced to close. e.You'll have to go now,otherwise you'll miss your bus.

225 ⑩归纳总结(常用的过渡词有:to sum up,finally,in conclusion,at last,insummary,in short,thus,in brief,in other words) a. To sum up,Christmas is the most important holiday. b. Finally, the tortoise won. c. In conc1usion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. d. At last, she was driven to her wit's end. e. In summary, we've got to try to get further funding.

226 下面我们来看一个缺乏过渡连接语的段落。On Thursday I had to decide what I wanted to do over the weekend. School was starting in two weeks. I would soon be studying ful1 time. I wanted to go skiing. I had spent most of my money. I couldn't travel out of town. I might go to a movie. I might just listen to music. That is what I ended up doing—listening to music.

227 加上过渡连接语以后,这段文章的连贯性加强了,读起来也就好懂多了。
 On Thursday I had to decide what l wanted to do over the weekend. For school was starting in two weeks, and I would soon be studying full time. I wanted to go skiing, but I had spent most of my money.So I couldn't travel out of town. I might go to a movie. Or I might just listen to music. And that is what I ended up doing—listening to music.

228 A new railway is under construction in my hometown.(高级)
使用较高级的词汇和地道的表达方式 1.注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。例如,A new railway is being built in my hometown.(一般) A new railway is under construction in my hometown.(高级)

229 2.使用一些有洋味的单词 Thank you for sharing the time with us. The way he views the world is very practical. The new sports track is right outside the school gate.

230 3.避免重复使用某一单词或短语。例如:I 1ike reading while my brother likes watching television.(一般)
I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television.(高级) 4.选择不同的词语和不同的表达方式。例如; (1)两天后他就要过生日了。 A.His birthday is two days away. B. His birthday is in two days. C. His birthday is in two days’time。 D.It will be two days before he celebrates his birthday.

231 The hope of our parents is very high.
5.留心汉英表达差异,避免中式英语。例如: (1)父母对我们期望很高。 The hope of our parents is very high. Our parents expect much from us. (2)他的右眼瞎了。 Her right eye is blind.(不妥) She is blind in the right eye.(地道)

232 谈高考写作中的修润策略 写作完成后不要急于放松休息,接下来的语言文字润饰工作可以让你的作品锦上添花,不留遗憾。Taking every detail into consideration,让精心设计的文章突破20分也就有希望了。浏览检查不可能推翻全部内容,因为时间有限,也为了保持卷面整洁,修改工作要以纠正明显的语法拼写错误为主。为了避免用语单调重复,也可将若干机械平淡的语言替换掉,实现语言的丰富多变。要对以下几个角度多加注意,保证在语法用词上一丝不苟。 主谓一致 每句中主语名词与谓语动词的数是否一致,句法基本功较强则不会出现此类错误。但一时疏忽之下有可能写出Every person have…We was的错误搭配,微不足道的小错却往往能给作文以致命的打击。

233 名词单复数 看所有名词的单复数使用是否合理。诸如equipments和wildlives都属于刺眼而典型的误用复数错误。 时态一致 搭配
介词使用往往是最敏感的语言内容之一,阅卷老师凭丰富的经验足以轻松断定用词的正误。何时应用机in, on, to, with, for,at,of也涉及到语言基本功的层面。考生对不熟悉的搭配要及时放弃或替换,以免因小失大。 拼写 词汇量不大的同学不要贸然挑战高难词汇,否则会在拼写上漏洞百出。多字母、少字母、错字母都会成为难看的风景,让人愈加挑剔。

234 用词 用词丰富、精确到位需要长期的摸索与积累,考试时用词不当和中文式英文措词难免出现。但考生要对把握不住或字对字翻译的表达提高警惕,没有把握的表达则果断放弃调整。好的用词令人刮目相看,而拙劣的表达令人难以忍受。这一点只能在考试中适当把握尺度,总之不要盲目冒险。 总之,我们只有有限的时间完成写作。少些即兴冒险,多些理性沉稳,把握写作流程,突破自己的一般水准。希望考生们能超常发挥,把自己的语言知识精华展现在试卷上。

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