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Cloud Computing Basics 云计算概览

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Computing Basics 云计算概览"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Computing Basics 云计算概览
云里雾里 In the Cloud in the mist Cloud Computing Basics 云计算概览 Nie Hua 聂华

2 Why we talk about it? 为什么要谈云计算?
Background & Trends 背景与趋势 What is it? 云计算是什么? Definitions & Features & More 定义与特点 What do we do with it? 云计算与我们 Cloud Daily life 日常生活 Cloud Libraries 图书馆 Exercises 练习

3 Computing Paradigm: Distributed computing, Parallel Computing and grid computing; even P2P…… 分布式计算,并行计算,网格计算,还有P2P等等…… Via Google Search Trends


5 Via Google Search Trends

6 Forecasts: from business perspective
IDC: “spending on IT cloud services will triple in the next 5 years, reaching $42 billion & capturing 25% of IT spending growth in 2012 and nearly a third of growth the following year. With the overall IT market spend being $383 billion, this kind of growth validates that the opportunity deserves the attention it is getting” 到2012年云服务支出将增长三倍达到$420亿,占IT增长的1/4;证实了一种我们必须关注的机会。 Merrill Lynch: by 2011, $160 billion ($1600亿)

7 Forecast: From Technology Perspective
Peak of the inflated expectation = 期望膨胀顶峰期 #1 Strategic Technology Area for 2010 Source: Gartner’s Hype Cycle for 2009

8 Forrester: “……that cloud computing is one of the Top 15 Technology Trends and that it warrants investment now so you can gain the experience necessary to take advantage of it in its many forms to transform your organization into a more efficient and responsive service provider to the business.” -Forrester Research, October 13, 2009 云计算是前十五个重要的技术发展趋势之一; 尽快开始对云计算的投入可以保证你获得必要的经验去享用云计算带来的各个方面的多种多样的好处; 最终使得你所负责的机构成为一个更有效率的和反应迅速的服务提供者。

9 Major Players’ Cloud Computing Services
Google Cordys Microsoft Amazon MOSSO IBM

10 Why we talk about it? 为什么要谈云计算? Background & Trends 背景与趋势
What is it? 云计算是什么? Definitions & Features & More 定义/特点 What do we do with it? 云计算与我们 Cloud Daily life 日常生活 Cloud Libraries 图书馆 Exercises 练习 Good Luck!

11 Anonymous: “[…] unfortunately the marketing guys got hold of the term before the technicians had known what Cloud Computing is[…]

12 What is cloud computing? --Wikipedia Definition
Why it is called “Cloud”? --The term cloud is used as a metaphor for the Internet, based on the cloud drawing used to depict the Internet in computer network diagrams as an abstraction of the underlying infrastructure it represents. 云是Internet的比喻。计算机网络图中使用云图形来抽象表现底层架构。 Cloud Computing: .... Internet- ("cloud-") based development and use of computer technology ("computing"). In concept, it is a paradigm shift whereby details are abstracted from the users who no longer have need of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them. Cloud computing describes a new supplement, consumption and delivery model for IT services based on the Internet, and it typically involves the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet. 维基百科:云计算是一种计算架构转型,用户不再需要在云中的技术架构层面的专家和控制。云计算描述了一种新的,基于网络的IT服务的供应、消费和传递模式。这种模式的特点是动态地组织并做为一种服务供应可扩展的,通常是虚拟化的网络资源。 Resource (all kinds of IT services over the Internet) as a service 资源(基于网络的各种IT资源)即服务

13 What is cloud computing? --Some more serious definitions
McKinsey: “Clouds are hardware-based services offering compute, network and storage capacity where: Hardware management is highly abstracted from the buyer, Buyers incur infrastructure costs as variable OPEX(operational expenditure), and Infrastructure capacity is highly elastic” ……Concept: hardware/infrastructure as a service 硬件/架构即服务 ……Keywords:abstract, elastic, 抽象的,有弹性的 FZI (Jens Nimis):”Building on compute and storage virtualization, cloud computing provides scalable, network-centric, abstracted IT infrastructure, platforms, and applications as on-demand services that are billed by consumption.” ……Concept: Infrastructure, Platform and Applications (software) as a services ……架构,平台,应用(软件)即服务 ……Keywords:scalable, network centric, abstracted, on-demand, billed by consumption ……可扩展的,网络为中心的,抽象的,按需付费的

14 So……A new way to play with computer and Internet
Some Simplified Concepts to remember: Cloud=Internet Cloud Computing=Everything as a Service(XaaS) Standard Layers: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS) Extra Layers: Human as a Service Administration/Business Support More: DaaS, VaaS, IDaas, FWaaS, And more……

15 7 types of Cloud Services
1. IaaS 2. PaaS 3. SaaS 4. Cloud web service(云端web服务) 5. MPS (Management Service Provider, 管理服务提供商) 6. BSP (Business Service Platform,商务服务平台) 7. Network Integration (网络集成) XaaS

16 IaaS /Utility Computing 基础设施即服务/按需计算
To provide user computing resources and storage comprised with many servers as an on-demand and “pay per use” service: Data Center, Bandwidth, Private Line Access, Servers and Server Room, Firewall, Storage space ….. 将多台服务器组成的“云端”计算资源和存储,作为计量服务提供给用户。它将内存、I/O、存储和计算能力整合成一个虚拟的资源池向业界用户提供存储资源和虚拟化服务器等服务。 Examples: Amazon:EC2 (ElasticComputeCloud) Rackspace: cheaper than EC2 世纪互联:

17 17

18 世纪互联

19 Benefits of IaaS: Reduce capital expense – Less upfront hardware costs 减少硬件资金投入 Reduce operational expense – Free your IT resources from infrastructure administration 减少IT管理的运维成本,释放IT资源 Improve security – worry free 提升安全性 Pay per use – no extra investment 按需付费,避免多余投资

20 PaaS : Platform as a Service 中间件/平台即服务
Bundles all stack components (hardware, infrastructure, storage) together with database, security, workflow, user interface, and other tools that allow users to create and host powerful business applications, web sites, and mobile apps. 提供开发环境,包括服务器平台、硬件资源等。用户在服务提供商的基础架构上开发程序并通过网络传送给其他用户(最终用户)。 Examples: Sales force: 800APP(八百客):



23 Benefits of PaaS Reduce capital expense– No upfront hardware or software infrastructure costs 无需软硬件平台资金投入 Reduce operational expense – Free your IT resources from infrastructure administration 减少IT运维投入 Faster time to value – Rapid development and instant deployment 快速评估和即时部署 Improve resource productivity – Build more apps, more quickly, and free up developers for new projects 提高资源产出,项目产出,更多,更快,解放开发人员 Reduce integration costs – Every new app built on the platform is designed for easy Web services integration 降低整合价格,采用易用的web服务整合设计应用平台

24 SaaS:Software as a Service 软件/应用即服务
A model of software deployment over the internet. Provider licenses an application to customers as a service on demand, either through a time subscription or a “pay-as-you-go” model. It allows vendors to develop, host and operate software for customer use. Rather than purchase the hardware and software to run an application, customers need only to download the application to run it. 将应用软件统一部署于服务器(集群),通过网络向用户提供软件。用户根据实际需求定制或者租用应用软件。消除了企业或者机构购买、构建和维护基础设施和应用程序的投入。 SaaS deployed initially for sales force automation and customer relationship management (CRM), its use has become commonplace by businesses for tasks such as computerized billing, invoicing, human resource management, service desk management, and sales pipeline management, even Library management applications. SaaS developed rapidly and brought big challenges for the traditional software industry. 扩展到很多传统软件业领域,给其带来巨大的压力。

25 $50 per user per year

26 Benefits of SaaS: From general people: We want to deal with an application or a service, not software.  We want those applications and services to be as intuitive as possible, and we want to have to know only as much as we need in order to use them.  We don't want to have to worry about extraneous error messages we don't understand or new software releases we don't know what to do with.  We want a quality experience, as we do with other things in work and life we enjoy using. 对于大众而言: 相对于使用软件来说,人们更愿意接触应用,使用服务。人们希望应用和服务尽量直观易学,只知道怎样使用它即可,而不需要为那些像天书似的错误信息和令人无所适从的软件新版本升级操作而担忧。人们需要的是愉悦地体验,就像体验日常工作和生活中地其它事物一样。

27 Summary:Qualities of a Cloud
On-Demand • Lowered requirement to call-ahead forecasts • Demand trends are predicted by the provider Self service • Resources directly/indirectly reserved with a GUI or API Measured Service or Usage-metered (i.e. an operating expense) • Pay-by-the-drink or over time, not up front Elastic Scalability • Grow or shrink resources as required rapidly Mandatory and Ubiquitous Network • The network is essential to consume the service

28 Why we talk about it? What is it? What do we do with it? Exercises
Background & Trends What is it? Terminologies & Definitions & More What do we do with it? Cloud Daily life Cloud Libraries Exercises

29 69% of Americans use cloud computing Services
Source “Cloud Computing Gains in Currency”, Pew Research, May 2008

30 Cloud Computing @ Daily life

31 Cloud Computing @ Libraries: IaaS from Commercial Services
OhioLINK library consortium: Amazon’s Web Services to host Digital Resource Commons repository instances Kent State’s Centennial Collection 使用Amazon Web Services云服务托管部分数字资源 District of Columbia Public Library: Amazon’s EC2 service to host website; Amazon’s S3 service to backup ILS, Flickr and Amazon EC2 for upcoming digital repository, and the District adopts the GAPE version of Gmail as its mail platform. 使用Amazon EC2云服务托管网站,Amazon S3服务备份图书馆集成系统,还计划用Flickr和Amazon EC2服务做未来的数字馆藏,

32 Cloud Computing @ Libraries: SaaS & PaaS from Commercial Services
The Eastern Kentucky University Library: Google Docs to collect responses to web forms, Google Calendar for instruction and meeting rooms, and Google Analytics to collect statistics about their website, catalog and blogs. ……SaaS Google Docs收集网站表格的回复,Google Calendar当作培训和会议的日历,Google Analytics收集网站、目录和博客的使用统计 Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado: Google’s App Engine for ELibrary, also migrated other databases to this service. ……PaaS 其ELibrary使用Google的App Engine,并把两个基于Microsoft Access的数据库迁移过来

33 Cloud Computing @ Libraries: DaaS from Publishers & Aggregators

34 SaaS from Traditional ILS Vendors
SirsiDynix: Symphony-ILS system ILS集成管理系统 Federated search 联邦检索 Authentication and access 认证和访问 Digital collections 数字特藏 Electronic Reserves Management 电子教参管理 Exlibris: Alaphe-ILS system ILS集成管理系统 Primo Discovery & Delivery Interface 发现获取界面 Primo Central 基于元数据聚合整合检索 ……

35 SaaS From Non-Traditional Library Vendors
Serials Solution Federated Search: 360 Search/WebFeat 联邦检索 Discovery Interface: Aquabrowser 发现界面 Launch SaaS version on March 2010 ……While Current customers will continue to be supported, new customers will be offered SaaS ONLY….. Web-Scale Discovery (Layer): Summon Launch on July 2009, hosted SaaS service ONLY Architect it like Google and other Open Web solutions 6,200+ publishers represented;96,000+ journals at the article-level, most full-text searchable;500,000,000+ items indexed SaaS ? DaaS ?

36 OSS & SaaS: LibLime Koha:OSS ILS 开源图书馆集成管理系统 ‡编目服务
$299 per year, installation and hosting, up to 75,000 records 年租299美元,含安装和托管,相对于7.5万条记录 Free OSS community support, based on Koha library and LibLime created documentations 免费开源社区维护支持 Free 30 days trial 30天免费使用 ‡编目服务 browser-based cataloging service 基于浏览器的编目服务 data store containing over thirty-million records, the world's largest repository of freely-licensed library records 世界最大的免费图书馆记录(元数据)仓储 Social Cataloging? DaaS? Free! 基于社会网络的编目,免费!

37 IR: “Open technologies for durable digital content” To Libraries, universities, research centers, cultural heritage orgs 面向图书馆,大学,文化遗产组织; Ensure digital heritage accessible over long term, durable & Usable 保证数字遗产的永久可获取长期保存 It applies Open source & cloud-based technologies & hosted service (SaaS) 基于开源和云计算技术 LC sponsored pilot program, from July 2009-Spr. 2010, 3 partners (NYPL), provide data includes images, video, text in many formats, to test the cloud storage capability

38 Key design features Leave pure storage in the cloud: Amazon, Atmos, Sun, Rackspace 将存储交给云服务 Overlay additional functionality to ensuring long-term access & easy use, such as ability to replicate and distribute content across multiple cloud providers 在云存储之上增加诸如复制或者跨云发布内容等功能,确保长期获取和易用性 Add value above storage by enabling the deployment of services to support access, preservation, re-use, and sharing of content stored in the cloud 在云存储之上实现服务分发,支持获取,保存,再用和云内容的分享

39 OCLC Web-Scale The end of ILS era ? ……We will know soon in half hour.

40 The Philosophy of Cloud Computing
大方无隅,大象无形。~~《道德经》by 老子 Lao Zi There‘s no way to describe the transcendence, like there’s no limits to a universe. 大人物其实没有时间去做任何琐事,他仅仅坐在那里,成就大业。 A big man has no time really to do anything but just sit and be big. ~~By F. Scott Fitzgerald 云计算将之归于无形,一切皆隐于云中,无形,无音,无象,却实乃至大之象,之强之音,之激之流。 Cloud Computing:everything in the cloud, no shape, no sound, no image, but actually the biggest image, strongest sound, and rapidest wave.

41 Exercise: A Library in the Cloud?
Chooses a role: Library Director Heads of library departments IT professional, Cataloger …..Or you may be just yourself Think about the questions on the last page Formulate/image a library in the cloud

42 Questions: What will Cloud Computing bring to our library?
云计算会给图书馆带来怎样的变化? Should each individual library pay attention to it? 是不是每一个具体的图书馆都应关注这一新的技术趋势? How will the library information infrastructure change? 图书馆IT架构是否将会发生质的变化? How will the library workflow and management change? 图书馆业务流程与管理方式是否会发生变化? How will the IT, Cataloging or other units change? And the overall library staffing environment? 图书馆IT部门运作方式,人员结构的变化是否收到影响? How will the library services change? 最终,图书馆对读者的服务方式是否会改变? More…….

43 Some References: Cloud Computing Use Cases, A white paper produced by the Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group, 31 July 2009, Dustin Amrhein, et al. Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Thomas Wozniak, and Santi Ristol, Grid and Cloud Computing, a Business Perspective on Technology and Applications, Springer, 2010 Michael Miller, Cloud Computing, Web-based Applications that change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online. 云计算,姜进磊等译,机械工业出版社,2009 Peter Finger, Dot Cloud, the 21st Century Bussiness Platform Built on Cloud Computing, 云计算,21世纪的商业平台,王灵俊译, 电子工业出版社,2009 王鹏,《云计算的关键技术与应用实例》,人民邮电出版社,2010

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