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Lecture 6 Translation Languages Cultures

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1 Lecture 6 Translation Languages Cultures

2 culture Source language text Target language text Source language
readers Target Translator

3 topics Macro—micro 1. Culture 2. Language and Culture
3. Translation and Culture 4. Strategies for translating cultural component ---- foreignization and domestication

4 1. Culture Why Culture? 英语中culture 一词源于拉丁文cultura,其最早的意义是 “耕作,种植,作物”。随着社会文明的发展,culture 一词的外延不断延伸,内涵不断丰富。关于culture的概念,目前最具权威的定义是由英国十九世纪人类学家泰勒(Edward Tyler)提出的,又经过了后来多名学者的修正补充,现引用如下:

5 Sir Edward Tylor’s definition in 1871:
“that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” “文化是复杂体,包括实物、知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其余社会上习得的能力与习惯。”(引自司马云杰,《文化社会学》,山东人民出版社,1986年)

6 2. Relationship between language and culture
Does language shape culture or does culture shape language?

7 Eskimo languages have many different words to refer to snow
Eskimo languages have many different words to refer to snow. Were you to translate on a word-for –word basis, you would translate all those different words into the one English word “snow”. E.g. Kinship terms in China.

8 Examples: Kinship terms in China
One of the often-quoted obstacles in intercultural communication is the difference existing between cultures in kinship terms. Consider the following Chinese terms: 叔叔 伯伯 舅舅 姨夫 姑父 阿姨 姑姑 舅母 婶婶 小姨子 小叔子 小舅子 大嫂 婆婆 公公 岳母 岳父 表兄(弟) 堂兄(弟) 表姐(妹) 堂姐(妹) 连襟 妯娌

9 林黛玉的母亲是贾宝玉的姑母,贾宝玉的母亲是林黛玉的舅母,又是薛宝钗的姨母。
--《红楼梦》 2) 孙之子称曾孙,曾孙之子称玄孙,玄孙之子称来孙,来孙之子称晜孙,晜孙之子称云孙。 --《尔雅》

10 Compared with Chinese, English has fewer kinship terms
Compared with Chinese, English has fewer kinship terms. This difference is not just linguistic; it is fundamentally cultural. The fact that a language may have a proportionately high number of words in particular domains is an important index to the focus of a culture.

11 又例如,中国主要是个内陆国家,谋生的方式以农业为主。而英国是一个岛国,人们的生活与捕鱼业、造船业等密切相关。这一点可以在两国语言成语库中得到完全的反映。

12 疾风知劲草 (A good pilot is not known when the sea is calm and the water is fair.) 未雨绸缪 (While it is fine weather mend your sail.)

13 请看下面两组成语: 斩草除根 解甲归田 拔苗助长 朝耘暮耕 根深叶茂 移花接木 春华秋实 秋收冬藏 瑞雪兆丰年 久旱逢甘霖 四体不勤,五谷不分 三伏要热, 五谷才结

14 when one’s ship comes home
当某人发财致富时 to keep one’s head above water 勉强凑合过日子 to know the ropes 懂得秘诀, 内行 to sink or swim 不论成败, 好歹 Time and tide wait for no man. 时光不等人。 A small leak will sink a great ship. 千里之堤, 溃于蚁穴。

15 to clear the decks 准备战斗 hit the deck 反抗潮流 Drink like a fish. 牛饮 Have other fish to fry. 有另一件更重要的事要做。 Fish in the air 缘木求鱼。 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧

16 Language is a mirror, in front of which culture is reflected.

17 3. Translation and Culture

18 3.1 Translation and Culture Construction

19 希腊罗马之古籍 泰东西诸国,其盛强果何自耶。泰西格致性理之学,源于希腊;法律政治之学,源于罗马。欧洲诸国各以其国之今文,译希腊罗马之古籍;译成各书,立于学官,列于科目,举国习之,得以神明其法,损益其制,故文明之效,极于今日。 大彼得躬游列国,尽收其书,译为俄文,以教其民,俄强至今。今日本书会,凡西人致用之籍,靡不有译本,故其变法灼见本源,一发即中,遂成雄国。(梁启超,1897)

20 文艺复兴时期 西方翻译史的高峰时期——十四到十六世纪的文艺复兴时期(Renaissance 14th -16th ), 翻译活动深入到了思想、政治、哲学、文学、宗教等领域,涉及到古代、近代和当代的一切主要作品。其中影响最深远的译著有: 德国宗教改革家马丁·路德,采用民众的语言,翻译的第一本“民众的圣经”,开创现代德语的发展; 法国文学家阿米欧翻译的《希腊,罗马名人比较列传》,成为法国乃至整个西方翻译史上一部不朽的译著; 英国查普曼翻译的《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》,弗洛里奥所译蒙田的《散文集》,以及1611年钦定本《圣经》。 这些译著对欧洲各国的语言、文学、艺术和科学的发展都产生了深远的影响。

21 在我国,翻译史上的几次高峰,如汉、唐时期的佛经翻译;明末清初的科技翻译;五四以前的西学翻译;五四以后的自然科学和文学翻译;直到改革开放之后的第五次高峰,都对中国文化的发展,科技的进步起到了举足轻重的作用。

22 3.2 Translation in cultural context
Translation is an across cultural communication activity through the transference of language. Translation is process which occurs between cultures rather than simply between languages.” (Shuttleworth & Cowie 1997)

23 In the same way that the surgeon, operating on the heart, can’t neglect the body that surrounds it, so the translator treats the text in isolation from the culture at his peril. (Bassnett-McGuire) Translation is an act of text-production to enable communication between two cultures as two different constellations of individualities, and coordination between two cultures as two different collective modes of behavior.

24 “翻译不仅涉及语言问题,也涉及文化问题。译者不仅要了解外国的文化,还要深入了解自己民族的文化。不仅如此,还要不断地把两种文化加以比较,因为真正的对等应该是在各自文化中的含义、作用、范围、感情色彩、影响等等都是相当的。翻译者必须是一个真正意义的文化人。人们会说:他必须掌握两种语言;确实如此,但是不了解语言当中的社会文化,谁也无法真正掌握语言。”(王佐良 1989)

25 跨文化语境下的翻译 如果说学习一国语言的过程就是学习该国的文化和习俗的过程(Learning a language is a kind of learning the culture and habit of the country where the language is spoken.), 那么翻译活动,确切地说,也是一种文化转换活动。文化的共性使转换成为可能,文化的个性决定转换不可能完美。文化的个性形成文化差异的鸿沟,而译者的使命就是跨越鸿沟,搭建桥梁。 翻译活动总是在一定的文化语境中进行的(translation in an across-cultural context)。

26 The town’s entire shrimping industry has fallen victim to Carmen and has been left in utter ruin.
卡门台风过境后,整个镇子的捕虾业毁于一旦。 (美国习惯用女孩的名字为台风、飓风命名) 习俗文化

27 Were it left me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. (Thomas Jefferson) 我们是要一个没有言论自由的政府,还是要无需政府管理的言论自由,如果让我决定,那我会毫不犹豫地选择后者。(报纸在西方社会被认为是实现言论自由的重要工具) 社会政治文化

28 毛主席问陈妻“你们感情好不好”?陈妻答:“好。”主席听了很高兴。
When Chairman Mao talked with Chen’s wife. He was pleased to know that they had a happy home life. (西方人尊重隐私,若直译可能会引起误解。译文对文化冲突进行了一定的模糊化处理) 社会文化

29 “Moon Rabbit’’ or “Jade Rabbit”?
“玉兔” moon rabbit not jade rabbit 原因在于:“玉免”乃我国神话中陪伴吴刚生活在月宫挂花树下的兔子,因此,它又成为月的代称。将它译成Moon Rabbit 体现了我国方老文化的风韵来,读英文不易产生异解,不会误认为是玉做成的兔子。 历史典故文化

30 Cock or Rooster 我国“金鸡牌”闹钟, “Golden Cock“中的Cock在英美等国家除有“雄鸡”一义外,还有“雄性器官”之义,使此译名失之粗俗。为使译名变雅,最好把cock换成rooster。

31 An example from Foe ( 福) [Original] ‘Or if we had mops in London, as they have in the west country,’ said Foe, ‘Friday could stand in the line with his hoe on his shoulder and be hired for a gardener, and not a word be passed.’ (129) [Translation] 福先生说:‘如果我们在伦敦有那种西方国家人们用的拖把……’(117) [Analysis] The translator fails to notice that mop is a historical British use, meaning “an autumn fair or gathering at which farmhands and servants were hired”. “West country” means the west part of countryside to the west of London, e.g. Bristol. Mop[Br. historical ] an autumn fair or gathering at which farmhands and servants were hired Historical social culture

32 Read the following two humorous dialogs.
[In a physics class] Professor: What is matter? Student: Never mind. Professor: Then what is mind? Student: It doesn’t matter.

33 (4) [县官与知府] “贵县风土怎样?” “并没有大风,更少尘土。” “百姓怎样?” “白杏只有两棵,红杏不少。” “我问的是黎庶!”
“梨树很多,结的果实很小。” “我不是问什么梨树,我是问你的小民!” “卑职的小名叫狗儿。” 语言文化: Question Can your translate the humor of the original ?

34 The following are the original Chinese version of a part of a brochure on the “Dragon-Boat Festival” of a city and its English translation. 轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩船似海市蜃楼,两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼连成一片水晶宫,是仙境?是梦境?仰视彩鸽翩飞,低眸漂灯流霓,烟火怒放,火树银花,…..

35 English version The lightsome dragon-boats appear on the river as though the starts twinkle in the milk way. The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendid awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. Is this a fairyland or a mere dream? Looking above, you can see the doves flying about; looking below, you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Crackling are the fireworks, which present you a picture of fiery trees and silver flowers. …

36 中文读起来,似乎亦无不可。但一读其英文译稿,效果却大不一样。……译者可算煞费苦心。我特意请了一位美国新闻工作者看看并坦率写出它的评语。他说:Full of hyperbole (充满了极度夸张),不仅不知所云,而且令人发笑。 (Quoted from 关世杰,1995)

37 ? 那些外国元首提出的问题? 社会政治文化 思维方式

38 Homework: What is the origin of these idioms or allusions?
Most of them have a very distinctive cultural color, is it necessary to retain it in the translation? 四面楚歌 毛遂自荐 身在曹营心在汉 破釜沉舟 卧薪尝胆 守株待兔 拔苗助长 叶公好龙 牛郎织女 八仙过海,各显神通

39 刘姥姥进了大观园 智多星 空城计 逼上梁山 借花献佛 临时抱佛脚 道高一尺,魔高一丈
Allusions from history, legends (fables and folk legends),religion, classical literature

40 3. Alternative approaches have been adopted to translate these culturally-distinctive idioms in the homework. Examine the following examples, can you identify the three typical approaches? Which one do you think is the best alternative?

41 牛郎织女 (1)Cowherd and Weaving maiden (2)a couple in love but not under the same roof (3)cowboy and Vega Romeo and Juliet 临时抱佛脚: (1) to embrace Buddha's feet in one's hour of need (2) to make effort at the last moment (3) to cram at the last minute Note: to cram: (Informal) To prepare (students) hastily for an impending examination.

42 拔苗助长 (1)To pull out the spout to make it grow (2)To spoil something by excessive enthusiasm Too much zeal spoils all (3)Haste makes waste. 道高一尺,魔高一丈 (1) the truth grows a foot high, the evil grows ten (2) as virtue rises one foot, vice rises ten (3)Where God has his church, the devil will have his chapel. While the priest climbs a post, the devil climbs ten.

43 (1) → literal translation
(2) → appropriate descriptive (explanative) equivalence (3) → total adaptation (改编)

44 4. Two basic strategies for translating cultural components

45 In Chinese 东风 A symbol of warmth and spring 春城无处不飞花, 寒食东风御柳斜。(韩翃《寒食》)

46 西风 古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。(马致远《天净沙·秋思》 碧云天,黄叶地,西风紧,北雁南飞。晓来谁染霜林醉,总是离人泪。(王实甫《西厢记》) 飒飒西风满院裁,蕊寒香冷蝶难来。(黄巢《题菊花》)

47 东风压倒西风 六盘山上高峰,红旗漫卷西风。(毛泽东《清平乐·六盘山》)

48 In English West wind —Atlantic sea Shelly’s “Ode to the West Wind”

49 Sweet and slow, sweet and slow,
Wind of the western sea, ‘Low, low, breathe and blow, Wind of the western sea! (Alfred Tennyson “Sweet and Slow”) 轻轻地,柔和地;轻轻地,柔和地, 西方吹来海风, 轻轻地,轻轻地吹拂, 西方吹来海风!(Zong Bai)

50 春天就在西风中到来,还有水仙。(Qian Gechuan)
It’s a warm wind, the west wind, full of birds’ cries; I never hear the west wind but tears are in my eyes. For it comes from the west lands, the old brown hills. And April is in the west wind, and daffodils. (John Masefield “The West Wind”) 那是一种温暖的风,西风起时,万鸟争鸣; 一听西风起,我眼眶中泪盈盈, 因为它来自西土,那褐色的故乡边。 春天就在西风中到来,还有水仙。(Qian Gechuan)

51 East wind 1) biting east wind;( Samuel Butler) 2) a piercing east wind; (Kirkup) 3) How many winter days have I seen him, standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind! (Charles Dickens)

52 Strategy ? 1) Ode to the West Wind 西风颂? vs. 东风颂? 2) 西风紧 bitter is the west wind vs. bitter is the east wind?

53 Example 闲情万种,无语怨东风。(王实甫《西厢记》) I am saddened by a myriad petty woes, And, though I speak not, I am angry At the breezes from the east. (note: The east wind is symbolic of spring , with its urge to love.) (Tr. Henry Hart)

54 一江春水向东流 。(李煜《虞美人》) …flowing eastward 功名富贵若长在,汉水亦应西北流。(李白《江上咏》) Sooner could flow back to its mountains, This stream, than wealth and honor can remain. (Tr. Fletcher) Why adaptation is made?

55 Psychology of colors Color white In English: In Chinese: Mourning apparels, symbol of solitude, poverty and decline 雨中黄树叶,灯下白头人。(司空曙《喜外第卢纶见宿》) 日暮苍山远,天寒白屋贫。(刘长卿《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》) hoary-headed (灰白的) thatched cottage (茅屋)

56 Red In English: violence, bloodshed, danger In Chinese: jubilation, happiness, abundance, propitiousness(吉利) David Hawkes’ treatment of color terminology, particularly the red problem, in Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone), has given rise to a lot of arguments (his son in law).

57 … red as a symbol– sometimes of spring, sometimes of youth, sometimes of good fortune or prosperity—recurs again and again throughout it. Unfortunately—apart from the rosy cheeks and vermeil lip of youth—redness has no such connotations in English and I have found that the Chinese reds have tended to turn into English golds or greens (“spring, the green spring” and “golden boys and girls” and so on). I am aware that there is some sort of loss here, but have lacked the ingenuity to avert it. (David Hawkes, Introduction to The Story of the Stone)

58 Original Translations by Hawkes Translations by Yangs 红楼梦 The Story of the Stone A Dream of Red Mansions 悼红轩 Nostalgia Studio Mourning the Red Studio 怡红院 The House of Green Delights Happy Red Court 怡红公子 Green Boy The Happy Red Prince 红袖楼头夜倚栏 A lady leans out from her casement high In red sleeves she leans over balustrade at night

59 alienation (异化)and naturalization(归化)
All approaches to cultural components in translation may fall into two main strategies: SL culture-oriented and TL culture-oriented or rather, alienation and naturalization Foreignization and domestication

60 参考文献 Hawkes, D. 1973,1977,1980.The Story of The Stone. England: Penguin Books. Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang A Dream of Red Mansions. Beijing: Foreign Language Press. Schleiermacher, F On the Different Translation Methods. In D. Robinson (ed.). Western Translation History: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Venuti, L The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation. London & New York: Routledge.

61 包惠南:《文化语境与语言翻译》 毛荣贵:《新世纪大学英汉翻译教程》 陈宏薇/李亚丹:《新编汉英翻译教程》 郭著章:《英汉互译实用教程》[Z] 武汉大学出版社,1996 成昭伟 . 简明翻译教程. 国防工业出版社 ,2006 马祖毅 《中国翻译简史》中国对外翻译出版社 陈福康 《中国译学理论史稿》上海外语教育出版社

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