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如何向国际期刊和书籍投稿 Joy Qiao Marketing Executive

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Presentation on theme: "如何向国际期刊和书籍投稿 Joy Qiao Marketing Executive"— Presentation transcript:

1 如何向国际期刊和书籍投稿 Joy Qiao Marketing Executive
Emerald Group Publishing Limited Tel: I will be handing out memory sticks at the end of the presentation (show memory sticks) which contain a copy of this presentation so there is no need to take too many notes.

2 讲座目的 阐明出版流程 提供专业知识和Tips,使你获得更多的出版机会 其他学术合作,如:出版书评,成为Emerald主编 问答交流
分享您的体验 Aims of the session If there are any questions we cannot answer today, we will get the information to you as soon as possible after the session.

3 Emerald出版社 于1967年,在西约克郡的布拉德福成立 由专业学者成立 宗旨:为学术服务
Emerald Group Publishing - background Founded by academics, for academics. Moved into book publishing in 2007.

4 Emerald出版社全球代表处

5 Emerald资源 28个学科领域覆盖 250多种同行专家评审期刊, 240多种系列丛书 , 300 多种独立的工具书 电子数据库:Emerald Management eJournals , Emerald Management First 2010年拥有超过21,000,000文章下载量—每天50,000+ 15,000,000读者群 Full list of Emerald titles: 图书馆与信息研究 物流管理 商务管理 社会学 政策 教育学 会计与金融 工程学 人力资源管理 建筑环境 市场营销 经济学 健康护理管理 旅游管理

6 Emerald与百强商学院 超过90%的全球百强商学院已成为Emerald客户 全球百强商学院都拥有Emerald的作者
Over 90 of the FT top 100 business schools worldwide are Emerald customers 全球百强商学院都拥有Emerald的作者 We have authors from all of the FT top 100 business schools worldwide 2010年全球百强商学院下载Emerald文章1,400,000篇,平均每个 学校下载14,000 In 2010 the FT top 100 business schools worldwide downloaded Emerald articles 1.4m times – an average of 14,000 per school! 《金融时报》

7 Emerald被ISI收录的新刊 作为一个出版社,我们不断地与不同学科机构紧密合作,在创新性领域创办高质量的新刊。
Baltic Journal of Management (2006) Chinese Management Studies (2007) International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management (2009) China Agricultural Economic Review (2009)

8 Emerald出版理念 卓越的管理能够-必须-创造更好的世界 包容性、国际性、创新性、独立性 支持学术研究
致力于改善作者、读者和用户的使用经历 ‘Research you can use’ Emerald’s publishing philosophy Want to make the world better managed. Not exclusively ‘academic’ in focus but have always stressed the importance of research with practical application. Committed to improving author, reader and customer experience. That’s why I’m here today.

9 Part 1: 期刊出版 之一:论文准备

10 研究 期刊供应链和管理结构 读者 用户 作者 编辑 责任编辑 生产 高质量的文章 编委会和评审专家 征稿 评审 向同行推广期刊 参加会议
提出新研究领域 编辑和出版社的桥梁 帮助编辑履行职责 创建一流期刊 对期刊负全面责任 推广和营销 参加会议 处理生产问题 QA—修改、校对 为在线数据库转换为SGML 纸本制作 分销 价值增加 获取方式 图书馆 纸本 数据库 第三方 研究 Editorial supply chain and journal management structure: journals To demystify the publishing process: what happens to your paper after submission, so you know who to ask if there is a problem. Remember at all points in the chain there is a human being involved and you need to manage the people as much (if not more than) the manuscript itself (yes, even reviewers are human beings, although it doesn't always seem like it when reading their comments :-))

11 论文准备-如何着手? 与“传统”的研究一样…… 是否在撰写博士或硕士论文? 是否已经成功的完成了一项课题? 是否作过会议报告或提交会议论文?
是否对某个主题持有一定的观点? 是否遇到了无法解决的问题? 如果其中一项回答肯定,这些都将可以成为你的论文初稿。 Ideas: where to start Since you are here today, you are probably aware of the importance of getting published e.g. for your future academic career and to attract research funding, a higher salary. Getting published is an investment in your academic career. But where do you start? Is anyone working on a doctoral or masters thesis? Can get 2-3 papers out of a good PhD. MBAs can often lead to great papers because they are heavily based in the world of work, involve case studies: things people can learn from. Can be turned into a fantastic paper. Conference presentations often make very good papers, get feedback from your peers. You are doing all this work anyways so we want to help you to get papers out of it. No clear solution: Just because you don’t have the answer does not mean you cannot write about it or draw attention to the question, may lead to new research.

12 论文准备-如何选择期刊? ISI收录是选择期刊的重要条件,但也有其他可参考条件: 引用率 用量 相关读者群 最近出版的文章 社会性和国际性
可接受性 发行量 从征稿到出版时间 What should YOU be looking for We know what reviewers are looking for but what should you be looking for? Is there anyone here who has not heard of Thomson Reuters ISI? It’s a journal ranking system devised to measure the quality of journals based on citations. It is not the only system but it’s an important one; influences how university funding is allocated. Emerald work with ISI and acknowledge their importance and many of our journals are ISI-ranked. However, there are other ways of ranking journals. Can’t tell you where to publish but can tell you what to consider. Depends on where you want to work, some universities want you to publish in specific journals, in ISI ranked journals, may want you to publish one article in a top ranked journal or 5 in any journal. Be political and strategic about where to submit your article.

13 论文准备-如何避免初审被拒 “许多论文被拒绝仅仅因为这些文章不符合刊物的基本要求。 甚至有些文章还没进入评审阶段就被退稿了。”
结合实际,选出准备投稿的现实目标期刊。 阅读作者指南,包括选题范围、文章类型、长度、参考文献格式等。 通过刊物或期刊网站,了解如何投稿,明确论文的提交方式,以邮件的方式或是纸本的方式。 在图书馆找到这份期刊,并至少阅读其中的一期。 提交大纲或摘要 附covering letter-这是直接与主编对话的机会,表明投稿人文章对该刊的重要性。 Target! Be realistic – you may not get published in a top journal straight away Cover letter: Mention your research area and track record; the main findings of your research; the significance of your research.

14 Emerald作者指南 每本刊都有详细的作者指南 Author guidelines
Can be found on the journal website or in a hardcopy of the journal.

15 举例:Covering letter 如果相关,covering letter应该包括2条有效信息:
陈述为什么要向这本期刊投稿,如果您的文章与众不同,或者超出了期刊的范围 阐述与文章主题相似的已在其他期刊上发表的文章,并表明是否在该文中引其作参考文献 恰当的covering letter应如此表述: I am submitting this article to Journal of Documentation. You will see that it deals with public library management, which I appreciate is outside JDoc's normal scope. However, it focuses on the novel application of a theoretical model to the topic, and hence I think it is appropriate for JDoc. I am submitting an article with a similar title to 'Public Library Journal'. However, that article gives a series of case studies, rather than describing and applying the model, and so is quite distinct from the paper submitted here. I can send a copy of the PLJ paper if required. “BAD” covering letter: I am sending this article for you to publish in Journal of Documentation, after your editorial amendments. I have chosen JDoc to publish this paper, as it is a high-impact and well-regarded journal.

16 论文准备-可能的合作 怎样找到合作者? 导师或同事 会议参会人员 期刊作者 Emerald学者网络平台 优势: 第一作者
显示研究的权威性与严谨性 对跨学科研究有特殊作用 Co-authorship as a possibility Co-authorship is often a good opportunity for first-time authors. Adds value and weight to the paper, can draw on a variety of strengths, cross-disciplinary. Three caveats: 1) People have different writing styles and may even contradict each other: make sure the paper reads as a whole and as one voice, there are no conflicting statements of duplications. 2) Do not have to share the work evenly. Instead, play to your individual strengths: one author might be better at data analysis, one a better writer. Let the statistician do the stats! 3) Agree and clarify order of appearance of authors. Very important since this cannot be changed after publication. Decide on who should be the corresponding author: should be the person quickest to reply to s. There is always something that needs clarifying e.g. missing reference, copyright etc. If it takes three weeks for you to reply, the publication of your paper will be delayed. The quicker the publisher receives a reply, the quicker you paper will get published.

17 合作注意事项 确保文章观点一致 发挥个人优势 确认作者的顺序,以及通讯联络人 合理分配工作 确认领导者 扩展个人工作

18 论文准备-了解编辑和审稿人对文章的要求 与期刊的编辑方针和选题范围是否契合 理论与实践的意义 原创性:在主题、方法、结论等方面有新的见解
相关性:拓展现有的知识 研究方法:方法是否正确,结论是否客观合理 论证过程的合理性和逻辑性 是否参考最新的文献及其相关性如何 文章的语言表述、结构和内容是否清晰和谐统一 What makes a good paper? What are editors and reviewers looking for? Perhaps the most important slide. If you go by the rule, you will forget about 80% of what I tell you today. Try to keep this slide in the 20% bracket. Many of these 10 points can make or break your chances of having your paper accepted. Reviewers will use a checklist of criteria based on these factors and will tick off whether your paper meets these factors and indicate where there are problems. 1) Your paper should have something new to say, take the body of knowledge somewhere new. Top thing reviewers look for! 2) It should refer to and relate to other recent research; demonstrate you know the stand of existing research and that your work builds on it. 3) The methodology should be clear so that conclusions can be assessed and validated. This is the method I used and these are the conclusions I can reasonable expect to see; don’t try to change the world from a study of 20 people. 4) The paper has to communicate well – clear structure, sensible headings, avoid undue repetition, short, concrete sentences, easy to read etc. Say what you are going to say, say it, say what you have said. Introduction, research methodology, results, conclusion and discussion. 5) Build up your case logically. 6) Emphasise the “so what” factors i.e. the importance / impact of your findings, implications for future research. 7) References should be complete, accurate, recent and relevant. 8) Internationality does NOT mean writing only about international issues. It means readers might want to use your methodology for conducting research on e.g. HR in the UK to examine issues in their own region. 9) Be absolutely sure your paper meets the journal’s editorial scope and objectives. Get lots of papers from people who don’t do this, one of the main reasons why papers are rejected. Get access to a copy of the journal beforehand, make sure your paper meets the requirements. Don’t just look at the title Supply Chain Management and think oh my article is on supply chain management I’ll send it there. Read the scope and a copy of the journal. You might have a fantastic case study but SCM doesn’t take case studies. Not everyone will have the time to reply and explain the correct process. 10) Don’t underestimate the importance of title, abstract and keywords. More on this later. More information on the memory stick: Slide on common feedback from reviewers

19 论文准备-把握剽窃与参考的度 剽窃一词来源于拉丁语“plagium”意为绑架,是一种窃取他人成果为己所用的行为,被认为是欺骗。
同行评审很难发现剽窃,但是Emerald有自己的应对剽窃政策 Emerald所有的文章都被纳入艾柏拉当公司在线工具iThenticate, 其对互联网和数以百万计的出版物进行搜索,以判别文章是否属抄 袭,哪怕抄袭内容短到只有8个词,它也能查出来。 更多信息请关注:

20 论文准备-了解版权知识 作为作者,在提交原稿前,您必须保证拥有使用未创造出的内容许可权。否则,会延误论文发表时间
提交文稿时要附文章版权书面说明材料 许可没有解除,我们不会再版任何具体内容 更多版权信息 As the author, you need to ensure that you get permission to use content you have not created as soon s your paper has been accepted The publisher of the original content needs to know print runs, pagination etc This includes e.g. tables, figures, illustrations, photographs and more Supply written confirmation from the copyright holder when submitting your manuscript Failing to do so exposes you to potential legal risks If you have any doubts whether or to clear permission or not, do so! Better safe than sorry Copyright holders who do not mind their work being reused will only be too happy to grant permission and will appreciate being asked If permission cannot be cleared, we cannot republish that specific content You probably would not appreciate your work being reused without your knowledge or permission

21 论文准备-怎样提高文章的电子搜索率 标题:简短、充分、描述性语言 摘要:包含主要关键词的简短介绍 关键词:少用艰涩的新术语
参考文件:完整、正确 How to increase electronic dissemination Electronic use: Increasingly where your usage and citations come from; most things are read online. How to increase the chances of your paper being found / read / cited more widely / have more impact. The better the title and the abstract, the greater the chance of your article being read online. Remember your own “Google behaviour”. Use a short but descriptive titles, make sure people will understand what the paper is about. Don’t try to be too clever e.g. if it’s about marketing strategy and prioritizing, don’t call it ‘Putting the cart before the horse’ as no-one will find it except some bewildered agricultural student. 2) Choose 5-6 broad but relevant keywords that accurately describe your paper. Don’t make up new terms. Increases the chance of your paper being found by users searching the database. Also: Complete and correct references. The electronic environment has made it easier to both commit and detect plagiarism so very important to make correct attributions.

22 论文准备- Emerald结构性文摘
Purpose 目的 Design/methodology/approach 方法论 Findings 结果 Research limitations/implications (选择性的) 研究局限性 Practical implications (选择性的) 实用价值 Social implications (选择性的) 社会应用性 Originality/value 原创性/意义 Emerald has introduced structured abstracts The abstract sells your article to the editor or reader. Emerald: Have introduced structured abstracts. To help you think about the right things when writing your paper. To sell your paper. Editors: Busy, do not want to read an entire article when deciding if it is suitable for their journal. Online: The abstract is often all a reader will see until they pay for the article. Unlikely to go further if the abstract doesn’t tell them clearly what the paper is about. But a good abstract will make them want to read the full-text article. Make sure that you are clear, honest, concise and have covered all the major points. No more than 250 words using these six sub-headings. (1) Purpose – aims of the research? Why write the paper? (2) Design – or methodology or approach (3) Findings – what were the main results? (4) Research limitations/implications (if applicable) – where should the research go after this or what needs to change in the method (5) Practical implications (if applicable) – of what value is this in practice? Do the “so what?” test. (6) Social implications (if applicable) – Impact on society/policy (new 2009) (7) Originality/value – this is critical. How does your research add to the body of knowledge? What is its value in this context? Purpose, design, findings and originality/value are compulsory. Forces you to focus on the key issues that matter. Delete headings and you have a fantastic abstract that can be used any where

23 结构性文摘举例 Milorad M. Novicevic, Mario Hayek, Tony Fang, (2011) "Integrating Barnard's and contemporary views of industrial relations and HRM", Journal of Management History, Vol. 17 Iss: 1, pp Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to juxtapose the contemporary views of industrial relations (IR) and human resource management (HRM) with the ideas expressed by Chester Barnard. Design/methodology/approach – The paper analyzes Chester Barnard's views along the four premises that underlie contemporary perspectives on the fields of IR and HRM. Findings – Barnard's main points: that sincerity and honesty of management is crucial to developing an individual employee's will to collaborate, and that collective cooperation is superior to collective bargaining are found to resonate well with the contemporary views and provide a clear indication for Barnard's preference of human resource perspective to the IR perspective. Practical implications – This paper provides Barnard's practical insights into why managing IR and HR by policies leads to poor management. Originality/value – This paper is the first to recognize Barnard's unique contribution to contemporary perspectives on IR and HRM disciplines. Keywords: Employee relations, Human resource management, Industrial relations, Organizations

24 之二:论文评审

25 “A knew research methodology introduced in 2007…”
论文评审-自我评审 仔细检查文章,不要有拼写错误和不完整的参考文献。没有万无一失的拼写检查工具。 我们很难发现自己文章的不足之处,让其他人来阅读你的文章——将你的文稿送给一个或几个朋友、同事或其他人,征求他们对文章的意见、建议和批评。 Your own peer review We are always TOO close to our own work to see its failings. Our sub-editors and proof-readers NEVER receive a perfect paper. You will look at your paper over and over again but you will miss errors. Yet the guy at the next desk will spot it straight away. Check your figures – do they add up, include a note if you have rounded them up. Read and re-read your paper for typos. A lot of proofreading is done by people who are not subject specialists; won’t necessarily spot any errors. Writers should ask not only the principal investigator to view drafts, but also every co-author, as well as fellow students or postdocs, and colleagues outside the immediate field of research. Lead authors should give co-authors set deadlines of 10 days to two weeks to suggest changes. Experienced authors counsel letting the draft sit for a few days before reading it with fresh eyes to catch mistakes or problems in flow. Blumberg prefers to read drafts aloud with his students to spot errors. At a minimum run your paper through a computer spell-checker but don’t rely on it. E.g. we published this as the affiliation of one of our book reviewers; he used spell check and so did we! Spot the error: “A knew research methodology introduced in 2007…”

26 论文评审- 时刻表-从提交到初次反馈 从提交到收到初次反馈:3-3.5月 1周-主编确定该文章主题和研究方法是否符合该期刊
1周-主编确定并联系2个评审员 6-8周-评审员完成评审 2周-主编评估评审员的评论和推荐,做出决定 从提交到收到初次反馈:3-3.5月 This slide helps to show what exactly happens to the paper following submission. It helps to explain why it can take months before an author gets feedback from first review!

27 论文评审- 主编的回复 投稿人可能会收到如下三种回复之一: Accept-接受 Reject-拒绝 Revise-修改

28 论文评审-拒稿的原因 未遵从投稿说明- 作者指南 缺乏适用性,跟所投期刊内容不符 质量问题- 不恰当的方法论,不合理不严谨,文章过长等
贡献不足- 没有拓展该领域的研究,对现有研究的微小延伸

29 如果文章被拒绝 摆正心态 在商业和管理领域至少有50%的稿件会被拒绝。每位作者至少都会有一次退稿经历。
摆正心态 在商业和管理领域至少有50%的稿件会被拒绝。每位作者至少都会有一次退稿经历。 询问原因 仔细倾听 大多数的编辑都会对退稿给出详细的意见,认真的倾听编辑的陈述。 再试一次 完善稿件,投给其它相关的目标期刊 被拒稿的积极因素: 得到鼓励,继续提高稿件质量 宝贵的投稿经历,更多了解系统流程

30 论文评审- 修改要求 Good news!-收到修改要求 你的文章已经进入出版流程。几乎每一篇已经发表的论文至少要修改一次。 不要焦虑。
即使评论是尖锐的,令人沮丧的,不要有情绪,这些评论不是针对个人的。 “Stephen Wojjtal likes to let reviews sit for a week to let his blood pressure return to normal”. Revising A request for revision really is good news. You are now in the publishing cycle. Editors and reviewers will not request a revision unless they genuinely think your paper is right for the journal. Remember that nearly every published paper is revised at least once, even those by the most distinguished academics. Incorporating feedback and improving quality is after all what the peer review process is all about. Remember the comments are not personal, particularly not in blind peer- reviewed journals. If your paper is rejected Most importantly – keep at it!! At least 50 per cent of papers in business and management do not get published and everybody has been rejected once. It is hard, but try not to take it personally or be so discouraged that you don’t try again. Keep trying. The reviewer or editor comments should give you the information you need to strengthen the weak areas of the paper. Ask for reasons if they are not immediately forthcoming. There are hundreds of other journals out there – you can always re-submit to another journal. Read the Author Guidelines and adjust your paper accordingly.

31 论文评审-如何修改你的论文? 联系编辑,明确修改的期限 如果对评审意见有疑问,要同编辑确认你的理解是否正确
征求同事或合作者的意见,对要求修改的部分进行完善 保证在规定时间内完成修改 在修改稿前附一封信,逐条说明修改结果,如果没有修改也要说明理由 How to revise your paper Acknowledge the editor and set a revision deadline If you are unsure about any of the comments, seek clarification. If you disagree with them, say so and give good reasons explaining why you do not think a change is necessary. But try not to take a defensive position, treat comments objectively. Covering letter explaining clearly what revisions were requested and how you addressed each point, ideally providing specific page numbers. Makes life a lot easier for the editor.

32 举例:同意主编修改意见的回复 Dear Editor,
Let us open by thanking the two reviewers for their insightful comments. They gave us clear guidance and some positive critiques. Following their suggestions, we spent more time reading and came to the revision process better prepared. We enjoyed the process and think that the reviewers’ comments have tremendously affected the revised draft. Both reviewers should now clearly see the difference they made to the revised manuscript. In the following lines we detail the changes in line with the reviewers’ comments. 

 Reviewer: 1 
 Again, we would like to express our appreciation for your extremely thoughtful suggestions. As you will see below we have been able to revise and improve the paper as a result of your valuable feedback. 

 You highlighted that we did not spend enough time discussing the implications of our arguments for current understandings of Drucker’s work. We agree with your suggestion and have added in two additional paragraphs in the conclusion (p.30-1), and a few comments within the paper (i.e p.11), that are devoted to outlining the implications of our analysis. We have kept our discussion brief to ensure we maintain the commitment to the appropriate page and word length, but what we do outline should make clear what this perspective on Drucker makes relevant for management practitioners and scholars alike. Identifying the reviewers comments point by point as per the example makes the reviewer and editors life a lot easier and gets you on their good side straight away. It will save the reviewers a lot of time as they will not have to search for the changes you have made. This will mean that the decision as to whether your article has been published can be made quicker and will mean your article is published faster. The memory stick includes an example of how to address a comment which you do not agree with (see Covering Letter.docx in the Get published support folder)

33 成功发表-期刊稿件录用流程 Process of acceptance for a journal – just one example This slide shows the acceptance rates of just one of our journals. Approximately 30 per cent of papers received by the editor are published. I think the saddest figure there is the 16% withdrawn by the authors. It’s very likely those papers would have been published if the authors had persevered with the revisions. Very, very few are rejected at the final hurdle. Accept that a second or third revision may be needed; still much better than a rejection. “In all the years I have been an editor I have not accepted a single paper on first submission.” Typical editor comment

34 Part 2: 书籍出版 If publishing a journal article is not enough for you, maybe if you have written or are about to complete a PhD thesis, then you might be thinking about writing a book. The following slides will give you some further ideas about the book publishing process. Bear in mind that a lot of the information given in the previous slides also applies to book publishing e.g. in relation to plagiarism, copyright or co-authorship. But here is some additional information specifically referring to books.

35 Commissioning Editor /ACE
书籍供应链和管理结构 Volume Editor / Series Editor Commissioning Editor /ACE Production Users Research Collates quality research papers Identifies and develops new areas of coverage The link between the publisher series editor/ volume editor / author Overall responsibility for on-schedule publication of the book Promotion and marketing Attends conferences Deals with production queries Typesetting Copy-editing Proofs Print Despatch Libraries University Adoptions Sales Agents Researchers Practitioners

36 建议书 书/系列书在提交给出版社之前要有详细的建议书,该建议书包括: 为什么该书/系列书与其他书籍不同? 为什么要出版该书?
你怎么获得编写此书的资格? A book proposal form can be found on the memory stick.

37 寻找合适的出版社 把你的建议书定位在出版过类似书籍的出版社,该出版社: 出版你研究领域内的书籍吗? 出版相同类型的书籍吗?

38 怎样设计好的建议书? 出版的基本理念-填充市场空白? 该书/系列书是否有国际适用性和影响? 编辑范围和覆盖面有哪些?
与竞争者比有何优势-独特的卖点是什么? 目标受众是谁? 覆盖哪些研究领域、研究者的数量及分布? 在哪里、怎样推广此书? 在竞争者中,此书的地位? 更多详细信息:online

39 时刻表-提交建议书之后 提交建议书之后 评审员调查市场需求和竞争对手情况 评估出版社内部的出版计划和战略 同领域内的外部专家评审
3-6个月之间 一旦完成,确定是否出版该书

40 怎样推广你的作品? Why? 增加个人影响力 吸引合作者和资金 发掘新的机会,如:媒体界 How?
用互联网,如邮件、新闻稿、签名中的文章链接 联系你熟知的作者 利用你的媒体技巧和品牌形象 让出版社提供书和期刊的宣传单页 For both books and journals: How to promote your work Emerald encourages authors to spell out the practical implications of their work. Should be of interest to a great many kinds of people – managers, policy makers, the media, key influencers able to act on the implications of your research. It can also greatly increase your profile and that of your work and lead to attracting collaborators and funding or new opportunities for you e.g. in consulting or the media. 1. Use your network to spread the word about your latest research. Books: Ask colleagues to review your work e.g. on Amazon. 2. Issue your own press releases either yourself or via your institution / department. 3. Join the debate. Engage with peers in your subject area; participate in online discussion forums, listservs, etc. 4. Inform any professional bodies of which you are a member; contact their press or media relations department. 5. Contact the authors in your reference list. Tell them that you have referred to their work - they may want to read (and cite!) your article. 6. Build your own brand image e.g. via your own website. List and link to your publications. Use an Emerald Literati Network logo. Include a press release section. Link to the article in your signature. 8. Call a meeting – discuss your findings with the people best placed to promote your work. 9. Hone your media skills e.g. by attending a workshop. Successful promotion and media handling will attract a lot of attention to yourself and possibly your colleagues; make sure that you are well prepared! 10. Ask the publisher to provide you with book or journal leaflets which you can take to conferences and events or display on your office door.

41 其他学术合作机会 您感兴趣的其他重要的出版工作包括: 撰写书评 审稿、同行评审工作 评审委员会成员身份 特约主编 区域主编 担任主编
如果您对出版书籍,系列书和期刊感兴趣,请联系: Beyond authorship Various benefits as well as enhancing your status, allowing you to keep up to date with key developments in your discipline. Opportunity to build a network of peers around the globe.

42 Emerald提供的其他支持

43 Emerald对作者的支持 1 专门的编辑与作者支持岗位人员 高质量的编辑和出版服务
Emerald Literati Network拥有90,000成员 期刊 未出版文章的网络版 方便的在线提交系统 赠送1本纸本刊和5本抽印本 在线资源 Emerald supporting authors Benefits of publishing with Emerald: We genuinely value and support authors EarlyCite: Online pre-publication access to articles means people will read (and cite!) your work earlier. - Online Scholar One submission process. - Complimentary journal issue and five reprints of your article upon publication. - Liberal copyright policy. We do not restrict or remove your right to use your own work. Emerald Literati Network, over 80,000 authors. We donate much of our copyright revenue to the research community through Research Fund Awards and Doctoral Research Awards aimed at helping young researchers at the beginning of their academic careers. 对研究人员 对作者 写作指南 How to… guides 优秀博士论文奖 Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards 研究基金奖 Research Fund Awards 作者指南 How to… guides 主编访谈和主编新闻 Meet the Editor interviews and Editor news 编辑服务 Editing service 杰出文章奖 Annual Awards for Excellence 征稿信息和出版信息 Calls for Papers and news of publishing opportunities

44 Emerald对作者的支持 2 书-市场推广计划包括: 邮件newsletter 印刷的单页和小册子 媒体、期刊广告 会议推广

45 其他有用资源 (ISI ranking lists and impact factors) (Anne-Wil Harzing's site about academic publishing and the assessment of research and journal quality, as well as software to conduct citation analysis) (abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources) (addresses, phone, and websites for a large number of journals as well as information on publication guidelines and review information) (a general resource for academic writers, designed primarily with international students whose first language is not English in mind) (impact toolkit) What do you use?

46 Talk to us, use us! 欢迎您赐稿! For any answers you didn’t get today (or were too shy to ask) … Joy Tel: Talk to us, use us! Use Emerald resources, give us feedback using the online form (link on the memory stick), talk to us. Tell us how we can help you and, above all, write for us!

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