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Processes in Procurement

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1 Processes in Procurement
LO020 Processes in Procurement Processes in Procurement 采购与库存管理

2 Index / 目录 1 2 3 4 5 Organization Structure / 组织结构 Master Data / 基础数据
Business Processes / 业务过程 4 Reporting and Imformation system 统计与分析报表 5 Summary / 总结

3 Storage Location / 存储地点
Organizational Levels in the Procurement Process 采购与库存管理的组织结构 Client 集团公司 Company Code / 公司代码 Plant / 工厂 Storage Location / 存储地点 Purchasing Organization / 采购组织 Purchasing Group / 采购组

4 AMECO Organization Structure / 组织结构
Client/集团公司:900 Company Code/公司代码:AME Plant/工厂:AME/CCA/TRD/FRT Storage Loc/库存地点:RECV/BOEG/…. Purchasing Org./采购组织:AME Purchasing Grp./采购组:SM1/RC1/RP1/….

5 AMECO Organization Structure / 组织结构
采购组织 AME 信息记录 合同 集中采购 AME工厂采购组:SM1… AMECO:AME CCA工厂采购组:RC2… Air China:CCA/FRT TRD工厂采购组:RC3… Third Party:TRD 货位 B01-01 B01-02 存储地 RECV 存储地 BOEG 在途存储地 TRANSIT 存储地 RECV 存储地 BOEG

6 Index / 目录 1 2 3 4 5 Organization Structure / 组织结构 Master Data / 基础数据
Business Processes / 业务过程 4 Reporting and Imformation system 统计与分析报表 5 Summary / 总结

7 Material Material Vendor Vendor master master recd recd master recd
Master Data in the Procurement Process 采购过程的主数据 Purchase order / 采购订单 Header/抬头 Items/项目 10 __________ 20 __________ 30 __________ Material Material Vendor Vendor master master recd recd master recd master recd 物料主数据 供应商主记录 Purchasing info record 采购信息记录

8 Material Master Data / 物 料主数据
采购数据 / Purchasing Basic data / 基础数据 Pc Materials planning / 计划数据 销售分销数据 / S&D t Stocks in Work A B plant/storage loc . Material Material 加工数据 / scheduling 库存数据 master record master record Quality Accounting / 财务数据 质量管理数据 / management Storage / 存储数据 预测数据 / Forecasting Warehouse Mgmt / 仓库管理数据 分类数据 / Classification

9 Organizational Levels 组织结构
Material Master: 物料主数据 Organizational Levels 组织结构 Data that is valid for the whole company: 全公司有效的数据 For example, material no., material short text, material group, base and alternative units of measure, ... 例如物料编码,描述,物料分组和计量单位等内容 Data that is valid within one plant: (工厂级有效的数据) For example, purchasing data, MRP data, forecasting data, work scheduling data, 如采购数据,MRP数据,预测数据等 Data that is valid for one storage location: (存储地点级有效的数据) For example, storage bin description, picking area, ... 如存储仓位,拣配数据等

10 Organizational Levels 组织结构
Vendor Master Record: 供应商主数据: Organizational Levels 组织结构 General data 一般数据 Purchasing and accounting data can be maintained centrally or independently of Purchasing Accounting data 财务数据 each other 可以集中或分散维护 organization data 采购数据

11 Vendor Master Data (供应商主数据)
Purchasing organization Data / 采购组织数据 Purchasing data / 采购数据 Partner roles / 合作伙伴 Company code data / 公司代码数据 Account management / 财务管理 Payment transactions / 付款交易 Correspondence / 通讯方式 Withholding tax / 税金 General data / 一般数据 Address, communication, / 地址,通讯数据 control data, bank details / 控制数据与银行数据 Euro check Vendor master record 供应商主记录

12 Vendor / 供应商类型: Material Type/ 材料类型:
Master Data in the Procurement Process 采购过程的主数据 Vendor / 供应商类型: Domestic Vendor / 国内供应商 Overseas Vendor / 国外供应商 One-time Vendor / 一次性供应商 Forwarder Agent / 承运商 Material Type/ 材料类型: Expendable Parts / 生产用消耗件 Repairable Parts / 维修件 Rotable Parts / 周转件 Service Materials / 服务结算物料 Package Parts / 包装件 Consumable Parts / 非生产用消耗件(办公/劳保/基建)

13 Index / 目录 1 2 3 4 5 Organization Structure / 组织结构 Master Data / 基础数据
Business Processes / 业务过程 4 Reporting and Imformation system 统计与分析报表 5 Summary / 总结

14 Procurement Cycle / 采购主流程
Purch. req. Payment processing / 付款处理 8 8 1 1 Determination of reqmts / 需求确定 Invoice Purch. ord. ? ? 10 20 2 2 Source determination / 货源确定 7 7 Invoice verification / 发票校验 30 Procurement Procurement 6 Goods receipt / 收货 6 Purchase 3 3 Vendor selection / 供应商选择 order 10 20 30 5 5 PO monitoring / 采购跟踪 4 4 PO processing / 采购处理

15 Purchase Order / 采购订单 Purchasing 采购 Vendor / 供应商 Other plant / 其他工厂
Requisition 采购申请 Purchase Order 采购订单 RFQ 询价单 Other plant / 其他工厂 Master data 主数据 Master data

16 Purchase Order / 采购订单 PO history for item 20: PO history for item 20:
Manual / 手工 PO history for item 20: 项目20的采购历史 PO history for item 20: Quotation / 报价 Purchase order 采购订单 Goods receipt / 收货: 10 20 ... 10 pcs of SL-01 Jan 5 PCs ... Jan 3 PCs ... 30 Purchase Jan 2 PCs ... Requisition 采购申请 . . . . . . . . . Invoice receipt / 发票: Jan 10 pcs ... Reference 其他参考

17 Purchase Order Format / 采购订单结构
Header data / 抬头数据 Header data Purchase order 采购订单 Document number / 凭证号 l l Vendor / 供应商 Payment conditions / 付款条件 l Purchase order date / 订单日期 l Currency / 货币 l ... l Item: Item: 10 / 项目10 10 Item: Item: 20 / 项目20 20 Item: Item: 30 / 项目30 30 Material number / 物料号 Delivery date / 交货日期 l l Short text / 描述 l PO price / 价格 Order quantity / 数量 l ... l l

18 Goods Receipt / 收货 GR area 收货区 GR area Purchase Order 采购订单 Material
Ext . vendor or other plant 外部供应商或其他工厂 GR area 收货区 GR area Purchase Order 采购订单 Material Accounting Document 物料凭证 document(s) 财务凭证

19 Goods Receipt for Stock Material / 库存材料收货
Purchase Order / 采购订单 Item / 项目: 1 2 3 Goods receipt / 收货 Warehouse / 仓库 Vendor / 供应商 GR slip Printout 打印 物料挂签 1 ______ (optional) (optional) 2 ______ 3 ______

20 Invoice Processing / 发票处理
Master data 主数据 Master data Invoice verification 发票校验 Invoice Document 发票记录 Payment Payment Invoice 发票 Invoice Program 付款流程 program Purchase Mat. doc. for Order 采购订单 goods receipt 收货凭证

21 ? Invoice Verification with Reference to PO 采购订单的发票处理
Purchase order no. 采购订单号 Purchase order no. PO / 采购订单 Invoice / 发票 Delivery note number 交货单号 Item: Item: 1 __________ Delivery note number 1 __________ ? 2 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 3 __________ AirWayBill number 运单号 Bill of lading number

22 MRO Key Material Management Topics 飞机维修相关的特殊物料管理
Rotable control / 周转件控制 Parts Exchange / 部件互换 Parts Refurbishment / 部件内修 Stock Parts Usability Handling (New, Serviceable, Unserviceable) 库存件的可用性处理(新购、可用、不可用) Parts Management / 部件管理 Serial number tracking / tracing (序号跟踪与追踪) Manufacturer part number / 制造商件号 Enhanced inventory management for batch and serial no controlling. 增强开发了针对批次与序号控制的库存管理 Pooled stock (airline alliance partners) (共享库存) Customer specific stock (客户所有库存) Goods Receipt AirwayBill,Inspection and Quarantine handling 收料的运单,检验以及差异的处理 Interchangeability of parts and Manufacturers Part Number vendor materials are often interchangeable, MPN number has to be displayed materials planning has to take interchangeability into account Lifecycle control for serialized items (Rotables) full life-cycle recording and control of serialized parts planning of Repair Orders Condition Handling (New, Serviceable, Unserviceable) Particular Stock types Pooled stock (airline alliance partners) Customer specific stock

23 Parts Management - Process / 部件管理 - 流程
Order creation 创建修理单 Material reservatn. 物料预留 MRP flag 物料需求计划标识 Resource planning 资源计划 Non stock/ Service requests 非库存服务请求 MRP 物料需求计划 Material provision 备料 Purchase order, requisition 采购申请/订单 Purchase Requisition 采购申请 Order processing 订单执行 Material issue 发料 Approval Purchase order 采购订单审批 Order completion 订单完成 Inspection/ Goods receipt 检验/收料 Invoice receipt 发票校验 Maintenance 维修 Stores / stock 存储/库存 Material require- ments planning 物料需求计划 Procurement 采购

24 Rotable Management : Process / 周转件管理流程
Aircraft Stock 库存 Procurement 采购 Scrap 报废 Serviceable 可用件 Unserviceable 不可用件 In-house Repair / 内修 Subcontracting/转包

25 Subcontracting Process / 送修件转包流程
Removal of part / 拆卸不可用件 Shipment of part / 送修发运 Subcontractor 转包 Warehouse 仓库 Replacement part / 安装可用件 Return of serviced part / 送修件收货 Rotable exchange process 周转件替换过程 Subcontracting process 外包送修过程

26 Pooling Management : Process Overview / 共用件管理流程概览
Aircraft Lease Parts 借入部件 Loan Parts 借出部件 Stock 库存 Purchasing, Pooling of components e.g. Pooling of components Vendor 供应商 Customer 客户 Serviceable 可用件 Unserviceable 不可用件 In-house Repair /内修 Subcontracting / 转包

27 Customer stock – Process / 客户库存 - 流程概览
Install in Aircraft or Component 安装到飞机 Remove from Aircraft or Component 从飞机上拆卸 Customer Aircraft or Component Receipt from customer 客户部件入库 Dispatch to customer 退货给客户 Customer stock / 客户库存 Serviceable Unserviceable Customer Customer Move to/from Hangar/ Workshop 转储到/从车间 Send to Subcontractor 发运到修理商 In-house Repair Subcontracting

28 Index / 目录 1 2 3 4 5 Organization Structure / 组织结构 Master Data / 基础数据
Business Processes / 业务过程 4 Reporting and Imformation system 统计与分析报表 5 Summary / 总结

29 Standard Reporting / 标准报表
Purchase order GR doc. Document Document Database 凭证数据库 database List / 清单 Invoice Document entry 输入凭证 Material Material Vendor Vendor Info records 材料供应商记录 Info records ..... ..... Master data / 主数据

30 Scope of List and Selection Parameters / 选择参数
Description of scope of list ALL All : : : : BEST Purchase orders : : : : : : : : Vendor T-L05B03 RAHM Outline agreements Purch . organization 1000 Scope of list BEST Selection parameters INVOICE Document type SelParam Descript . Selection parameters Purchasing group A-ERLEDIGT Completed RFQs Plant 1000 : : : INVOICE Open invoices Item category : : : Acct assgmt cat. : : : Open goods receipt GR 101 Delivery date Validity key date

31 From Document to Analysis / 凭证分析
Purch . ord / 采购订单 . Material: M-01 Vendor: 1000 PO date: May 15, 98 Month: May 98 Vendor PO value 10 pcs M-01 at 1100 UNI 1000 11 000 1100 13 000 10 pcs M-02 at 1000 UNI Vendor: 1000 Month: May 98 Material PO value Info structure M-01 11 000 in Purchasing 采购信息系统 M-02 30 000 Vendor Material Month PO val . 1000 M-01 05.98 11 000 1000 M-02 05.98 30 000 1100 M-01 05.98 13 000

32 Reporting in Standard Analyses / 信息系统中的标准报表
Functions / 功能 l ABC analysis / ABC分析 Classification / 分类 Dual classification/ 双重分类 Pld act. Comparison / 计划实际比较 Cum. freq . curve Correlation/相互关系 Time series/时间序列 Additional information Master data Documents Info jump Purchasing group: Morgan Vendor: Smith Ltd Month PO value 25 000 35 000 20 000 30 000 Vendor Inv . amnt 60 000 40 000 50 000 Purchasing group analysis 90 000 Drill down by vendor Purchasing group period Miller Russell Data selection Multiple selection Self-defined hierarchies Selection options Variants 数据选择 多选 自定义结构 变式等 其他信息 主数据 凭证 按供应商细分 按期间细分

33 Index / 目录 1 2 3 4 5 Organization Structure / 组织结构 Master Data / 基础数据
Business Processes / 业务过程 4 Reporting and Imformation system 统计与分析报表 5 Summary / 总结

34 Exercise:练习 Create Standard purchase order创建标准采购订单
Process goods receipt处理收货 Check invoice for the GR查看收货发票 Check PO history 查看采购订单的历史记录

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