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Benjamin Clarke( 本杰明·克拉科)

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1 Benjamin Clarke( 本杰明·克拉科)
如何与不同文化背景的客户沟通 主讲人 Benjamin Clarke( 本杰明·克拉科)

2 培训师 简介 对不同地区的文化有深入的了解 有着丰富的教育研究资历 本杰明·克拉克先生于1967年出生在美国,通晓英语、
熟练掌握了5种语言 本杰明·克拉克先生于1967年出生在美国,通晓英语、 拉丁语、法语和西班牙语,近年来又开始学习中文。 对不同地区的文化有深入的了解 本杰明·克拉克先生成长于典型的英美基督教文化地区,年轻时开始研究中东文化,在法国巴黎工作、生活期间关注欧洲文化,对美洲文化也有着深入地了解。最近,他来到中国,对中国的哲学、医学及武术颇感兴趣。 有着丰富的教育研究资历 ——曾在密西根州卡拉马祖学院 、巴黎第四大学和哥伦比亚波哥大教育大学学习,最终获得硕士学位。 ——曾在美国、法国等地任教、现在中国温州大学作英语研究员。

3 Three Sayings and How They Reveal Western Customers’
Overcoming Cultural and Linguistic Barriers through Understanding: 通过理解克服文化语言屏障: Three Sayings and How They Reveal Western Customers’ Culture and Expectations. 三句谚语及其如何 显示西方客户的文化和期望。 By Benjamin Clarke English Language Fellow 本杰明·克拉科 英国语言研究员

4 When you think of “Western Culture” what do you think of ?

5 What countries represent “Western Culture” in your mind?

6 For you, what country most represents Western Culture? Why?

7 “Western Culture” is very complex and difficult to define.

8 “Western Culture” comes from the connection of many world cultures!

9 要理解西方顾客的期望,我们如何知道从哪里开始研究?
How do we know where to begin our search for understanding about Western customers’ cultural expectations? 要理解西方顾客的期望,我们如何知道从哪里开始研究?

10 We will first narrow our search by focusing on some sayings that are popular in North America.

11 我们将像考古学家利用古代器具一样来使用这些流行的美国谚语。它们将把我们和西方文化的历史连接起来。
We will use these popular American sayings like an archeologist uses ancient artifacts. They will help connect us to the history of Western Culture. 我们将像考古学家利用古代器具一样来使用这些流行的美国谚语。它们将把我们和西方文化的历史连接起来。

12 The Importance of Popular Sayings and Proverbs: 流行的谚语和箴言的重要性:
Sayings are born out of the history of a culture and they can tell us something about that history. Popular sayings are a part of a typical person’s thinking process. By knowing the popular sayings of a culture we might be able to guess something about the thoughts of a person from that culture. 谚语产生于一种文化的历史,它们能告诉我们一些与历史有关的东西。 流行的谚语是一个典型的人思想过程的一部分。 通过了解一种文化里流行的谚语,我们也许能够推测来自于这种文化背景的人的想法。

13 “The customer is king.” Elitism, Populism and Democracy “顾客是上帝。”精英主义、民粹主义和民主制
“What if we all were king?” “Do we all deserve royal treatment?” “What is a business without customers?” “如果我们都是上帝会怎么样?” “我们都应当受到王室般的对待吗?” “没有顾客的生意会是什么样的?”

14 How can we connect this saying to the history of Western Culture?

15 第一部分:“顾客是上帝。” (西方理念的精英主义、民粹主义和民主制)
Part One: “The customer is king.” (Elitism, Populism and Democracy in the Western Mind) 第一部分:“顾客是上帝。” (西方理念的精英主义、民粹主义和民主制)

16 “What if we all were king. ” (Athenian Direct Democracy 500 B. C
“What if we all were king?” (Athenian Direct Democracy 500 B.C., New England Town Meetings, The Protestant Reformation beginning in 1517 with Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, the American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789.) “如果我们都是上帝会怎么样?” (公元前500年雅典的直接民主制、新英格兰镇民大会、1517年随着马丁路德的95条论纲而开始的新教改革、1776年的美国革命和1789年的法国革命。)

17 “Do we all deserve royal treatment
“Do we all deserve royal treatment?” (The Protestant Work Ethic, The Meritocracy of Works, Wealth as a Symbol of Divine Favor, Property and Political Participation, The Bill of Rights, “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.” “我们都应当受到王室般的对待吗?” (新教伦理、能力主义、财富是上天赐福的象征、财产与政治参与、权利法案、“自由、平等、博爱”

18 Optional Language Learning and Practice: Addressing the Customer in a noble manner. e.g. “Sir” “Ma’am” “Monsieur” “Madame” etc. and some important phrases in English and French to help your customers feel at home. 可选择的语言学习和练习: 用尊称称呼顾客: 例如:用先生、女士等称谓和英语、法语中一些重要的短语让顾客感觉宾至如归。

19 “What is a business without customers
“What is a business without customers?” (The other Golden Rule, Pragmatism and the Rule of Reason, The French Enlightenment, The Goddess of Reason in Notre Dame Cathedral) “没有顾客的生意会是什么样的?” (另一条黄金规则, 实用主义和合理原则, 法国启蒙运动, 巴黎圣母院女神)

20 “The customer is always right
“The customer is always right.” Subjectivism and Individualism “顾客永远是正确的。” 主观主义与个人主义 “If we are different, why should we do things the same way?” “What if things look different from where you’re sitting?” “Can you take a walk in my shoes?” “如果我们是不同的,为什么我们要用相同的方式做事?” “如果事情从你的角度看上去不一样会如何?” “你能设身处地地从我的角度来考虑问题吗?”

21 How can we connect this saying to the history of Western Culture?

22 第二部分:“顾客永远是正确的。” (西方人认为的主观主义与个人主义。)
Part Two: “The customer is always right.” (Subjectivism and Individualism in the Western Mind.) 第二部分:“顾客永远是正确的。” (西方人认为的主观主义与个人主义。)

23 “If we are different, why should we do things the same way
“If we are different, why should we do things the same way?” (History of diversity in close proximity, Analysis and differentiation in the history of Western science, The Second Principle of Justice: Dissimilar cases are treated dissimilarly.) “如果我们是不同的,为什么我们要用相同的方式做事?” (相似性中的历史多样性、西方科学历史中的分析和区别, 公正的第二原则: 区别对待不同的情况。)

24 Interactive Learning Exercise: Work with a partner in English or Chinese to brainstorm of list of 3 specific ways that you are different. Then based on your list of differences come up with 3 ways you might wish to be treated differently. Prepare to discuss these with the group afterwards. 互动学习的练习: 用英文或中文和一位伙伴自由讨论,列出你们3个方面的不同。然后根据这些不同,列出3种你们希望被区别对待的方式。准备稍后进行小组讨论。

25 “What if things look different from where you’re sitting
“What if things look different from where you’re sitting?” (Subjective perspective in art and literature: Romanticism and Impressionism, Cultural Relativism, Questioning Naïve Realism, Thinking in terms of perception rather than how things “are” in themselves.) “如果事情从你的角度看上去不一样会如何?” (艺术和文学里的主观看法:浪漫主义和印象主义、文化相对论、对朴素实在论表示怀疑、通过感知能力而不是表面现象来思考。)

26 Interactive Learning Exercise: In English or Chinese describe to your partner what you can see from your point of view. Your partner should draw a sketch of what you describe without turning around! Now change roles and repeat. Be prepared to share your sketches and if possible to speak in English about your experience with the class. 互动学习的练习: 用英文或中文向你的伙伴描述从你的角度能看到什么。你的伙伴必须背对着你并根据你的描述画一张草图。接着交换角色并重复以上练习。准备好跟大家分享你的草图,如果可能的话用英文说说你对这个班级的感受。

27 “Can you take a walk in my shoes
“Can you take a walk in my shoes?” (The Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule. Empathy and understanding without surrender to unreasonable demands. The power of language and imagination to change people and, through them, the material world.) “你能设身处地地从我的角度考虑问题吗?” (黄金法则和白金法则。同情、理解但不屈服无理要求。语言和想象的力量改变人,并通过他们改变物质世界。)

28 “A deal is a deal.” Idealism and the Power of Words“遵照规定执行。”理想主义和文字的力量
“How important is keeping our word?” “Are we changing the deal?” “Is this a fair and square deal?” “守信有多重要?” “我们变卦了吗?” “这是个公平、公正的交易吗?”

29 How can we connect this saying to the history of Western Culture?

30 第三部分:“遵照规定执行。” (理想主义、文字的力量和英美法律中的合约。)
Part Three: “A deal is a deal.” (Idealism, the Power of the Word and Contracts in Anglo-American Law.) 第三部分:“遵照规定执行。” (理想主义、文字的力量和英美法律中的合约。)

31 “How important is keeping our word
“How important is keeping our word?” (Plato and the divinity of ideas/words, Covenants in the Judeo-Christian Tradition, Oaths and Pledges of Loyalty in Pagan Europe, Swearing on the Bible and the fear of Heaven’s wrath.) “守信有多重要?” (柏拉图和想法/文字的神性、犹太教-基督教传统中的契约、在异教徒的欧洲表忠诚的誓言、手持圣经发誓以及对上天愤怒的恐惧。)

32 “我们变卦了吗?” (不仅是说谎:传统英美法律的漏洞、美国合同法的要素:要约、承诺、履行和表见代理的角色。)
“Are we changing the deal?” (Not just about lying: Omissions in traditional Anglo-American Law, Basics of American Contract Law: offer, acceptance, fulfillment and the role of the apparent agent.) “我们变卦了吗?” (不仅是说谎:传统英美法律的漏洞、美国合同法的要素:要约、承诺、履行和表见代理的角色。)

33 “Is this a fair and square deal
“Is this a fair and square deal?” (Keeping things fair (balancing the interests of both parties) and square (as advertised or promised). Over-communication and the importance of written documentation of major policies and contracts. Making it bold. Who reads the fine print?) “这是一个公平、公正的交易吗?”确保公平(平衡双方利益) 和公正(像告知或承诺的那样)。过度沟通和主要条款及合同书面文件的重要性。 要清晰。谁愿意看附属细则呢?”

34 互动学习练习: 用英文或中文和一位伙伴自由讨论,列出你可能想更清楚地和你的顾客沟通的三件事。回顾你过去的经历,看其中是否有可以避免的误解。
Interactive Learning Exercise: Work with a partner in English or Chinese to brainstorm a list of three things that you might want to communicate more clearly to your customers. Reflect on your past experiences and see if there have been misunderstandings that could be avoided. 互动学习练习: 用英文或中文和一位伙伴自由讨论,列出你可能想更清楚地和你的顾客沟通的三件事。回顾你过去的经历,看其中是否有可以避免的误解。

35 Thank you for your kind attention! 感谢您的关注!

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