Lust Theory Season 2
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Lust Theory Season 2

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Prymek's Ultimate Walkthrough for Lust Theory Season 2
由 Prymek 制作
A step-by-step guide to Lust Theory Season 2, which includes an example walkthrough of the game with 100% completion, unlocking all live events for each character, all hidden events and all Steam achievements in one go
About the guide
The guide was created on version "1.1.0. - Full release", after the release of the Beach DLC from October 5th, 2023 and it is updated and compatible with version "2.1.2 - Full Release", after the release of bugfix for achievements, which was released on October 9th, 2024.

The thing you need to do is written in plain text and font and the dialogue options you need to choose one after another are written
In blue colour,
In larger font and
In a list form (if necessary)

In the meantime, whenever a live event, hidden event, or achievement will be unlocked, I post a note when the player:
(Unlocks the "XYZ" achievement)
(Unlocks the "XYZ" live event for XYZ character) or
(Unlocks the "XYZ" hidden event)
so you know what was unlocked when.

Each quest performed for a currently played character is separated by a line so that the player knows which task they are performing and what choices and actions are included in a current quest. I wanted it to be visible and clear as possible.

If you open this guide looking for a specific missing event in your gameplay, at the bottom of the guide, there is a list of all live events and hidden events, which will make you easier to find the specific event you are missing.
Just press CTRL + F to find a specific event in this guide.

Keep in mind that this is a guide with an example path to obtaining all events and achievements in the game. There may be other ways to get them too. Feel free to experiment with them!

In the guide, I added guide arrows and numbers to some renders to make it easier for the player to explain them what to do.

In some events, the player has little time to make a decision. I marked such options with the sign (QTE), which stands for Quick Time Event.

As you probably remember from playing Season 1, you can fast-forward the time of the day, by clicking this icon.

We will be using this feature a lot in Lust Theory Season 2.

Enough talking, LET'S PLAY!

Press New Game. Game starts with question: Did you already play Lust Theory Season 1. Choose

Now set your in-game name and relationships with other characters. Later, choose
No thanks
and the story begins.

(Unlocks the "Here we go again" achievement)

While playing the game, you might see these buttons on the right side of your screen.

Click on them at least once when you see it, to get a specific achievement.

(Unlocks the "Better perspective" achievement)

(Unlocks the "X-Ray vision" achievement)
After realising what happened, you get a recap menu.
Play every button one by one starting from Megan, and then press SKIP.

(Unlocks the "Sounds like a mess" achievement)
Party time

(Unlocks the "Truth will set you free" achievement)
Party time
Party time

(Unlocks the "Party!" achievement)
Stay home
Hand job
Try something else
Boob job
Try something else
Ass job
Try something else
Foot job
Try something else

(Unlocks the "Indecisive" achievement)
Stay home

(Unlocks the "Not home alone" achievement)
Free roam
We finally got control over Main Character, so now we will play characters' quests one by one until all quests for a specific character are completed.
Go to kitchen at the morning and click on Megan.

(Unlocks the "No regrets" achievement)
Do something
Go inside
Ignore them

(Unlocks the "What the..." achievement)
(Unlocks the "Megan's Party Choice" live event for Megan)

Fast-forward a time to night and go to Jessica's room.
It slipped my mind
Wider is better
(Unlocks the "Chloe's mutual satisfaction" live event for Jessica)

Fast-forward a time to night and go to Jessica's room again.
It slipped my mind
Tighter is better
Insert ♥♥♥♥
(Unlocks the "Trying out Megan's dildo" live event for Jessica)

Fast-forward a time to night and go to Jessica's room again.
It slipped my mind
Tighter is better
Insert fingers
Don't mention the dildo
(Unlocks the "Double BJ with Chloe" live event for Jessica)

Fast-forward a time to night and go to Jessica's room again.
It slipped my mind
Tighter is better
Insert fingers
Mention the dildo
Follow them anyway
(Unlocks the "Penetrating Chloe" live event for Jessica)
Fast forward the time to noon and go to Elizabeth's room.

Set time to evening, go to kitchen and click on Elizabeth.

Set time to evening again, go to kitchen and click on Elizabeth.

Once again, set time to evening, go to kitchen and click on Elizabeth.
♥♥♥ inside

(Unlocks the "Not even dangerous" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Lust Time" live event for Elizabeth)

Go to living room, set time to noon and click on Jessica.

Now go to kitchen, fast-forward time to the evening and click on Elizabeth.
(Unlocks the "Lust time 2" live event for Elizabeth)

Set time to afternoon and go to the mall.

Now go to the kitchen, fast-forward the time to evening and click on Elizabeth.
Using the map, go to the town, and then to the college.
Talk about her texts

Now fast-forward the time to morning, enter the college and go to classroom.

While still being in a college, fast-forward a time to the evening.

Go to kitchen at the morning and click on Megan.
Keep it a secret

Again, while still being in a college, fast-forward a time to the evening.

Go to the college at the morning.
First note

Once again, while still being in a college, fast-forward a time to evening.
Go gently
(Unlocks the "Classroom romance" live event for Nicole)

Go to college at the morning and click on Nicole.
It was
Let her know the truth

Enter the college at the afternoon and go to classroom.
Sour taste, corrosive, change litmus from blue to red

(Unlocks the "Genius!" achievement)
Go further
(Unlocks the "Teasing Nicole" live event for Nicole)

Set time to evening and go to Amy's house.

(Unlocks the "A new challenger" achievement)
Go to the college at the morning and click on Ellie.
Hit on her
"Redneck act"

(Unlocks the "Who wrote this?" achievement)
Smooth approach
Call her

Click on MC's PC in his room at the morning.
Kiss her
Stick it in

(Unlocks the "Ellie, smash!" achievement)
Don't stick it in
(Unlocks the "Lust Time" live event for Ellie)

Go to Ellie's house at the evening.
Stop her

Click MC's PC in his room at the afternoon.
Take the pill

(Unlocks the "Hard times..." achievement)
Let her go
(Unlocks the "Garage Oral Fun" live event for Ellie)
(Unlocks the "Lust time with Zoe 1" live event for Megan)
(Unlocks the "Lust time with Zoe 2" live event for Megan)

Set time to the evening and go to Amy's house. While in Amy's house, click arrow on the right and then click on Amy.
Of course

Go to Amy's house at the evening again.

Once again, go to Amy's house at the evening.

(Unlocks the "Sniff, sniff" achievement)

Go to Amy's house at the evening.
(Unlocks the "Steamy With Amy" live event for Amy)

Go to Amy's house at the evening again.
(Unlocks the "Fifth Try With Amy" live event for Amy)
Go to MC's room at the noon and click on a phone on the desk.

(Unlocks the "Redhead time" achievement)

Set time to morning and go to the mall.

(Unlocks the "What could go wrong?" achievement)

Set time to noon and go to the mall.

Fast-forward the time to morning and click on the box in your room.

Set time to noon and go to the mall.
Jesus costume

(Unlocks the "Hallelujah!" achievement)

Set time to noon and go to the mall.
Suit costume

Set time to the morning and click on the box in your room again.
Sell your "baby"

While still being in a MC's room at the morning, click on the phone on the desk.
Point it out
I'm getting impatient
(Unlocks the "Lust time" live event for Sophie)

Go to MC's room, set time to evening and click on the PC.
Follow her
Pretend to know him

Go to the mall at noon.
Avoid (QTE)

For the purposes of this guide, the render has been censored. It is not censored in the game.

Press 2nd door.
Press 3rd door.
Keep looking
Don't move

(Unlocks the "REDACTED" achievement)

Go to the mall at noon again.
Avoid (QTE)
Press 3rd door.
Go back to the hallway
Press 4th door.
Press 1st door.
(Unlocks the "Sophie & Angel's brawl" live event for Sophie)

Go to Ellie's house at the evening.
Special Event - Freeze day
Now all girls' hints say "You'll have to complete a special event to continue the story", so fast-forward the time to morning and let the "Special event" begins!

Click the X-Ray perspective button on the right

(Unlocks the "X-Ray perspective" achievement)

(Unlocks the "So many cool buttons" achievement)

(Unlocks the "Everybody, freeze! Again!" achievement)

Megan pt.2
Go to the kitchen at the morning and click on Megan.
Stay with Megan

Click on Megan in the kitchen at the morning again.
(Unlocks the "Lust Time" live event for Megan)
(Unlocks the "Backyard Quickie" live event for Megan)

Still at the morning, go to kitchen and click on Megan.

(Unlocks the "Creep" achievement)
Body shot
♥♥♥ outside
(Unlocks the "Spy on Megan" live event for Megan)
(Unlocks the "Lust Time 2" live event for Megan)

Jessica pt.2
Click on the bed in MC's room at the morning.
Continue Jessica's story
Slam the door
Go talk to her
On the footstool
Let it fly free
Camel pose
Bow Pose
♥♥♥ outside

(Unlocks the "Did that just happen?" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Lust Time" live event for Jessica)

Go to Jessica's room at the morning.
Let them sleep
No one's talking to you
Accept apology
Mention the shirt
Stay here
Say it's her tits

(Unlocks the "Down the rabbit hole" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Lust Time Chloe" live event for Jessica)
(Unlocks the "Lust Time Jess & Chloe" live event for Jessica)

Nicole pt.2
Go to college at the morning.
Sneak past him
Wait (QTE)
Use your powers (QTE)

Go to college at the morning again.
Suggest helping Taylor out with cheerleaders
Amy's text
Jessica's text
Zoe's text
Megan's text
Ellie's text
Elizabeth's text

(Unlocks the "Thorough" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Lust Time" live event for Nicole)

Zoe pt.2
Enter a college at the morning and click on Zoe.
Bring Megan with you
(Unlocks the "Peeping Megan" live event for Zoe)

Enter a college at the morning again and click on Zoe.
Let her drive

(Unlocks the "Accidents happen..." achievement)
(Unlocks the "Lust time" live event for Zoe)

♥♥♥ outside
(Unlocks the "Lust Time 2" live event for Megan)
(Unlocks the "Lust Time with Zoe 3" live event for Megan
Ellie pt.2
Go to Ellie's house at the evening.
Click on 1st door (Amy's room).
Leave with Ellie
Click on 2nd door (Office).
Click on 4th door (Master Bedroom).
Click on 5th door (Bathroom).
Click on 3rd door (???).
(Unlocks the "Lust Time Ellie 2" live event for Ellie)

Go to college at the morning.
Grab her ass

(Unlocks the "Risky business" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Bathroom Fun" live event for Ellie)

Go to MC's room at the afternoon.
Follow Angel
♥♥♥ inside
(Unlocks the "Helping Ellie" live event for Ellie)
(Unlocks the "Helping Angel" live event for Ellie)

Amy pt.2
Go to Amy's house at the evening.

(Unlocks the "Self-control" achievement)

Go to college at the morning.

Go to hallway 2, then go to college pool at noon.
Push her in

(Unlocks the "Not the best idea" achievement)

Go to college pool at the noon again.
Don't push her in
Leave her
(Unlocks the "Lust time" live event for Amy)

Final Day
After playing last Amy's quest, game automatically triggers the Final Day.
Her boobs

(Unlocks the "Two? What?" achievement)
Leave the room

(Unlocks the "Ninja" achievement)
Stay hidden

In the orgy scene, after clicking Megan's button 10 times

you will see this render (it's censored in this guide, but not in game).
In this specific moment, click Megan's left nipple.

(Unlocks the "Congrats on finding this!" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Five to tango" hidden event)

(Unlocks the "Good job..." achievement)

Run away (x8)
Calm down
Where am I?
Who are you again?
Can I see you naked again?
Where did everyone go?
Why am I here?
I don't know
I need more time

(Unlocks the "Not done yet" achievement)
(Unlocks the "The Orgy" live event for Other category)
(Unlocks the "The changeup" live event for Other category)

Goodbye stories
To start Megan's goodbye story, go to kitchen at the morning and click on Megan.

(Unlocks the "Bye, Meg" achievement)

To start Jessica's goodbye story, go to living room at noon and click on Jessica.

(Unlocks the "Bye, Jess" achievement)

To start Elizabeth's goodbye story, go to her room at the morning.

(Unlocks the "Bye, Elizabeth" achievement)

To start Zoe's goodbye story, enter a college at the morning and click on Zoe.

(Unlocks the "Bye, Zoe" achievement)

To start Ellie's goodbye story, go to her house at the morning.

(Unlocks the "Bye, Ellie" achievement)

To start Nicole's goodbye story, go to classroom at the morning.

(Unlocks the "Bye, Nicole" achievement)

To start Sophie's goodbye story, go to mall at noon.
♥♥♥ outside

(Unlocks the "Bye, Sophie" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Lust time with Angel" live event for Sophie)

To start Amy's goodbye story, go to college pool at noon.

(Unlocks the "Bye, Amy" achievement)

After playing all of goodbye stories, you get another achievement.

(Unlocks the "Bye, everyone" achievement)
Hidden events
Let's play some hidden events.

Meeting Emma
Click on the pink mug in the kitchen.

(Unlocks the "Wrong game" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Meeting Emma" hidden event)

Game Show
Click on the light switch in the hallway.

♥♥♥♥ yeah!
At the end, choose any girl you like.

(Unlocks the "Can you guess this?" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Game Show" hidden event)

Sleep day
Go to the garage and click on the duck tape.
♥♥♥♥ yeah!

(Unlocks the "Well deserved rest" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Sleep day" hidden event)

Officer Kate
Go outside of the house and click on the wall lamp.

(Unlocks the "Yes, ma'am!" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Officer Kate" hidden event)

Slumber Party
Go to Megan's room and click on top part of the speaker. Choose whatever option you like.

(Unlocks the "Pillow fight!" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Slumber Party" hidden event)

Shoplifter Jessica
Go to Jessica's room and click on the flower on the table.
(Unlocks the "Shoplifter Jessica" hidden event)

Shoplifter Jessica 2
Go to Jessica's room and click on the top drawer.
(Unlocks the "Shoplifter Jessica 2" hidden event)

Nursed Back To Health
Go to MC's room and click on the phone at the desk in the morning.

(Unlocks the "All better now" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Nursed Back To Health" hidden event)

NFG Day 1
Go to your room and click on the green lamp.

(Unlocks the "NFG 1" achievement)
(Unlocks the "No ♥♥♥♥♥ Given Day 1" hidden event)

NFG Day 2
Go to the bathroom and click on the upper shower door hinge.

(Unlocks the "NFG 2" achievement)
(Unlocks the "No ♥♥♥♥♥ Given Day 2" hidden event)

Go to Elizabeth's room and click on the lamp next to the bed at any time of the day, except night.

(Unlocks the "Like fine wine" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Maturity" hidden event)

Go to Megan's room and click on the guitar poster.

(Unlocks the "Pure romance" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Lovebirds" hidden event)

Mind Games
Go to college hallway 2 and click on the bottom leftmost locker name tag.

(Unlocks the "Not so smart, after all" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Mind Games" hidden event)

Pool Party
Go to college pool and click on the light that is furthest away.

(Unlocks the "Man with a plan" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Pool Party" hidden event)

Fifty Shades Of Megan
Go to Megan's room and click on the books in the bottom right corner. Choose any dialog options you want.

(Unlocks the "MEGA MEGAN!" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Fifty Shades Of Megan" hidden event)

The Test
Go to Jessica's room and click on the white pillow on the sofa.

(Unlocks the "Overachiever" achievement)
(Unlocks the "The Test" hidden event)

Halloween Story
Click on pumpkin in the top right corner. If it's not there, change your device date to October 31 and boot up the game again.
♥♥♥♥ off, I'm doin' it anyway!
Question the person
Inspect the clothes
Make a run for it
Look for a way out (QTE)
Go downstairs (QTE)
Hide in the basement (QTE)
Hold it in (QTE)
Jump on a washing machine
Try restraining it (QTE)
Put something over the cage (QTE)
Make a plan first (QTE)
Start all the machines (QTE)
Check the room first (QTE)
Take the hatchet
Ambush it (QTE)
Leave him
Run right (QTE)
Run right (QTE)
Duck (QTE)
Run left (QTE)
Jump (QTE)
Run left (QTE)
Duck (QTE)
Turn around (QTE)
Megan or Amy or Elizabeth
No thanks!

(Unlocks the "Spooooooky!" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Halloween Story" hidden event)

Xmas Story
Click on Christmas tree icon in the top right corner. If it's not there, change your device date to December 25 and boot up the game again.
I'll back her up
Tell Jess'
Take a sip
Go explore

(Unlocks the "It's Christmas!" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Xmas Story" hidden event)

Xmas Story 2
Click on Christmas balls icon in the top right corner. If it's not there, change your device date to December 25 and boot up the game again.
Jump (QTE)
Jump (QTE)
Climb (QTE)
Try shaking him off! (QTE)
Try shaking him off! (QTE)
Try going across the lake (QTE)
Go right (QTE)
Go left (QTE)
Go right (QTE)
Right (QTE)
Left (QTE)
Right (QTE)
Left (QTE)
Right (QTE)

(Unlocks the "It's Christmas! Again!" achievement)
(Unlocks the "Xmas Story 2" hidden event)

After playing all hidden events, you will get two achievements.

(Unlocks the "Not hidden anymore" achievement)

(Unlocks the "Done and done" achievement)
Other achievements
If you still haven't done that yet, press "P" button on your keyboard to activate "Panic Screen".

(Unlocks the "PANIC!" achievement)

Press the phone icon in top left corner and then gallery icon.

(Unlocks the "More pictures!" achievement)

The End
Time to make the final decision. Press the blue sphere in the living room.
to start the ending of a game. Next choice between
I choose life OR I choose freedom
is up to you. Both options lead to the end of a game.
If you chose freedom, you need to confirm your choice by picking
Yes, I am sure
and the game ends.

(Unlocks the "FIN" achievement)

(Unlocks the "HARDCORE" achievement)

List of all live events and hidden events
Live events:

Megan's Party Choice
Lust Time with Zoe 1
Lust time with Zoe 2
Lust Time
Backyard Quickie
Spy on Megan
Lust Time 2
Lust Time with Zoe 3

Chloe's "mutual satisfaction"
Trying out Megan's dildo
Double BJ with Chloe
Penetrating Chloe
Lust Time
Lust TIme Chloe
Lust Time Jess & Chloe

Lust Time
Lust Time 2

Peeping Megan
Lust Time

Lust Time
Garage Oral Fun
Lust Time Ellie 2
Bathroom Fun
Helping Ellie
Helping Angel

Classroom "romance"
Teasing Nicole
Lust Time

Lust Time
Sophie & Angel's "brawl"
Lust Time with Angel

Steamy With Amy
Fifth Try With Amy
Lust Time

The Orgy
The Changeup

Total live events - 36

Hidden events:

Xmas Story
Xmas Story 2
Meeting Emma
Game Show
Sleep Day
Officer Kate
Slumber Party
Shoplifter Jessica
Shoplifter Jessica 2
No ♥♥♥♥♥ Given Day 1
No ♥♥♥♥♥ Given Day 2
Halloween Story
Nursed Back To Health
Five To Tango
Mind Games
Pool Party
Fifty Shades Of Megan
The Test

Total hidden events - 20

33 条留言
Joebobtango 9 月 25 日 下午 1:37 
I have completed EVERYTHING. Man - it's a commitment and took so long, but I gotta say this game is kick ass. Everything about it is first rate. The voice overs are incredible and really add to the enjoyable story.
I was a tiny, little itty bit annoyed that I cannot get the final two achievements because using the Panic button does not trigger the Steam achievement, but that's such a minor thing, it's hardly worth mentioning.
This guide covers everything that you could attempt to do and does it in a well organized and easy to follow format. THANKS Prymek!
Max Gen 8 月 8 日 下午 1:03 
When you get to where you want to end the game, "Time to make the final decision. Press the blue sphere in the living room.", there is a 3rd option "DLC".
Save the game before making your decision and then select DLC. There are a bunch more extra scenes that way.
JimKiller81 6 月 22 日 上午 9:56 
For some reason I cannot unlock any but the first hidden event, do the rest have a prerequisite mission?
-eskurisu ⭕⃤ه mode:no brain 6 月 6 日 下午 1:48 
is there 100% saves by any chance?
Maccabbee 5 月 28 日 上午 9:35 
For some reason, Indecisive is also not unlocking for me. Tried on two different playthroughs...
Jer Berus 5 月 3 日 下午 7:29 
Great game. Great guide. I can wait for the known bug and eventual bugfix for Panic.
Prymek  [作者] 4 月 9 日 上午 7:29 
You are right, this trigger for Amy-Jessica hidden event shouldn't be there. It's a bug and devs said that will be fixed in the upcoming translation update
Jer Berus 4 月 8 日 下午 9:11 
Continuing from my previous comment, the car finally disappeared when I returned home from the mall once Sophie's scene ended (after mentioning how scary she was in the morning).
Jer Berus 4 月 8 日 下午 9:08 
After completing Amy's story just like in your walkthrough, I began with Sophie's. Once you advance to noon right after the Stay achievement, I discovered a hidden scene which is clickable on the map (an area which continues for several clicks into Sophie's story). It's the blue car in the parking lot between the top two crosswalks. If you missed it, go to the mall, and you can clearly see the car between Sophie and the mannequin. If you still missed it, it'll be near Sophie's eye-level when she says "hot stuff". In that scene, Amy and Jess go to a rave where a tentacular Slenderman is. Then again, this could all be a glitch from my version of the game.
SkyKing 3 月 22 日 下午 5:15 
I will give that a try, thank you kindly.