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录入时间: 2021-11-11

【单词音标】 英[səˈlu:ʃn] 美[səˈluʃən]

【单词释义】 solution是什么意思:


[单词等级] 大学英语四级词汇

[复数] solutions


evolution   n.进化;演变

resolution   n.决心;正式决定;决心

revolution   n.革命



answer (n. 答案):指试题、竞赛题等的答案,也可指某一问题的解决办法。What is the answer to question 5?

key (n. 答案,题解):主要指习题、难题等的答案。I don't know the key to the puzzle.

solution (n. 解决方法):指解决问题、难题的办法,也可指练习题、竞赛题等的答案,常可与 answer 换用。


◇ But not everyone is convinced the robots are a long-term logistics solution.

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◇ But don't let this worry you, so long as you can provide them with a reasonable solution they'll be impressed by your honesty.

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◇ The same can be said for oral rehydration solutions that are used to treat diarrhea. Those contain small amounts of sugar, as well as sodium and potassium, which can also help promote water retention in the body.

---- Which drink is best for hydration? Hint: It isn't water

◇ If you're not planning to peel your fruit and vegetables, he suggests soaking the produce in a solution of salt, a solution of baking soda, or a solution of vinegar. "[This] will help to remove many of the pesticides found in produce."

---- How to washing your fruits and veggies

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