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Campaign Summary

With a whopping 170% increase in revenue from organic traffic in their first year, JM Wholesale are another Superb Digital success story. In fact the vape and CBD wholesaler is now the largest in the UK, thanks in no short part to our efforts, which continue to help the business grow. Amazing to think that they’ve only been trading since 2017.

  • 186% increase in organic traffic
  • 170% increase in revenue from organic search traffic
  • 26% increase in conversion rate from organic traffic

Superb Digital has done an amazing job

Logie Rajanhad, Director, JM Wholesale


increase in organic traffic


increase in revenue from organic search traffic


increase in conversion rate from organic traffic

Probably the best SEO company out there! Superb Digital has done an Amazing job.

Logie Rajanhad, Director, JM Wholesale

JM Wholesale website in a tablet

About JM Wholesale

Thanks in no small part thanks to our efforts, JM Wholesale are the UK’s largest wholesale supplier of vaping, smoking and CBD kit. Setup in Leicester in 2017, by entrepreneur Logie Rajanhad, they retain a small core team consisting of a number of full time packers. JM supplies a huge number of shops, physical and online, up and down the UK and also offer a fully licensed whitelabel CBD and vape OEM service. The company also has an international arm, called JM Distro.

Their Challenges

When they approached us in January 2019, JM Wholesale had already built a very successful business in a very short space of time, by any measure. However very little of the business’s revenue came from organic search traffic. Founder and MD, Logie Rajanhad, realised that not dominating the search results was preventing him taking his business to new heights and saw a huge opportunity.

With a track record in the vaping and CBD industry, we knew that this was a challenging market to work in, with strict restrictions on advertising vaping and CBD products on Google Ads, Google Shopping and most major social media platforms. This meant we had to rely solely on organic SEO, which meant demonstrating the expertise and authority of JM Wholesale by creating a comprehensive knowledge base.

Just a quick look at the website, allowed us to ascertain that, despite a slick looking website, with lots of products there was a real lack of in depth content, both for product and collection descriptions, as well as “evergreen” content like guides and expert analysis.

JM Wholesale, in other words, was missing out on a ton of potential search traffic.

JM Wholesale
E-liquid category page
CBD oil category page

The Implementation

The challenge for doing ecommerce SEO on such a large ecommerce site like this is identifying the areas where we can make the most difference quickly (what we like to call the ‘low hanging fruit’). 

Broadly speaking the JM Wholesale site was split into three main product areas, namely vaping, CBD and smoking accessories. Taking our steer from the client, we started by focusing on the vape side of the business, before moving onto CBD and then smoking accessories.

We conducted a comprehensive website audit and content audit to identify the priorities and any technical issues. We pulled in information from Google Search Console and Ahrefs in order to identify not just the search volume and competitiveness of individual product related keywords but also broader categories, like e-liquid, vape mods, batteries, etc. This then allowed us to create a strategy that identified both existing pages that needed further optimisation, as well as new pages we needed to create in order to take advantage of untapped search traffic.

Alongside our content production across product pages and the blog, we also looked to improve everything about the website we could, from its design and structure, to adjusting themes and Shopify code to pull out short descriptions on collections pages to help improve UX and visibility. 

Over time the improvements in quality, expertise and authoritativeness of the content, saw many of JM Wholesale’s pages start to rank highly on Google, generating a huge uptick in organic traffic across the board.

The final string to our bow would be our link building strategy. We reached out to established vape bloggers, as well as lifestyle bloggers in order to build links back to their blog content and other deep links. This helped us increase the overall domain authority of the site, reinforcing its relevance and lifting those all important money pages onto page one.

The Results

The results we’ve achieved for JM Wholesale represent one of our greatest  success stories to date. A whopping 186% increase in organic search traffic on a website that was already doing really good business in this space, represents a huge increase in revenue for JM Wholesale and has allowed Logie to expand his business and product selection, especially in the burgeoning CBD sector.

We have also seen the dropshipping side of the business explode since we started working with JM Wholesale with a doubling of enquiries from all sources. 

As a result of our work, JM Wholesale has become the UK’s largest vape, e-liquid and CBD wholesaler, winning two awards at the 2019 Midlands Enterprise Awards.

  • 186% increase in organic traffic
  • 170% increase in revenue from organic search traffic
  • 26% increase in conversion rate from organic traffic

Are we a good fit to work together?

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