
You can find on this page the Taiwan region map to print and to download in PDF. The Taiwan political map presents states, regions, provinces and surrounding areas of Taiwan in Eastern Asia.

Taiwan regions map

Taiwan areas map

Map of Taiwan areas

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The Taiwan regions map shows surrounding areas and provinces of Taiwan. This administrative map of Taiwan will allow you to know regions of Taiwan in Eastern Asia. The Taiwan regions map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

In the subdivision of the Republic of China (ROC), "special administrative regions" (simplified Chinese: 特别行政区; traditional Chinese: 特別行政區; pinyin: tèbié xíngzhèngqū) were historically used to designate special areas, most of which were eventually converted into provinces. All were suspended or abolished after the end of the Chinese Civil War, with the establishment of the People Republic of China (PRC) and the ROC government retreat to Taiwan. Suiyuan (simplified Chinese: 绥远; traditional Chinese: 綏遠; pinyin: Suíyuǎn; Wade–Giles: Suiyuan) was a historical region of China. Suiyuan capital was Guisui (now Hohhot). The abbreviation was 綏 (pinyin: suí). Chahar was made a special administrative region in 1914 by the Republic of China, as a subdivision of the then Zhili province, with 6 banners and 11 counties. In 1928 it became a province, with 5 of its counties partitioned to Suiyuan, and 10 counties were included from Hebei as you can see in Taiwan regions map.

Rehe (simplified Chinese: 热河省; traditional Chinese: 熱河省; pinyin: Rèhé shěng; literally "Hot River"), also known as Jehol, is a defunct Chinese Special administrative district and later province. Rehe was located north of the Great Wall, west of Manchuria, and east of Mongolia as its shown in Taiwan regions map. The capital of Rehe was the city of Chengde. The second largest city in the province was Chaoyang, followed by Chifeng. The province covered an area of 114,000 square kilometers. Xikang or Sikang (西康省 Xīkāng Shěng), is a defunct province of the Republic of China (ROC), comprising most of the Kham region of traditional Tibet, where Khampas, a subgroup of the Tibetan ethnicity, live. Eastern part of the province was inhabited by a number of different ethnic groups, such as Han Chinese, Yi, Qiang and Tibetan, while the western part of the province was inhabited by Tibetans. Xikang, then known as Chuanbian (川邊), was a "Special Administrative District" of ROC until 1939, when it became an official province.

Dongsheng region (Chinese: 东胜区; Pinyin: Dōngshèng Qū) is a district and the city seat of Ordos City in Inner Mongolia, China as its mentioned in Taiwan regions map. It has a district population of 230,579, with 162,317 in the urban area. The district is predominantly Han Chinese, but has a significant Mongol minority. Weihai (Chinese: 威海; pinyin: Wēihǎi) is a city in eastern Shandong province, People Republic of China. It is the easternmost prefecture-level city of the province and a major seaport. Between 1898 and 1930, the town was a British colony known as Weihaiwei or the Weihai Garrison (traditional Chinese: 威海衛; simplified Chinese: 威海卫; pinyin: Wēihǎi Wèi), and sometimes as Port Edward. Hainan (Chinese: 海南; Mandarin Pinyin: About this sound Hǎinán ; Jyutping: Hoi² Naam4; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Hái-lâm; literally "South of the Sea [Qiongzhou Strait]") is the smallest province of the People Republic of China (PRC). Hainan is located in the South China Sea, separated from Guangdong Leizhou Peninsula to the north by the shallow and narrow Qiongzhou Strait.

Taiwan political map

Taiwan administrative map

Map of Taiwan administrative

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The Taiwan political map shows regions and provinces of Taiwan. This administrative map of Taiwan will allow you to show regions, administrative borders and cities of Taiwan in Eastern Asia. The Taiwan political map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The controversy regarding the political status of Taiwan (or "Taiwan Issue" as referred to by the Communist Party of China) hinges on whether Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu should remain effectively independent as territory of the Republic of China (ROC) as you can see in Taiwan political map, become unified with the territories now governed by the People Republic of China (PRC), or formally declare independence and become the Republic of Taiwan; furthermore, on whether its existence and status as a state ("country") is legitimate and recognized by the international community. Different groups have different concepts of what the current formal political situation of Taiwan is. The political solution that is accepted by many of the current groups is the perspective of the status quo: to unofficially treat Taiwan as a state and at a minimum, to officially declare no support for the government of this state making a formal declaration of independence.

The current political separation across the Taiwan strait is only temporary and a reunified China including both mainland China and Taiwan will be the result. President Ma, throughout his election campaign, maintained that he would accept the 1992 consensus and promote better relations with the PRC as its shown in Taiwan political map. In respect of Taiwan political status, his policy was 1. he would not negotiate with the PRC on the subject of reunification during his term; 2. he would never declare Taiwan independence; and 3. he would not provoke the PRC into attacking Taiwan. He officially accepted the 1992 Consensus in his inauguration speech which resulted in direct semi-official talks with the PRC, and this later led to the commencement of weekend direct charter flights between mainland China and Taiwan.

Many political leaders who have maintained some form of One-China Policy have committed slips of the tongue in referring to Taiwan as a country or as the Republic of China as its mentioned in Taiwan political map. United States presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have been known to have referred to Taiwan as a country during their terms of office. Although near the end of his term as U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell said that Taiwan is not a state, he referred to Taiwan as the Republic of China twice during a testimony to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 9, 2001. When the Kuomintang visited Mainland China in 2005, the government-controlled PRC media called this event a "visit," and called the KMT one of "Taiwan political parties" even though the Kuomintang full name remains the "Chinese Nationalist Party." Interestingly in Mainland China, there is a legal party called the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang that is officially one of the nine "consultative parties," according to the PRC Chinese People Political Consultative Conference.

Taiwan states map

Taiwan state map

Map of Taiwan states

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The Taiwan states map shows all departments and regions of Taiwan. States map of Taiwan will allow you to know areas and cities of Taiwan in Taiwan. The Taiwan states map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The whole country is divided into two diminished states (Taiwan Province and Fujian Province) and five special municipalities (Kaohsiung, New Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Taipei) as you can see in Taiwan states map. The two streamlined provinces are further subdivided into 3 provincial cities and 14 counties. All special municipalities, provincial cities and counties are directly under the central government (i.e., Executive Yuan). The Republic of China was founded on Mainland China in 1912. It used most of the same administrative divisions as the Qing Dynasty but divided Inner Mongolia into four provinces and set up several Yuan-controlled municipalities. After the World War II in 1945, Manchuria was reincorporated into the Republic of China as nine provinces. Taiwan and the Pescadores was also returned to the Republic of China and was organized into Taiwan Province. By this time the top-level divisions consisted of 35 provinces, 12 Yuan-controlled municipalities, one special administrative region and two regions (Mongolia and Tibet).

The two provincial governments were streamlined and their functions transferred to the central government (Fujian in 1956 and Taiwan in 1998) as its shown in Taiwan states map. Five direct-controlled special municipalities have been created out of territory initially belonging to Taiwan state: Taipei City, formerly a provincial city of Taiwan Province, was elevated as a special municipality in 1967. Kaohsiung City, formerly a provincial city of Taiwan Province, was elevated as a special municipality in 1979. In 2010, a new Kaohsiung special municipality was established by merging former Kaohsiung County of Taiwan Province with the existing Kaohsiung City. New Taipei City, formerly Taipei County of Taiwan Province, was elevated as a special municipality in 2010. Taichung City was established by merging Taichung provincial city and Taichung County of Taiwan Province in 2010. Tainan City was established by merging Tainan provincial city and Tainan County of Taiwan Province in 2010.

Provincial cities (Chinese: 市; pinyin: shì) are cities one level lower than special municipalities. Formerly governed by the provinces, they have been directly governed by the Executive Yuan ever since the provinces were streamlined. A place with 0.5 million and 1.25 million residents and with political, economical or cultural importance may become a provincial city as its mentioned in Taiwan states map. There are three provincial cities in Taiwan: Chiayi, Hsinchu and Keelung. Since 1949, the most controversial part of the political division system of the ROC has been the existence of the Taiwan Province, as its existence was part of a larger controversy over the political status of Taiwan. Since 1997, most of the Taiwan provincial government duties and powers were transferred to the national government of the Republic of China, through amendments to the constitution. The much smaller Fujian state consisting of Quemoy and Matsu, had most of its authority passed off to its two counties.

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