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A few years ago, SEO was one of the most crucial foundations for many businesses. However, this has changed since Google algorithms have been changing with the dawn of each new day. In addition to this, many digital business people have become more intelligent regarding Search Engine Optimization.

Every new upcoming business relates to the basics of SEO. This has led to the leveling up of all businesses. The leveling up has led to a relaxation in most people thinking they have already made it in life. However, if you have the zeal to succeed and overcome all your lazy competitors, there are eight new advanced SEO strategies to employ in your business.

Here are 8 Advanced SEO Strategies your Competitors don’t Know:

1. Target your local organic search by creating city landing pages:

When setting up a business, we always indicate our city address. This means that a business may never have a chance to rank higher in other cities since it is not geographically located there. However, this should not be a deterrence to one’s success. The way up is by ensuring that one gets numerous reviews on Google My Business. Increased reviews help one rise up the ladder of 3-Pack.

The other way is by creating landing pages so that your work targets the searches of other cities. However, always ensure that you familiarize yourself with the content relevant to the people in that particular city. For a start, ensure that you start with the most important city. With time, one can decide to spread out to other cities; after having obtained strong grounds in major cities. To demonstrate this, one can choose to show completed events, customers’ testimonials, give a Google location map of your business, and many more.

2. Always promote your content:

The promotion of one’s content leads to an increase in traffic. To promote, one is required to share on different social media and more so, sending them via email newsletters to customers who have already subscribed to your website. However, one should ensure that the content has a permanent place on the home page rather than existing only on emails or social media pages.

The advantages of having permanent content on the website are to ensure that; even when customers access the content from social media, they have a chance to trace it back to the main site. Secondly, one increases the number of posts thus increasing the SEO ranking. The third reason is getting to invite links from other sites. This means that the content has to be very informative.

3. Learn what your customers want:

The first step to getting more traffic is by learning what users look for. Once one has an idea, they can create content that satisfies their needs. By looking at customers’ feedbacks and their opinions on your content, it helps one create better content in alignment with the customers’ needs. For starters, there are a few ways to get feedback from potential clients. The first one is by using different social media platforms. An example is Quora, whereby one gets both the users’ and experts’ opinions; find what pages get shared most, and most importantly, get to the Google Analytics page and see your most popular pages to the users.

4. Use infographics:

The advantage of using infographics is to display even the most complex information in a natural way that people can relate to. This is because more than 50% of the people in the world are visual learners compared to those who read texts. However, many people pay more attention to the graphics rather than the info. The two should be completely miscible in any content. For one to have a perfect design, one should back up a good design with strong facts. Scientific research has it that when someone reads a particular text, the information gets converted to graphics for a comprehensive study. Thus the more need to emphasize infographics.

5. Work on the number of words per content articles:

Studies show that the more the number of words typed, the higher the chances of appearing on the first page of Google searches. Many people share pages with more words compared to those with fewer words. An example is when you have a 300 words article compared to a 1000 plus word article. The latter has more chances of being ranked higher. However, one should note that a short blog page can get more shares than a lengthy one. This is because high content will always outdo lengthy poor quality blogs. The reason behind this secret is because the more extended content will have more keywords compared to the shorter ones.

6. Link your content to external sites:

When we talk about external links, ensure that you use links from high domain authority. The secret behind external linking is to build trust with Google. To link back, one can do so as a source of some information. Another way to get a link back is by visiting those pages and officially asking them. After all, this is business, and one ought to take risks; you never know when success comes knocking. In case, you find that your site has some unnatural backlinks, you can use services like Linkquidator for this purpose.

7. Use keywords from your competitors:

Sometimes people fight so hard to get an answer to a particular question when the right answer is just under their noses. This is the same case with SEO. Researching on what your competitors do to rank higher than you can help one become at par or more so rise above them. Provided you do not plagiarize their content; one can use their exact keywords or alter them a little. To do this, one can sign up for their competitors’ newsletters. By learning about your competitors’ strategies, one can learn on ways of improving their content through the use of factual data rather than making assumptions about what is relevant.

8. Sign up to questions-and-answers sites:

In today’s world, many people are hungry for more knowledge, but they lack the right answers that quench their thirst for knowledge. Quora is a perfect site for such whereby people ask questions while others attempt to answer them. To tackle this, ensure that you look for a subject with a few answers, and afterward type a well-researched answer. In response, one can include the links to their original website. This will increase traffic to your site since you’ll be a valuable asset to the people.


The best way to rise in business is by using the above SEO strategies. In addition to the basics, ensure that you are up to date with the latest SEO. You can also hire a reliable SEO company like Seattle SEO Services to help achieve the results your company needs. Implementation of these tips may not be a one-night event. Increasing traffic to one’s site requires persistence and creativity. It’s never late to start!

Read Also:

  • Advanced SEO Tactics That Your Competitors Are Unaware Of
  • The usage of succinct SEO techniques for elevating the status of websites on the internet
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Tags: SEO Strategies SEO Strategies your Competitors SEO Strategies your Competitors don't Know

Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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