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intro to java programming language

Introduction to Java programming (Features and Applications)

There are over 300 programming languages today, but only a few have a wide range of applications and huge demand. One of them is the prevalent Java programming language.

Since its first release to the public in May 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Java as a programming language has attracted programmers with its friendly syntax, object orientation, memory management, and, best of all, the feature of portability (which is the main focus of this article).

Java is a high-level, class-based programming language, developed by James Gosling. Mobile applications, web applications, gaming consoles, scientific software, and much more application are build using Java language.

Let’s look at a brief history of Java, how it works, its features, applications, some of its confusing terminologies, and how you can learn Java in the most engaging way possible.

History of Java 

James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton started the Java language project in 1991 with the intention of making interactive televisions, but it quickly developed into something far more sophisticated. The language got its name from Indonesian coffee, which Gosling had, at the time, named Java. The logo symbolizes the same coffee.

history of java language
history of java language

After its release, the language has undergone significant changes and has amassed a big following, making it the second most used computer language on Earth. The history of different versions of Java is as follows

  • Java 1.02- Slow, had a unique name, was fun to use, and had lots of bugs.
  • Java 1.1 – A little faster, more capable, and friendlier, it became increasingly popular.
  • Java 2 (Java 1.2-Java 1.4) – Much faster and more powerful
  • Java 5 (Java 1.5) – More power, added significant changes to the language, making it easier for programmers.
  • Java 7, 8, and 9 – Improved performance. Many new features were added to enhance its functionality and broaden the applications.

Why is Java used? 

A big reason behind the popularity of Java is its brilliant features. These features help in designing applications that are light, portable, and serve a variety of purposes.

Moving down are some key features of Java which make it a must-learn language in today’s era.

Key Features of Java Programming 

1. Platform Independent

A Java application/ program can run on any platform. Say you created your Java program in Windows. You can efficiently run it on any device based on  Linux, Mac OS, Sun Solaris, etc.

The source code for Java is transformed by the compiler into java bytecode, which can be shared and executed on any machine equipped with a java interpreter.

2. Portability

A Java programme or application can be easily transported to and operated on any device that contains the JVM without requiring any changes to the code.. WORA is another way to think of it (write once run anywhere).

3. Object Oriented

Object orientation is a concept that simplifies software development and maintenance. According to it, everything is an object (a real-life entity) and has specific properties associated with it. For example, RBI is an object with properties such as regulation, policies, transactions, loans, currency, etc. And similar things can be grouped to form a Class. For example, RBI, SBI, BOI, etc. are all in the class of Banks. 

The primary concepts of Object-oriented oriented programming(OOP) are – 

  1. Classes and Objects
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Inheritance
  4. Abstraction
  5. Polymorphism

Other essential features of Java include security, multi-threading, robustness, platform independence, etc. However, to get in-depth knowledge about the features of Java, understanding the very basics of how Java works is very crucial. So let’s get to the basics first.

How does Java work?

The goal of Java is to write one program, let’s say to print “Hello World!” and make it work on every possible device (and hence achieve platform independence). 4 stages go in achieving this aim-

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Stage 1- Source code

Here we create a source document using the established rules and syntax of Java. Then we save this file with the “.java” extension. Let’s make a source code file with the name ‘helloworld.java.’

Stage 2- Compile

Here we run our source code (.java file) in a Java compiler. The compiler checks for possible errors. So for our helloworld.java file, we compile it in the Java compiler and remove the errors.

Stage 3- Output code

Once the code is error-free, the Java compiler converts this source code into bytecode and gives us the second file with a “.class” extension. Thus for our helloworld.java file, after compilation, we get the HelloWorld.class file.

This bytecode is platform-independent and can be shared through the internet or other means among different devices.

Stage 4- Virtual Machine

The device has a Java Virtual Machine (embedded in software) inside the electronic gadget. This JVM reads and runs the bytecode. It will do so by converting the bytecode into something that the underlying platform will understand and hence run your program on that device.

What is Bytecode?

Java bytecode is a set of instructions for the Java virtual machine to read and run the java program. A Java programmer doesn’t need to understand how bytecode is written. The compiler itself converts the source code into the bytecode. 

The platform-independent and portability of Java (remember WORA?) is entirely due to the bytecode. The bytecode file for a programme can be moved easily to many different devices, where the JVM already set up there reads it and uses it to execute the program.

Difference between JVM, JRE, and JDK

jvm jre jdk

 1. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

JVM is virtually present in your software or hardware, and it helps read and execute Java bytecode in the device. It has no physical presence in the machine. It simply provides an environment for code execution.

Java provides a runtime environment to load the code, verify, and execute. The majority of applications and gadgets already include the platform-dependent JVM.

2. Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

JRE is a combination of JVM and library sets. These library sets are the pre-written codes that JVM needs to run the code. It can be considered as the implementation of the JVM. Thus to run even a simple java program, we need to have JRE. Can it be downloaded?

3. Java Development Kit (JDK)

It contains JRE, which already has a JVM and library set. Along with this, JDK has development tools. JRE helps run code, but if you need to develop code, you need development tools such as a compiler, debugger, and Javadoc.

Now to develop a complete application, we need an environment to not just run but develop the code from scratch, and thus we need JDK, Which along with JVM, provides the necessary development tools. 

Applications of Java Programming Language

Big mobile and web applications such as Google, Spotify, Linkedin, Minecraft, and many more are built using Java and its frameworks. We can find the use of Java in almost all the upcoming fields of the future. Here are the future technological areas that use Java in their development:

  1. Desktop GUI
  2. Web application
  3. Mobile applications
  4. Scientific applications
  5. Software tools
  6. Big data technologies 
  7. Artificial Intelligence
  8. Machine learning
  9. Trading Applications
  10. Gaming applications, etc

How to Get started with Java?

Java has a wide array of applications and tons of growth opportunities making it a promising career choice for an aspiring software developer. The most popular language in the IT sector, Java, is a specialty for highly paid programmers.

A beginner should now set up their development environment by installing Java 8 or Java 9 in the system. Then take the crucial step to understand the basics of the language, such as object-oriented programming principles and basic syntax, and learn to develop logic. Imagine doing all this with a brilliant teacher and Augmented reality-based visuals. Tap Academy is the first institute to use AR technologies to teach CS concepts.

We assume you to be an absolute beginner and teach every concept from the very basics.

With 150+ coding questions, discussion forums, live doubt-clearing sessions, interview preparation, a personality development module, and unlimited placement drives, Tap Academy is a crucial step in achieving a big start in your software development career.

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