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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The JOJOLands

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Spoilers for all parts of the new continuity of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure preceeding this one, including JoJolion are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The JOJOLands (Manga)
"This is the story of me becoming filthy rich. Sound like I'm exaggerating? [...] I'm becoming rich no matter what it takes!"
Jodio Joestar

The JOJOLands (ザ・ジョジョランズ) is the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, which began running in February 2023. It is preceded by JoJolion.

Set in Hawaii during The New '20s, 15-year-old Jodio Joestar has a dream: to become filthy rich. He and his sibling, Dragona Joestar, act together as small-time gangsters, smuggling and dealing drugs at their high school to support their single mother.

One day, school principal and local mob boss Meryl May Qi gives the duo a new order; a lone Japanese tourist vacationing to Hawaii happens to own a natural blue diamond worth millions of dollars. Together with kleptomaniac Paco Laburantes and ditzy newcomer Usagi Aloha'oe, the four Stand Users are tasked with breaking into the tourist's villa and stealing the precious gem. But they soon find something much more valuable than the diamond, and are set down a dangerous path to incredible wealth…

The JOJOLands is set within the same continuity as Steel Ball Run and JoJolion, taking place about a decade after the events of the latter. Just as how its predecessors re-envisioned Parts of the original continuity, Part 9 takes many cues from Golden Wind; with morally dubious protagonists working within a criminal organization to further their own goals, their adventure kick-started by a foreign tourist from Morioh...

Meanwhile, the tropes are like this. And sometimes more like this:

  • Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: Dragona celebrates a toast with Usagi after making it out of the watch theft unscathed, drinking a bottle of alcohol the latter stole from Rohan. That same chapter, after being warned about an enemy Stand user, they drop their guard for a pricey wristwatch and get stabbed through the neck for it.
  • Almost Out of Oxygen: In Jodio's battle against Charming Man, he manages to drag him down into the ocean while holding him off from stabbing him at the same time. Jodio utilizes November Rain to bring down a inflatable boat near him and suck in the oxygen while his opponent nearly drowns.
  • Angry Collar Grab: After Dragona believes Usagi had wasted their twenty dollars during a test on the lava rock, they annoyingly shake Usagi by the collar demanding their money back until Paco comes back with an unexpected refund.
  • Arc Words: Just like its predecessors in the new continuity, the beginning of The JoJolands has the narrator state "This is a story...". Unlike his predecessors, Jodio is considerably less humble about it, setting the tone of the Part:
    Johnny: This story is the tale of me starting to walk...
    Yasuho: This is a story about breaking a curse...
    Jodio: This is the story of me getting filthy rich.
  • Arms Dealer: In the very first chapter, Jodio and Dragona smuggle firearms to a group of criminals on behalf of their boss, Meryl Mei Qi.
  • Asshole Victim: Jodio and Dragona attack and mutilate the cops that sexually assaulted Dragona in the first chapter.
  • Attempted Rape: The first chapter begins with Jodio and Dragona getting pulled over by some Dirty Cops, with one insistent on patting Dragona down as a cover for molestation, and the other cop enabling his groping. It gets even worse when the cop feels Dragona's penis after assuming they were a cisgender girl and saying that it makes things even better, with him only being stopped by Jodio's interference using November Rain, to which the other cop was ready to shoot Jodio if he didn't sit back and let his brother get molested.
  • Beast in the Building: During the group's heist of Rohan's villa, they notice a cat wandering around before noticing that Rohan doesn't own a pet and it actually possesses a Stand to attack them.
  • Billionaire Wristband: In Chapter 10, Dragona notices a couple walking out of the luxury shop with an 80k watch and deeming it a dazzling display.
  • Binocular Shot: At the start of the heist at the villa, Jodio uses binoculars to see the owner is actually Rohan Kishibe.
  • Breaking Old Trends: Several in the first chapter alone.
    • Jodio is the first Joestar that is an out-and-out criminal from the start. Giorno was in school until he defeated Black Sabbath, Jotaro put himself in jail under the (incorrect) belief that he was possessed, and Jolyne was falsely accused of a crime she didn't commit (though was a small juvenile delinquent before the story began). On the other hand, Jodio gladly traffics items for people who ask him, which includes guns and cocaine.
    • Jodio is the first Stand-using protagonist (not counting Joseph Joestar)note  to not have a humanoid Stand, his November Rain instead being quadrupedal.
    • Dragona marks the first time in the series in which a mainline JoJo is part of a Sibling Team; all other main JoJo siblings are either introduced after their sibling stops being relevant (ex. Giorno's half brothers in Part 6), or are only part of the backstory (ex. Johnny's brother Nicholas). This is especially notable for how unique Dragona is on top of that — not only are they deeply tanned (where Jodio is quite pale), but they're also gender nonconforming, with fashion sense and implants that make them look like a woman, which marks the first time in the series in which a Joestar is a GNC person and a person of color.
    • True to Japanese societal norms, drugs have had a history of being condemned in JoJo, with it being the reason behind Giorno and Bucciarati wanting to reform Passione in Golden Wind, and Sports Maxx being a vicious mobster who casually uses drugs in Stone Ocean. In The JOJOLands, drugs are viewed as a formality in Jodio and Dragona's line of work, with Usagi being a drug addict who does business with Paco.
  • Camera Spoofing: Usagi Aloha'oe's Stand, The Matte Kudasai, has the ability to transform into a replica of an object that someone other than Usagi expresses a desire for. When transforming into a replica of a house's security camera, it provides an altered version of the footage wherein people are wearing slightly different clothes and have different facial features, rendering the original camera's footage unusable as evidence due to it being impossible to tell which footage is the real deal.
  • The Caper:
    • At the end of the first chapter, Meryl May Qi assembles a team including Jodio and Dragona to steal a diamond worth millions from a Japanese tourist. They wind up taking the diamond and a Lava Rock that the tourist cared about far more.
    • Chapter 14 starts a new one: With the powers of the Lava Rock, Meryl proposes the capacity of it to be used in land deeds to attract the actual ownership of the land. She tasks Dragona, Usagi, and Charming Man with entering a government building, touching the rock to old land deeds of a huge organization, and getting out without leaving evidence of their presence for safety.
  • Cassandra Truth: In Chapter 15, once Usagi realizes that a Stand is inside his body and infecting him with Pulmonary Edema, he immediately tells the others. Charming Man, however, dismisses the claim and accuses Usagi of lying to cover up being under intoxication instead, Jodio immediately believes Usagi and considers the possibility of the enemy laying a trap in the registry office.
  • Coat Full of Contraband: In Chapter 12, Dragona and Usagi have a run-in with a merchant wearing a coat filled with watches available for sale, with the two recognizing an expensive watch previously touched by the lava rock has made its way back to them.
  • Concealing Canvas: In their heist for the diamond, Dragona believes it's hidden behind something. Usagi quickly cuts up a nearby painting only to find nothing. They later find the safe hidden behind a bookcase.
  • Continuity Nod: The introduction to Stands at the start of the first chapter features many Stands from throughout the series, including Soft & Wet, Sex Pistols, Star Platinum, Tusk, Whitesnake, Gold Experience, Black Sabbath, Echoes, D4C, Ebony Devil, The World, Ball Breaker, Killer Queen, and Stone Free.
  • Contrived Coincidence: The Lava Rock will draw wealth to its wielder by any means necessary. What happens between the rock touching an object and that object reaching you is anyone's guess. The land heist provides a chilling example of this. In order to take posession of HOWLER's land, the clerk that shows Dragona the land deed becomes a target of Bag's Groove and gets rushed to the same hospital the gang will eventualy go to to save Usagi. The clerk's father is also there, and just so happens to be a congressman who's fingerprint would be the deciding vote in whether or not the government would seize HOWLER's property. Once the gang arrives, the clerk's condition worsens, causing her father to rush over to her and leave his the tablet unattended with the page needed to cast his vote open and a convenient fingerprint left on the glass so Dragona can forge his signature.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Usagi utilizes this trait against The Cat when he scattered meat patties mixed with caviar to lure it towards a rock to capture it with his Stand.
  • Crazy Workplace: Jodio and the team work at a fashion boutique which is a front for their boss, Meryl Mei Qi, to have them engage in criminal activities. Being comprised of Stand Users who are a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, they also engage in a clapping Silly Song when Meryl starts it off.
  • Crime of Self-Defense: Jodio fights against a Dirty Cop trying to sexually assault Dragona. When the cop later returns in an attempt to get vengeance, Jodio immediately deals with it by crushing him with November Rain.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Jodio's narration in early chapters describes that their attempted heist at the Japanese tourist's villa goes horribly wrong. Sure enough, in Chapter 4, Rohan catches their group in the act, easily dispatches Paco and Usagi, and uses Heaven's Door to identify everyone in the heist as well as their boss.
  • Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: Upon seeing a couple carrying a valuable watch that was touched by the lava rock, Dragona ignores the group's warning to head back towards the car after seeing a Thieving Magpie grab the watch and runs to get it, only to find out it was a trap set by Charming Man and gets wounded.
  • Cute Machines: Dragona's Stand, Smooth Operators, takes the form of several adorable tiny robots.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: During the first chapter, Jodio claims that Meryl May is such a talented fashion designer that she could easily make a fortune by selling her clothing in Milan or Paris. Despite this, she treats the whole venture as a way to launder money for her criminal enterprise.
  • Deadly Droplets: Jodio's November Rain creates powerful droplets of rain that come down with crushing force.
  • Depth Deception: Charming Man can do this with his Stand Big Mouth Strikes Again; Paco is briefly thrown off when his arm appears from the clouds kilometers away, yet sized as if it's within stabbing range.
  • Depraved Bisexual: When a cop feels up the thong of Dragona's bikini while patting them down, he feels their genitals after previously assuming them to be a cisgender girl, and claims that this has, "just gotten better." He also threatens to rape Jodio in the second chapter.
  • Destroy the Evidence: In the second chapter, when he and Paco are nearly arrested for being caught with drugs, Jodio uses November Rain to target just the bag and wash it away with water.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Dragona and Usagi decide to test the lava rock's powers to attract valuables by going to a jewelry store. When the rock starts working and a luxury watch vanishes while they're alone in the room, Dragona and Usagi are assumed by the store manager and the accompanying security to have stolen the watch on purpose.
  • Dirty Cop: A corrupt cop sexually assaults Dragona during a patdown, his partner standing by and letting it happen before threatening to shoot Jodio when he tries to intervene. A chapter later, the same cop tries going after Jodio in revenge when the latter is busted for drug-dealing by an undercover American DEA agent, but Jodio uses November Rain to free himself and destroy the drugs he was selling.
  • Disappeared Dad: Barbara Ann raises Jodio and Dragona as a single mother. Their father is nowhere to be seen as Chapter 13 reveals he left the family following his job forcing a massive debt on him.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Deconstructed. In a flashback, Jodio gets revenge on a group of builles that assaulted Dragona by lighting the school bus they were riding on fire. This ends up forcing their father to pay out a massive debt which causes him to divorce their mother. Jodio and Dragona turn to a life of crime to keep supporting their mother as a result of this.
  • Dramatic Unmask: When advised by Paco to abandon the lava rock, Jodio refuses to throw it away and affirms on keeping it. However, Jodio finds out the Paco that was with him is Charming Man disguised as him and exposes himself by cracking off his facial disguise.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Dragona, deliberately. Jodio states that he "loves girl-like fashion and the slight swelling in his chest is from cosmetic implants". A flashback reveals that Dragona was horribly bullied for their appearance by jealous female classmates.
  • Ear Ache: Paco's left ear was chewed off by his father in the past. When Dragona catches Paco stealing from customers at Iko Iko, they use Smooth Operators to pull on Paco's right ear, the Stand stretching it unnaturally far.
  • EgoCorp: The Howler Co. that secretly engages in Greenwashed Villainy is run by its founder and CEO; Acca Howler.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Jodio gets one as the first major scene of the part. He is first seen joking around with Dragona and relaxing in their (stolen) truck. This establishes him as someone who can be pretty amicable and sociable, as well as having a lot of familial love for his older brother. When the cop begins assaulting Dragona, Jodio instantly pulls out his Stand and calmly debilitates the two cops using November Rain. This establishes his ruthlessness and willingness to attack anyone he strongly dislikes. Lastly, he nearly kills the two cops who harassed the both of them by beating them when they're down, and then sets fire to their cop car as he and Dragona abscond. This establishes his wrath and cruelty, while also highlighting his sense of loyalty. Overall, Jodio is a decent person who loves his family, but make no mistake — cross him, and you'll get whacked.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Jodio enacts revenge against Dragona's bullies by setting the bus they were riding on fire. He was fully willing to let them burn to death but eventually relents and puts out the fire with November Rain when he sees an innocent parakeet trapped in the bus.
  • Facial Horror: Dragona uses Smooth Operators to deform the face of the officer who sexually assaulted them, dragging his eyes to the side of his head.
  • Failed Attempt at Scaring: Charming Man attempts to get Jodio into discarding the lava rock while disguised as Paco by telling him The Mafia, or an even worse organization, might be involved and are after them, and they should just give it up and leave at once. It fails as Jodio's Nerves of Steel prevents him from calling quits and fully determined to keep his word with Rohan that he won't give up the rock.
  • "Fantastic Voyage" Plot: In Chapter 15, Charming Man uses his Bigmouth Strikes Again to send his own eyeball into Usagi's body to find and destroy the enemy Stand that's poisoning everyone in the vehicle.
  • Fiery Cover-Up: After beating up the two cops assaulting them in the first chapter, Jodio and Dragona burn the cop car to destroy the camera footage of their attack.
  • Floating Head Syndrome: The page cover for Chapter 3 has the team floating in individual corners.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Jodio is the foolish to Dragona's responsible. Despite the two of them being criminals, Jodio is far more arrogant and unscrupulous compared to his brother, as Dragona is much more restrained and have more standards regarding how the team should operate.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Already by the end of Chapter 1, Jodio's narration hints that the diamond heist will not go well.
    Jodio: Just the three of us would not have been enough. Actually... It wouldn't have been enough no matter how many people we had.
  • Functional Addict: Usagi has the other members worried, since he was seen earlier taking a drug shipment from Paco, but Meryl May reassures them that he's perfectly functional despite being a drug addict.
  • Gang of Bullies: In Chapter 13, a flashback shows Dragona getting directly harmed by a gang of students for his appearance. After seeing what they were doing to him, Jodio delivers Disproportionate Retribution by trapping them in a bus and setting it ablaze to punish them.
  • Good Counterpart: The Lava Rocks' power of making wealth 'flow' to the ones who hold them through inticrate circumstances can be seen as similar to the Milagro Man curse from the previous part. What makes it a genuinely positive version of the curse is that it's way more controllable than Milagro Man: the rock's owner has to touch the rock to an object of value to cause it to flow to them, and the Lava Rock won't slowly bury its owner to death via increasingly large cash sums. The comparisons are best summarized by a moment in Chapter 8, where — similar to Milagro Man's effect — the Lava Rock causes a string of coincidental occurences to return Dragona's 20 dollar bill through some means. This can still backfire on the owner, as the Lava Rocks' power will make flow to the owner no matter what, up to and including controlling Stands as Dragona found out when the Lava Rocks caused Smooth Operators to smuggle the watch to it.
  • Gratuitous Laboratory Flasks: In Chapter 3, the group finds a lab room in Rohan's villa examining 'A'A Lava rocks. Usagi takes the time to explain the difference between flasks and beakers.
  • Green Rocks: The main crux of the story is the lava rock, obtained during the heist in lieu of the diamond the team were actually after. It is a mysterious object that Jodio correctly assumes to be even more important and valuable than the diamond, and it's shown to have the power to attract valuable objects like a diamond, money, and even expensive valuables towards it.
  • Greenwashed Villainy: In chapter 16, the Howler Corporation is said to use land conservation as a cover for their actions.
  • Harmful to Touch: In Chapter 15, Charming Man sends his Bigmouth Strikes Again into Usagi's body to destroy the enemy Stand that's within, only to discover that making physical contact with it causes immediate infection with a virus.
  • Implied Death Threat: Paco telling Dragona "there's a gym" is an alternative phrasing on asking if someone wants to get beaten up legally.
  • Injured Self-Drag: During the group's fight against The Cat, Dragona and Paco drag themselves to the tree Jodio is stuck on to rescue him while avoiding the Razor Floss surrounding them.
  • Instant Drama, Just Add Tracheotomy: After Lulu's Stand has Usagi infected by Pulmonary Edema that nearly suffocates him, he has Dragona create a straw via his own Matte Kudasai to force it down near his lung to expel the liquid building up from inside.
  • Internal Reveal: Those who have been following JoJo know that Rohan is a Stand user. Jodio only finds out in Chapter 3, after distracting Rohan using November Rain.
  • It Was Here, I Swear!: When visiting a luxury shop, Dragona and Usagi get into trouble when security accuses them of stealing a watch. Despite their proclaims they haven't touched it, camera footage shows Dragona having Missing Time of using their Stand to momentarily grab it.
  • I Will Find You: Charming Man joins the team to have a better advantage of locating his brother after he went missing on Howler Co. property.
  • Japanese Tourist: There is a Japanese tourist mentioned several times at the end of the first chapter being the one who's bringing in a valuable diamond, and in the second chapter is later revealed to be Rohan Kishibe.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: Jodio beats up the cop that tried to sexually assault Dragona after using November Rain to crush his body before kicking him unconscious.
  • A Lady on Each Arm: In Jodio's exposition of his mechanism when showing the difference between himself and a civilian, he's shown with two ladies by his side.
  • Looking Busy: In Chapter 14, Usagi pretends to study the land deeds by staring at them while Dragona uses the lava rock to touch all the documents.
  • Lovable Rogue: The main characters are all criminals, but they are likable and sympathetic enough for the audience to root for them.
  • Making a Splash: Jodio's Stand, November Rain, creates very powerful raindrops.
  • MacGuffin: The lava rocks, obtained in the first arc's heist in lieu of the diamond the main characters were actually after. It is a mysterious object that Jodio correctly assumes to be even more important and valuable than the diamond, and Usagi shows it has the power to attract valuable objects like the diamond and expensive caviar towards it.
  • Master of Illusion: Charming Man's Stand, Bigmouth Strikes Again allows him to turn his skin into a crumbly sand, which can be used to create illusions.
  • Meanwhile Scene: While the group is fighting against Lulu and Bobby Jean, the head of Howler Co.; Acca Howler, realizes someone has used the lava rock on the company's documents to seize the owned property.
  • Mind Control: The Lava Rock's powers make people unconsciously perform actions that approach a certain measure of wealth, be it money or items, towards its owner, like a Contrived Coincidence. That causes the 20 dollar bill that Usagi and Dragona just lost, to be brought back by Paco returning a soda to the stand they bought it from, because it had a fly in it. This will even extend to making the target unknowingly use their Stand.
  • Minor Crime Reveals Major Plot: The team's sneaking into Rohan's villa to steal a blue diamond instead has them discovering much more valuable Worthless Yellow Rocks, then learn that Howler Co. has some involvement with the rock as well.
  • Minor with Fake I.D.: Dragona carries an actual driver license with their photo imprinted by the use of Smooth Operators.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Chapter 2 starts off with an undercover DEA agent dressed this way. She's wearing little more than a bikini and a cropped jacket, and she spends the entire time she's trying to buy coke off of Jodio (to incriminate him) with her body lovingly shown off by the panelwork.
  • Money to Throw Away: Wanting to test the capabilities of the mysterious lava rock the team acquired, Usagi tosses a twenty dollar bill that had been touched by the rock. After Paco suddenly got a twenty dollar refund for a bad drink, it confirms their theory that the lava rock attracts money.
  • Mugging the Monster: In the first chapter, a Dirty Cop sexually assaults Dragona while his partner threatens Jodio so he can't intervene. They don't realize that the people they're abusing are actually powerful, ruthless Stand users, so they end up getting beaten half to death and having their car set on fire as a result.
  • Musical Theme Naming: This is a given, considering this is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Like every part, it features many references to songs and bands.
  • Must State If You're a Cop: In Chapter 2, Jodio is suspicious of a woman who wants to buy drugs. She gets his trust by playing this trope, stating that if she were a cop, she would have to tell him if he asks. When he does, she says no, and he lets her buy the drugs. Subverted, as the woman lied and was in fact looking to catch Jodio in the act. This is closer to reality than how the trope usually plays out; cops have the legal right to lie about their identity, so long as they aren't engaging in entrapment.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Jodio's introduction has the phrase "Kono Jodio Joestar ga......" (この『ジョディオ・ジョースター』が......), a possible reference to DIO's infamous "Kono Dio da!" line from Phantom Blood.
    • Jodio's goal of getting filthy rich is also a call-back to DIO's original goal of stealing the Joestar family fortune, before DIO decided to focus on obtaining godhood and wiping out the Joestar line instead.
    • When Rohan encounters Dragona (who is trespassing on his home), he does so by reaching out for their hand while partially obscured behind a doorway — very similar circumstances to how his original universe counterpart greets Koichi.
    • When Jodio tells Rohan to rescind his phone call to the police after tying him up, Rohan tells him, "I refuse," referencing the Highway Star fight in Diamond is Unbreakable and how Rohan's favorite thing to do is refuse the orders of people who have the upper hand on him to their faces.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Usagi decides to nickname Dragona as "Pink" in an early chapter. After they finish the heist, Dragona questions this, because they aren't even wearing pink.
  • Not Bad: Charming Man admits that Usagi's willingness to perform tracheotomy on himself without assistance was impressive.
  • Not-So-Innocent Whistle: In Chapter 13, after Charming Man explains one of the two lava rocks that Rohan discovered somehow ended up getting destroyed, the rest of the group sans Jodio awkwardly coughs while looking elsewhere.
  • Nouveau Riche: Jodio, a self-interested individual who would resort to thieving and drug dealing to get money, tells that this is his story of becoming "filthy rich" by ways of his Mechanism that'll make wealth flow straight to him.
  • Obligatory Earpiece Touch: Before making their towards the villa for the heist, Dragona reminds everyone to equip an earpiece before starting.
  • Only in It for the Money: Jodio's main motivation as he explains during his opening exposition in the first chapter is to get rich.
  • Overly-Nervous Flop Sweat: While visiting a luxury shop, Dragona and Usagi flop sweat upon realizing the manager and security locked them in on the accusation of stealing a watch that vanished right in front of them.
  • Pervy Patdown: One of the cops sexually assaults Dragona during the search. Initially assuming them to be a cisgender girl, finding out they have a penis makes him all the more happier with it.
  • Pictorial Letter Substitution: The Howler Company has a howling animal forming the H of its logo.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: In Chapter 15, when under the assumption that he's going to be left behind by force after Charming Man accuses him of having drug intoxication, Usagi immediately begs Dragona to not leave him for dead.
  • A Plot in Deed: Following the group's explanation of the lava rock to Meryl May Qi, she lays out a plan where the team will enter the state registry building to have the lava rock touch the deed, ensuring all of Howler Company's land will be theirs to own and profit from. A notable reconstruction of the trope, in that she spells out that the deed is just a glorified sales receipt — her plan hinges on the rock recognizing the deed as a representation of the rights to the land in the same way it recognizes paper money as a representation of wealth.
  • Portable Hole: At the end of Chapter 10, Dragona employs one creative use of Smooth Operators: grabbing the wounds on their skin and pulling the damage off of the surface of their flesh.
  • Portmanteau: Jodio is a combination of "JoJo" and "Dio".
  • Power Profit Potential: Upon discovering the capabilities of the mysterious lava rock, which allows any sort of wealth to be brought back to whoever uses it, the team plans to utilize it bring in even more valuables to brings themselves to Nouveau Riche heights.
  • Precedent Excuse: In Chapter 14, as Charming Man successfully gets allowed to view deed records, he's immediately told that he'll have access to digital files only, prompting him to exclaim that Usagi is a student who wants to view the documents as part of his studies.
  • Present Day: The first chapter makes references to COVID, Dua Lipa, the Uber rideshare service, and Jodio is seen in the second chapter playing on what appears to be a Nintendo Switch, all of which are relevant at the time of manga's writing. Paco and several background characters are also shown to use electric scooters.
  • Product Displacement:
    • Jodio is shown playing on a Nintendo Switch in Chapter 2, as one can discern by its segmented assembly and the volume and power buttons being placed on the top left side of the screen. The actual logo for the Switch's back side is never drawn, as it's either placed outside the panel or only seen from a distance where that detail is no longer visible.
    • When the heist team goes to a food court in Chapter 8, Charleys Philly Steaks and Raising Cane's are two of the restaurants seen in the background.
  • Properly Paranoid: When a college student meets up with Jodio to buy some drugs from him, Jodio becomes suspicious of her behavior, believing her to be an undercover cop working with a man in a nearby ice cream van, and having hidden a camera and microphone to record him with in the headlight of the bicycle she rode in on (as well as something else in her helmet). He turns out to be correct on all counts when she pulls out her badge and gun from her helmet, police burst out of the back of the ice cream van, and they attempt to arrest him and Paco.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Downplayed. A police officer sexually assaulting Dragona is treated as vile and reason to beat up him and his partner, but Jodio is stopped by Dragona before he can kill them. Furthermore, Jodio almost killing them is used to establish Jodio's brutality rather than being treated as simply karma.
  • Real Joke Name: Downplayed, but Paco is visibly taken aback when Charming Man presents himself, muttering "That's a real name?".
  • Recurring Element:
    • The Lava Rock continues the trend of earth/rock objects that contain supernatural powers in the franchise, like the Stone Mask from Phantom Blood, the Red Stone of Aja from Battle Tendency, the meteorite that created the Arrows in Stardust Crusaders, the Devil's Palms from Steel Ball Run, and the Wall Eyes from JoJolion. What is particularly fascinating about this one is that it seems to be naturally occuring, whereas the previously mentioned were at least part Lost Technology, or in the case of the Devil's Palms caused by Divine Intervention, or the Locacaca of JoJolion that were being actively cultivated by several Rock Human splinter cells.
    • For the SBR continuity, the concept of "Fortune and Calamity" as well as the concept of using or trying to bypass "Equivalent Exchange" with using the earth related supernatural element. All three involve someone trying to maximize good fortune while making others pay the price for it using something relating to the Earth as a medium to bypass for the rule. The ultimate abilities of the main antagonists stands effectively reflect these by being able to essentially break the rules of "Equivalent Exchange" to maximize fortune their Fortunes and while others pay for it with Calamity.
  • Regional Speciality: While discussing Paco's love of stealing, Jodio's narration mentions "spam onigiris", referencing the real-world regional specialty of spam musubi in Hawaii.
  • Retcon: When JoJolion showed the Joestar family tree, it claimed that Joseph had one daughter. However, this part shows that he had a second daughter, Barbara Ann. On top of that, the Holly side of the family seems to have Kei Nijimura completely scrubbed out, only showing Yoshikage Kira.
  • Right on the Tick: Curious to test the capabilities of the lava rock acquired from Rohan's villa, Usagi tosses a twenty dollar bill that had been touched by the rock. After Paco received got a twenty dollar refund for a bad drink a few seconds later, it confirms their hypothesis that the lava rock attracts money.
  • Robbing the Mob Bank: The pitch is a group using their Stand abilities for heists on behalf of their school principal crime boss from small-town Hawai'i, trying to pull off a heist on Rohan Kishibe, who also happens to be intangled in an investigation regarding the lava rock.
  • Safe Behind the Corner: During the heist at Rohan's villa, Jodio hides behind a wall corner while trying to distract him as the group is opening the safe.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: A Dirty Cop Jodio encounters doesn't follow any ethical practices needed of a police officer, but to him, it doesn't matter, since he has other cops to back him up while he's committing his heinous acts.
  • Searching the Stalls: During his fight against Bobby Jean, Jodio tries to do a sneak attack that gets countered, forcing him to hide in a row of bathroom stalls as Bobby searches them, with Jodio's situation getting tougher once he gets infected by Lulu's Bags' Groove.
  • Shout-Out: Like every JoJo part, it is filled with musical references.
    • Jodio mentions Dragona listening to Dua Lipa.
    • Jodio's Stand, November Rain, is named after the Guns N' Roses song.
    • Dragona's Stand, Smooth Operators, is named after the Sade song "Smooth Operator".
    • Paco's Stand, The Hustle, is named after the Van McCoy song.
    • Barbara Ann Joestar is named after "Barbara Ann" by The Beach Boys.
    • The store Dragona works at, Iko Iko, is named for a song by the Dixie Cups.
    • A stranger confronts Jodio with the intent to buy drugs. Jodio is suspicious of her and initially feigns ignorance, pointing out a discreetly parked vehicle that probably has backup cops in it. But after some back and forth, and his customer saying that she Must State If You're a Cop, Jodio relents and sells his product, only for everything he was suspicious of to come true. The entire scene follows the same pacing and storytelling of Badger's arrest in the Breaking Bad episode " Better Call Saul".
    • Usagi's Stand The Matte Kudasai is named after the King Crimson song "Matte Kudasai" and his last name Aloha'oe comes from the Hawaiian folk song.
    • The first Ultra Jump cover uses the same color scheme as the album 90125 by Yes.
    • Charming Man and his Stand, Bigmouth Strikes Again, are named after the songs "This Charming Man" and "Bigmouth Strikes Again" by The Smiths.
  • Showing Off Your Powers: Usagi demonstrates the use of his Matte Kudasai to the group by performing a Camera Spoofing.
  • Shrug Take: When the drug dealers ask Jodio and Dragona if they know anything about a police car getting burnt up, the two just glance at each other and shrug with their arms.
  • Sibling Team: Jodio and his older sibling Dragona work together to commit crimes.
  • Silly Song: In Chapter 13, as Charming Man is told turn off his cell phone, the group suddenly performs a clapping song just as he's shutting it off.
  • Smuggling with Dolls: A variant — Jodio and Dragona deliver a surfboard containing hidden drugs to several dealers. In the same chapter, a flashback shows an eleven-year-old Jodio carrying a huge teddy bear with a wad of twenty-dollar bills hidden in its neck, playing the trope straight.
  • Stealing from the Till:
    • When Usagi is tasked with getting t he crew a car, he lies about the cost of rentals, claiming that it will cost $120, so everyone including himself should pay $30. Once they have the car, there's a promoter yelling that car rentals only cost $90. Usagi scammed his companions out of $30 even though he's about to get $40,000 for the diamond heist.
    • During their search of Rohan's villa for the diamond, Dragona sees Paco and Usagi attempting to take antiques and wine bottles, which Dragona makes them return to avoid being caught by airport security.
  • Subtle Superpowering: Paco Laburantes's Stand, The Hustle, essentially gives him perfect control over his muscles and allows him to flex them in ways that normally wouldn't be possible; his Establishing Character Moment shows him using this to pickpocket people using his back muscles and triceps.
  • Terrified of Germs: Dragona doesn't like the cop getting all up in their face, because they're scared that they might catch COVID.
  • Thieving Magpie: In Chapter 10, Dragona's curiosity about a Billionaire Wristband touched by the lava rock leads to witnessing a bird grabbing the watch to fly towards the group. But then it turns out the bird actually grabbed an entirely different watch instead, and immediately gets ambushed by Charming Man.
  • Time Skip: JOJOlands takes place in the "Present Day", years after the events of JoJolion. Judging from the mention of COVID by Dragona, this part takes place at least 9 years after the previous part, probably more given how none of the characters wear face masks when entering shops and other public indoor places.
  • This Is My Story: Jodio is the story's narrator and describes that, "This is a story of me becoming filthy rich."
  • Trail of Blood: In the battle against Charming Man, Jodio manages to graze his leg with November Rain before he could become invisible, leaving a trail of blood towards his hiding spot.
  • Trans Chaser: Dragona Joesta was born male but enjoys dressing and presenting femininely to the point of getting surgical breast implants. Dragona is assaulted by a bigoted police officer who initially assumes them to be an attractive cis woman, but upon discovering that Dragona has male genitalia he becomes even more excited.
  • Transformation Horror: Wild Cat Size can generate threads from their bodies but also meld together into nets in a grotesque manner.
  • Trick-and-Follow Ploy: In their first encounter, Charming Man uses Dragona's curiosity at getting them away from the group when using a Thieving Magpie carrying a Billionaire Wristband to catch them off-guard and steal the lava rock.
  • Undercover Cop Reveal: While relaxing by a tree, Jodio is asked by a woman to be handed drugs. Despite his suspicions after asking if she's a cop, Jodio signals Paco for a hand-off, which immediately prompts the woman to pull out a gun and brings in a squad to arrest the two.
  • Unpredictable Results: The Lava Rock is able to bring any sort of valuables back to whoever uses it on another object, but how it does so is completely random. To see the potentiality of the lava rock the team acquired, Usagi throws a twenty dollar bill that had been touched by the rock. In a few seconds, the team is surprised when the exact same bill makes it way back to them after Paco is given a refund for a bad drink.
  • Vagueness Is Coming: After Jodio outwits Rohan as the group succeeds in obtaining the lava rock, Rohan warns them that they will be hunted by an unknown party, but refuses to elaborate further.
  • Vicariously Ambitious: Jodio talks about his becoming "filthy rich" as his own mechanism as a principle that can't be taken away from him in the form of an apex that would form into its own shape once he gets his hands on it.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: In Chapter 14, after successfully managing to have the lava rock touch all the land deeds, Usagi suddenly develops an illness that causes him to vomit liquid that makes him lose breathing before the others realize that it's an enemy attack,
  • Walking Swimsuit Scene: Dragona wears a bikini during most of the first chapter.
  • Well, This Is Not That Trope: Jodio describes his story of becoming "filthy rich", as apart from receiving loads of money, he insists that a universal constant would make wealth come to him.
  • Winds of Destiny, Change!: The mysterious lava rock has this property. Once it touches an object that has monetary value, circumstances will conspire to ensure the object returns to the hands of the rock's owner.
  • Worst Aid: After Jodio gets his neck slashed, he's knocked down and Paco tells him to get up and put a bandaid on it. This sounds like sarcasm at first, but Jodio really does put a bandaid on it. Said bandaid would be largely ineffective at holding back the pressure of the blood and it's too small to have the actual bandage part of the bandaid exclusively cover the wound. He only survives because it's apparently only a grazed wound.
  • You Have Failed Me: At the end of Chapter 8, Jodio and Paco go and buy chicken burritos while waiting on Dragona and Usagi. All seems well and good as they return to their table... and then Jodio finds the enemy cats from the previous arc, their heads severed and placed within his takeout baggie. He immediately deduces that the cats had a leader, and that leader killed their minions for failing to secure Rohan's Lava Rock. Later subverted, as the severed heads were an illusion created by Charming Man to intimidate them.

Alternative Title(s): The Jo Jo Lands


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