Life Everlasting (Hardcover)

Duane S. Crowther

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Author: Duane S. Crowther

About Product:

Life Everlasting is a fascinating examination of man's future life from the time of death until his entry into the heavenly realms. The book reaches beyond the commonplace to give profound new insights into the nature of the life to come. This book examines eyewitness accounts of more than 200 individuals who have ventured into the spirit world and have then returned to tell of their experiences. It also draws extensively from the scriptures and from the discourses of Latter-day Saint leaders. As the evidence of these accounts is analyzed, numerous new understandings are revealed to the reader. Within these pages are vivid descriptions of spirit-world conditions including buildings, landscaping, wearing apparel, organization, occupations, and Church callings. Many instructive descriptions of the amazing capabilities of spirit beings are provided. Of special interest are the vivid descriptions of Jesus Christ as He has appeared to many who have entered into Paradise. The numerous roles of spirit beings who visit the earth, as Guardian Angels and in other capacities, are described in detail. The factors which govern man's time of death are discussed, and the nature of man's "new birth" into the next life is described in detail by those who have experienced it. Life Everlasting peers into the spirit prison and hell and reports conditions in those environments. Then it sweeps forward in time to analyze the nature of resurrection and the final judgment. A careful consideration of the final rewards available to man is made, with detailed and specific coverage of the fate of the sons of perdition and the destinies of the inhabitants of the telestial, terrestrial and celestial kingdoms. The final chapter is a penetrating explanation of the nature of godhood and exaltation. Few books have ever combined such a wealth of now concepts and interesting information with the careful presentation, documentation and scholarship of Life Everlasting. Latter-day Saints will find strong evidences which confirm their beliefs in the afterlife. Others, no matter what their religious orientation, will find Life Everlasting to be one of the most far-reaching, comprehensive presentations of life-after-death experiences in print. It is inevitable that this book will continue to be widely read and discussed for many years to come.

Pages: 399