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With so many online design portfolios of all shapes and sizes, it can be difficult to make one that truly stands out from the crowd.

Creating a great portfolio can be hard when you’re focused on getting more work experience. Yet, it's important that you set some time to craft your own personal portfolio. Whether you’re a UI designer, user experience designer, web designer, graphic designer, or marketer, having your own portfolio website will help you bring more visibility to your work and allow you to attract new clients.

25 design portfolio examples worth checking out

We’ve handpicked these design portfolio examples as inspiration to create your own. Each of these beautiful, custom portfolio websites are designed with the specific needs and goals of each designer. These portfolio website examples stood out based on their design, how well they showcase client work, and their unique personality. Let’s take a look at what makes each portfolio stand out.

1. Jessica Hernandez

A screenshot of Jessica Hernandez's online portfolio homepage

Jessica Hernandez is a UX researcher based in San Francisco, CA. If you’re looking for an excellent example of a portfolio that gives a good first impression, this is one you should definitely check out.

Jessica’s portfolio starts off with a fun pre-loading animation that leads to a website full of color, personality, and charm. Jessica’s portfolio also brings lots of functionality, and allows visitors to quickly see what Jessica stands for.

Equipped with an about page, mission statement, digital resume, projects page, and contact information, this portfolio is a great example of a multi-page portfolio website done right.

2. Christina Kosik

A screenshot of Christina Kosik's portfolio homepage

Christina Kosik is an awesome designer and web developer based in Vancouver, Canada. If you’re looking for a source of design inspiration, you’re in the right place. Christina’s elegant scroll animations and custom cursors pull you into this one-page style portfolio.

These animations do a great job of adding functionality as well. For example, in the works section of this portfolio, hovering over each project gives you a peek into the different elements of each project.

3. Michelle Ovalle

Michelle Ovalle's online portfolio homepage

Michelle Ovalle is a UX and visual designer with over 10 years of experience in the field. Her portfolio is simple, yet effective in communicating what Michelle does. The portfolio is equipped with a project page, an about page, and a blog.

If you want to gain some web design inspiration for your next portfolio (re)design, you should definitely check out this portfolio website.

4. Timothy Maurer

Timothy Maurer's portfolio website

If you want an example of a unique portfolio that’s clean, uncomplicated, and solely focused on the work, Timothy Maurer’s is a must-see. Timothy’s portfolio takes a simple, highly-engaging approach to design and acts as an index for all his best work. His portfolio homepage presents an impressive feed of Timothy's projects. His incredible work experience speaks for itself with modern imagery and design.

5. Andre Givenchy 

Andre Givenchy's online portfolio website

Andre Givenchy does an incredible job of clearly highlighting the value he brings and the passion behind every project he undertakes. Social proof is becoming increasingly important in today’s online environment, and Andre provides plenty — we get to see brands he’s worked with and testimonials alongside case studies. His approach is subtle while still helping potential clients understand why he’s an excellent choice for the job. 

6. Dan Machado 

Dan Machado's portfolio site.

Dan Machado is a multidisciplinary designer who uses large, striking imagery on his homepage — on hover, his projects immediately immerse you into the realm of his amazing work. Each case study uses a mixture of captivating copy and imagery to demonstrate his process and a stunning final product. If you’re thinking of using imagery and video to complement your portfolio’s copy, Dan’s site is a fantastic point of reference for a sound approach. 

7. Greg Christian 

Greg Christian's portfolio site.

Greg Christian’s portfolio is a modern (and way cooler) take on a traditional resume. As soon as we land on the homepage, we know the company he’s working for, his current projects, and his location. This one-page portfolio is one of the best I’ve seen at presenting work in a way that’s non-cluttered and keeps our attention throughout. Clone it from the Webflow showcase and experiment with it yourself! 

8. Kerem Suer

Kerem Suer's website portfolio

Kerem Suer is a phenomenal interdisciplinary designer based in San Francisco. His portfolio is so good we’re featuring it for the second time. This is easily one of the best examples for showcasing your work in a minimalistic style. Kerem features his work on the homepage with pops of color against a neutral background — clear and concise. He gives us a small peek into his design process by breaking elements of his work into various sizes and layouts. He really sets the standard for design portfolio examples. 

9. Alex Beige

Alex Beige's portfolio example

Alex Beige is an NYC-based web developer and designer whose site takes you on a journey that showcases both Alex’s fun personality and stellar work. This portfolio is a one-page style website that walks you through previous client work, the design and development process, a (hilarious) team page, and a call to action to get in touch.

If you’re looking for a fun, single-page portfolio you should definitely check this one out.

10. Moritz Petersen

Screenshot of Moritz Petersen's design portfolio website

Moritz Petersen is a freelance web designer and developer, focused on delivering sites that are 100% tailored to his clients’ needs. Moritz's online design portfolio features a beautiful scrolling interaction through the Webflow Designer while showcasing the clients that he's worked with.

There’s an emphasis throughout his portfolio on the importance of having a solid workflow in place, and his thoughtful design work shows just how important a consistent approach can be. It can sometimes be difficult to sell clients on a new website platform, but outlining your reasons in such a prominent part of your portfolio and showcasing work you’ve done on the platform are two smart strategies. 

11. Aaron Grieve

Aaron Grieve's portfolio website

Aaron Grieve is a self-proclaimed Webflow nerd and has been contributing to the Webflow community for years. He’s the author of in-depth and amazingly informative blogs, and the creator of dazzling websites that need to be seen to be believed. When the Webflow team hears that Aaron is updating his personal portfolio, we sit collectively on the edge of our seats and await the finished product. His work is a testament to his mastery of Webflow.

It can be tricky to design unusual interactive elements that are intuitive, but Aaron does this perfectly. As you scroll through his impeccably executed one-page portfolio, you’ll take a journey with a single line that alters upon scroll. Aaron tells us a bit about himself and showcases his best work. And by linking directly to the sites he’s produced, Aaron lets his work speak for itself. 

12. Colin Moy

Colin Moy's homepage

Colin Moy’s homepage is particularly eye-catching — pun intended — with the Os in his name represented as animated eyes. Colin keeps the theme throughout the site, making the O in About, Portfolio, and Contact clickable elements that open a larger circle with more information. It’s a playful design that you can experiment with by cloning the project.

We love how Colin presents past projects. Clicking on Portfolio opens up an accordion of vertical ovals, each with preview images or video and a project name.

13. Matthew P Munger 

Matthew P Munger is a Senior Product Expert here at Webflow with one of the coolest portfolios on this list. His unique design portfolio acts as a major throwback inspired by the classic Mac OS, differentiating this experience from any other portfolio I’ve seen. Matthew has created a seamless UX, letting us browse a system that’s since been overtaken by a more modern, sleek design. This portfolio sets Matthew apart and delights his audience.

14. Robert Jay Floyd

Robert Jay Floyd is a Youtuber and product designer, with a minimalist portfolio website that showcases snippets of his featured work. His portfolio highlights key elements of his current projects with screenshots, a page to share his photography, and links to his social media profiles. Showcasing your unique approach helps you stand out in the world of digital design portfolios.

15. Brett Land

Brett Land homepage

Brett Land is the portfolio of Brett Shea — a copywriter, designer, and creative director based in San Francisco, CA.

Going through this portfolio, you can tell that Brett is an expert in his field. The catalog page features some amazing projects, and clicking into each one is a journey on its own. For example, this Airbnb project does a fantastic job of highlighting all the work that went into creating Airbnb Restaurants.

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to showcase your client work, you definitely need to check out Brett’s portfolio.

16. Michael Ji

Michael Ji's design portfolio website example

Every interaction on Michael Ji’s portfolio is a lot of fun. From the moment you land on the site, you’ll enjoy the terrifically entertaining animations Michael created to showcase his personality alongside his very impressive work. His projects page is quite minimalistic compared to other portfolios on our list, but still effective — a hover overlay provides a short and super descriptive blurb about each piece of work. 

17. Yuki Asakura

Yuki Asakura's design portfolio

A well-designed portfolio doesn’t have to be extravagant. Yuki Asakura’s site is the perfect example of letting the work speak for itself. Yuki is passionate about improving transportation, which is reflected in how easy he makes it to move through and enjoy his portfolio. Each project is presented on a simple background exactly as it appears on a variety of devices. 

18. Adam Ho

Adam Ho's portfolio website

Adam Ho’s portfolio is one of the most unique design portfolio examples we’ve found. The homepage starts out feeling quite busy, but as you begin interacting with the site, it transforms into an immersive, satisfying experience. What makes this portfolio stand out is how interactive it is. Links in the side navigation open up like a file explorer— it’s a great way to keep us engaged and encourage us to dig deeper into Adam’s projects.

19. Matt Jablonski 

Matt Jablonski's portfolio's site.

‍ Matt Jablonski's design portfolio makes use of whitespace to present his best work in an extremely clear and effective way. Every card on the homepage has a coloured overlay — each one remarkably different. The pastel palette adds harmony and makes for a seamless scrolling experience.

20. David McGillivray

David McGillivray's homepage

A seasoned creative director and designer, David McGillivray creates holistic design solutions, which is reflected strongly in his unique design portfolio. It’s immediately obvious that David is an amazing designer, and scrolling through his projects solidifies this hunch. Each image- and video-heavy project page immerses us in David’s work, showcasing his animations and micro-interactions.

21. Tony Gines

Tony Gines' portfolio site.

We’ve all heard that “less is more,” right? Well, Tony Gines' portfolio embodies this principle. At a glance, it appears to be quite static and uncomplicated. He presents his strengths and key skills while pointing us towards his various social media accounts to experience more of his amazing work. 

The interactive image of his face on the right of his homepage contains subtle movements on scroll. As soon as we land on his site, we know exactly what Tony does and how to get in touch. 

22. Maria la Portuguesa 

Maria la Portuguesa's portfolio site.

Maria la Portuguesa’s site is another design portfolio website that stood out to us. It is weird, wacky, wonderful, and portrays her work in a simple but unique format. Maria is a Berlin-based graphic designer who uses her site to show off her quirky graphic design skills, branding, and logo designs. Maria’s portfolio is a prime example of how simple, short, and personality-filled case study pages keep our attention and encourage us to learn more about the designer. 

23. DesignPilot's Portfolio Website Template

Portfolio website template example by DesignPilot

If you’re looking for a robust one-page portfolio template, this cloneable by DesignPilot is a great starting point. The top menu gives the illusion of a multi-page site, but clicking on the options simply jumps the page to the selected section.

This template uses motion throughout, with text and images sliding into place as you scroll. It also includes placeholders for client testimonials, a contact form, and a footer section with social media icons and additional links.

24. Kyle Hyams 

Kyle Hyams homepage

A member of the design systems team at Electronic Arts, Kyle Hyams is no stranger to the importance of creating an alluring design portfolio. The typesetting used on the site initially threw me off, but upon further interaction, I realized it denotes a solid hierarchical structure — and who doesn’t love a little unconventional organization? It’s definitely more interesting than using one font and size throughout a portfolio. 

25. Pierrick Calvez 

Pierrick Calvez homepage

Pierrick Calvez is an artist and designer, and his portfolio site focuses purely on these disciplines. Compared to some of the other sites on our list, Pierrick’s site uses a relatively minimalist approach. The card-based layout and subtle interactions immediately engage us. And with a designer like Perrick, whose work is so striking, it’s often best to let the work speak for itself. 

He also uses Webflow Ecommerce to sell his beautiful prints. Have a look at this amazing example of a unique and consistent ecommerce store.

Feeling inspired?

Make sure to use the hashtag #MadeInWebflow once you finish designing your portfolio — you could be featured in our next portfolio inspiration post!

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed or unsure about where to start — don’t worry. It takes time to create a solid design portfolio. Luckily, there are plenty of places to find more inspiration. Check out Made in Webflow, where there’s a whole community of designers building and sharing. Or, head over to our Template Marketplace and grab yourself a portfolio template.

Learn how to build a design portfolio

Build and visually design a full portfolio website — completely free. This course covers everything from the basics of grid and flexbox to advanced interactions and accessibility work.

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