选D.make oneself done是惯用法.在本句中的意思是:“使自己的声音被别人听到. 【 查看更多】



A man wanted to make an investment. An idea struck him: “Why don’t I plant a small mango tree and enjoy the benefits when it grows into a big one?” So he went to the    , bought a small tree and took it home. To the pride of his family, he     it in the center of his     .

He read everything about      a mango tree. He got up early every morning, for he was determined to supply the tree with all the necessary nutrients. He watered it,      it with manure(粪肥),and took good care of its leaves by removing those      ones. He made sure the tree received enough care.

Many times he sat and      the beauty of the growing tree while dreaming about the      mangos that the tree would     . His mind was always filled with the wish to taste the first fruit of the tree.

Years went by     …Now, he had a big tree with its leaves shining and healthy, its bark(树皮)healthy and hard. It was a big attraction      it decorated his whole garden.

Then one day he noticed a small bud(花蕾),which in a couple of days grew into a beautiful     .Now he could hardly wait for the fruit, so he started to      his supply of nutrients and care. Then one day the tree let out its first product—a small green fruit. The man was so     .

He waited for a few more weeks till the fruit grew in     .The day came when he decided to      the first fruit of the tree. He      the tree, picked the fruit and then came his     .The fruit was not like what he expected. It was hard, big and round. He was puzzled. He was sad.

Seeing this, his      came and asked him what happened. He told them that the fruit from his tree was not what he wanted. When the neighbors heard this, they did not know whether to      or comfort him, for what he planted years ago was not a mango tree. We can only reap(收获)what we plant.

1.A.city  B.farm    C.market         D.shop

2.A.grew         B.moved         C.planted        D.threw

3.A.garden     B.house C.village D.yard

4.A.buying      B.improving   C.keeping       D.raising

5.A.decorated        B.equipped    C.served         D.supplied

6.A.green       B.red      C.white  D.yellow

7.A.admired   B.drew   C.greeted       D.operated

8.A.beneficial         B.expensive   C.healthy        D.tasty

9.A.bear         B.burst   C.deserve       D.make

10.A.immediately   B.quickly         C.narrowly     D.suddenly

11.A.because          B.if          C.though         D.when

12.A.flower    B.fruit    C.leaf     D.nut

13.A.rise         B.increase      C.decrease     D.decline

14.A.greedy   B.happy C.nervous       D.sad

15.A.age         B.length C.size     D.width

16.A.observe B.sell      C.steal    D.taste

17.A.climbed B.cut      C.hid      D.killed

18.A.anxiety  B.cheer C.disappointment   D.opinion

19.A.children          B.friends         C.neighbors   D.relatives

20.A.complain        B.laugh  C.motivate      D.support



If you still know little about the “IMF”, it’s time you started to read about it, for it has been a hot issue of the whole world.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is one of the international financial(金融的) institutions, which works for global growth and economic stability.It provides policy advice and financing to members in economic difficulties and also works with developing nations to help them achieve economic stability and reduce poverty.The“ IMF” currently has a near-global membership of 185 countries.

To become a member, a country must apply for it and then be accepted by a majority of the existing members.On joining, each member of the IMF is assigned a quota(配额), based broadly on its relative size in the world economy.The IMF’s membership agreed in May 2008 on a rebalancing of its quota system to reflect the changing global economic realities, especially the increased weight of major emerging markets (新兴市场) in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia.

The following diagram gives more information about major international financial institutions.

The main cause of the IMF’s decision to make changes in its quota system is ______.

       A.the shortage of resources              B.global growth and economic stability

       C.the changing economic situations        D.the need to accept new members

The main purpose of the IMF is to ______.

       A.prevent the member countries from getting into wars

       B.collect money from rich countries to help poor ones

       C.provide assistance to its member countries when necessary

       D.make sure the world economy develops in a healthy way

Which of the following is true according to the passage?

       A.The quota an IMF member country gets depends on the size of the country.

       B.India together with China is proposing an increase in emergency funds.

       C.The more money a member contributes to the IMF, the more say it has in it.

       D.The International Development Association is meant to support developed countries.

From the diagram we can see the present IMF is most probably under the control of _______.

       A.the US     B.Russia      C.Japan       D.any EU member state


The heart of Mexico is a high, oval valley surrounded by mountains. Once, forests covered the mountainsides, and broad, shining lakes covered nearly all the valley floor. Now, the mountains are bare and scarred with erosion(侵蚀), and much of the valley floor is dry and dusty.

Cortez and his Spanish soldiers were the first Europeans to enter this valley. They saw the thriving Aztec city of Tenochtitlan rising from an island in one of the lakes. Surrounding it were green floating gardens. The Spaniards said it was as beautiful as a dream. Then the conquest  began. 

By 1521, when the Spaniards had conquered the fierce Aztecs, the island city was in ruins. Cortez decided to rebuild it after the pattern of European cities. Using the conquered Aztecs as slave laborers, Cortez built the new city, now Mexico City, in just four years.

“But a generation had scarcely passed after the conquest before a sad change came over these scenes so beautiful,” writes one historian. The broad, shining lakes began to dry up.

Modern historians believe that Cortez began the destruction of the valley’s lakes when be ordered the city rebuilt. A great deal of charcoal was needed to burn the limestone (石灰石) from which cement (水泥) and mortar were made. Wood was needed to finish the interiors of the buildings.

The mountainside forests were destroyed to provide the charcoal and wood. Once the sloped were bare, rainfall o longer seeped (渗漏) slowly into the earth to feed the springs that filled the valley’s lakes. Instead, rainfall poured off the mountainsides the city from floods, later rulers made a cut through the mountains so that the water drained away into another valley. Mexico City, once an island, had become a city of a dry plain.

The underlined word “thriving” in the second paragraph means _______.

A. developing successfully          B. increasing

C. failing                         D. growing little

Which statement does this article lead you to believe?

Keeping nature’s balance is not important any more.

Men thought nature’s resources would last forever.

New forests always automatically replace old ones.

The Aztecs didn’t begin to flourish until Cortez came.

Why did later rulers cut through the mountains ?

They wanted to fill the city with rainwater.

They wanted the valleys to flood regularly.

They wanted to plant more trees.

They wanted to protect the city from floods.

One the whole, the article tells about ______.

Mexico as it looked when it was a European city

Modern historians who write about Mexico City

Mexico city before and after the Spaniards came

The beautiful scenery in Mexico

What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?

A .To tell the beauty and ugliness of Mexico City

B. To introduce the terrible change of Mexico City

C. To explain how Mexico City changed

D. To make people aware of the importance of nature balance


The young boy and his father sat quietly watching the snow fall on a snowy Saturday afternoon.

“Dad, my friend told me that every snowflake is  36   . But they look all the same to me. How can we tell?” the child asked.

Dad felt it was his  37 to give a more satisfying answer. “Son, snowflakes are like people. We are each   38 in a very special way. We can test it right now,” he said.

The child stood up, put out his hands, and  39 as snowflakes landed on his gloves. “These snowflakes are all different on my gloves, but those in the yard look the same. Together they are even more_ 40 and striking. Then if people are like snowflakes, why don't they    41 ?”

“Choice,”Dad said. "Their choices  42  them what they are.”

 43  choice is a bad thing?” the boy asked.

“Oh, no. Only when we choose the 44 things.”

“How do we tell right from wrong?" the child asked.

Dad was given the chance to build upon the foundation of his son's  45  . He reached down and began to  46  with the snow. He  47  the snow into two sides, three large snowballs on one side and several smaller ones on the other.

“Which side did the right thing?” he asked the boy.

The child looked at both sides but 48   answer. Then Dad placed the three larger snowballs on top of each other.

“It’ s a snowman! The side 49  made me snowman!” the boy replied with  50

Yes, all these people came together and recognized how special each of them was, so they joined in a(n) 51   to build up mankind,” Dad said.                    

The child then stood up and  52 an arm full of the smaller snowballs. One by one he began to throw them at the other small piles of snow. He said,”This is what happens when people can't work together. They have a(n)  53  .”

Dad was shocked. He stood up, lifted the boy and  54 him tightly, whispering to him, “I hope that your world will learn to work and live together. I hope you will make the right   55 

and learn to build the best snowman ever.”

1.                A.similar          B.different        C.freezing D.special


2.                A.challenge       B.trouble         C.responsibility  D.position


3.                A.private         B.associated       C.unique   D.isolated


4.                A.inspected       B.watched        C.glanced   D.glared


5.                A.beautiful        B.effective        C.comfortable   D.significant


6.                A.get along       B.take care        C.cheer up D.break up


7.                A.remain         B.appear         C.become  D.make


8.                A.Though         B.However        C.So   D.While


9.                A.exact          B.coincident       C.fortunate D.wrong


10.               A.interest        B.concern        C.worry D.faith


11.               A.communicate    B.work           C.mix   D.relate


12.               A.separated       B.divided         C.distinguished   D.parted


13.               A.couldn' t        B.shouldn' t       C.wouldn' t  D.needn' t


14.               A.that           B.what           C.how  D.when


15.               A.disappointment  B.frustration      C.enthusiasm D.humour


16.               A.power         B.effort          C.organization    D.attempt


17.               A.gathered       B.sorted         C.threw D.formed


18.               A.war           B.debate         C.agreement D.negotiation


19.               A.trembled       B.swung          C.pulled D.held


20.               A.steps          B.turns          C.choices   D.points




Recently, a couple in New Zealand were forbidden from naming their baby son 4Real. Even   36  New Zealand has quite free rules about   37  children, names beginning with a   38  are not allowed. They decided to call him Superman   39 .

In many countries around the world,   40  names for children are becoming more popular. In Britain, you can call a child almost   41  you like. The only restrictions(限制) on parents   42  to offensive(冒犯的) words such as swear words.

  43 parents choose names which come from  44 culture. For example, there have been six boys named Gandalf  45 the character in the Lord of the Rings(指环王) novels and films.   46 , names related to sport are fairly common –   47 1984, 36 children have been called Arsenal(阿森纳) after the football team. Other parents like to 48 names, or combine names to make their own  49 names, a method demonstrated (证实的) by Jordan, the British model,  50  recently invented the name Tiaamii for her daughter by 51 names Thea and Amy (the two grandmothers).

Some names which were previously   52  as old-fashioned have   53  popular again, but the most popular names are not the strange   54 . The top names are fairly   55 , for example, Jack, Charlie and Thomas for boys and Grace, Ruby and Jessica for girls.






































A.to relate






A.Many of


C.A great many of




























A.make out

B.make for

C.make use of

D.make up












D.who that










B.thought about

C.thought of

D.thought over





















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玻璃钢生产厂家玻璃钢红军雕塑哪里有卖的上饶景观玻璃钢雕塑山东公园玻璃钢雕塑设计超市商场美陈制作官渡区玻璃钢雕塑石家庄玻璃钢雕塑制作厂家新余玻璃钢大白菜雕塑上海秋季商场美陈生产厂家吉林火烈鸟玻璃钢雕塑定做常见玻璃钢花盆价钱深圳大型主题商场美陈多少钱海口商场美陈公司服务为先淮安动物玻璃钢雕塑厂家云南玻璃钢仿生雕塑森林主题商场美陈合肥玻璃钢雕塑制作厂沧州玻璃钢人物雕塑定制玻璃钢花盆表面湿迹清远主题玻璃钢雕塑批发价格五一商场美陈南阳园林景观玻璃钢仿铜雕塑太原园林玻璃钢雕塑生产厂家仁怀玻璃钢雕塑沅江玻璃钢价值观雕塑卡通雕塑招财猫玻璃钢雕塑大玻璃钢花盆出售玻璃钢浮雕不锈钢镂空雕塑报价德州武城玻璃钢雕塑公司六安卡通玻璃钢雕塑价格邵阳玻璃钢雕塑制作厂家香港通过《维护国家安全条例》两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账让美丽中国“从细节出发”19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警汪小菲曝离婚始末遭遇山火的松茸之乡雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言何赛飞追着代拍打萧美琴窜访捷克 外交部回应卫健委通报少年有偿捐血浆16次猝死手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素高校汽车撞人致3死16伤 司机系学生315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了小米汽车超级工厂正式揭幕中国拥有亿元资产的家庭达13.3万户周杰伦一审败诉网易男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘许家印被限制高消费饲养员用铁锨驱打大熊猫被辞退男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”特朗普无法缴纳4.54亿美元罚金倪萍分享减重40斤方法联合利华开始重组张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”黑马情侣提车了专访95后高颜值猪保姆考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲专家建议不必谈骨泥色变沉迷短剧的人就像掉进了杀猪盘奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测七年后宇文玥被薅头发捞上岸事业单位女子向同事水杯投不明物质凯特王妃现身!外出购物视频曝光河南驻马店通报西平中学跳楼事件王树国卸任西安交大校长 师生送别恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发钱人豪晒法院裁定实锤抄袭外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全胖东来员工每周单休无小长假白宫:哈马斯三号人物被杀测试车高速逃费 小米:已补缴老人退休金被冒领16年 金额超20万

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