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    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)
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    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)01
    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)02
    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)03
    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)04
    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)05
    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)06
    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)07
    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)08
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    必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9)

    这是一份必修1 Unit 4Friends forever【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9),共55页。PPT课件主要包含了佳句启航,CONTENTS,重点单词,重点短语,重点句型,重难点课堂讲解,重难点巩固随堂练,语境链接高考写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Success is the cntinuus jurney twards the achievement f predetermined wrth while gals .T live yur life in yur wn way .T reach the gals , yu've set fr yurself . T be the persn, yu want t be ——that is success .成功是不断向领先确定的有价值的目标前进的过程,用自己的方式生活,达到自己定下的目标,做出自己想做的人——这就是成功。
    Ⅰ.重点单词1.________________ adv. 永远2.________________ adj. 熟悉的3.________________ v. 保持,维持4.________________ adj. 数字的,数码的5.________________ n. 最新消息6.________________ v. 获得,得到7.________________ n. 商品8.________________ v. 证明,证实9.________________ v. (举例)说明,阐明
    10.________________ n. 素质,品德 11.________________ v. 使与……保持距离12.________________ adj. 普通的,平常的13.________________ n. 伙伴,搭档14.________________ adj. 约定的,指定的15.________________ v. 划(火柴)16.________________ n. 地点,位置17.________________ n. 个性,性格
    Ⅱ.拓展单词1.________ n.历险,奇遇→________ adj. 勇于冒险的;新奇的;惊险的2.________ v.更喜欢→________ n. 偏爱;优先权;偏爱的事物3.________ v.递送,传送→________ n. 递送(商品)4.________ n.进步,进展→________ adj.高等的,先进的5.________ adv.重大地,显著地→________ adj.显著的,重大的→________ n.重要性6.________ v.使可能,使发生→________ adj.可能的→(反)________ adj.不能的→________ n.能力7.________ adj.异常的,不平常的→________ adj.平常的
    8.________ v.易于做某事→________ n.趋势9.________ adj. 鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的→________ v. 激励;启发;赋予灵感→________ n. 灵感;鼓舞人心10.________ n.安慰,慰藉→____________ adj. 舒适的11.________ n.耐心→________ adj. 耐心的;n. 病人 12.________ n.强烈的感情,激情→________ adj. 热烈的;充满激情的13.________ adj.焦虑的,不安的→________ n. 焦虑,担心
    【联想拓展】­er或者­r结尾表示职业的名词①waiter 男服务员②actr 男演员③inventr 发明家④prfessr 教授⑤editr 编辑⑥sailr 水手
    表示文学种类的名词荟萃①petry n. (总称)诗②lyric n. 抒情诗③essay n. 散文;文章;随笔④myth n. 神话⑤legend n. 传说,传奇故事
    Ⅲ.核心短语1.________________ 不了解……的情况,不了解……的动态2.________________ 归功于……,多亏……3.________________ (与……)保持联系4.________________ 多达;胜任;由……决定5.________________ 往往会……;倾向于……6.________________ 使某人能够做……7.________________ (意外地或终于)出现
    lse track f
    stay in tuch (with)
    enable sb. t d
    【联想拓展】­ate→atin (动词转化为名词)①indicate v.→indicatin n. 表明②hesitate v.→hesitatin n. 犹豫③graduate v.→graduatin n. 毕业④translate v.→translatin n. 翻译⑤accmmdate v.→accmmdatin n. 住宿“by+ n.”形式短语荟萃①by accident 偶然②by chance 偶然③by hand 手工④by mistake 错误地⑤by nature 天生地
    .重点句型1.What sb. des is (nt)...某人做的事(不是)……what引导名词性从句作主语But we need t keep in mind that ____________________ is ften nt the whle truth abut a persn.但我们需要记住,我们在社交媒体上看到的往往不是一个人的全部真相。2.n matter+疑问代词/副词引导让步状语从句Well, we agreed that night that we wuld meet here again exactly twenty years frm that date and time, _________________________________________________________________.那天夜里我们约好:20年后的同一日期、同一时间,我们还来这里会面,不管我们的境况如何,不管我们要从多远的地方来。
    what we see n scial media
    n matter what ur cnditins might be r frm what distance we might have t cme
    3.what if...如果……怎么样?________________ the nly way f getting news frm faraway friends was writing letters that tk ages t be delivered?如果从远方的朋友那里得到消息的唯一途径就是写信,而且要花很长时间才能送到该怎么办?4.the way (that) sb. des sth.某人做……的方法/式Althugh technlgy has changed ________________________, the meaning f friendship and ur lnging fr friends remain the same.尽管科技改变了我们获得朋友的方式,但友谊的意义和我们对朋友的渴望仍然是一样的。
    the way we acquire friends
    Ⅰ.重难点核心词汇1.anxius adj.焦虑的;不安的;挂念的;渴望的,急切的【经典例句】The plice are anxius t hear frm anyne wh may knw her. 警方急切地希望任何可能认识她的人打电话来。(1)be anxius fr/abut sth. 为……担心(忧虑)be anxius (fr sb.) t d sth. 渴望(某人) 做……(2)anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑,担心with anxiety 焦虑地(3)anxiusly adv. 焦急地,忧虑地,渴望地
    【归纳拓展】表示渴望(做)某事的常用短语还有:lng t d sth./fr sth.;desire t d sth./fr sth.;be eager t d sth./fr sth.;be dying t d sth./fr sth.等。
    【以词试题】单句语法填空①Jack still can't help being anxius ________ his jb. ②We are anxius ________ (knw) hw lng it will take yu t deliver the gds.③My mther always gets a bit ________ (anxiety) if we dn't arrive when we say we will.④句式升级________ (anxius), she tk the dress ut f the package and tried it n, nly t find it didn't fit.→She tk the dress ut f the package and tried it n with ________ (anxius), nly t find it didn't fit.
    2.advance n. 发展,进步,进展 v.提出;前进【教材原句】Thanks t advances in technlgy, hw we make friends and cmmunicate with them has changed significantly.由于科技的进步,我们与他们的交友及交流方式已经发生了很大的变化。(1)advance n/upn/twards/t 朝……前进(2)make advances/an advance in 在某方面有进步in advance=ahead f time 预先;提前in advance f 在……前面;超过(3)advanced adj. 高等的;先进的
    【以词试题】单句语法填空①Nwadays, artificial technlgy ________ (advance) t ever­higher levels.②T catch the early flight,we rdered a taxi ________ advance and gt up very early.③________ (advance) technlgy has led t the daily utput being dubled by nw.④In the near future,mre ________ (advance) in the rbt technlgy will be made by scientists.
    is advancing
    3.prve v. 证明,证实 link­v.证明是;结果是【典型例句】The fact that public parks in cities becme crwded as sn as the sun shines prves that peple lng t breathe in green, pen spaces. 事实证明,城市里的公共公园一有阳光就变得拥挤不堪,人们渴望在绿色、开放的空间里呼吸。(1)prve that... 证明……prve sth.t sb. 向某人证明某事prve sb./sth.(t be)+adj./n. 证明某人/物是……It's prved that... 据证明……;据证实……prve (t be)+n./adj. 证明是;结果是(2)prf n. 证明;证据【温馨提示】prve表示“证明是,结果是”时是系动词,无被动语态,用主动形式表示被动意义。
    【以词试题】单句语法填空①Just give me a chance and I'll prve the thery ________ yu. ②Have yu any ________ (prve) that yu are the wner f the car?完成句子③这项任务证明比我们原来预想的难得多。The task ________________________ than we'd expected.④事实证明,暴力电视节目对儿童的成长有不良影响。 ____________________ TV prgrams f vilence have a bad influence n children.
    prved (t be) mre difficult
    It is prved that
    【佳句背诵】 I dn't believe what yu said, but if yu can prve it, yu may be able t cnvince me.我不相信你所说的,但是如果你能证明,你也许能够说服我。
    4.patience n. 忍耐力;耐心【经典例句】Whenever I made mistakes, my English teacher pinted them ut with patience.无论什么时候我犯错,我的英语老师都耐心地指出来。(1)have the patience t d sth. 做某事有耐心with patience=patiently 耐心地lse/run ut f patience (with sb.) (对某人)失去耐心(2)patient adj. 耐心的;能忍耐的n. 病人be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心be patient f sth. 容忍某事(3)impatience n. 不耐烦impatient adj. 没有耐心的;不能容忍的
    【以词试题】单句语法填空①Bb is a little slw in understanding, s I have t be patient ________ him.②Success partially depends n whether yu have the ________ (patient) t d simple things perfectly.③She gave me a cmfrting smile, ndded while listening ________ (patient), and then printed ut the ticket immediately.④We became ________ (patient) f the slw prgress that was being made.单句写作⑤无论她的病人多么急躁,这位耐心的医生对病人总是非常有耐心。_________________________________________________________
    The patient dctr is always patient with her patients, n matter hw impatient they grw
    【佳句背诵】Mr. Wu is lively and energetic,and mre imprtantly, he is full f patience with us.吴老师有活力、精力旺盛,更重要地是,他对我们充满了耐心。
    5.distance v. 使与……保持距离,撇清和……的关系  n.距离;路程;远方【经典例句】 When he retired, he tried t distance himself frm plitics.退休后,他便尽量使自己置身于政治之外。(1)distance neself frm 使自己撇清与……的关系in the distance 在远方,在远处at a distance 稍远处at a distance f 在距离……远的地方within walking distance 在步行距离之内keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离(2)distant adj. 遥远的;(指人)远亲的,冷淡的be distant frm 离……遥远
    【以词试题】单句语法填空①The by wanted t ________ (distant) himself frm the accident.②While walking his dg in his park yesterday afternn,Bb heard smene crying fr help ________ the distance.③After the quarrel Susan remained cld, s I have t keep her ________ a distance.④The center f the city is abut 10 miles ________ (distance) frm the statin.
    【佳句背诵】Yu needn't g t the railway statin by taxi because it is within walking distance.你没必要乘出租车去火车站,因为走着即可。
    6.frtune n.运气; 命运; 财产【教材原句】The next mrning I was t start fr the West t make my frtune.第二天早晨,我要动身去西部闯荡一番发财去。(1)make a/ne's frtune 发财; 赚大钱seek ne's frtune 寻找出路try ne's frtune 碰运气(2)frtunate adj. 幸运的, 运气好的be frtunate in ding 因做某事感到幸运be frtunate t d sth. 有幸能做某事(3)frtunately adv. 幸运地unfrtunately adv. 不幸地
    【以词试题】单句语法填空①Nwadays many yung peple dream f making ________ frtune in big cities.②She was frtunate enugh ________ (find) a jb as sn as she graduated frm the university.③________ (frtune), with the help f sme lcal villagers, rescuers were able t gain access t the disaster­hit area sn enugh.④Susan is frtunate in ________ (have) such a kind husband.句式升级⑤她很幸运有一个好老师, 在英语方面帮助她很多。She is frtunate t have a gd teacher, wh helps her a lt with English.→_______________________________________________________.(用it作形式主语改写)
    It is frtunate that she has a gd teacher, wh helps her a lt with English
    【佳句背诵】 In China, children are given mney in a red envelpe t bring gd frtune in the New Year.在中国,过新年的时候孩子们会得到一个里面装着钱的红色信封, 这能带来好运。
    Ⅱ.核心短语7.lse track f失去联系;不了解……的情况;不了解……的动态【教材原句】Hw wuld yu feel if mving t a new twn meant lsing track f yur friends?如果搬到一个新的城镇意味着与你的朋友失去联系,你会如何感想。(1)keep track f sb./sth. 与……保持联系;了解某人的情况/某事的动态get ff the track 偏离正题,离题be n the track f sb./sth. 追踪/追寻某人/某物be n track 稳步前进;做法对头(2)be/keep/stay in tuch with sb. 与某人保持联系(表示状态)get in tuch with sb. 与某人取得联系(表示动作)lse tuch with sb. 与某人失去联系(表示动作)be ut f tuch with sb. 与某人失去联系(表示状态)
    【以词试题】单句语法填空/完成句子①In rder t stay ________ track (稳步前进), yu shuld cnstantly set and update gals.②Yu've gt ________ the track, fr we are talking abut the tpic wh can take up the task but nt hw t carry it ut.③My frmer phne lst, I have been ________ f tuch with Peter fr a cuple f years.④Yu may be able t be mre self­mtivated if yu _______________ (了解……的动态) yur prgress.⑤Nwadays, it is a rare case that yu may ________________________ (与……失去联系) yur ld friends.
    keep track f
    lse track f/lse tuch with
    8.turn up (意外地或终于) 出现,露面;(把音量等)调大【教材原句】's wrth it if my ld partner turns up.……只要我的老朋友前来,一切都值。turn against 背叛turn arund 转身turn dwn 关小,调低;拒绝turn n/ff 打开/关掉(电器等)turn ver 翻动;移交turn ut 结果是;生产turn t 转向;求助于
    【佳句背诵】What surprised me was that my parents turned up at my graduatin ceremny. 令我吃惊的是,我的父母出现在了我的毕业典礼上。
    Ⅲ.典型句式精析9.But we need t keep in mind that what we see n scial media is ften nt the whle truth abut a persn.但我们需要记住,我们在社交媒体上看到的往往不是一个人的全部真相。What引导的从句在宾语从句中作主语。What 在主语从句中作see的宾语。What引导的主语从句(1)在复合从句中作主语的从句成为主语从句。(2)what引导主语从句时既有一定的含义,表示“……的事物”,相当于the thing(s) that; 又起连接作用,在从句中可充当主语、宾语、表语和定语。
    【典型例句】What amazed me was that the ld man devted all his mney t supprting the lcal schl.让我吃惊的是,这位老人捐出所有的钱来资助当地学校。【特别提醒】what引导主语从句时,若主句中的表语为可数名词单数或不可数名词,则谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式;若主语从句中的表语为可数名词复数,则谓语动词常用复数形式。What he needs is enugh time while what I need are enugh bks.他需要的是充足的时间,而我需要的是足够的书。
    【以词试题】完成句子①英语学习中,最重要的是足够的练习。________________________ in English learning is enugh practice.②我相信他迟早会成功的。________________________ is that he will achieve success in time.③还不清楚他要跟我们说什么。________________________ is nt clear.
    What matters mst 
    What I believe 
    What he wants t tell us
    10.be set in 以……为背景【典型例句】The shrt stry “After Twenty Years” is set in New Yrk n a cld, dark night.短篇小说《二十年后》以纽约的一个寒冷漆黑的夜晚为背景。set aside 存储;留出set dwn 写下,记下set back 使推迟,耽误set ff 出发,动身;引发,激起;燃放set ff fr 出发去……set ut 动身;启程,出发set ut t d sth.=set abut ding sth. 开始做……set up 建立;创立
    【以词试题】单句语法填空①The mvie is set ________ a small twn where the nly mvie theatre is preparing t clse dwn.②He reminded me that it was time we shuld set ff ________ the railway statin.③We set ut ________ (paint) the whle huse but finished nly the frnt part that day.④Yu had better set ________ sme time every day fr sprts s that yu can keep yurself energetic.
    【佳句背诵】In China peple like t set ff firecrackers during the Spring Festival. 中国人喜欢在春节期间燃放烟花爆竹。
    11.Well, we agreed that night that we wuld meet here again exactly twenty years frm that date and time, n matter what ur cnditins might be r frm what distance we might have t cme. 那天夜里我们约好:20年后的同一日期、同一时间,我们还来这里会面,不管我们的境况如何,不管我们要从多远的地方来。【句式分析】“n matter + 特殊疑问词” 引导让步状语从句。“n matter what/wh/when/where/hw 可分别与 whatever/whever/whenever/wherever/hwever 替换。N matter wh (whever) asks him fr help, he is always ready t help.不管谁来求助于他,他都乐于帮助。
    【典型例句】N matter what difficulties are lying ahead, I will never give up my dream.不管前方有什么样的困难,我永远不会放弃我的梦想。【练透考点】用适当的特殊疑问词(+­ever)填空①N matter ________ bring it is nw, educatin will help yu be a prductive member in sciety.②This is a very interesting bk. I will buy it, ________ the price is.③________ Angela ges, there are crwds f peple waiting t see her.同义句转换④Whenever yu cme, yu are welcme.→________________ yu cme, yu are welcme.⑤N matter what thers' pinins are, dn't dubt the value f yur jb.→ ________________ thers' pinins are, dn't dubt the value f yur jb.
    N matter when
    Ⅰ.重难点链接高考——单句语法填空1.[2020·全国卷Ⅱ]While the yunger generatins prefer t ________ (cmmunicate) visually, fr thse used t wrking with traditinal tls like email, it may feel like a learning curve(曲线). 2.[2020·天津卷]Next time yu visit Bb, remember t give him a call ________ advance.3.[2020·江苏卷]Being gd at smething and having ________ passin fr it are nt enugh.4.[2020·全国卷Ⅱ]Giving emplyees the tls ________ (able) them t cmmunicate hnestly.5.[2020·浙江卷]Plar bears—like all wild animals—shuld be phtgraphed frm a safe ________ (distant).
    6.[2020·天津卷]Once the bk yu've requested ________ (deliver) t the nearest branch, they will infrm yu by e­mail, s yu can pick it up. 7.T phtgraph wildlife is an exciting jb, but it als takes time and ________ (patient).8.I dn't think it's the right time t tell them ________ we are ging t d next.9.I was surprised at the way___________ he treated the ld man.10.I felt quite ________ (frtune) that I culd study in such a nice university.
    is delivered
    that/in which
    Ⅱ.借助情景准确判断——连词成句thanks t, up t nw, lse track f, turn up, be set in1.Click n the site and pst messages n scial media, and it will enable yu t find the relatives yu ____________.2.________ the measures taken by the gvernment, the living cnditins f the wrkers have been imprved.3.It is really wrrying that he has nt__________ when the train is abut t leave.4.He has visited his uncle wh wrks in Beijing twice ________ this year.5.I like the mvie very much, which ________ a small Midwestern twn.
    Ⅲ.链接高考——语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Thanks 1._____ new technlgy, ways t make friends 2.____________ (change) a lt. In the past, we used 3.________ (letter), but nw we use scial media tls 4.________ (keep) in tuch. The Internet can cnnect us with 5.________ (ther) even if they live very far away. Hwever, des it mean that yur friends n the Internet are all reliable? It depends. Remember 6.________ we see n scial media is ften nt the whle 7.________ (true) abut a persn. On scial media sites peple tend 8.________ (pst) nly gd things. As the saying 9.________ (g), “On the Internet, nbdy knws yu're a dg.” In spite f this, it desn't mean we shuld thrw the baby 10.________ with the bathwater.
    have changed
    假定你是李华,一周前参加了夏令营活动,结识了安静、喜欢读书的Lily 和 外向、幽默的Rse 两位室友,并成为好友,在一起度过了一周的时光。请你用英语写一篇日记,描述这一周的夏令营生活。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;3.开头已给出, 不计入总词数。Tuesday, 7 September, 2021htHw time flies! A week has passed. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Step 1 斟酌打磨 丰富句式1.精挑细选——核心词汇想周全①______________________ 回顾②______________________ 心里想③______________________ 向……问候④______________________ 外向幽默⑤______________________ 禁不住做某事
    lking back n
    think t neself
    utging and humrus
    can't help ding
    2.遣词造句——句式升级是亮点①我看到一个短发女孩坐在椅子上,手里拿着一本书。I saw that a girl with shrt hair was sitting in a chair and there was a bk in her hands.(see sb. ding)→________________________________________________________②她是如此外向幽默,以至于我和Lily都禁不住大笑起来。She was utging and humrus, and bth Lily and I culdn't help laughing.→________________________________________________________
    I saw a shrt­haired girl sitting in a chair, with a bk in her hands.
    She was s utging and humrus that bth Lily and I culdn't help laughing.
    Step 2 逻辑衔接 连句成文Tuesday, 7 September, 2021htHw time flies! A week has passed. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    范文呈现: Tuesday, 7 September, 2021htHw time flies! A week has passed. Lking back n the things that happened during the last week, I fund the life here full f happiness and jy.I can still remember the first day f the summer camp. I came t my drm by myself. When I pened the dr, I saw a shrt­haired girl sitting in a chair, with a bk in her hands. She must be a quiet girl wh liked reading. I thught t myself at the time. Her name was Lily. As sn as we said hell t each ther, anther girl came in. Her name was Rse. She was s utging and humrus that bth Lily and I culdn't help laughing. Later, we studied and had meals tgether, and became gd friends.I can't frget the days we spent tgether. I will remember these precius mments frever, n matter hw far we will be away in the future.

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    高中英语高考必修1 Unit 3Family matters【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9): 这是一份高中英语高考必修1 Unit 3Family matters【复习课件】-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版201 9),共57页。PPT课件主要包含了佳句启航,CONTENTS,重点单词,重难点知识巩固随堂练,语境链接高考写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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