
come up to sb的用法(英语动词短语用法与练习)

ashao 04-06 16:35 阅读 我爱育娃
come up to sb等 必备短语,16个 英语 动词及其 动词短语的用法与练习 1. ask ask sb for help 请求帮助 ask for trouble自找麻烦 2. break(break- broke- broken) break away from sb. (从团体中)脱离出去;摆脱

come up to sb等必备短语,16个英语动词及其动词短语的用法与练习

come up to sb的用法(英语动词短语用法与练习)

1. ask

ask sb for help 请求帮助

ask for trouble自找麻烦

2. break(break- broke- broken)

break away from sb. (从团体中)脱离出去;摆脱某人;离开

break into (vt)闯入(某处行窃)

break in (vi)闯进(行窃);插话,打断谈话

break through (vt)冲破/突破(vt)(太阳)冲破(云层)突破(vi)

break out (vi)战争,疾病,火灾的)爆发

break up (vi) (关系/婚姻)破裂;散会/结束;放假;(vt/vi)(使)破碎; (vt)分拆/分解某物;驱散(人群)

break off (vi)突然停止说话(vt)断绝/结束(关系)(vt)折断

break down (vi)(车)坏了;(身体)垮了;(谈判)失败;(vt)分解;



1) Some one ________ my car and stole my radio.

2) Thieves ________ and stole 10,000 worth of computer equipment.

3) Does everyone know what to do if a fire ____________.

4) The printing machines are always _____________.

1)broke into 2)broke in 3) breaks out 4)breaking down

3.bring(bring- brought -brought)

bring forward提出; 将……提前

bring out使显现,使表现出;出版;发表; 把……拿出来

bring up 提起;养育;呕吐

bring in引进/采用(新的法律);使挣到,使赚到

bring sth. to mind使想起,回忆起

bring sth to an end使终止

bring about引起;导致;造成

bring back使回忆起,使想起;拿回来;使恢复

bring down减少,降低


1) The sale of the house only ___________about $ 24,000.

2) The government has__new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.

3) Alcohol just _____________the worst in her.

4) He _______________ by his aunt.

1) brought in 2) brought forward 3) brings out 4) was brought up

4.catch(catch -caught -caught)

catch sight of看到;发现

catch up with赶上

catch one’s attention/eye吸引某人的注意

catch sb doing发现、撞见、当场抓住(某人正在干不想让你知道胡事)

be/get caught in 困在…… catch a glimpse of 看一眼某人/某物


1) Out on freeway, a billboard __________________.

2) I _____________ him in the crowd.

3) Drive faster--- they are _______________us.

1) caught my eye 2) caught sight of 3) catching up with

5. come ( come -came -come)

come about发生;产生

come back回来

come by顺便来访

come over to过来;顺便拜访

come into use开始使用

come to an end结束;终止

come to oneself苏醒过来

come up to sb朝某人走去

come across偶然相遇

come out (vi.) 出现;出版;发芽

come up with提出(想法)

come up ( vi.)靠近;某事被提出

come from来自,出生于

come down下来;下落

come into being形成;产生

come off (vi.)脱落

come to/into power当权;上台

come on过来;加油;来吧

when it comes to sth当谈及说到…


1)The question hasn’t _____________yet.

2)When________________ mathematics, I know nothing about it.

3)I _____________this book in an old bookstore on the Fourth Avenue.

4)Can you tell me how the accident_____________?

1)come up 2)it comes to 3)came across 4)came about

6.cut(cut- cut- cut)

cut in ( vi.)插嘴

cut out删除;剪下来

cut down砍倒;砍下;消减

cut up 切碎;剁碎

cut off切断(线路),中断(供应),与...隔绝

cut the cost of 降低...的成本


1) The essay is too long---it needs ____________a little.

2) The electricity company are threatening ______us______.

3) I wish Marie would stop________ on our conversation all the time.

1)cutting down 2)to cut off 3)cutting in


call at sp.拜访某地

call on sb.访问某人

call back回电话

call in请来;来访

call off 取消

call out大声呼喊;叫喊

call/shout for help请求帮助

call up给...打电话, 唤来

call on/upon sb to do sth号召某人做某事


1)There’s no rush now—the game’s been____________.

2)Please _______me ______at six tomorrow morning.

1) called off 2)call up

8.feel (feel- felt- felt)

feel like doing想要做某事

feel one’s way摸索前进

feel as if/ as though感觉好像


1) It _______ he had run a marathon.

2) It was dark in the room and we had to ________ out.

3) She really _______ having a talk with him about his study at school.

1) felt as if / though 2)feel our way 3) feels like

9. go(go went gone)

go abroad(vi)出国

go away (vi)走开,离去

go by (vi)走过;经过

go on(vi)发生;进行

go on holiday/vacation 去度假

go out (vi)熄灭;出去;外出

go with与...相配

go for努力获取;主张

go in for参加,参与

go without没有...也行

go against违反;违背

go/walk around四处走动

go for a walk散步

go/be on a diet在节食

go over 复习;仔细检查

go through通过;经受;浏览


1) He is _________ a hard time when I met him.

2) It is possible to ______ food for a few days.

3) If you really want the job, _______it.

4) As the weeks _______ , I became more and more worried.

1. going through 2.go without 3.go for 7. went by

10.help vt.帮助 vi. 有帮助,有用,好用

help sb. with sth./help sb (to)do sth帮助做

can’t help doing sth.禁不住

can’t help but do sth.=can’t but do 只好……

turn to sb. for help =ask sb for help求助于……

help (sb.)out帮助解决难题;帮助摆脱困境;救出

be of great help=be very helpful有帮助,有用


1) Do you need anyone to _______in the shop?

2) On hearing the bad news, I can’t help_________.(cry)

3) I left my keys in the office, so I can’t help but ________ (wait).

1.help out; 2. crying; 3..wait;

11.keep(kept, kept, keeping)

keep away from避开,别靠近

keep up with 跟上

keep (on)doing持续做某事

keep one’s word遵守诺言

keep/bear…in mind=learn…by heart=remember…把……记住

keep up继续,保持,坚持

keep an eye on注视,留心,注意,照顾

keep sb. company=accompany sb. 与某人作伴,陪伴某人

keep sb informed of随时通知某人/让某人了解…


1)Jack is having trouble _______________ the rest of the class.

2)How long can the economic boom _________?

3)I’m writing to apologize for not __________________ to the bookstore.

1.keeping up with ; 2.keep up; 3.keeping you company

12.look vi. 看 link v. 看起来

look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望,期盼某事物/做某事

look up仰视,往上看,查阅,查询

look up to敬仰,仰望,尊敬

look down on/upon瞧不起,鄙视,轻视

look through看透,仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,温习

look back回首,回忆,回顾过去

look into…往……里面看,浏览,调查

look into one’s eyes看着某人的眼睛

look out for警惕,留心,找出来

look on …as把……当做;认为


1.I am really ______our vacation.

2._____ the word _____in your dictionary.

3. I’ve always_______Bill for his courage and determination.

1.looking forward to 2.Look….up 3.looked up to

13. make(made, made, making) vt. 做;制造;使(做);使(成为);有条件成为

be made up of=consist of=be composed of 由……组成/构成

make up编造;组成;化妆;和好;弥补(+for)

make up one’s mind(s)下决心

make a (no) difference (to sb) (没)有关系/影响

make a promise承诺

make a (great) contribution to…为……做出(巨大)贡献;为……捐款

make sense of... 理解,弄懂……的意思

make sense有意义;讲得通


1.The committee______________representatives from every state.

2.The team will be anxious to ______________ a disappointing start to the season.

3.Karen couldn’t ___________her _______to apply for membership or not.

1.is make up of 2. make up for 3. make up ……mind

14. see (saw, seen, seeing) vt. 看到;看见;看望;接见;了解;明白

see through…(vt)看穿;识破

see sb. off (vt)送行

as far as I can see据我所知

see to it that… 一定注意到…;务必…

15. stand(stood-stood-standing)

stand for….代表,表示;主张

stand out突出;显著

stand up站起;起立

stand by支持;袖手旁观〔尤指在困难情况下〕继续忠于某人,支持某人

16. think(thought, thought, thinking)

think about…考虑

think of….想到;想起




highly/well/poorly/ill/badly/little of 对评价高/低

What do you think about/of …? =How do you find sth?你认为……怎么样?


1) You are quiet. What are you __________?

2).Can’t you ________ a better excuse?

3) Please ________ what I’ve said.

1) thinking about 2) think up 3)think over

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