管鹏飞, 孙胜君

Atomic-Level Study in the Structure and Its Instability of Metallic Glasses
GUAN Pengfei, SUN Shengjun
图1 PdNiP 金属玻璃体系中基于Ni原子中心、P原子中心原子团簇的杂化堆垛与局域畸变[30]
Fig.1 The hybrid packing method and local structural distortion in PdNiP metallic glasses. Typical atomic configuration of glassy Pd40Ni40P20. The connection between P-centered TTPs and Ni-centered icosahedra is highlighted, illustrating a topological order between the two clusters. FS, ES, and VS denote the face, edge, and vertex sharing methods between P-centered clusters. The dashed circles delineate the Ni-centered icosahedron-like polyhedra (TTP—tricapped trigonal prism)[30]